JANNINE EADES SERVICESProfessional Educational Training (PET) pets.eadesltd@gmail.com
For Health, Education, and Social Service Professionals
“Bridging the Divide: An Introduction into Care for People with Borderline Personality Disorder” Friday 6th December 2019 – from 9.00am – 3.30pm (Registrations: 8.30am – 9.00am) Venue: Tauranga RSA, 1237 Cameron Road, Greerton, Tauranga
Our understanding of, and treatment for, people with emotion regulation issues has dramatically changed over the last 10 years. Especially for those that are on the more severe side of the spectrum, often diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). For the longest time, this disorder was thought to be ‘incurable’. However, extensive scientific research has given us insight into treatment options that do make a difference in the lives of people with these problems. In this seminar, a theoretical overview will be given of the development of personality disorders in general. We will then shift our focus to the Borderline Personality Disorder, with a brief overview of worldwide available treatments. We will focus on principles and interventions in supporting people with these problems that will be helpful in all different sorts of services. The aim of this seminar is that participants will be better able to recognize and understand the problems of people with Borderline Personality Disorder. Although supporting people with severe BPD can be a challenge, participants will hopefully find they have acquired some basic tools, after this introduction, to feel more confident in supporting these people. The Presenter: Josey Wulffaert is a Clinical Psychologist who arrived 1.5 years ago in Aotearoa/New Zealand. She specialises in mental health care for people with severe BPD. In the Netherlands, she worked in a tertiary specialist clinic for BPD with both adults and adolescents and their whānau. Alongside her clinical work, she has worked as a trainer and supervisor. She currently works at MICAMHS at the BOPDHB, where she combines clinical work with the implementation of treatment programmes in early personality disorders.
Cost $150.00 per person Morning and afternoon tea will be provided To register please email: pets.eadesltd@gmail.com Registrations close 29th November 2019 – there will be no refunds after this date. Any further queries please make contact with Jannine Eades (0211865081)
JANNINE EADES SERVICESProfessional Educational Training (PET)
Postal Address: 27 Church Street TAURANGA pets.eadesltd@gmail.com GST No: 103922267
REGISTRATION FORM: For one day seminar on
“Bridging the Divide: An Introduction into Care for People with Borderline Personality Disorder” Friday 6th December 2019, from 9.00am – 3.30pm
Venue: Tauranga RSA, 1237 Cameron Road, Greerton, Tauranga One registration form per person – please complete and email to pets.eadesltd@gmail.com. By completing and lodging this registration form, you acknowledge that you have read and understood our terms of trade attached. Your registration and participation in the workshop and the provision of the training services are governed by our terms and you agree to be bound by these Terms
Full Name Signature (required) Organisation Email address Contact phone number Registration: $150.00 How will your registration fee be paid?
Pl tick
Via internet banking: Please make payment, using your full name and/or invoice number as a reference to Account: Westpac 03-0445-0265589-000. Please ensure payment is made within seven days of the invoice received, unless prior arrangement has been made. If paying by cheque please attach to a copy of your registration form and send to: Jannine Eades Services, 27 Church Street, TAURANGA
Note: Receipt of payment will be given out on the day of the Seminar, unless requested by email Do you have any dietary requirements Yes
If yes – please specify ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ How did you hear about this seminar? (i.e.) webhealth/email/word of mouth/colleagues/friends/flyer
Organisation – Pls specify_______________________ Other source – pls specify___________________ For catering and resource requirements, all registrations must be paid by Friday 29th November 2019, unless agreed to by prior arrangement. There will be no refunds after this date. Any further queries please make contact with Jannine Eades (0211865081)