Flyer Diabetes update 17 November 2020

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Diabetes Update This CME/CNE educational session will provide attendees with the knowledge and skills to be familiar with revised Type 2 Diabetes Treatment guidelines incorporating SGLT-2 inhibitors DATE:

Tuesday 17th November 2020: 6.15pm for 6.30pm start - 8.00pm


Conference Centre, Tauranga Hospital (ground floor behind Library)

829 Cameron Road, Tauranga FACILITATORS:

Dr King Wei Yong, Endocrinologist and General Physician and Dr Richard Germann, Nephrologist and General Physician At the end of this session attendees will:


Have an awareness of the clinical evidences of SGLT-2 inhibitors in cardiovascular risk reduction in the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes patients


Be familiar with the revised Type 2 diabetes treatment guidelines incorporating SGLT-2 inhibitors


Understand how to prescribe SGLT-2 inhibitors, their common side effects and how to prevent their potential complications


Recognise the strong evidence for use of SGLT-2 inhibitors in the prevention of progression of diabetic CKD.


Understand the likely special authority criteria for SGLT-2 inhibitors from 1/12/2020 If you prefer to join via webinar, please register on: Snacks and certificates of attendance will be available on the evening for those attending in person Please RSVP to Jenny Falconer, email:


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The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioner RNZCGP Endorsed CPD Activity

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