J u n i o r l e a g u e o f O k l a h o m a C i t y, I n c .
Changing Lives Through Literacy
January/february 2013
Happy Valentine’s Day! With Love, JLOC
President’s Letter Dear Friends,
H Cristi Hooper Reiger
MISSION The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
appy New Year! I hope the holiday season was warm and wonderful for you and your family. This has been and will continue to be a very big and busy year for our League. While we have accomplished a lot already, we have many goals to achieve by the end of May. Our General Meetings - this year at the Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club - have been the place to be with extra chairs brought in to accommodate our dedicated members! I hope January and February are no different. The Community Placement Fair will be back at our February meeting – and with BIG news! At this meeting, our new 5-year focus area will be revealed, based on your vote. Don’t miss learning the area in which our community projects will be developed over the next 5 years, and in which you will serve. We will also be celebrating our community partners and the work you have been doing with them! The Nominating Committee and the Incoming Board will be working in January and February to appoint next year’s leaders. Please let Christi Coyle or Kristen Brown know where you see yourself serving. If you get a call asking you to serve in an area you haven’t thought about before, please consider it. If they are calling, they have confidence in you! They believe you have the ability to do the job well! Also, this is the time to make sure all of your contact info (particularly phone numbers) is correct on our JLOC website. You are a devoted volunteer. You care about making a difference in our community. You value the training you receive. You enjoy making friends with other women who share these passions. So, why not invite one or two of your friends to join the JLOC, and make your JLOC time even more special? The PAT Committee is waiting to hear from you! Contact Blair Bradley for paperwork and information. Our 85th Anniversary Gala Committee has been hard at work planning a fabulous community event. Please mark your calendars for May 11th. I assure you, this will be a very special, meaningful, and fun celebration of our past and a look into our future. Bring your friends, neighbors and co-workers. It’s a new year, so let’s all renew our commitment to JLOC, the fight against illiteracy, and making this the best year yet!
VISION The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. will empower volunteers to impact our community and enrich lives.
FOCUS Changing Lives Through Literacy
www . jl o c . o r g
2 january / february 2013
Cristi Hooper Reiger President 2012-2013
january / february 2013
Link Vision
To inform members and increase awareness of Junior League of Oklahoma City projects and events. Editor Liza Cryder Assistant Editor & Business Manager Summer DeFehr Committee Members Ashleigh Ahrberg, Amy Bradt,
Annie Brown, Amna Choudry, Lindsey Edemann, Becky Grant, Kelsie Guthrie, Danielle Keogh, Adrienne Nobles, Laura Steen, Leah Sullivan DESIGN Walker Creative, Inc. 2012-2013 Board of Directors President Cristi Reiger President-Elect Kristen Brown Administrative VP Pam Gutel Bylaws Chair Sara Sweet Communications VP Adrienne Nobles Community VP Becky Howell Finance VP Mei Cheng Fundraising VP Ashely Jackson Membership VP Kristi Leonard Nominating Chair Christi Coyle Sustaining Advisor Helen Ford Wallace Community Advisory Board
Paul Ryckbost, Sean Simpson, James Farris, Ryan Johnson, Helen Ford Wallace, Barbara Ley, Paula Love, Mary Ann Williams, Cathy Keating, Marnie Taylor, Bill Condon, Cathi Linch, Cherokee Ballard, Linda Mares, Bryan Eckert, Debbie Forshee, Claudia San Pedro, Clay Christiensen, Brian Maughan, Vicki Clark Gourley, Randy Lewis Community Projects/Project Managers A Soldiers Story Cortney Smith Amachi: Big Brothers Big Sisters Jenifer Stehr Back to School Ginny Starr Boys & Girls Child Literacy Amanda Soderberg Cultural Literacy Stephanie Gannaway Family Fun in the Zone Jenn Tupps Family Reading Nights Julie McCann Health Literacy Laurel Hall JETS After School Reading Molly McBride JLOC Book Drive Ashleigh Muse Kids in the Kitchen Alexandra Haygood KIPP (Knowledge is Power Program) Lindsey Pever Life 101 Kristy Kapp OCCC Adult Literacy Jamie Maddy Positive Tomorrows Shelly Walker Prime Time Natalie Fix Reading Rainforest Kristin Willingham Uniquely Me Katie Freeman Variety Care Health & Nutrition Literacy Wendi Shipp Variety Pack Brandy Parson Whiz Kids Paula Wackenheim Wild Tuesday Story Time Safari Caroline Mildren YWCA Financial Literacy Amanda Foote
League Link is published 6 times a year by the Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc.
[ e ve nts ]
JLOC Members Share in Some Christmas Cheer Provisional Holiday Party 2013/14 Board of Directors Save the Date
[ p e op l e ]
What Junior League Means to Me Star & ABC Awards Featured Membership Blog Girls on the Block
[ pr oj e c ts ]
A Soldier’s Story Health Literacy Life 101
[ va ri ous ]
Annual Membership Luncheon Membership Report Bookshelf J u n i o r l e a g u e o f o k l a h o m a C i t y, i n C .
Changing Lives Through Literacy
January/february 2013
Happy Valentine’s Day!
