Invite- Sept 20th 2023 PHO Expo

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You are invited to the 5th WBOP PHO Provider Forum for 2023. This event is an amazing opportunity to connect with a range of community-based services you can refer your patients to.

There will be snacks, drinks, spot prizes, draws, and more at this fun evening event where you can socialise, catch up with colleagues from across the network, and connect with a range of community services including Age Concern, BOP Community Pharmacy Group, Diabetes NZ, Gender Dynamix, MSD- Work & Income, Ngāti Ranginui, Pacific Island Community Trust, Poutiri Wellness Centre, St Johns, Stroke Foundation, Tauranga Sexual Health, and Tautoko Mai.

We look forward to seeing you all there. Atached is the event flyer with more informa�on, please share with your staff. We welcome all prac�ce staff to atend, and the prac�ce with the most staff in atendance will receive a prize!

Date: Wednesday 20th September 2023

Time: 6:30pm – 8.00pm

Venue: University of Waikato – Tauranga Campus, Room 1.07 (first floor), 101 Durham Street, free parking in Tauranga CBD after 5 pm.

This evening will be run both as an in-person event only.

Please RSVP here by 5.00pm, Tuesday September 12th for catering purposes.

Please reach out to if you have any questions.

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