Kia ora Koutou Practice Managers The updates to the COVID-19 Case Definition and National Testing Strategy released on 24 June 2020, have resulted in an update to the service expectations for the three-tier assessment process as set out in the table attached and replace the framework that has been in place until now. Updates to Case Definition and Strategy can be seen here: https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/diseases-and-conditions/covid-19novel-coronavirus/covid-19-resources-health-professionals/casedefinition-covid-19-infection New Covid Funding will be implement by WBOP PHO as of Tuesday 7 July 2020 as follows:
1. Simple Assessment payment change: • $60 + GST for an assessment with no swab • $120 + GST for an assessment and swab taken in practice 2. Full Assessment payment of $250 + GST will ONLY be claimable where the patient fits the Case Definition Clinical Criteria and the Higher Index of Suspicion. Updates to Halcyon Covid Assessment and Claim Form Please note that there have been no other changes to how the form is completed, only the updates as shown below. First of 2 Updates is Live today Monday 6 July The Halcyon COVID form has been updated to allow recording of patients who meet the “Higher Index of Suspicion” (HIS) criteria. There is a new dropdown box labelled “Fits Higher Index of Suspicion” with a link to the current MOH definition, as per the below screenshot below.
Second Update expected to be live on Tuesday 7 July 1. Help hint for Assessment Type will show the updated Tier 1,2,3 Table 2. “Simple Assessments” will be paid at $60 for assessment with no swab and $120 when a Swab is taken at the practice. 3. For a “Full Assessment”, a tick box detailing requirements around HIS and Medical Officer of Health notification is displayed.
4. Claims for “Full Assessments” will be flagged at the PHO end for review before they are accepted for payment. Below is a screenshot of the new tick box that comes up during the “Full Assessment” claim process.
These changes have need to be implemented quickly to meet new agreement requirement and so I apologise for the short notice. Please contact your Practice Liaison should you have any questions. Regards Debbie Debbie Baillie General Practice Liaison Team Lead