Email from Debbie to PMs 18-08

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From: Debbie Baillie Sent: Tuesday, 18 August 2020 11:57 am To: Practice.Managers <>; Accident Healthcare <>; '' <> Cc: Claire Isham <>; Carliza Patuawa <>; Jess Rule <> Subject: Update to Urgent Information - Testing of Port and Maritime Workers Importance: High Good morning Practice Managers This morning PHO has received the attached Guidance for implementing the COVID-19 Public

Health Response (COVID-19 Testing) Order 2020 – Ports of Auckland and Tauranga Please note below changes made to the COVID Testing Order on 17 Aug 2020 that you need to be aware of: • An extension to the timeframe for completing testing until 11.59 pm on 20 August (from 11.59 pm on 17 August) • A focus on higher-risk port workers • Extending the period of exemption from further testing if a test has already been done by 12 hours (from 12pm 12 August to 12am 12 August 2020)

No Change to Yesterdays Advice There is no change to the advice in the email below regarding management of port or maritime workers who approach practices for Covid testing under the Testing Order. Practices may still test any port worker who approaches them asking for a Covid test if you have capacity. Additional Information: 1. Testing on site at the Port of Tauranga has been operating since noon yesterday (17th Aug) 2. Staff that have worked at the Port of Tauranga from 11.59pm on 21 July 2020 must be tested 3. Previous advice that chest auscultated and temperature need not be undertaken on asymptomatic patients still stands, this is a BOP local arrangement and approved by the MOH.

Reminder that practices MUST: 1. Use theses specific codes on all Pathlab forms for Port of Tauranga workers Covid-19 tests (same as email below) PRTTGA and SUTSTF for Port land-based workers And PRTTGA and SUTCRW for Maritime Crew (on boat crew) 2. Complete the new Surveillance box on the Halcyon form Please get in touch with practice liaison if you have any questions Regards Debbie

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