Bay of Plenty DHB health and social services are now being profiled on E hara taku toa I te toa takitahi Engari, e toa takitini Success is not the work of one but the work of many!! Bay of Plenty District Health Board is wanting to provide our population and communities increased access to information around primary care, hauora māori, hospital and community health and social services that are available in the Bay of Plenty DHB region. We are working with the Healthpoint team who are well recognised in New Zealand of providing an effective way to increase access to this directory type of information. It is anticipated that a well-informed population will result in better access, greater uptake in selfmanagement programmes, self-directed care and ultimately, an improvement in population health and equity. Over 550,000 people per month are using to access medical provider information. This is a highly effective way for your service to have a significant web presence, connect with your patients/service users, and also link to established websites including your own. Bay of Plenty DHB is keen to have your health, hauora māori and social services profiled on and seeks your support to provide Healthpoint with the information being sought. There is no charge for your organisation to be featured on Healthpoint. Healthpoint is developing a webpage for your organisation which will require your input to ensure it is accurate. Using a unique log-in you will have access to edit, add and approve information about your service for the public. It will take 20-30 minutes to set up your service. Please use the link here to book an appointment for set-up: Alternatively, you can complete the information below and return to Healthpoint will then contact the person listed below for next steps. Service Name:
Service Type (e.g. GP Practice)
Contact Person:
Email Address & Phone Number:
We do hope you will be a part of this initiative and greatly appreciate your time and assistance with developing this valuable directory of our local services. Kind regards, Mike Agnew Acting General Manager Planning and Funding Stewart Ngatai Pou Umanga – Business Leader
Māori Health Gains and Development