Tuesday, 31 March 2020.
Dear Customer, Please note that due to disruptions to the supply chain for Afluria Quad and limited stocks of Afluria Junior, HCL has been requested to cancel all remaining back orders for these two SKU. We are also asking you to please place new orders for the replacement SKU together with, if possible, a reduced quantity of Afluria Junior. Afluria Quad is currently Out of Stock (OOS) and is expected to back in supply again in late April. In the meantime, PHARMAC has secured limited stocks of Influvac from Mylan to replace Afluria Quad in the short term. Influvac is now available to order on our website and will be dispatched from 6 April Afluria Junior will also be released for distribution from 6 April You are asked to please place a NEW order for Influvac +/- Afluria Junior as soon as it is available on the website – later today. Please note, you will be restricted to: 60 doses of Influvac +/Up to 20 doses of Afluria Junior Exceptions to these limits will only be made in rare circumstances. Please bear in mind that this is only a temporary, short-term restriction as further supplies of Afluria Quad are anticipated. HCL will dispatch as much as we can within the limited stocks over the coming week or so.
Cristine Della Barca Commercial Relationships Manager | Healthcare Logistics cdellabarca@healthcarelogistics.co.nz 58 Richard Pearse Drive, Airport Oaks, Mangere 2022 PO Box 62 027, Sylvia Park 1644 DDI +64 9 969 0708 | Reception +64 9 918 5100 | Mobile +64 27 472 7480 MOST EFFECTIVE CONTACT NO. DURING COVID 19 LOCKDOWN +64 9 532 9131