ACC GP MRI Programme: Knee, Cervical Spine, and Lumbar Spine assessments August 24, 2023

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ACC GP MRI programme

The GPMRI service allows GPs to refer MRI scans with the support of clinical guidelines. This expedites clients getting the necessary and appropriate health intervention to recovery from musculoskeletal injuries as the ‘first specialist appointment’ is avoided and a proportion of clients are no longer referred to a specialist for further assessment after diagnosis.

The pathways focus on patients with knee and back (cervical and lumbar spine) injuries. Historically GPs could only refer for a low-tech imaging X-ray or ultrasound, with all high-tech imaging restricted to specialist requests. This is no longer the case and therefore the time to definitive diagnosis for clients requiring MRI for knee or back injury reduces by an average of 16 working days.

What are the benefits?

These clinical pathways allow GPs to triage patients and ensures referrals to orthopaedic specialists are more informed and appropriate. This in turn frees up specialist time to focus on those patients who are most in need. It strengthens relationships between primary care and specialists, integrating health providers to deliver the best outcome for patients. GPs are well placed to make the clinical decision on whether MRI is required. They can then determine treatment plans more efficiently, whether that be GP management, active rehabilitation through physiotherapy or referral to a specialist.

If you are interested, you can attend the musculoskeletal practical assessment session lead by our clinical directors and expert physiotherapists, details are below.

Knee, Cervical Spine, and Lumbar Spine assessments:

Date: Thursday 24th August

Time: 6:00pm – 8:30pm

Venue: Education Centre – BOP Clinical Campus, 889 Cameron Road, Tauranga

Please register for the session here.

Note: Education sessions offer 1 CME point per hour, and there are also online learning modules to complete. Throughout the service, all GP referrals are audited for adherence to guidelines which can then contribute to their MOPS program.

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