Te Rerenga October 2022

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Te Rerenga October 2022

News from the Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation

Practice owners Pamela Sheahan, Dr Davitt Sheahan and Dr Jennifer Brodie aim to serve the growing Pāpāmoa community.

Pāpāmoa health hub set to meet growing demands New purpose medical facility lightens the load by servicing increased patient numbers. A new medical centre due to open its doors

private ambulance bay, and additional

in mid-October will provide much-needed

services funded through the Western Bay

additional healthcare services in the

of Plenty Primary Health Organisation

burgeoning Pāpāmoa area of Tauranga, as

(WBOPPHO), aim to cater for Pāpāmoa

well as address health equity issues in its


community. The newly built Whitiora Medical Centre

Located at Harding Reserve, on the corner of The Boulevard and Harding

features seven consulting rooms, six for

Drive, the new centre opened to the

GP services and one nurse treatment and

public on 12 October and is well placed to

clinical room. A further minor surgery area,

service the town centre and surrounding Story continues next page ...


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