Developing Your Second Expertise
mindset (thinking)
skillset (behaviours)
actionset (decisions)
Leadership: Developing Your Second Expertise Expertise as a clinician or technician is no guarantee of expertise as a leader. The rules of the leadership game have long changed and control and command just won’t cut it anymore (and maybe never did!). Today, leaders are expected to lead multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural and multi-generational teams to get stuff done. And that stuff needs to be done faster, fairer and to a constantly improving standard. This three day leadership programme shifts the game. It is a programme about stretch, about challenge and about fast growth – if your leaders are up for it! The focus is very strongly on the mindset, skillset and actionset that are needed to lead for today and for tomorrow. Participant learning outcomes for each of the three days are outlined below.
Day One: The Best Version of You – values, vision & visibility understand the new leadership skills & behaviours needed to thrive develop clarity on the core values that will drive their leadership practice design their personal leadership vision understand the impact of their behaviour on their team culture stretch and deepen their thinking processes identify their key messages to shift their team / service leave with a plan for improvement
Day Two: The New Leadership Imperatives – collaboration, facilitation & sense-making understand the difference between influence and manipulation know how to run meetings to gain understanding, buy-in and commitment know when and how to use appropriate vulnerability, deep listening and real connection increase comfort around disagreement and challenge develop a range of strategies for managing their own ‘state’ learn how to deliver a lightening talk leave with a plan for improvement
Day Three: Getting Stuff Done – priorities, decisions & actions understand how to lead with principles and frameworks (rather than policy and rules) learn how to provide contextual clarity understand how to discriminate and filter information for importance learn how to use a values-based approach to decision-making develop a range of ways to energise and inspire people to act know how and when to appreciate people’s contribution towards a better future leave with a plan for improvement
Programme approach
the programme is run one day per month over three months each programme normally has between 30 - 34 participants (participants can be new and/or experienced managers / team leads or those who you believe have leadership potential) following each workshop there are 3 - 4 ‘homework activities’ for participants to complete prior to the next workshop (e.g. drafting their personal vision and values as a leader, presenting a 3 – 5 minute lightening talk) between workshops participant’s managers are provided with coaching questions to enable them to engage in a series of 1-1 coaching sessions to help embed the learning between workshops following the completion of the programme, there is an option of monthly small group mentoring sessions to continue to embed the learning (additional cost)