Wednesday 31 March, 2021 Free and easy way to age well and maintain independence say healthcare experts as new LifeCurve™ app is launched Stay stronger for longer and add life to your years is the message as the LifeCurve™ app is launched today (Wednesday 31 March). Based on international research, the free and simple-to-use phone and mobile device app gives older adults the ability to live better by learning easy ways to stay active and independent. “As we age it may feel like our bodies are slowing down,” says Bay of Plenty District Health Board (BOPDHB) LifeCurve™ Project Lead Kathy Everitt. “But research shows we can make a difference to how we age, and getting older does not have to mean losing independence. No matter what age we are, small changes like adding more movement into our lives can make a big difference.” How does it work? You can find and download the app in the Apple or Android (Google) app stores by searching for ‘LifeCurve’. Alternatively you can go to the website and click on the orange tab labelled ‘Start using the LifeCurve’. Don’t worry if you don’t have a smartphone or need help with accessing and using the app, you can choose someone to support you. This could be a family member, friend or Hauora (GP/Health Provider). Once you register for the app, you simply answer 19 questions about your ability to do some everyday activities. Research shows people generally lose the ability to do these everyday activities in a particular order as they age. These are activities such as cutting your own toenails, walking up and down stairs, cooking a hot meal or completing heavy housework.
Caption: LifeCurve™ requires you to answer 19 questions about your ability to do some everyday activities.
Completing the questions will enable you to see your position on the LifeCurve™ and show you how well you are ageing. Based on this position, you can then view helpful advice on ways to improve your abilities, as well as relevant services or activities to improve your position on the LifeCurve™. How do we know it works? Research proves that ageing does not have to mean losing your abilities, ageing is only 25% genetic. The LifeCurve™ app itself is based on research around functional decline at the UK’s Newcastle University and has been in use in the UK since 2018. “It’s about prevention, independence and empowerment,” says Professor Ngaire Kerse, Joyce Cook Chair in Ageing Well, University of Auckland. “The app offers practical ways to maintain health and function through your later years. It empowers you to age well and helps you live life to the fullest.” The app’s New Zealand launch is the result of ongoing work between the BOPDHB, ADL Smartcare Limited and the University of Auckland. “We’re so excited to have a partnership with a forward thinking DHB like the Bay of Plenty,” adds Professor Kerse. “This app can help prevent decline and support healthier lifestyles, enabling people to remain stronger for longer.”
Caption: LifeCurve™ can help prevent decline, enabling people to remain stronger for longer.
Launching the LifeCurve™ app (from left): BOPDHB LifeCurve™ Project Lead Kathy Everitt; BOPDHB Chief Executive Pete Chandler; University of Auckland, Head of School of Population Health, Professor Ngaire Kerse; BOPDHB Executive Director Allied Health, Scientific and Technical Sarah Mitchell
James Fuller Communications Advisor - Bay of Plenty District Health Board DDI: 07 579 8411 Mobile: 027 839 1791 Email: Website: