WB40 is a platform dedicated to promoting the vibrancy, bravery and brilliance of women over forty. Women supporting other women is at the core of all that we do. We seek to raise and promote the profiles of women as they inspire, encourage and lift future generations. We want the authentic voices of the sisterhood to lift, understanding that the diversity of knowledge, experiences and thinking from the global female community is vital for the world to thrive.
As April heralds Earth Day and May is symbolic of Mother’s Day (in Australia), it seems natural that we gravitated to our theme of Mother Earth.
With many feature articles like:
- Mother Earth is feeling the change
-Who is there to help families in crisis?
-COVID and the Arts
-Unpacking Menopause and weight gain
-Cheree Stokes - Coming back to country
-Empire state of mind
-Girls can do anything
Plus regular features on Food, Fashion, employement and our famous 5 Tips to help our Planet.
WB40 is a great read.