From: Events - Changing Minds <> Sent: Wednesday, 9 December 2020 3:30 pm Subject: Whakatau Mai I The Wellbeing Sessions by Changing Minds Kia ora, We would like to spread the word about Whakatau Mai I The Wellbeing Sessions, a Ministry of Health-funded wellbeing initiative for Adults 18+, to General Practitioners around the country in particular ahead of the holiday period – as we will be operating when many other support options for people are not available. I have attached postcards we have printed for distribution, as well as a Cover Letter outlining more information about the FREE online wellbeing sessions we provide. We would love to see these resources available to GP practices for their waiting rooms and patient information, and would appreciate your thoughts on the best way to go about this? We are happy to post printed cards and posters to you to distribute to practices if you’d prefer, or alternatively we can post them directly to GPs if you could provide us with a list of GPs connected to your organisation. In the seven months we have been operating so far we have delivered over 450 sessions (with on average 15 sessions per week to choose from) to more than 1700 guests all over New Zealand. We are proud of our guest ratings which tell us that 98-99% of guests feel safe in the online sessions, find them useful, and feel more connected and less isolated as a result of attending. Guests can self-refer by registering online and will receive a secure Zoom link immediately by email to the session/s of their choice. There is no limit on how many sessions people can attend, and oneto-one peer support is also available in or after every session on request. Best, Adele Ngā mihi nui,
PO Box 10-256 Dominion Rd, Auckland 1446 762 Mt Eden Rd, Mt Eden, Auckland