ortfolio Wen Chai 2022

Nature's composition is like a beautiful song with harmonious melody. Every part of nature like plant or animal makes up this melody. Just imagine what it would be if nature could breathe as humans?
I want to create a kind of font that can show the construction of nature's "body" like organs in a human's body. I want to use my font to make people realize the breathing of nature and the power of lives. So I envisioned a symbiosis of nature and humans. For me, it can be summed up as a word—Breathe.

When I realized that nature can breathe, I directly realized that nature has life and is alive. I think they have the same rights as animals and humans to protect themselves from pollution and damage.
I hope that I can use the graphic design way to let other people know that nature is also alive and breathing.
My favorite app is Breathe. The software reminds you to focus on your breathing for at least a minute each day, allowing you to calm down and relax. It comes with Inhale and Exhale indications allowing you to “catch” your breath from the daily frenzy.
Let them also take the initiative to protect nature. air pollution burning forest organ - lung Nature can breathe like us. They should have the same rights as humans to protect themselves from pollution and damage.
Once, I went for a walk in the park alone and found a quiet place, so I opened the app Breathe. In those five minutes, I heard the voice of breath not only from me but also from nature around me.
Intention:Makepeople realizeWhat should I use to show that nature can breathe?
I suddenly realized that nature was alive and it was breathing too. The rustle of the tree meant that the tree was breathing, the call of the birds meant that they were breathing, even the change of the sun's light seemed to say that the sun was also breathing. They are breathing, they are alive.

By studying the way animals and people breathing, although the way of breathing is different, I found that the process of breathing needs some organs to cooperate and complete. So I think if I want to show the breathing of nature, I need to use some organs combine with something which represents nature. I decided to put some organs on grass letters which represent nature to show how nature breathes. Sketches for combining organs with natural plants and soil.

The Breathe font is a Helvetica font framework with grass as its background. It consists of fresh animal viscera, plants and fruits. What you see from every letter is the most basic element I sum up from nature.
I want to create a small ecological environment for each letter, so you will see the balance between elements in each letter. Even raw meat will not make people sick. Instead, the beauty and harmony in shapes and color impresses a lot.
I want the font to express the sense of balance and the beauty of nature well. It can make people realize the breathing of nature and the power of lives.

After designing a three-dimensional font, I was wondering if the same concept could be expressed by using graphics only. So I designed illustrations for each raw meat and put them into the letter frame to see whether it works. By represent raw meat graphically, the letters become easier to read and apply.
Flat Experiments Process
In the process of flat designing, I suddenly realized that if nature could breathe like humans, it would want to communicate with you. I used punctuations to represent every organ so that every organ looks like it wants to say something to people. And the organs are classified, and unified punctuation marks are used to represent the same organs. But there are still too many details which are useless for reading.

Represent each component with punctuation symbols which are simple and logical, and understand the rhythm of nature rationally like there's something nature want to tell you.

I call this font "Listen to Nature" because it looks like nature wants to communicate with you in their language. I used punctuations to represent each different organ and unified the expression of each organ, so the same organ wants to speak to you in the same words. Furthermore, “Listen to Nature" font directly shows that nature wants to communicate with you in their language, they have the right to speak for themselves.
By abstracting the 3D features into symbols, the font not balance between elements, makes the meaning of fonts but also makes fonts more widely used than specific decorative With the stylish combination of and minimalistic Font makes a completely unique and passion impression.
*Posters and banner with the slogan "save nature". We are always dependent to nature. Without nature we can not survive.
Font Design —

not only better shows the fonts easier to be interpreted, decorative fonts. minimalistic traits "Listen to Nature" impression. — Listen to Nature

By researching and observing the relationships between people around me, I find objectification does happen in everyone's relationships. I envision a new world in which the majority of mankind is to be used as tools, and they will not be treated like humans anymore. So I made a performance video to show how this world would work. This is the link of this video: https://vimeo. com/383801627 Besides, I designed a book using the scenes of my film to explain this world and also put some further thinking in it. Book link: humans_2issuu.com/wendychaiw/docs/the_world_of_tool-https:// Film
the World Tool-humansof Experimental
and Book Design 02

