COVID-19 Swab Community Instructions v1

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20 May 2020 V. 1

COVID-19 SPECIMEN COLLECTION As global supply changes, multiple swab options may be in circulation for COVID-19 testing

Nasopharyngeal Swab Collection Procedure: The patient can either lie flat on a bed or sit up with his/her head back against a wall. • The nasopharyngeal swab is slowly inserted through the nose into the upper pharyngeal cavity. • It should pass along the floor of the nasal passage (parallel to the palate) to minimise the risk of damage to the nasopharyngeal roof (see diagram) • If any resistance is felt, try the other side as some patients have a deviated septum on one side.

1. Place swab into the Viral Tube

(Red/pink coloured liquid transport media)

The tube size and lid colour of the viral tube may change as stock levels change. The length of the swab shaft may require cutting with scissors to fit into the vial tube. Scissors must be cleaned with alcohol wipe after use. Ensure lid is fully tightened to avoid leakage.

2. Label Specimen with • • • • •

Patient Family Name Patient First Names NHI or DOB Date Time of specimen collection

3. Biohazard Bag Place labelled viral tube in first biohazard bag. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY OTHER SPECIMENS IN BIOHAZARD BAG WITH SWAB

4. SPECIMEN MUST BE DOUBLE BAGGED • Place the biohazard bag containing the specimen into a second biohazard bag • Place COVID-19 sticker on bag

5. Laboratory Request Form • Ensure all patient details are completed on form • Supporting Clinical Information is essential and must be provided (Symptoms, Contact with COVID patient, Travel history) • Insert the Laboratory Request form in the outside pocket of the second bag Please Note: As collection equipment stock levels change, the contents of collection kit may vary.

ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS e.g. Blood tubes, bacterial swabs, MUST be in a separate Biohazard Bag with a separate laboratory request form

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