“Choosing Wisely – Microbiology” This Nursing workshop will provided person to person or via webinar: DATE:
15th September 2020
6.15pm for 6.30pm start to 8pm
Conference Centre Tauranga Hospital (Ground floor behind library) 829 Cameron Road, Tauranga
FACILITATORs: Michael Addidle, Clinical Microbiologist and Keith Walmsley, Pathlab BoP At the end of the session participants will be able to:• How to define and investigate uncomplicated and complicated UTI from a laboratory perspective • How to appropriately use sputum cultures in the community setting • When to use superficial wound swabs to diagnose infection If you prefer to join via webinar please register on: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HWJ0UvGWRO-L87aJ4vda0Q Snacks and certificates of attendance will be available on the evening for those attending in person Please return by email to Annette Ludgate, email annettel@wboppho.org.nz Name
Contact number
In person