Subject: Two Diabetes Pathways live for the Midland Region - Lead pathways for NZ Good morning, It is with great excitement we can let you know that the first two of the Diabetes pathways are now live (17 April 2021), these support the new guidelines brought out by NZSSD, medication changes by Pharmac and the new personal prescribing dashboard created by He Ako Hiringa to support: •
Insulin for Type 2 Diabetes
Non-insulin Diabetes Medications
We would like to thank Fiona Campbell as the GP clinical editor (Waikato DHB) and Ryan Paul our SMO (Waikato DHB) and on behalf of the NZSSD. Also Maira Patu GP from Canterbury DHB who supported us with our equity information. These pathways are now considered Lead pathways for NZ where other HealthPathways teams around NZ can choose to take exact copies of these pathways so they will receive any updates we complete on these pathways only needing to localise the request pages for their local services. This is the same model as the COVID-19 pathways, the cervical screening pathway and the advanced silicosis pathway – allowing different HealthPathways teams across NZ to take the lead and support the reduction in duplication in effort across NZ. Fiona and Ryan are busy working on the next priority pathways for diabetes. We have been contacted by Lisa Dick a writer for New Zealand Doctor, Pharmacy Today and He Ako Hiringa and she has interviewed myself, Jo Hollobon, Streamliners and will contact Fiona, Ryan and Jane Able, to get the different lenses we have put over these pathways. So keep an eye out for the article – it is focusing on the making of a pathway using the diabetes pathways as a case study. Please click into the links above and have a look at the pathways and share this information across your stakeholders. Ngā mihi Chris Chris Scott | Manager – Pathways of Care (HealthPathways/eReferrals) |Regional Health Integration Team| HealthShare Ltd | m 0275492020