Breastfeeding Friendly Accreditation Criteria

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Breastfeeding Friendly Spaces Accreditation Criteria Strategy Provide a comfortable environment for mothers to breastfeed.

Undertake appropriate breast milk storage methods as advised on “Milk Storage Methods” in information booklet. Will comply with Employment Relations (Breaks, Infant Feeding, and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2008 to support breastfeeding mothers on staff. Include breastfeeding friendly policy information in the training and induction of new staff.

It is understood that breastfeeding is a human right under the Human Rights Act. Provide breastfeeding friendly information to mothers, family and whānau in enrolment or starter packs. Sustain breastfeeding friendly status through ensuring signage is displayed on the premises. Breastfeeding Friendly status is maintained.


How this is identified

Must display breastfeeding friendly signage.

Signage displayed.

Could also include: a comfortable couch, cushions, space, offer a glass of water. Breast milk is labelled as recommended and magnet displayed on fridge where breast milk is stored.

Facilities are comfortable and available for mothers to breastfeed.

The Breastfeeding Friendly policy (which refers to the legislation) is kept in an accessible place.

Staff are aware of breastfeeding mothers on staff and support them to breastfeed.

Could include: provision of space and resources for mothers. Induction of all new staff includes reading the Breastfeeding Friendly policy and the attached information booklet.

Staff receive key breastfeeding messages on induction, when returning to work, or as an ongoing refresher.

Breastfeeding Magnet and bottle label available for mothers, family and whanau. As above, all Breastfeeding Friendly policy strategies are adhered to.

Mother, family and whānau receive ‘storage and heating of breast milk’ magnet and bottle label. Toi Te Ora – Public Health Service is contacted for signage (0800 221 555).

Policy is reviewed every two years.

Breastfeeding Friendly Space is reaccredited every two years.

Breast milk is labelled, magnet displayed and staff are storing breast milk appropriately.

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