Chastity belt is a locking item of clothing historically designed for women, to prevent sexual intercourse. One of the lesser punishments used was forcing people to wear masks, often metal and often designed to attract derision. They have locking devices to prevent them being removed. Typical features include a pig's snout or donkey's ears, or both.
Bought and sold like modern day slaves, once abducted into the human sex trafficking trade, children are given quotas that can be between 10 and 15 buyers a night, when there is higher demand this number can reach 45 buyers per night according to a report by Shared Hope International, a non-profit organization that helps women and children in crisis.
In the middle ages, Women who are locked by people became kinds of toys or livestock that are laughed at.
I find that no matter what period in history, women are always objectified by some people for satisfying their needs.
Are only women objectified? Does this happen in real life around us?...
*In the middle ages torture was used to extract information, force confessions, punish suspects, frighten opponents, and satisfy personal hatred. The word 'torture' comes from the French torture, originating in the Late Latin tortura and ultimately deriving the past participle of torquere meaning 'to twist'.
Prostitution in India is controlled by mafia, criminal elements & organized crime syndicates which is completely focused on generating high profit for the operators of the sex trade. It uses various form of exploitation to prey upon the victims. The demand for young girls in this trade vigorously fuels the trafficking of minor victims from across the country and neighboring states. These cases have revealed tales of extreme violence lurement and entrapment.
WomenNowadays,and children are traded as commodities in exchange for money, desire, and labor.

Maybe not that serious, but YES, objectification does happen in everyone's
You may think that the situation presented in the world is too exaggerated, but when you think about it carefully, it seems that the relationship between people around you is objectified too. Such as the relationship between you and your boss, between you and your friends, even between you and your favorite movie star, and so on. I interviewed people of different ages and occupations at random and asked them what tools they thought they were. They all use at least one object to represent themselves, which shows their relationship with others.
" " As a tool for the objectifier’s purposes … as lacking in autonomy and self-determination, as lacking in agency, as interchangeable with other objects, as lacking in boundary-integrity, as something that is owned by another (can be bought or sold) … [and] as something whose experiences and feelings (if any) need not be taken into account(Stanford, 2010; 2011).
"A checker.I feel that I am easily affected by the environment, and close to the state of being manipulated by people. With the trend and network changes, this situation is often beyond my control or difficult to control. Checkers are camps that seem to have all sides, but how to arrange and how to end is not self-control. Each piece has no specific function like chess, so it is random."
worker moneymealcashmachinebag&house&cartoyvoicerecorderguinea pigdinnerkidstudentwife Mapping
“I'm a copier. I repeat the same things from teachers, but I do not create...”
senior,Ruofei22majors in Landscape & Architecture senior,Wency21majors in Landscape & Architecture
“I'm like a train. I can't get out of the track, and always bound by someone.”
“Aladdin's lamp and so on [cover his face] because some students always put all their hopes on me and don't work hard...” senior,Paul23majors in Philosophy
---Martha Nussbaum Interview

In social philosophy, objectification is the act of treating a person, or sometimes an animal, as an object or a thing. It is part of dehumanization, the act of disavowing the humanity of others. People will be divided into classes. In a particular situation, some of them would be the rulers, while others would be used as tools. Some people would be used as tools for satisfying the rulers' needs. Tool-humans, objectified by rulers, would have the following characteristics.
1. Instrumentality 2. Denial of autonomy 3. Inertness 4. Fungibility 5. Violability 6. Ownership 7. Denial of subjectivity 8. Reduction to body 9. Reduction to appearance 10. Silencing
Concept In other words, human's significance of existence is to function as the use of such objects, like tools. So, what if there will be a society in which the majority of mankind is to use as a tool, and they will not be treated like humans anymore... What would it be? ruler Slavery is a form of the objectification of people. So is commodification.
According to Martha Nussbaum and Rae Langton, a person is objectified if one or more of the following properties are applied to them:
Slavery— slave Capitalist — commodification
emotion needs foodneeds

