COVID-19 SWAB ADVICE Patient name: ______________________ DOB: _____________________________ You have recently had a swab taken for COVID-19. You are symptomatic and meet the HIS (high index of suspicion) criteria as defined by the MOH. You must self-isolate and remain off work/school until you feel well, and a negative swab result has been reported. You are symptomatic and do not meet the HIS (high index of suspicion) criteria as defined by the MOH. You must self-isolate and remain off work/school until you feel well, and a negative swab result has been reported. Sometimes the symptoms of a cold or flu, such as a cough or runny nose, can linger for days if not weeks, even if you are feeling better. In this instance, a swab can be helpful in reassuring you that you do not have COVID-19, while also allowing you to return to work. Simple pain killers like paracetamol can make you feel more comfortable while your body fights the infection. If your doctor or nurse finds a bacterial cause of your illness, such as a chest or throat infection, antibiotics may be required. If you start to feel worse rather than better, call your General Practice or Healthline on 0800 358 5453. For more information, please refer to the NZ Government Covid-19 website: You are asymptomatic and the swab was taken as part of a surveillance program. You can continue to work/attend school whilst waiting for the swab result unless specifically advised otherwise by a Medical Officer of Health (e.g. close contact of a confirmed case). You do not require a COVID-19 swab as you are not symptomatic or part of a planned surveillance or contact tracing program Signed: Date: Practice Details/Stamp: WBOPPHO/NMO/EBPHA Covid-19 Patient Advice
24/11/20 Version 2