ON THE COVER: Happy Valentine’s Day from everyone at JLOC! Photography editing by Jennifer Ritchey
With Love, JLoC
The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. 1001 NW Grand Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Phone (405) 843-5668 • Fax (405) 843-0994 www.jloc.org FUNDRAISERS
Financial Development Mistletoe Market
Celebrating 85 Years of Service |
Scene [ events ]
JLOC Members Share in Some Christmas Cheer
ustainer and Past President Sue Ann Hyde — along with her Executive Committee —welcomed the women of the Junior League into her lovely Nichols Hills home for the JLOC evening Holiday Open House on Tuesday, Dec. 10. The Hyde’s halls were certainly decked for the season and delicious holiday treats like homemade egg nog and apple cider and greeted guests upon their arrival.
A good time was had by all as members from the past and present gathered for some Christmas cheer and JLOC reminiscing. The daytime Open House was hosted at Sara Sweet in her beautiful historic home in Heritage Hills. Tasty hors d’oeuvres were enjoyed and laughter filled the house. A big thank you to Sue Ann Hyde and Sara Sweet for opening their homes to our members during the holidays.
Ashley Wilson and Robyn Thompson
Kristi Leonard, Nicole Dobbins, and Kelli Haward catching up at the evening Holiday Party
Annie Brown (A), Beccy Fike (S), Susan Edwards (S), and Paige Frenzel (A) made it to a mother-daughter night at Sue Ann Hyde’s home
4 january / february 2013
Provisional Holiday Party Eat, Drink, and Be Merry! The Provisional Holiday Party, held on Dec. 4, saw over 40 Provisionals come together for a potluck and Dirty Santa party with plenty of cheer! But it wasn’t all just fun and games —always working for their community, the Provisionals made Christmas ornaments for the kids in the Life 101 project. The next two Provisional course meetings will be held at 6:30 pm, Wednesday, Feb. 6 and at 6:30 pm, Wednesday, April 10. With their trainings, socials, and two spring projects to work on —one with the
YWCA and one with the VA hospital —this year’s Provisional class is sure to stay busy in 2013!
Kristi Leonard
Kristi, we thank you for all the hard work and time you have given to the Junior League. We know your future will be bright! CONGRATULATIONS to Kristi Leonard, JLOC’s 2013-2014 President Elect!
2013-2014 Board of Directors Kristen Brown
Jennifer Stehr
Amy McDougall
Kristi Leonard
Sara Sweet
Shannon Gottschalk
Kim Riley
Nicole Dobbins blad
Wendy Mounger
Amy Parrish
President-Elect Administrative VP Bylaws Chairman
Communications VP Community VP
Membership VP
Nominating Chairman
Financial VP
Fundraising VP
Celebrating 85 Years of Service |
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what Junior League of Oklah 85th Anniversary oma City Gala where OKC Golf & Cou ntry Club when Saturday, May 11, 2013 We will honor ou r rich past, cele brate the impact of our “Changing Lives Through Litera cy” 10-year focus, and looking ah ead to JLOC’s future at a special ev ening you won’ t want to miss! For m ore information on existing sponsors hip opportunitie s, to learn more ab out the event and to get involved, pl ease visit jloc.or g.
6 january / february 2013
Profile [ people ]
What Junior League Means to Me
By Rejeana Allgood
remember the Sunday afternoon four years ago when I asked my friends, Adrienne and Leslie, “So what is this whole Junior League thing that you talk about?” Although I can’t recall their answers exactly, what I know for sure is that their answers were enough to convince me to give volunteering in the Junior League a try. Now, all these years later, I have no regret that it was the right decision for me. Today when the same question is posed to me, I talk about the bright and compassionate women who volunteer and the number of community partners we serve and occasionally, I get to elaborate on what the Junior League means to me personally. I start talking about the amazing friendships
I’ve made—the number of weddings, baby showers, birthday parties, happy hours, etc., that I never would have been a part of without meeting the incredible women with whom I share a common interest in volunteering for our community. We all have high school and college friends, but the good friends that follow in our adult lives will be built upon common interests and that is what has happened to me through volunteering with the Junior League. The bonus is that my opportunity for contributing to the community changes from year to year. One year I can volunteer in a community placement and experience the fulfillment of meeting and touching lives in a very personal way and the next year or two, I can volunteer in
“... I look forward to what the years ahead hold for me and for the new friends that I’ve yet to meet.” fundraising and help strategize how the Junior League will raise funds to continue financially meeting our mission. What I know for certain is that each experience within the Junior League is positive and I look forward to what the years ahead hold for me and for the new friends that I’ve yet to meet.