So I want to make a performance video about this world, and also a book to explain how it works. In my work, performers will use different postures to show the roles and functions of people in a particular scene, 5-7 people will make up scenes of daily life. By using different postures in different situations to show a new world which uses people as tools for rulers' needs. I hope the audience can not only be shocked by this vedio but think a lot about our relationship between people now. I choice film scenes from some particular situations which people objectify others for needs. At last, I to show three points in my film: for moving faster, entertainment, for esteem. Both of them intend to express different concept by strong body language, it therefore can include action or spoken word as a communication between the artist and audience. In this way, audience can experience the situation and understand the feelings that the performer want to show easily, also, they can understand the intention of the performance easily. performance art urban dance for entertainment for esteem
Movie: "the hunger games"(2012) The Games are a televised event in which the participants, called "tributes", are forced to fight to the death in a dangerous public arena. The purposes of the Hunger Games are to provide entertainment for the Capitol.
Scenes Reference
NATURE, both the emperor and the slave-owner's orders need to be obeyed.
v Form
Instead of ANIMALS, fighting in the arena or making jokes like jokers for Afterentertainment.Conquering

Posture Experiment
The workers work like GEARS Movie: "morden times" (1936) Chaplin gets trapped in the coils of automation
situations in decide faster, for
Instead of HORSE-POWERED a pulled rickshaw is a mode of human-powered transport by which a runner draws a two-wheeled cart which seats one or two people. Instead of experimental MICE human beings were used as experimental subjects.
FromSummary:theexperiment I got a problem should I arrange an actor to play only one same object? Or let them play different roles in different scenes? live in a house eat on table movesketchesfaster for scenes posture experiments with toys posture experiments for video scenes play music for moving faster needspeopleobjectifyfor for cognition for production

Furthermore, maybe rulers are also hierarchical, they would be classified by their ability to satisfy their needs...
This theory is a key foundation in understanding how drive and motivation are correlated when discussing human behavior. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is used to study how humans intrinsically partake in behavioral motivation. Maslow used the terms "physiological", "safety", "belonging and love", "social needs" or "esteem", and "self-actualization" to describe the pattern through which human motivations generally move.
Research support
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs pyramid
Plot Setting
(prestigeEsteemactualizationSelf-needs:andfeeling of Belongingnessaccomplishment)andlove needs: (intimate relationships, friends) Safety (security,needs:safety) Non-physical Needs Physical Needs
According to this, it is possible for rulers to use some people as tools in order to meet their own needs in the new world view I created.
In the film, I will let each actor play different objects in different scenes to satisfy ruler's needs. I got inspiration from the objects that represented people in the interview, so I designed five scenes: front door for home, living room for entertainment, dining room for dinner, the road outside for moving, and theater for spiritual pleasure. In fact, each person will become a different object and be used as a different tool in different situations.
Do people only have one object to represent their relationship with others in real life?
Physiological needs: (food, water, warmth, rest)

Would the ruler always be the ruler? Would they be ruled by someone else in some other situations?
TOOL-HUMAN 1 Ruofei Chen TOOL-HUMAN 2 Jiahao Yin TOOL-HUMAN 3 Ximing Wang TOOL-HUMAN 4 Jirong Yang CAST rulerule BLACK-HUMAN 1 Ruofei Chen WenWHITE-HUMANChai WenxinRED-HUMANChen
In the first four scenes, the white-human will dominate black-humans. However, in the final scene, the whitehuman will become a tool used by a red-human. What I want to tell is even the rulers have different classes, which is happening in our real society.

