Who we are
Bay of Plenty focused charitable trust Started by a group of health practitioners who could see there was little, and in some cases no support for women without financial means, suffering from extreme emotional and psychological stress. Original trust was born out of passion by people with the professional knowledge and expertise to fill this gap
What we do today
Providing FREE 5 day/ 4 night recuperative retreats for women experiencing emotional and psychological distress to the point of burn out Women are referred to the trust by health professionals via an application process 8 women are carefully selected from applications for a retreat to ensure ‘group fit’. This is for optimal outcomes and they will be supported by 2 qualified therapists 24 hours/day for the 5 days. For every 8 women selected there are consistently 30-40 applications made. The retreat provides a ‘break’ from stress to replenish both mind and body The retreat creates space and opportunity for positive change through the offer of transformative workshops* providing a platform and tools for change
*Transformative workshops on offer (tailored to participants) may include but not restricted to: Mindfulness Dealing with grief Self-compassion Goal setting Problem solving Boundaries
Who do we assist and who will benefit? 2019 LAP has a target to support 40 women through 5 x 5 day/4 night retreats Women selected for these retreats will experience primary assistance with a ‘break’ from their daily stress to replenish both mind and body. However, the opportunity for change through the offering of transformative workshops (above) provides a platform and tools enable positive change for not only the women on their return to daily life but their whanau and beyond into their communities. We are building a library of testimonials and have many examples of this.