Email to Practice Managers 28/05/2021 Kia ora Practice Managers You will have heard the media release for MOH this morning calling for all Melbourne travellers since 20 May to be CIVID-19 tested. Attached is the latest COVID-19 Key Messages 27 May 2021 – the first section “Quarantinefree travel with Australia” gives a good outline of the current situation regarding Melbourne. Section 70 issued in NZ A Section 70 order has been issued by the Director General of Health directing those that have visited greater Melbourne since 20 May to comply with health requirements. This includes isolating at their place of residence or accommodation until they receive a negative COVID-19 test result. Halcyon COVID-19 Swabbing claims for this group: • Symptomatic arrivee cases are considered to meet the HIS criteria, are Full Claims and need to be notified to the Medical Officer of Health (electronically via BPAC) • Asymptomatic arrivees (are not HIS) should be swabbed as part of the surveillance process. Please select the Surveillance code MelbourneQFT on the claim form. Pathlab form: Please use the code SUQFTZ “quarantine free travel zone” Direction under section 70 of the Health Act 1956 - 4pm 27 May 2021 (PDF, 438 KB) Accordingly, under s70 ALL arrivees from Melbourne from 20-25 May must contact Healthline and arrange to be tested. This includes symptomatic and asymptomatic people. NITC has requested NHIs be created for all arrivees from Melbourne (who do not already have one) to enable testing to be completed under S70 over the next few days. This is likely to be Australian travellers as NZers will already have NHIs. All the stipulated arrivees (above), will require a test whether they have symptoms or not. For this group of people, the cost of testing is free. Providers of testing services will be paid, so please ensure this group of people are not charged directly, as the cost of swabbing these arrivees will be covered by the Ministry of Health. Any person who attended the locations of interest in Melbourne, Australia at the times and dates (Australia Eastern Standard time), as set out in Schedule 1. Please see here for Melbourne locations of interest which are being updated constantly:
These people are required to do the following: 1. Isolate or quarantine at their usual place of residence (which for visitors includes accommodation); 2. Report themselves for medical testing by contacting Healthline (0800 358 5453) and advising that they are a close contact or casual contact of a case of COVID19 in Melbourne, Australia; 3. Submit themselves for medical testing for COVID-19 at a time and place appropriate to their current location and the time of their last potential exposure to COVID-19, as set out in guidance published on the Ministry of Health website (; and 4. Except as required to report for testing as directed: a. to remain isolated or quarantined at their usual place of residence for a time as advised by, or on behalf of a Medical Officer of Health, but: · no longer than 14 days from the date of their last potential exposure to COVID19, as set out in guidance published on the Ministry of Health website ( Failure or refusal to comply with this direction is an offence under s 72 of the Health Act 1956. Please contact your GPL with any queries and we’ll do your best to get answers for you. Regards Debbie
Debbie Baillie General Practice Liaison Team Lead
M: (021) 262 5702 | P: (07) 571 7167 | E:
Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation Tūngia te ururua kia tupu whakaritorito te tupu o te harakeke 126 Eleventh Avenue, Tauranga 3110 | This communication, including any attachments, is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not read it – please contact me immediately, destroy it, and do not copy or use any part of this communication or disclose anything about it. Thank you.