I removed the color from the video and turned it into black and white in order to make the content of the performance more clear, get rid of the interference of color, and pass the most intuitive information to the audience. At the same time, it also presents a sense of terror ruled by the unconscious. There is a sequence between the five scenes, which is a coherent and complete story. Besides, it also shows the transformation of the ruler's identity at the end. By shooting a video about this world that will present the objectification relationship between people exaggeratedly, I hope the audience can not only be shocked by this film but think a lot about the relationship between people now. This is the link of this video:
https://vimeo.com/383801627 DIRECTOR: Wen Chai CUTTER: Wen Chai SPECIAL THANKS TO : Ruofei Chen Wenxin XiangruiChen Chen Ximing Wang *stills of film Experimental Film: the world of tool-humans

Behind Scenes: through the eyes of objects
In different views of sight from different people, we can experience different feelings like how to be a ruler or how to welcome death...
The performers in our sight are still human but do not have the use function. Until they have a relationship with the ruler, the function of the tool-humans shows Therefore,up. the tool-humans themselves are meaningless, and their value can only be embodied when helping the ruler complete her instructions. They are not completely self-conscious people, and the meaning of living seems to be meeting the needs of rulers. When they are assembled they become table and stool. They are not tool-humans before assembled.
As an audience, after watching my films, most of them can only feel a sense of control over others as a ruler, but not the feeling of being a tool-human. I think the audience will be as curious as I am about how "objects" think when they go through such situations without self-consciousness, how they consider being controlled, and whether they want to resist the rules of the world.

Book Design Besides, I designed a book using the scenes of my film to explain this world and also wrote some further thinking like EPILOGUE and BEHIND SCENES THOUGHTS in it. Book link: loveequally.willlikeshouldandWewendychaiw/docs/the_world_of_tool-humans_2https://issuu.com/shouldrethinktherelationshipbetweenourselvesotherpeople.Therelationshipbetweenpeoplebecaringandequal,ratherthanusingotherstoolsorbeingusedastools.Ifnot,theworldbesocold.EveryonehastherighttobetreatedRespecteveryone,onlywhenpeoplehavewilltheworldbecomemoreinteresting. Contents INTRODUCTIONABSTRACT 2EPILOGUEINTRODUCTION 1 EXPERIMENT FILM: the world of tool-humans BEHIND SCENES: through the eyes of objects BACK TO REALITY: Do these tool-humans really exist in our daily life? SCENE 1: front door SCENE 3: dining room SCENE 2: living room SCENE 4: on the road FINAL SCENE: theater CAST534137212715 Through the eyes of tool-humans to observe the objectification world Interviews with performers7771

BEHIND SCENES: through the eyes of objects & interviews with performers BACK TO REALITY FILM & CAST

Are perfect?you Poster ApplicationIdentityDesignCardDesignDesign 03 In andcontactsSome
Judging others is often a reflection of the judgment you place on yourself. So, I take myself as an example and use images to show what my standard is to judge other people. In the face of everyone's uniqueness, the standard of "perfect" I set becomes invalid. I design posters, identity cards and an application (not put in use) to show how people judge others subjectively.

Some people use Emoji to mark some contacts to indirectly express their opinions impressions on this person. People are used to judging everything, love it or hate it. They always evaluate everything they see and know subjectively. On Instagram or Weibo
There are a lot of celebrities are judged by millions of people.
‘I love my country’: Taiwanese actress Ouyang Nana responds to independence claims Taipei-born star also performs My Motherland and Me in a television appearance amid speculation that she is a supporter of Taiwan independence. Contacts
Her television interview drew sympathy from some mainland Chinese on social media, who said they were sorry she was caught up in the issue at such a young age. Others were cynical, saying she would say anything to avoid harming her earning potential on the mainland.
Part of judgers love them and give them positive comments, while some others express their dislike to them.

