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Access extra insight and information about HAVAS DESIGN+
—————— HAVAS DESIGN+ represents a new, and genuinely global, union of outstanding established creative agencies. We are a design community working in 12 countries, where every team and individual talent is linked by our unique strategy of free-flowing, cross-culture creative collaboration. It’s different. And our clients are feeling the benefits. This brochure, a product of co-operative design itself, is a tangible illustration of this difference. It exists so that you too might discover that we have something to add – the plus in HAVAS DESIGN+.
Illustration by Conran Design Group
W e add our differences together Each aspect of our international group of agencies is a unique and valuable element: each international location with its cultural personality, each agency with its local knowledge and experience. These diverse components offer infinite permutations. By bringing together the appropriate parts we create a chemistry; a winning formula that makes a bespoke solution for the benefit of your brand.
Illustration by W & CIE
We add community spirit to global reach Your brand will benefit from our multicultural philosophy, offering you a completely custom made approach. This involves the coming together of our international agency teams, each of which retains local experience and personality whilst sharing a common vision. Because we share a philosophy of work and thanks to an innovative form of collaboration,   HAVAS DESIGN+ has a life of its own at a global scale.
Illustration by Conran Design Group
W e add a positive attitude and unrestricted thinking Your brand will benefit from a uniquely positive design attitude that acts as a guiding vision for us all, generating positive engagement with your audiences. Our unrestricted approach allows us to find the best form of engagement – transforming business challenges into opportunities for lasting success.
Illustration by CO-OP
W e add insight Your brand will benefit from our comprehensive collection of knowledge and research, delivered through our proprietary tools. Combining this with a diverse shared pool   of human experience will build a strong backbone for your   brand ambition. Avid cross-pollination of research, trends, methodologies and cultural influences across our international design community, brings real differentiation to the results.
Illustration by W & CIE
W e add a multidisciplinary skill base Your brand will benefit from our massive international skill base, where strategic creativity is the all-pervasive power that is used to solve brand problems.
Illustration by Euro RSCG Design & Arquitectura
W e add value for our clients We work with a diverse range of global clients that lead in their sectors. What unites the clients we work with is the desire to create progressive design and communications and connect them across audiences and markets.
Illustration by Conran Design Group
D enis Gancel HAVAS DESIGN+ Coordinator W & CIE CEO T 0033 1 72 27 00 00 E D.Gancel@havasdesignplus.com
M élanie Gardie HAVAS DESIGN+ New Business Project Manager T 0033 6 18 96 48 37 E M.Gardie@havasdesignplus.com
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Illustration by W & CIE
Cover created by the HAVAS DESIGN+ community