“His little hands stole my heart and his little feet ran away with it.”—Unknown
London Rubbie Neumann
Fletcher Drew Harris
Pierce Daniel Ward
Born October 30, 2012 Parents are Brittany & Christopher Neumann
Born September 30, 2012 Parents are Cyone & Andrew Harris
Born October 1, 2012 Parents are Margo & Harper Ward
8 january / february 2013
STAR & ABC Awards
he September ABC award was presented to Placement Co-Chairs Denise Cramer and Shannon Gottshalk. Over the summer, Denise and Shannon worked with Project Managers to make sure each placement had enough volunteers. There were a couple of placements that needed more workers, so Denise and Shannon looked for and found Actives willing to move placements. Denise and Shannon organized Fall interviews for every Active member, and made sure the Advisors had the necessary materials to conduct informative and efficient interviews. Finally, JLOC is pleased to announce that, due to Denise and Shannon’s diligence, every single eligible Active member has been placed in a Community Project! Thank you, Denise and Shannon, for your dedication to our Junior League! The October ABC Award was presented to the Mistletoe Market Board for
making the 2012 Market a success! Under the leadership of Amy Parrish, the Mistletoe Market Board organized and executed another fantastic event for JLOC and the community. The Merchants committee worked hard to bring in many new merchants this year, who all were overwhelmed with hopsitality from our volunteers and the seamless procedures in our second year downtown! The special events were a hit with shoppers and the decorations were a hot ticket item for purchase! Marketing’s hard work payed off when thousands of shoppers hit the doors and the treasury team worked hard to make sure there were no hitches when patrons arrived. Thank you to the Mistletoe Market Board for your effort and dedictation to JLOC. The September STAR Award was presented to Ashley Engle for her work in the Life 101 Placement. Ashley was nominated by her Project Manager, Kristy Kapp, who writes that Ashley was thoughtful over Fall Break and brought
doughnuts to the children served in our project. I know this seems like something little, but these kids never get doughnuts and had to spend their entire Fall Break at the shelter. It means so much to these children to have someone come and hang out with them. The October STAR Award was presented to Leah Jackson for her work in Life 101. Leah was nominated by her Project Manager, Kristy Kapp, who says that Leah has exceeded all expectations. She has contacted and been approved by DHS to mentor one of the shelter’s children in addition to the Thursday night sessions at which she volunteers through the JLOC. By mentoring a child, Leah is able to take the child out of the shelter to spend time doing fun things that a normal teenager would get to experience. The children served by Life 101 do not get to do very many things outside of the shelter, and Leah’s involvement with her child gives her so many things that most people take for granted.
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MEMBER BLOGS blo g g e r :
y day, Danielle Keogh is owner and CEO of her financial and contracting services firm and by night she is the owner of Liberté, Classen Curve’s newest women’s boutique. She started her blog as part of the store’s website in May of 2012. Topics range from how to wear certain styles like lace to recaps and pictures from fashion designers visiting Liberté.
D a n i e ll e K e o g h
What inspired you to start the blog? When I started Liberté I never had any intent on starting a blog. My original intent was to just notify people of events at the store, etc. I was inspired to write the blog because there are so many women who want fashion advice but don’t always know what they want to know – they just know they want it. Being in fashion, my sales staff and I are often surprised by stigmas that people may have against a certain article of clothing. For instance, some women might be completely averse to trying on a bandage dress (I used to be one of them!). It wasn’t until I tried on the handmade bandage dresses that we carry in Liberté, that I truly understood what all the fuss was about – it is like
Spanx for your entire body! Using the blog format, we like to educate women on the subject and to show women what might work for their body.
What do you hope to accomplish with the blog? To educate and entertain.
Do you have any goals for your blog in 2013? My main goal for my blog in 2013 is to post more often and to expand into other subjects other than just fashion such as my, “Posing for Holiday Pictures” blog.
You do a great job of consistently posting with lots of fashion advice and pictures. Which post
is your favorite and what is the topic? My favorite blog was probably “Dressing the Part” where I talk about women in the workplace. I often mentor women in the accounting field and I wish someone had informed me some of the things I included in this blog. I can be a bit dense at times and I need information in a blunt format.
Who is your favorite designer and why? I tend to move around on my favorite designers based on season. For fall and winter, I love Temperley London. For spring, I tend to favor Issa because it is so easy and comfortable especially if I have packed on any holiday weight! For summer, I love OndadeMar because their swimwear and
cover ups are so amazingly chic.
Who is your style icon? My favorite style icon is Diane Kruger. I think a woman’s style icon says a lot about where they want to go. She is always very lady like (think Jackie O) with a flair. I have yet to develop that flair, as I am almost always dressed more “classic” but like all women, my style is always evolving…
What is your winter wardrobe staple? My winter wardrobe staple is a fabulous cozy scarf. Personally, I have a variety of cashmere and silk scarves that I use to keep warm. They can add so much life to a basic winter coat, blazer, or sweater.
open houses
Come discover the Westminster difference at our
First Glance
For Parents of Fall 2013 First Graders Thursday, January 31 • 6:30–7:30 p.m. Lower Division Auditorium • 701 NW 43 Street
Primary Division Open House
For Parents of Prospective Fall 2013 Pre-K & Kindergarten Students Tuesday, February 5 • 7–8 p.m. Primary Division • 612 NW 44 Street
Middle Division Transition Night
For Parents of Fall 2013 Sixth Graders Thursday, February 7 • 7–8 p.m. Middle Division Auditorium • 600 NW 44 Street
10 january / february 2013
Pre-K and Kindergarten Grades One through Eight Reply to Paul Arceneaux in the Admission Office at (405) 524-0631 or by email at parceneaux@westminsterschool.org. 600 NW 44 Street • OKC, OK 73118
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Tell us what your job entails and your favorite part about working for the Lt. Governor?