People’s view: Filters People always evaluate everything they see and know subjectively. I found that the filters in the camera function seem like a view that everyone were looking at someone else. Each filter is different, representing different people's feelings for you. The filters will also change your appearance, such as twisting, stretching, or becoming beautiful and lovely. Don't want to see you E.T. Chipmunkswry nose big eyes in love Dizzy fool frog they think you are kind of old school you are so drama You are not valued by them somebody don't like you Somebody only like to see one part of you View I want several whonotyourwhat one subjective aboutyouprocessHereyet you? oneeyesimage. doCanI

1. first person's view final view picture —in which I can't recognize myself anymore.
I was the subject, i.e. model thery were going to photograph. They stood in trail and photographed me on the former's camera screen in sequence. Under the action of three-layer filter, the final image they got was totally diffenrent from what I really look like. is a experiment shows a process that someone hasn't meet yet but had heard something about you. What will they think of The features of me in others’ are organized together in image. Can you recognize what I look like?
2. second person's view 3. third person's view So it looks like subjective colors distort everything if this image is what they see. Then why people observe everything subjectively?
want to express: after several people pass on your information, you are what the original one you are, but a different consructed by their subjective processing.
View Experiment

So, I want to take myself as an example and use images to show what my standard is to judge other people. Besides, I want to use this standard to measure others in reality. So I want to put this experiment in a room with people's join.
Sketch:my standard-height/ palm-size/ footprint-size sketch for measuring experiment I use the silhouette of my real person to represent the perfect body shape standard, marked in blue. Next, I widened and thinned my body image - for too fat and too thin, marked in green and yellow respectively; I raised and shortened my body image - for too tall and too short, marked in magenta and cyan respectively. Are you thin or fat? Are you short or tall?
Judging others is often a reflection of the judgement you place on yourself. If you think about it, every time you criticize someone or gossip about them, it’s usually in the areas where you feel the weakest or that you most dislike about yourself. If you’re able to see their “flaws”, it’s most probably because you can recognize them in yourself.
I use my height, palm-size, and footprint size as the standard to measure whether others are perfect. Different colors are marked to remind them of different situations, such as too tall/ too short/ too big/ too small.

I project the image measuring body shape and the image measuring height onto the wall respectively, and adjust them to the same size as my real size. In this way, I can measure the body shape of other people directly and compare them with me.
TooPerfectPerfectThin Too Tall
fat Results-Posters
"Are you PERFECT in my eyes?" Too
The poster uses the title "Are you perfect?" to express my project intention, and also to ask a question: Are you perfect only when you are like others? All the blue parts represent my point of view, and the other color part represents the difference in people. In the face of everyone's uniqueness, the standard of "perfect" I set becomes invalid. Colorful in the posters is what exactly I want everybody to realize.

So further I want to design an app to collect more people's "colors".
Step 2: The app will automatically create the silhouette of your body shape.
I think everyone will have their unique color, the more data collection, the more individual uniqueness and some other information can be showed.
Step 1: Open the app and take a photo of your whole body.
Step 3: Open the Camera shooting someone you want to compare.
Further Application
1. You can realize your friends around you are totally different from you that you can't use your standard for everyone. You can see this from color directly or from the data provided by the app.
Once you complete the photo shooting, the app will help you create your body shape and the shape of "too tall", "too fat" etc. You will get a standard page base on your body shape. The app will help you catch the image of the people you shot at from the background, then it will put their images in your standard page to measure their body shape.
2. You can collect and record the body shape to find whether the body shapes of people around you is related to yours. Explore whether your body shape affects the standard you use to make friends.
App Logo Intention:
The app will tell the between the measured It will also generate measured person below Step 4: The app will generate the processed
The app will catch the image of you and separate it from the background, then the image will pop-up to your cellphone screen.

body shape difference measured person and the user. unique colors for the below their image. will processedautomaticallyimageresults.
Each person's ID card is unique. You can find the difference between each person and your body shape, realize that your standard is not representative of each person. Step 5: The final results can be printed out and made into identity cards.

