January 2023
UPDATE INTEGRATION OF BEST START EARLY PREGNANCY ASSESSMENT WITH MIDWIFERY PAVES WAY FOR IMPROVED HEALTH OUTCOMES FOR MĀMĀ & PĒPI A revolutionary integration of GEN2040’s BEST START early pregnancy assessment marks a significant step forward for hapū māmā, by enhancing communication channels between General Practice and midwifery. This first-of-its-kind development connects midwives to other healthcare professionals by providing them with a comprehensive view of Best Start Pregnancy assessments submitted by the primary care provider and other members of the maternity care team. With this integration, midwives utilising Tiaki and Expect Maternity can now access a wealth of key information with the pregnant person's consent. This includes details such as Last Menstrual Period (LMP) and Estimated Due Date (EDD), a mental health screen, comprehensive medical history, HPV/cervical screening status, flu and pertussis immunisation records, and referrals made through Tuku, among other valuable data. The collaborative approach ensures that midwives are equipped with a holistic understanding of the pregnant person’s health journey, fostering a higher level of coordinated care. Stay tuned for more updates as we connect Well Child Tamariki Ora, LMCs and General Practice.
Expect Maternity