Ashley Kehl provisional
What motivated you to join JLOC? Finding new ways to be part of the community and serve the community was definitely a motivating factor for me. We are all so very blessed and it is such a privilege to be a part of an organization whose whole mission is to give back.
What has been the highlight of your provisional year thus far? Definitely the new friendships and being able to work together for a common goal. Meeting women from all walks of life has been fun. So many memories
12 january / february 2013
have already been made and we are only half way through the year!
Tell us about where you grew up and where you went to college. I’m a western Oklahoma, small town girl who moved to the big city. I graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University with a degree in Communications and Marketing. I love the wide open spaces of western Oklahoma, but have definitely loved making my home here in Oklahoma City.
My job as the Lt. Governor’s Director of Communications encompasses many duties. I serve as his primary press contact, drafting press releases, scheduling press interviews and preparing him for various speeches, as well as coordinating all of his special projects and events. The favorite part about my job is being able to visit Oklahomans from across the state and work to improve the quality of life here at home. Our elected officials work hard to serve the people of our great state and I am grateful to have the opportunity to do my part as well.
Who is the most memorable person you have met through your job? Former Prime Minister of Great Britain Tony Blair. He is a very dynamic speaker and encouraged my generation to never stop learning and never stop traveling—two of my favorite things. That piece of advice is something I will always remember.
Do you plan on making any New Year’s Resolutions? I am definitely a goal setter and tend to make resolutions throughout the year. But I think it is beneficial at the beginning of every year to look back at what you’ve accomplished in the
last year, and see what you can still do moving forward. There is always something new to learn!
What is your ideal Valentine’s Day date? Time with your special someone at a Thunder game! The whole month of February gives us time to spoil those we love, reminding them how great they are and reminding ourselves how fortunate we are to have them in our lives. And as a sports lover, this is one of my favorite date night rituals.
What is your favorite love story/romantic movie? Since I grew up during the 1990’s, the romantic comedies from that era will always be my favorite. But the one at the top of the list is You’ve Got Mail. New York City is one of my favorite places and is the perfect setting for a love story.
What is your favorite OKC restaurant? Hefner Grill is one of my new favorites. They have a unique atmosphere right on the lake with very delicious food!
BLOCK Whitney Ward active
What is your placement? Life 101 at Youth Services/ Family Junction.
What is your favorite Junior League memory? Dressing up with friends at the Remarkable Shop (RIP). I also have enjoyed getting to work with the kids at Youth Services. My heart breaks that they do not have families around and can’t even have a normal school life. They are never allowed to go to a friend’s house or spend the night out. It just makes me sad, but feels good that I get to brighten their day when I visit
them and take them surprises.
How will you ring in the New Year? Probably starving my self to get skinny for my upcoming nuptials.
Do you have any New Year’s resolutions? When someone offers me water, (like at a meeting or store) my resolutions is to always accept it. I never drink enough water, therefore I am constantly dehydrated. Another resolution is to go to spin class at least three times a week.
You will become Mrs. Adam Rainbolt in just a few weeks... how did your love story start? I went to University of Georgia for college, so it was always so fun to see everyone when I would come home for breaks. Adam and I met when my brother had a few friends over to my parents’ house over Thanksgiving break my sophomore year. I was listening to him talk to his friends and remember thinking he was so funny. He is a few years older, but we kept in touch and would see each other when I was in town and when he came to visit a few times. We started dating long distance my senior year and when I graduated I got a job and moved up to DC where we both worked for Oklahoma senators. After a couple of years, we moved back to Oklahoma to go to graduate school. He proposed a few days after my birthday last year.
What has been your favorite part about planning a wedding? Dress shopping, for sure. I went up to Chicago for the weekend and tried on tons of dresses, just to pick the second one I put on. We had so much fun!
What has been the most stressful part of planning a wedding? Oh brother, it’s all pretty stressful. I am picky about all the little details. Making lists for showers and the wedding was the hardest. We are trying to keep it pretty small, but have a ton of people that we want to be there, so that has by far been one of the most difficult things.
How will you be spending Valentine’s Day this year? Adam and I will be in New Zealand on our honeymoon!
Where will you get married and how did you pick that location? At the beginning of February we are getting married in Paradise Valley, Arizona. We wanted to do a destination wedding and February in the desert is beautiful. I have grown up going to Scottsdale and my parents have a home there, so it just seemed like a good place to get hitched.
Celebrating 85 Years of Service |
Christi Coyle Board member alone and she was my biggest supporter! Also, my first time to sit on the board as membership vp...it was a super special board and I have VERY special friends from that board...oh and nominating...very very dear to my heart...super special!!
Most memorable New Year’s Eve?
What is your placement this year? Nominating Chair
What is your favorite Jloc memory? I have two....when Betsy Mantor was president, she helped me go to volunteer to rebuild in New Orleans after Katrina...I went
I am not much of a New Year’s Eve person...but the funniest was when my husband and I were sleeping and we thought we were being burglarized but we realized it was midnight and fireworks were going off!!! We were in deep sleep and had no clue!
