COPD Fundamentals
This CNE all day workshop will provide attendees with the knowledge and skills required to provide an effective nurse led COPD clinic within General Practice DATE: VENUE:
4th August 2020
TIME: 8.30-3pm
Tawa Room Education centre (old RSA), 889 Cameron Road
At the end of this workshop WBoP PHO General Practice attendees will be able to: • Understand the pathophysiology of COPD and identify those at risk with correct diagnosis • Understand GOLD classification, including lifestyle and pharmacological management of COPD and recognise the different inhaler devices and be competent in use • Feel confident in being able to manage a nurse led COPD clinic This session will also be available via webinar if preferred. Please register in advance on the link below: Snacks including lunch and certificates of attendance will be available. Please return by fax to Annette Ludgate email Places will be confirmed if available. Do not just turn up Name
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