TWO Waikato - Memo re Potential Error in Laboratory Immunopathology Results

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Waikato Hospital Laboratory

Date: 14/08/2023

Subject: Notification of Potential Error in Immunopathology Laboratory Test Results

This letter is to alert you of a potential problem in the results of certain Immunopathology laboratory tests between the 6th of January 2023 and the 9th of March 2023 The affected tests include:

Total IgE

Serum specific IgE for all allergens

Precipitans (serum specific IgG) for aspergillus, budgie and pigeon Serum tryptase.

Due to the nature of the problem, some specimens between these dates may have been randomly affected with results under- or over-estimating the true value. Unfortunately, we have no way of determining whether the specimen was affected by the random error or the magnitude of the effect on individual samples.

We have been working with IS to identify all serum samples potentially affected between these dates to have an automated comment alerting the requestor of the potential error in the result. However, due to the complexities of working with different systems between the community and hospital laboratories, there has been a delay in alerting requesters of the individual samples affected.

If you have had any unexpected results, either high or low, for the tests listed above, between 6th January and 9th March 2023, then repeat testing is recommended.

Once IS have found a solution, you will receive a result for individuals who had serum run for these tests in the time interval with the following comment:

The laboratory has identified an instrument error, which caused an under- or over-estimate of the true value of some results in an unpredictable manner. The instrument error has now been rectified. If there are clinical concerns about the result originally reported, repeat testing is highly recommended.

Acknowledgement of the result will be required. The most appropriate response is to repeat the test if clinically relevant.


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