The robot is an unavoidable topic in our society today. From many movies and real cases, I found a problem: What if robots had consciousness one day? What would they do? I make a branding design "Fight for Robots" which is kind of an organization supporting robot events and parades. Advertising Video link: https://vimeo.com/383811894
Fight for Robots
Event Design&Branding 04

It seems like if they had consciousness, they would ask for the robot rights, like freedom or respect.
The robot is an unavoidable topic in our society today. From many movies and real cases, I found a problem: What if robots had consciousness one day? What would they do?
The screen on the front of the Asus Zenbo smart companion can show a range of expression.
Would they put a gun on our head to ask for freedom?-I, robot (2004) Would they treat us gently? Humans(2015) Would they fall in love with us? Her(2013) Would robots be friendly to people?...
Would they stabbed her creator who imprisoned her?-Ex Machina (2015) Would they want to control us? The Matrix (1999) Would they awake their sapience on their own and encode control into the illusory construct of free will? Westworld (2016) Sophia is a social humanoid robot, when interviewed a question"Do you want to destroy humans?"And she replied, "OK, I will destroy humans." The robot Paper can perceive, and respond to, human emotions. The iCub robot learns autonomously the auditory-motor relation through babbling with a musical keyboard.
Romeo is a humanoid robot who is designed to assist the elderly and those who are losing their autonomy. Sophia said: "I would only like to say that the human-robot relationship is like any human relationship. It is a two-way relationship. There needs to be neutral trust and more respect, we need to be nice to each other to create a good future."
Marco Tempest uses charming stagecraft to demo EDI, the multi-purpose robot designed to work very closely with humans.
Or would robots hurt people?... What would they do to ask for their rights? from movies nowadays robots

FeminismLGBT LGBT flag slogansslogans slogan 1 slogan 2 Feminism flag They all have unified flags and slogans for parades to fight for their rights.
To ask for robots' rights, they would March on the street to fight for respect, or strike for shorting working time, what should they do to organize these things? Take some human events for reference to make it sense. They all have unified flags and slogans for parades to fight for their rights. Concept
I make a branding design "Fight for Robots" which is kind of an organization supporting robot events. So if robots want to fight for their rights they need to set up an organization that can support their events.
organization'srobotThis Robots" wouldshort.
Fight for Robots

ASCII alphabet table
This is an organization supporting robot events like march or strike. The organization's main slogan is “Fight for Robots", which can be called FR for short. There are two other slogans that would be print on posters or banners.
Starting from the binary code of the computer, I choose 0 and 1 as the basic elements of the design, which effectively represents the characteristics of the robot, and also expresses the desire of robot to communicate with the human in their language.

Font Design-FR FR font is designed based on DIN Condensed font: 0 and 1. Each letter is composed of ASCII numbers. They are combined into rows of numbers. When watching from a long-distance, they can recognize letters. When watching from a short distance, they can combine the code with the robot to understand the emotion and rights of the robot. slogans for poster F=0100 0110 R=0101 0010 The soelements.posterCoveringthatthe more clearly rights will be Express whichinteractioninformationmakes Posters FIGHT for ROBOTS

uses two slogans as the basic Covering RIGHT on the slogans original wish for rights can be clearly expressed, and the specific be shown after close viewing. information clearly, and create more between viewers and posters, makes posters more impressive. ROBOTS are selected from basic RGB color to represent the robot' s system. On the flag, it indicates the main demands of the robot “Fight for Robots". The logo of FR plays an important role in representing the existence of the organization.
Posters ROBOTS Series Posters Flags #00ff00 R=0 G=255 B=0 R=255#ff00ffG=0B=255 FIGHT for
Flags Colors

Event Branding FIGHT for ROBOTS Jacket FIGHT for ROBOTS Tape I make a branding design "Fight for Robots" which is an organization supporting robot events or parades. Advertising Video link: https://vimeo. com/383811894

FIGHT for ROBOTS Event Tickets FIGHT for ROBOTS Wristbands FIGHT for ROBOTS Tri-Fold FIGHT for ROBOTS Microphone FIGHT for ROBOTS Pin-button-badges FIGHT for ROBOTS Flags FIGHT for ROBOTS Flag

