Appendix IV: Examples of “affected workers” handling “affected items” from “affected aircraft” 1. Summary of new testing groups required to be tested in relation to affected items A worker will need to answer “YES” to all of the item questions AND all of the interaction questions to fall within the new “affected workers handling affected items” group and be under a requirement to be tested. Item Question: A: Have you handled an item that meets the following requirements? the item has been removed from an affected aircraft for the purposes of: ▪ disposal ▪ re-use on an aircraft ▪ cleaning the item is not freight or cargo
Move to question B
No test required Item Question:
B: If you answered yes to question A, have you handled the item which satisfies all elements of question A within 72 hours of the item being removed from the aircraft?
Move to question C
No test required
Interaction Questions: C: In addition to answering “yes” to Question A and B in the item questions: o
Have you spent 15 minutes or more, either in face to face contact (within 2 metres) with, or in a confined space (within 2 metres) with someone who is required to be tested because they are an affected air border worker, e.g. who is: Are you a worker who spends more than 15 minutes in an enclosed space on board an affected aircraft
Are you a landside worker who interacts with arriving international passengers or aircrew
C NO No test required
If yes to A, B &C Then a test is required