New Years resolutions? Never!!!! I hate failing!! It sounds corny but I just want to do a little better each year. But I would love
to do the Soul Yoga challenge of 30 classes in 5 weeks...gosh.... I just put that on paper didn’t I???
#1 goal in 2013, in and out of the league. I want to leave the women on the nominating committee with a great sense of pride and accomplishment. They are amazing women and made my last year in the league truly special. It is time for me to go sustaining at 46 and I have to believe I have another purpose. Maybe I will do some special events or party planning but definitely volunteering!!!!
Are you a big valentines day girl? How do you and your husband celebrate?
he treats me on all of the other days of the year!!! AND I’m not a girl that says that and then gets mad if my husband doesn’t do something special....I have to say...I get notes all year from my husband...happy girl!!
Favorite romantic movie? Emma...or any lifetime Christmas movie...I’m a sucker!
What have you enjoyed most about being a JLOC member? Making an impact on the community is the obvious (and true) answer....but JLOC had made me the woman and volunteer that I am to this day. Also, this organization has given me the best friends and colleagues that a girl could ever want!!! I am blessed!
NO!!!!!! I only care about how
Jeanie Butts sustainer How long have you been a member of JLOC and what has been the highlight of the League for you? I have been in JLOC for 21 years! I remember at my Welcome Celebration, I had just had my youngest daughter, Zoe, who will be 21 this February. Time flies! Every year… every placement has been an incredible experience which has profoundly impacted my life. I don’t think I have just one highlight…pretty much every year and placement brought new knowledge and new experiences which helped shape me and brought such pleasure to me while also serving the community. I will say that serving on the Board of Directors was a very special time to be
14 january / february 2013
given the opportunity to both serve and lead the membership while impacting the community.
What is your advice to the new members of the League? My advice to new members of JLOC is to give the League every bit that you can…give every placement all you can! My mother always told me anything worth doing is worth doing well and I believe that! You will get proportionately out of anything what you are willing to put in it, so go for it! Do your best, stay connected and always be willing to do what is needed. Go the extra mile – you will never regret your involvement with the League. I could have never imagined all that I have learned, friendships I have made and
opportunities I have been given by serving within the League. As long as you are willing, you can serve!
What do you hope for in 2013 – both personally and for JLOC? I hope that 2013 is a happy, healthy and kind year for all of us.
What is your favorite book? I love to read…I love anything by James Patterson. But I have to say my most favorite and most dear book that has been with me for many years is my Bible. It is an annotated women’s Bible and is beloved and treasured. I have flagged just about every page! It is marked on and well-worn…my best friend!
What is something not many people know about you? A lot of people know that I am a lawyer but many do not know that I recently obtained my real estate broker’s license! It took several months and many, many hours of studying…and now I am an officially licensed broker with The Covington Company! I am proud and excited for this new adventure.
Jill Farrand & Dustin Merritt
To be Wed April 13, 2013
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hardt married September 15, 2012
To announce your engagement or wedding in the League Link, go to the Members Only portion of the jloc.org website and submit your requested information. The NearlyWed/Newly Wed form is located under the Forms/References tab. If you would like to submit a photo, please send it to Summer Smith at summerann@gmail.com
To announce your engagement or wedding in Brides of Oklahoma Magazine, contact us at 405-607-2902 or visit www.thebridesofoklahoma.com
Junior Leaguers receive $100 off your announcement in Brides of Oklahoma Magazine
Focus [ projects ]
A Soldier’s Story
By Cortney Smith
n its 5th year, A Soldier’s Story is connecting JLOC members with America’s finest. The Community Living Center, a unit in the Veteran’s Hospital in downtown OKC, serves as a homeaway from home for veterans receiving long term care. These courageous men and women have served our country and during two weekly shifts, it is our privilege to break up their stay and bring a little joy to their day.
“It was a HUGE hit! Every single patient in the CLC participated. Even the patients who couldn’t physically come out and join us couldn’t wait to see us coming towards their door.” During visits, our mission is to provide a break from illness and disability, from the monotony of doctors and tests. Vets get out of their rooms and join league members for literacybased games (dominos, cards, chess, scrabble, pool). Poker-literacy is a specialty of E’Shaina Harned, to which several veterans look forward! Even
16 january / february 2013
simple conversation can be a blessing. Just ask Penn Woods, a WWII POW, author, husband, father, girl-scout troop leader…an amazing man who, in his 90’s, is truly a shining light amongst us. He cherishes gabbing with our members, especially when it’s with our very own Robyn Thompson. Whether it’s one of the highly anticipated monthly bingo games or simply a chat, the veterans look forward to our weekly visits. To further incorporate the League’s literacy mission, we have put on several “special” events. We handed out books and then followed up two weeks later with the movie version. During movie night, the veterans watched The Rookie while munching on fresh popcorn and refreshments served by members like Beth Perry. Following in the projects tradition, on November 28th we served Thanksgiving dinner complete with china and tablecloths, desserts made with love and warm conversation. To get everyone in the holiday spirit, our members decorated each of the veterans’ room doors, including Richard Maxey’s, the VA’s volunteer coordinator. Halloween was especially fantastic. League members, including Beth Morelli, brought their dressed up kiddos, while other volunteers dressed up themselves. For the first time, we went door-to-door to vets hospital rooms trick-or-treating and inviting them
to come out for party refreshments, Halloween trivia, and merriment. It was a HUGE hit! Every single patient in the CLC participated. Even the patients who couldn’t physically come out and join us couldn’t wait to see us coming towards their door. The only problem? Not enough little ninjas, princesses, and farm animals. Upon special request, this year’s holiday party was a Christmas Sock Hop! Think, “Christmas meets Grease.” A few good men, asked for classic rock: Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley, and Johnny Cash. On Dec. 19, we had pizza, played Christmas trivia, and laced up our blue suede shoes! Nahleen Lopez donned a fullon elf costume, while other members stuck to Capri pants and pony tails. As a special holiday treat, we handed out stockings stuffed with journals, note cards, calendars, playing cards, notepads and pens, magnifying glasses and head-scratchers! As project manager, I could not be more pleased to lead this group of women. I am so proud of the gracious hearts each one has brought to this project! They have been doing a wonderful job and the guys (and gal) love their visits. It is a testament to their generous spirits’ that we have such a high turnout. These ladies are making a real and tangible difference in the lives of these heroes.
