Updates on AIR and My Health Record
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Updates on AIR and My Health Record Pharmac Consultation: Proposal to Fund Treatments for People with Breast Cancer and Leukaemia 3. Decision to Fund Aripiprazole Depot Injection 4. Paxlovid Supply Issue Update 5. Olanzapine Depot Injection Supply Issue Update 6. ACC Update – Allied Health Pay Equity Settlement 7. Call for Participants in Resilience and Research and Ethics, Privacy Statement plus Questionnaire Link 8. GP24: Call for Abstracts Open 9. Supply Updates for Pharmacists December 15 2023 10. Top Weekend Viewing The Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR) replaces the National Immunisation Register (NIR) and the COVID Immunisation Register (CIR). • On December 4 the AIR completed the transition to replace the use of the National Immunisation Register (NIR) and the COVID Immunisation Register (CIR). This milestone moved everyone to one sole register operating in New Zealand. • The AIR enables vaccination providers to take a whole of whānau approach to vaccination delivery. Vaccinators will be able to view immunisation history and will be able to offer vaccinations. The new register enables greater flexibility in vaccine delivery, providing the ability to set up mobile sites and support vaccination providers in delivering vaccinations in community settings. • Vaccination providers have access to the AIR either via their Patient Management System or the AIR Vaccinator Portal, reducing the need for manual rework and increasing the time available to focus on reaching out to whānau about vaccinations. • You can find out more about the AIR here. My Health Record goes live • A new secure website that gives people access to their immunisation records and their COVID-19 test results was launched on December 5, 2023. • My Health Record is an important step to help support New Zealanders to access their health information online. It also provides parents with tamariki under 12 years of age the option to link to their children’s immunisation records. • Over time, more information will be available, such as current and past medications, lab results and community services and high use card entitlements. • Enabling people to use digital services to access their health information is an important part of the health sector reform. Providing access to information and self-service options helps