Sept 13 2023 Nurse Leads Hui Invite

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Kia ora Nurse Leads,

You are invited to the upcoming Nurse Leads hui. This will be an inperson session, with op�onal zoom atendance.

Wednesday, 13th September 2023, 12 - 1.30pm – Tauranga Yacht Club

Refreshments Provided from 12pm – 30 mins of networking & kai. Agenda will begin at 12.30pm

Please RSVP for in-person atendance and suggest any Agenda

Items by Tuesday, September 5th here.

For those who cannot attend in person, Zoom link is available: cO2hrz4oG



1. Welcome and Karakia

2. PHO & Board Updates

3. Network Services Updates

4.Nurse Prescriber- Kris�ne Reid, Otumoetai Family

5. Plunket Services- Kim Williams

6. Pathlab Updates- Keith Walmsley, Pathlab

7. Close of mee�ng , Karakia Whakamutanga

Any ques�ons or support needed, please contact:


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