Health Literacy By Laurel hall
e’ve all seen the statistics. Our home state that boasts numerous, some would say, charming qualities also has challenges related to healthy living. Our challenges rank in the embarrassing realm when compared to other states. So as Junior League has always done, we’ve swung into quick action to remedy some of that problem in our own backyards. The Health Literacy project works with Schools for Healthy Lifestyles to mentor an entire elementary school in The Village. Our volunteers use Schools for Healthy Lifestyles’ five focus areas to model and educate children and to hopefully open their eyes to healthy choices for themselves as they grow into adulthood and beyond. We work all school year to devise fun lessons to teach and reinforce the integration of Fitness, Tobacco Use Prevention, Fire Safety, Injury Prevention, and of course Healthy Nutrition into the everyday lives of Andrew Johnson Elementary’s students. We visit the school
on a regular basis, most often in our workout attire, to teach and to play with over 200 children who range in age from Kindergarten to Sixth Grade. Yoga has become one of their favorite fitness activities. The Junior League donated just over 100 child-sized yoga mats last year. We arrange them “sunbeam style” and practice our strength, balance, stretching, and breathing. The Village Fire Department visits once a year to teach the students what to do if they ever find themselves in a fire. We run relays, we have walka-thons, we taste test cherry tomatoes and mandarin oranges together. We have started a tradition that each year at the walk-a-thon finish line, each child receives a book, tied with a ribbon and gift-tagged with his or her name “From Your Friends at Junior League Oklahoma City.” The books are chosen with one of our five focus areas in mind and at the reading level of each class. We also attend one “Family Night” put on by the school’s parent organization to formally present
a donation to the newly-created Health Literacy section of the school library. We started donating books to the library last year in hopes that parents and kids would check-out healthy recipe cookbooks and other useful books for families on healthy choices. We all know that children are our future. We believe that making a lasting impression on these students with the message that they are in control of their heath will positively impact our community in the long run.
Give Back to the Junior League Through the Annual Campaign A favorite quote we share in Financial Development, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”—Margaret Mead. We sought out some of our thoughtful donors this year to ask why the JLOC is important to them and why they feel it’s important to offer their financial support. Here is what they had to say: Debe Hauschild, Sustainer
I became involved in the league through friends. The training I received through my years in the league is invaluable to me, especially conflict resolution! I was project chairman for the Myriad Gardens placement YEARS ago! To me, charitable giving is very personal. It depends upon the project, the “ask”, and the people involved. Kristy Hayes, Provisional
My mother-in-law, Gigi Faulkner, is a sustainer and told me about Junior League. I thought it sounded like a great way to meet new people while getting more involved in the community. OKC is such a growing community right now and there are so many opportunities to help others to make an impact. I have learned throughout my provisional
year that The Junior League contributes so much to OKC and it’s important to give back and support it so we continue to have the resources to keep providing the great services that we do. I have a passion for working with and helping children, so learning about all the projects and activities that the League has for children is so inspiring. I feel that literacy is so important for children and the League has so many projects that involve children and literacy to make it fun for them. I’m currently on the Provisional Community Outreach Committee and am looking forward to working with the YWCA as a part of our project! Ruth Norton, Sustainer
I joined the Junior League of Richardson, Texas in the early 80’s. I was active for over 10 years and served on the Executive Committee twice. When we moved to Oklahoma, at first we were in an area with no League. When we ended up in OKC, I kept thinking we were going back to Texas soon. Finally, I remembered what I always said to transfers to the League in Richardson, “Bloom where you are planted.” So I am a recent Sustainer Transfer and I do love and believe in the work of AJLI and have treasured the training and the opportunities to serve my community. I feel it’s important to support
the League because it’s the best way to give broadbased support to the community. Whether by giving time or monetary contribution, all League members are able to impact the lives of the people in their community. I feel the small amount I give to the campaign is the least I can do to further the work of such a vital and caring organization. Nicole Dobbins, Active
I was encouraged to join by several friends and I was looking for a way to volunteer within the community. Our annual campaign provides the league an additional opportunity to continue to make a positive impact on the community in which we reside by funding our community projects. It’s easy to forget how blessed many of us are and it brings me joy knowing my monetary contributions brighten a child’s day through the giving of Christmas toys, school supplies, or books. The annual campaign launched in November and we are on pace to reach our goal of 100% participation from our membership in honor of this hallmark, 85th anniversary year. If you’d like more information, please contact Ashley Jackson at 903-372-4421 or Rejeana Allgood at 405308-9986.
