BOWEL SCREENING This CME (Medical Staff) educational session will provide attendees with knowledge and skills around the importance and impact of bowel screening. DATE:
Tuesday 13 April 2021 6.15pm for 6.30pm start - 8.00pm
Clinical Campus, Conference Hall WHAKATANE
Dr Alex Lampen-Smith Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist & Clinical Lead BOP National Bowel Screening Programme
At the end of this session attendees will: ●
Understand the importance and impact of bowel screening
Know the eligibility criteria and processes required and the role of General Practice
understand the impact of bowel screening on Maori health and the potential for reducing Maori health inequities If you prefer to join via Zoom/webinar, please register on: Meeting ID: 840 2859 9944
Passcode: 915779
Snacks and certificates of attendance will be available on the evening for those attending in person Please RSVP to Jenny Falconer, email:
Email Address
Contact number
The CME activity has been endorsed by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and has been approved for up to 1.5CME credits for the General Practice Educational Programme (GPEP) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) purposes