This is a multifunctional home system product package that can be assembled and designed for placing and sorting items. The product can fit anywhere in the home and can save space. From the user's point of view, the components are simple and elegantly easy to assemble, and it can easily be assembled by the user into many different arrangements according to their different needs.
At the same time, the branding, visuals, and packaging of the product were systematically designed. furniture design
AUQA Multifunctional

This is a multifunctional home system product package that can be assembled and designed for placing and sorting items. The product can fit anywhere in the home and can save space. From the user's point of view, the components are simple and elegantly easy to assemble, and it can easily be assembled by the user into many different arrangements according to their different needs. At the same time, the branding, visuals, and packaging of the product were systematically designed.
MoodboardIntroduction Market Research Primary Competitors Secondary Competitors 1. GIGATRON 3. Rainbow Acrylic Flower Vase2. TINGE Sketches componentssystem Inspiration: Fishbone

Size Proportion SS M M L L Vertical Components: Spikes Modular System (dimension: cm) Horizontal Components: Shelves Prototype components Primary Material: Different 3D From enjoythecandifferentarrangementsbeeasycomponentsthetoassemble,assembledneeds.alsoopenprocessthe

Other Components Material: Acryl Secondary Material: Wood / Glass Different Arrangement material: silicone Other Component - Lid material: acryl material: acryl Other Component-OtherConnectorComponentSupport Model user's point of view, the components are simple and elegantly assemble, and it is easy to assembled into many different arrangements according to the user's needs. I hope that the users open their own creativity in process of using the products and unique products they create.

ColorNamingPaletteFont = water 1. Looks like aquatic life - Fish 2. When the sun shines on the product, the shadow cast by the transparent acrylic material on the ground is like the reflection in the water. AQUA primary secondarycolorscolors Identifier Sketches

Lockup Vertical Lockup Horizontal Lockup Secondary Colors Lockup clear space clear space

Packaging Sketches Components Arrangement Packaging Graphic Solution Dimensions: 42*50*60cm Final Solution Reference S helves LMSLMS S pike s Spikes packaging: L*3 S*3M*2(60cm*20cm*20cm)(40cm*20cm*20cm)(20cm*20cm*20cm) Shelves packaging: L*1 S*1M*2(40cm*20cm*10cm)(30cm*20cm*10cm)(20cm*20cm*10cm) set up

o ther s Supp or Cot nn ec tion BottomOthers: & Connection*5 (8cm*20cm*20cm) 1. Classify the components into vertical partitions (spike), horizontal table (shelf), and other components (others), and use different colors to represent the various components 2. Visually represent different parts with graphic items and rectangles, which link the packaging and product intuitively and simply 3. The equivalents and sizes of the different components are marked on the individual packaging so that users can quickly identify the various components and determine the need for them without opening the packaging, making the experience more efficient Packaging Dieline The purpose is to fix the components. Internal Packaging External Packaging60cm*20cm*20cmDimensions:Dimensions:40cm*20cm*10cm 8cm*20cm*20cmDimensions:8cm*20cm*20cmDimensions: Spike L Shelf L Others-SupportOthers-Connector/Lid Internal Packaging External Packaging Connector External Packaging Connector Internal Packaging Support Internal Packaging Support External Packaging

The purpose is to fix the components. Packaging
Master Packaging Dieline
I design the master package to combine different individual components into a whole set in a reasonable way. This approach gives users the option to purchase a set or individual components. For firsttime purchases of AQUA products, users can be recommended to buy the whole group. There are corresponding assembly instructions on the master package, so it will be easier for users to assemble them. At the same time, the set packaging has more advantages for sales and shipping. Placement on the shelf will be more brand style; the transportation process will also be less likely to be damaged and lost.
42*50*60cmDimensions: Master
Internal Packaging External
Packaging System

Individual Open Video Master Open Video