Celebrating 85 Years of Service |
B y K r i s t y K a pp
Life 101 is a placement which will make you appreciate the small things in life. It will especially make you appreciate your parents and all the luxuries you enjoyed growing up. Life 101 takes place at Family Junction, in Oklahoma City. Family Junction is not only a place for the placement, but it is a place that many children call home. It can be home for anywhere from one day to one year or more. Family Junction is shelter for children who are currently in the Department of Human Services custody. The children range from pre-teen to eighteen. The residences of the shelter are both boys and girls. At any give time there are about ten to fifteen kids who are calling the shelter home. The placement with Junior League meets most Thursday evenings from 6-
7:30pm. At each session the women of Junior League teach the children about essential life skills that, unfortunately, due to the children’s background most have not been taught. Applying for jobs, interviewing, relationships, cooking, finances are a few of the session topics. How the session is taught depends on who is leading. We have taught kids about finances by playing monopoly, taught about applying for jobs by bringing in resumes and have mock interviews. Sometimes our sessions involve having dinner with the children and talking to them about their day, because they don’t come home from school every day to a mom or dad asking them “how was school today�. Some of the best sessions at Family Junction are the nights when a session is not planned. Upon turning 18 years old the child has to leave the shelter even if he/she does not have any family to go stay with. Many of the children who stay at the shelter will be out on their own at
a very young age. Teaching them about life skills is essential to their success. Another aspect that the placement brings for the children is consistency and companionship. Almost every week during the school year the placement meets and some women from JLOC are there. Many kids tell us it is something they look forward to each week. As mentioned earlier, Life 101 will make you appreciate so many of the things that we take for granted. When you were in high school did you enjoy going to a friend’s house after school? Did you enjoy going to Sonic to get a coke? What about being able to go to the kitchen and have a snack? These are all luxuries that the children at Family Junction do not get to enjoy. A very apparent example is every week there is a girl at the shelter that asks for a specific league member because that member brings that little girl bubble gum. That little girl looks forward the that pack of gum each week.
Žěȹ ÂžÂœÂ‘Ç°Čą 3rd Grade, Science & Social Studies Teacher John Robertson, Casady Student, Class of 2015
Today, I ignite their curiosity. 1947
Casady School 405.749.3185
/ casady.org
18 january / february 2013
Tomorrow, my curiosity seeks solutions. ŠœŠÂ?¢ȹÂ?ŠŒž•Â?Â˘ČąÂ–ÂŽÂ–Â‹ÂŽÂ›ÂœČąÂŽÂ—ÂŒÂ˜ÂžÂ›ÂŠÂ?ŽȹŽÂ&#x;ÂŽÂ›Â˘ČąÂŒÂ‘Â’Â•Â?ČąÂ?Â˜ČąÄ™Â—Â?ČąÂ‘Â’ÂœČąÂ˜Â›ČąÂ‘ÂŽÂ›Čą Â™ÂŠÂœÂœÂ’Â˜Â—ÇŻČą Â?Čą ŠœŠÂ?¢ȹÂ?Â˜Â›ČąÂ—ÂŽÂŠÂ›Â•Â˘ČąÂ?Â Â˜ČąÂ?ŽŒŠÂ?ÂŽÂœÇ°Čą Žěȹ ÂžÂœÂ‘ČąÂ?ÂŽÂŠÂŒÂ‘ÂŽÂœČąÂ?‘’›Â?Čą grade science and social studies. John Robertson, Class of 2015, Â?˜—Â?Â•Â˘ČąÂ›ÂŽÂ–ÂŽÂ–Â‹ÂŽÂ›ÂœČąÂ‘Â’ÂœČąÂ?’–Žȹ’—ȹ ›ǯȹ ÂžÂœÂ‘Č‚ÂœČąÂŒÂ•ÂŠÂœÂœÂ›Â˜Â˜Â–ÇŻČą ÂŽČąÂŒÂ›ÂŽÂ?Â’Â?ÂœČąÂ‘Â’ÂœČą teacher for igniting an interest in science and for helping satisfy his insatiable hunger for information. John now aspires to become a œŒ’Ž—Â?Â’ÂœÂ?ȹ’—ȹ™Š›Â?ČąÂ‹ÂŽÂŒÂŠÂžÂœÂŽČą ›ǯȹ ÂžÂœÂ‘ČąÂ?ŠÂ&#x;Žȹ‘’–ȹÂ?‘ŽȹÂ?›ŽŽÂ?Â˜Â–ČąÂ?Â˜ČąÂŽÂĄÂ™Â•Â˜Â›ÂŽÇŻ Casady delivers on its promise to prepare its students for success.
