DRAFT Notes: Collecting money from patients in a virtual care General Practice environment Background The recent change to larger volume of virtual care will mean practices need to change the way they collect money from people. This can be a very successful way of operating if money is collected early. It is important systems are put in place early. Note that in the context of self-isolation, many people will be living at alternate addresses. Texting is probably the most effective way of advising of account balances for current and 30 day. Practice should put this is place immediately and prioritise keeping up to date mobile phone numbers for as many patients as possible.
On the day Set up a text messaging that goes to patients after their consultation asking them to pay. This process can be carried out by admin staff as an additional duty when checking the day books. A daily text should go to all those people that received a virtual service that day. Here are is a text example: On the day text:
Hi [PAT_FIRSTNAME], the cost of your consultation today is $[MIS_INV_AMOUNT]. Your total balance is $[PAY_BALANCE]. Please pay to XXXXXXXXXXX ref: [PAT_NHI_NO], if you need support with making an online payment, phone XXXXXXX. Please do not come to the Health Centre to pay, thanks
Pre-paying It is worth trying to collect money after the consultation before a pre-payment system is introduced. Pre-payment is a significant change in process and will need careful thinking through. If a practice decides pre-payment is necessary before a virtual consult, and does not have an online payment platform, patients could be asked to pay online. Admin teams would need to regularly (every two hours or so), check online transaction and update the patient accounts with any credits prior to the consultation taking place.
Monthly Statement process 1st of the Month Send Monthly Statement Text Try texting monthly statement if these are not in place already. They are an effective way of communicating. Remember, many people in self isolation may not be at their usual addresses, so sending letters will be less affective. Example text < insert Practice name> , your end of month balance is $[PAY_BALANCE]. Bank account # for payment is BNZ XXXXX. Use reference [PAT_NHI_NO]. Thanks
Before setting up and sending monthly text add NHI and account balance to query build, change date – run query, check for any with $0 balance and verify account
Monthly Statement Text-send text beginning of each month (takes approx 20mins)
Set up first thing on the 1st of the month and set time for when suitable Tools > query builder > query store > Statement Process > monthly statement txt –>change date on query build to end of month Run SMS Query > this takes a while – wait 3-4 mins Cell phone column > right click > set column as mobile ph – wait 3-4 mins MMID > right click > select all (duplicates removed) > wait until all ticked – wait 3-4 mins SMS > Compose > information of number of text > yes (this takes awhile)
Template > click on text to send (TXTOD) > set time > set date - ok – wait – make sure you advise admin team when the text is going out and time
This now reads ‘your end of month balance is $0.00’
ST = (Patients without cell or no sms ticked) Print off Current and 30 days only– 30 days to be stamped with “this account is now overdue”. Hold any Rx charge from 26th of month, check if paid in 2-3 days (not faxed ones) TX = Check
Mid month print off 60+ and send bulk text to current and 30 days During the middle of the month, you can text those that have unpaid accounts. < insert Practice name>. Your account bal of [PAY_BALANCE] remains unpaid. Bank Account # for payment is BNZ XXXXX. Use ref [PAT_NHI_NO]. If you need help managing your account, please let us know by replying "Y". One of our team will get in touch. < insert practice phone number>
Med Tech Instructions / Guidelines that could be adapted if they are useful Print off 60+ • Module – accounts -statement run- do not change date – select account group (as above) – select account age – 2nd overdue and 3rd overdue – print NB: this will pick up current and 30 days Check if any payments made Check if any messages left. Have we sent text? Leave note in Note7 Screen - “15/5/18 must clear 60+ days or start regular payment plan. ADEBT letter sent. ab” Add ‘cash only’ alert – “15/5/18 must clear 60+ days or start regular payment plan. ADEBT letter sent. ab” Change account holder to XXX Print account holder Letter and post with statement Query build – New to <insert debt account holder>, change date – add to <insert debt account holder> excel spreadsheet Enter this month’s total number into first tab
Bulk text with outstanding amount after 15 days Before setting up and sending monthly text add NHI and account balance to query build, change date – run query, check for any with $0 balance and verify account
Tools > query builder > query store > my queries > Statement Process > AC Holder Overdue Amount by Month > change date range (i.e. March 1 – April 30) Run SMS Query > this takes a while – wait 3-4 mins Cell phone column > right click > set column as mobile ph – wait 3-4 mins MMID > right click > select all (duplicates removed) > wait until all ticked -wait 3-4 mins SMS > Compose > information of number of text > yes (this takes a while) Template > click on text to send (TXOVD) > set time > set date - ok – wait
Send email to XXX reception
3rd and 4th week of month Query build debt account group (this is for 60+ letters sent) - 14 days after ADEBT letter • • •
Check tasks and Notes to see if payment or contact has been made. If payment received, change account group back to P unless task states otherwise If no payment received, phone patient as per follow up contact script/text patient TXADEBT alter details as necessary Notes 7 – Write down details of contact made
Global usually four days after phone contact. Once bank statement is completed • Query build ‘A debt account group’ export to excel, save to disk, name. Open shared drive, sort by – balance, sort by - smallest to largest • Check payments, notes 7 and tasks for any messages • No payments write in Note7 sent to global – Change account group to Global – Global Alert ‘MUST PAY CASH, sent to global $00.00. ab. Take off alert for 60+ • Add to global spreadsheet (Business services/Global/patient sent to global(folder)/template • Email spreadsheet to Global Auto regular payment checks – Check to see if regular payments. If payments have stopped change patient to relevant account group. Add to notes7 account group changed from - to Mail return with debt - Check each person’s address/postal etc. Make contact if possible. If Not seen within 12/12 write off – that’s if the debt is quite old and add Written off alert. New enrolled patients – Check account group is correct Veteran affairs – Do query build to check if patient has been charged in error. Saved under Statement process/Vet affairs check
Weekly query builds No cell account group check – If no cell or sms is ticked change patient to account group ST Monthly text with $0 balance add NHI and Account balance to query, run query, check for any with $0 balance and verify account Global payment query export and save to disk. Email to Global
Daily Query builds ADEBT account group $0 balance (This is for 60+ letters sent who have paid). – Change account group back to P unless task states otherwise or they have no cell or no sms ticked, remove alert. Remove patients name from Adebt all spreadsheet GLOB account group $0 balance – If full debt paid, change account group, remove alert and email Global to advise
ADEBT payment today – Change date to today. If payment made today, check if oldest debt has been paid off. Check if patient to remain on ADEBT or change account group GLOB payment today – If payment made today, check if oldest debt has been paid off. If Global debt paid or account paid in full email Global to advise Admin task Check corrupt balance. If patient has cell phone and sms is not ticked change patient to account group ‘P’. If an amount is owing print and send statement