WBOPPHO Self-Management Health Services

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Self-Management Health Services Our free self-management services are for education and support around Lifestyle Wellness and Type 2 Diabetes. Self-management courses run over two half days, or evening courses over five weeks with ongoing support and follow up: • Run in numerous offsite locations including Te Puke/Papamoa, Katikati, Tauranga Central, Mount Maunganui • Morning, afternoon and evening sessions to suit • Run by clinical exercise physiologists, dietitians, diabetes nurse specialists, pharmacists and podiatrists. Support is provided from the Tauranga branch of Diabetes New Zealand and Sport Bay of Plenty. We also offer dietitian services.

Self-Management Courses

Our self-management courses are designed to support, inform and empower people to improve their health. The group atmosphere allows people to share their own experiences and learn from others who are in a similar situation. There are two types of courses, Type 2 Diabetes and Lifestyle Wellness. T Y P E 2 D I A B E T E S S E L F - M A N AG E M E N T CO U R S E What is the Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management course? This free Type 2 Diabetes group course aims to develop your understanding of diabetes so that you have the knowledge and tools to confidently manage your diabetes. During the course you will hear from a clinical exercise physiologist, dietitian, diabetes nurse specialist, pharmacist and a podiatrist. The course covers: • What diabetes is, risk factors, and symptoms • Complications, travelling, and sick days • Food and nutrition • Exercise and physical activity

07 571 2100

• Medications • Foot care • Continued, ongoing support.

When and where are the Type 2 diabetes courses held? Courses are run over two half days, mornings and afternoons. Evening courses are available. Courses are in Tauranga, Mount Maunganui, Te Puke/Papamoa, and Katikati. Who can attend the course? To attend this course, you must be registered with one of the Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation general practices https://www.wboppho.org.nz/medical-centres and have Type 2 diabetes with identified areas for management.

L I F E S T Y L E W E L L N E S S CO U R S E What is the Lifestyle Wellness course? This free Lifestyle Wellness course aims to support you in making healthy lifestyle choices to improve your health and wellbeing. During the course you will hear from a clinical exercise physiologist and a dietitian. The course covers: • Exercise and physical activity • Food and nutrition • Stress and sleep • Mindful eating • Continued, ongoing support. When and where are the Lifestyle Wellness courses held? Courses are run over two half days, mornings and afternoons. Evening courses are available. Courses are in Tauranga, Mount Maunganui, Te Puke/Papamoa, and Katikati. Who can attend the course? To attend this course, you must be registered with one of the Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation general practices https://www.wboppho.org.nz/medical-centres and have a long-term health condition (e.g. pre-diabetes, at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, arthritis, COPD).

Ask your GP or contact us to get started You can either be referred by your GP or self-refer.

07 571 2100

For more information about the course and course dates, or to self-refer, phone (07) 571 2100, email selfmanagement@wboppho.org.nz.

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