Financial aid available. Casady School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.
Celebrating 85 Years of Service |
Et Cetera [ various ]
Annual Membership Luncheon
ach year the Junior League of Oklahoma City honors two sustaining members for their achievements in volunteer service to the community. The award recipients will be honored at the Annual Member Luncheon. To find out more information about the event and to purchase tickets
log-on to www.jloc.org or complete the response card that accompanied your invitation and mail to the Junior League of Oklahoma City, 1001 NW Grand Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73118. When: Thursday, March 7, 2013 Where: OKC Golf and Country Club Ticket Cost: $45
One of last year’s honorees, Jeary Seikel, with her family at the 2012 Annual Membership Luncheon
M EM BERSH IP Resignations Brittney Keating Cecilie Pfluger Melanie Hayhurst Anna Covington Diane Gbone Alexandra Edwards Pending Transfer In Roxanne Maynard, San Antonio, TX Transfer Out Alex Haygood, San Jose, CA Maureen LeBlanc, to New Haven, CT LOA Bailey Gordon Whitney Donley Jenna Foster Shelley Shelby Whitney Moss Emergency LOA Sierra Snowden Amy King
20 january / february 2013
NRA Anne Vermillion Jennifer Bass Christa Caraway Congratulations Liza Cryder(A): birth of twin girls Andrea Atchison(A): wedding Jennifer Harrison Hardt(A): wedding Lindsey Choate Riddel(A): wedding Jamie Manoles(A): birth of baby Kristin Ferate(A): birth of baby Cyone Madrid(A): birth of baby boy Margo Ward(A): birth of baby boy Stephanie Donnelly(A): wedding Care & Concern/Condolences Sandy Shapard(S): loss of husband Nicole Jacobsen(S): loss of father Barbie Schrick(A): loss of grandfather Lori Webster(S): loss of father Wendy Mounger(A): loss of grandfather Molly McBride(A): loss of son
Bookshelf Q U E S T IO N S
1. What book are you currently reading? 2. What book that you have read in the past 1-2 years would you highly recommend to your fellow JLOC members? 3. What is your favorite children’s book? 4. What is your favorite love story?
Amy Bradt
Janie Axton
Mei Cheng
Board Member
1. “Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power” by Jon Meacham. I never read political biographies, but this one intrigues me! 2. “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn - it’s great! 3. “Are You My Mother?” by PD Eastman. I remember reading it everyday as a child. It’s so nostalgic for me. 4. “The Notebook” by Nicholas Sparks. It might be cliche, but it’s so great.
1. “The Racketeer” by John Grisham. 2. “The Birth of Venus” by Sarah Dunant—historical fiction. 3. “The Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. 4. “The Notebook” by Nicholas Sparks.
1. “The Evolution of Vertebrate Blood Clotting” by Russell Doolittle. Sounds geeky and boring but it really isn’t. 2.”Glass Castle” by Jeanette Walls. I couldn’t put it down! I read it for a book club and then bought extra copies to share. So if you want to read it, let me know and I’ll give you my copy. Probably it will be more interesting to the general public compared what I am reading now. 3. “Make Way for Ducklings” by Robert McCloskey. When we were little, my dad used to read it to my sisters and I all the time. I think I love the memories of the time spend together as much as the book itself. 4. My favorite book in general is “Rebecca” by Daphne Du Maurier. Usually considered a mystery but I consider it a love story since Maxim really did love her. Books that make me cry over and over again (“Where the Red Fern Grows”) no matter how many times I read them are also on that list.
Celebrating 85 Years of Service |
Et Cetera
League Leash
Send photos of your family pets to Liza Cryder at Liza.cryder@gmail.com
Caroline Turan’s adorable dog, Maddie, snuggled up in her favorite chair
Lauren Hauschild and her boxer, Bear
Laura Steen’s Christmas pups, Max and Carl
Alexis Lux’s fireside - and fancy! - puppies
22 january / february 2013
Asst. Editor Summer DeFehr’s pup, Fergus, cooling off Lauren Williams’ dog, Hamilton, dressed up for Christmas
One laptop for every student, grades 7-12 Now @ Heritage Hall st education for the 21 century 1800 Northwest 122nd Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73120 • 405.749.3001 • www.heritagehall.com Celebrating 85 Years of Service |
Changing Lives Through Literacy
MISSION The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
VISION The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. will empower volunteers to impact our community and enrich lives.
FOCUS Changing Lives Through Literacy
www . jl o c . o r g
Thank you for advertising with us!!! Bolen Brides of Oklahoma Casady Heritage Hall
Laura Lynn’s Home Care Majestic Roofing Norwalk Furniture Pure PR
Remax Real Estate Westminster
Increase your business and advertise with us! Get on board for the 2012-2013 League Link year and start advertising. The circulation is over 2,000 and sent to not only JLOC members and sustainers but also to numerous businesses and community organizations. Special rates are available for League Members, Sustainers and Provisionals. For contract, ad size, and pricing information contact: Summer DeFehr League Link Business Manager Summerann@gmail.com
The next deadline is MARCH