20200721_Ltr_Vaccintor application process changes

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Toi Te Ora Public Health PO Box 2120 TAURANGA 3140

22 July 2020

Practice Managers General Practice Surgeries Lakes & Bay of Plenty DHB areas

Tēnā koutou, Changes to Authorised Vaccinator applications From the end of 2020 Toi Te Ora Public Health will no longer have a fax facility available and to reduce our carbon footprint we aim to reduce the amount of paper that is consumed in our office. As a result, we are streamlining our vaccinator application process by moving to digital forms and receiving vaccinator applications by email only. Our new vaccinator application forms are now available on our website and allow for completion and insertion of signatures digitally, to avoid the need to print and then scan. We would appreciate it if you could ensure any older forms you may have saved on your computer system are deleted, and only the new forms are used for vaccinator applications going forward. The new forms can be found under the Health Professionals tab on our website here, along with full details of the requirements for vaccinator authorisation. If you have any questions about this new process please contact Estelle Steinmann on 07 577 3767 or email enquiries@toiteora.govt.nz

Nāku noa, nā

Dr Phil Shoemack Medical Officer of Health

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