St John has received notification from one of our three unions, that its members will be withdrawing labour from 6am on 25 November until 6am 26th November – a total period of 24 hours. This union’s members represent about 40% of paid ambulance personnel nationally, and this action involves the full withdrawal of labour by its members working in our Clinical Support, Ambulance Communications, Emergency Ambulance and Patient Transfer Services functions. We are currently working through the impact and planning mitigations to ensure we can continue to deliver as safe and effective services as possible during this time. The actual impact of this withdrawal will be highly variable depending on the level of membership in each location or part of the service. Once we have identified the extent of the impact, we will be in touch. I would really appreciate it if you would cascade this notice as appropriate to your general practices and primary care teams. If you have any questions in the meantime, you can direct these to or your local St John contact. Thanks, Kris (on behalf of Dan Ohs, Deputy Chief Executive – Ambulance Operations)