Te Rerenga February 2022
News from the Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation
Kate Vaaulu, a school nurse at Ōtūmoetai College, is helping to screen all Year 9 students using the YouthCHAT digital portal.
School nurse takes on new challenges Students starting Year 9 at Ōtūmoetai College will benefit from more targeted health and counselling services this year thanks to an online survey designed to pick up the most at-risk students earlier. School nurse Kate Vaaulu is supporting
caused by the first COVID lockdown in 2020.
the school to survey students via the
An earlier trial carried out in 2019 involving
YouthCHAT portal, a health screening
a smaller group of students demonstrated
digital tool designed by medical researchers
a number who required support for
at the University of Auckland.
depression, anxiety or self-harm.
About 470 students are expected to
Following that survey, the PHO allocated
complete the health survey before the end
extra funding for a school counsellor to
of Term 1. It will be the first time an entire
work one day a week. Students ‘red-flagged’
cohort of students will be surveyed via
after completing the survey are seen by a
YouthCHAT in the Bay of Plenty.
counsellor that same day.
A previous attempt at Ōtūmoetai College was thwarted due to disruption
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