Karo Register Analysis Not Geocoded Report – Suggestions for Geocoding these Addresses Karo register Analysis report most common NOT VALIDATED REASONS 1. No reason displayed and field is blank 2. There was not a quintile available for this address 3. Other Confirm in F3 that the address is geocoded in Medtech
If eSam address shows no quintile then: o report to MOH that quintile not available o correct the address in NHI if it is displayed red using the process below eSam has a quintile: o correct the address in NHI if it is displayed in red using the process below
Suggested process to validate these addresses and geocode when quintile available Go into NHI to check address details Click blue NHI button and Compare Addresses e.g. NHI version is capitalized and so will not geocode Click Review & Update NHI button as shown below
Karo Register Analysis Not Geocoded Report – Suggestions for Geocoding these Addresses Go into demographics and confirm the address is not geocoded as showing in red. Copy geocoded address from Patient Register and Save
Over-ride this warning box
Address copied is now geocoded.
Karo Register Analysis Not Geocoded Report – Suggestions for Geocoding these Addresses If this process doesn’t work the first time: It could be because: 1. The “Address Not Validated” reason has remained populated, this sometimes happens, and it blocks the address from geocoding. To fix this: Make the field blank as shown in screenshot below and then Save. Run eSam manually. 2. The extra address fields on the right-hand side of the screenshot are populated and this will prevent geocoding. To fix this: Edit these fields to remove the extra address in formation and Save. Run eSam manually.