July 2018 LeagueLink

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J U N I O R L E A G U E O F O K L A H O M A C I T Y, I N C .


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A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8

President’s Letter Dear League Members,

MISSION The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

VISION The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. will empower volunteers to impact our community and enrich lives.

FOCUS Women Building a Better Oklahoma City

Happy New League Year! Thank you for your dedication to the Junior League of Oklahoma City over the past year. Many of you worked diligently to ensure that our 90th Anniversary was a year to remember, not only within the League, but within the greater Oklahoma City community. It was exciting to see the community come together for the rebuilding of the Oklahoma City Zoo Jungle Gym. It is a great example of what can happen when strong women leaders – Sustainers, Actives and Provisionals – from the Junior League work together. Junior League members are trained volunteers who make things happen. In addition to the commitment of “Building a Better Oklahoma City,” we need to be just as committed to improving ourselves. We are the most effective when we continue to develop our potential. As you think about your upcoming year in the League, I want to challenge you to think about why you joined the League, what you want from it and how we can assist you to develop your leadership potential. Let’s sharpen our leadership skills to help the community, bring our best self and make the biggest impact. To support this effort, the Training, Leadership and Development committee (TLDC) recently rolled out the Junior League Leadership Institute. The Leadership Institute is the chance for all of us to gain targeted leadership training to continue developing our potential. Also, this year we will work on the long-range strategic plan to ensure that the League is relevant and an organization our daughters will want to join. I believe we are ready to tackle the tough questions to continue to move the League’s mission forward. As I look forward to the 2018-2019 year, I hope: • We will support each other and commit to the League for us – not because we have to but because we want to develop our own potential. • We will work together to find shared solutions that yield high results. • We will be that unstoppable force that can be more things to more women. With sincere appreciation, Pam Gutel Campbell President, Junior League of Oklahoma City, 2018-2019

MEET YOUR EDITOR Beth Armstrong joined the Junior League as a provisional member in 2016 and dove in headfirst into service and leadership activities. In her first active year, she served in the Kids in the Kitchen/Top Chef placement, participated on the Communications Council as a Member at Large and was the head writer for the Western + Grand 90th anniversary entertaining book. An Oklahoma State University alumna who originally hails from Austin, Texas, Beth has grown 2 JULY 2018

roots in Oklahoma through her work at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in downtown Oklahoma City and involvement in several civic organizations outside of JLOC. With a degree in communications and a strong passion for writing, Beth is eager to lead the League Link magazine into another great year of celebrating the incredible accomplishments, service and community involvement of the women of the Junior League of Oklahoma City.


To inform members and increase awareness of Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. projects and events. EDITOR Beth Armstrong SUSTAINING CO-CHAIR Shannon Love COMMITTEE MEMBERS Kelsie Geister, Katelyn Kelly,

Marshelle Oakley, Darian McPherson, Sarah Richert, Rebecca Smith, Mindy Wright, and Ileanna Wright 2018-19 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Pam Campbell PRESIDENT-ELECT Mandy Heaps ADMINISTRATIVE VP Alex Brady BYLAWS CHAIR Kristen Ferate COMMUNICATIONS VP Natalie Fix COMMUNITY VP Leslie Coale-Mossman FINANCE VP Lydia Sullivan-Benham FUNDRAISING VP Sheena Karami


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James Farris, Debbie Forshee, Nicole Dobbins, Lillie-Beth Brinkman, Mel Martin, Alex Cameron, Beth Shortt, Clytie Bunyan, Mary Melon, Noel Williams, MD, Annette WhiteKlososky, Molly Ross, Jim Gebhart, Rita Aragon, Aurora Lora, Jeff Kretchmar, Kelly Dyer Fry, Michael BrooksJimenez, Teresa Rose Crook, Kersey Winfree, Kristine Browne, Susan Webb COMMUNITY PROJECTS/PROJECT MANAGERS FAMILY FITNESS NIGHTS Whittney Hood FOOD AND FUN AT FAMILY JUNCTION Kajal Jassemnejad HEALTH BEYOND SIGHT Lydia Fields KIDS IN THE KITCHEN/TOP CHEF Ashley Rivers &

Michelle Keffer KIDS ON TRACK Debra Ridpath PET ANGELS Sarah Dozier PET FOOD PANTRY Kayla Coffey ROAR Kendra Murrill

events ]

May General Meeting ABC and STAR Awards A New Meeting Location with Lots of History


p e o p l e]

Provisional Class Receives Active Status Welcome 2018-19 Board of Directors NearlyWed and NewlyWed





projects ]

Women in Party Gloves Get Things Done Membership Report JLOC Project Updates



va r i o u s]

We Are JLOC 2017-18 Financial Review League Leash


League Link is published five times a year by the Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. HEADQUARTERS

ON THE COVER: Scenes from our 90th year.

The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. 1001 NW Grand Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Phone (405) 843-5668 Fax (405) 843-0994 www.jloc.org FUNDRAISERS

Mistletoe Market Speaker in the City Annual Campaign



“It is a given that when you do something with the Junior League you will have support and love, so always say yes no matter what your status is. It makes us a better and stronger organization.”

[ events ]

May General Meeting


— ANN CAMERON Past President


his year’s final General Membership Meeting was “a cut above the rest” with twinkle lights, champagne jelly beans and diamonds setting the tone for a grand celebration of an incredible year for the Junior League of Oklahoma City. The outgoing Provisional Class peppered Will Rogers theatre with sparkle and glam, a suitable tribute to the 2017-2018 President Tracey Frederick. Members and graduating Provisionals poured

in before the meeting to peruse various tables with information about dozens of JLOC committees and opportunities to serve the league beyond placements. Sign-ups for committee positions for League Link, Speaker in the City, Mistletoe Market and TLDC were among the most numerous. The League bid a fond adieu to the 2017-18 Board of Directors with an especially moving speech about the strong leadership surrounding her administration from outgoing President FRANK MUSKRAT

Tracey Frederick. After the passing of the gavel ceremony, 2018-19 President Pam Campbell took the stage with an inspiring message about the role of the Junior League of Oklahoma City in making our community a better place to live through empowering women to become equipped leaders. Celebrating members going from Active to Sustainer and Sustainer to Sustainer Emeritus status further illustrated the long and rewarding careers of the women of the League, showcasing the rich history and years of service so many Oklahoma City women have given to this community. As the meeting concluded, after celebrating an incredible 2017-18 Provisional Class and Board of Directors, and looking forward to the new Provisional Class and leadership under Pam Campbell, we know that this next year will be another great one and we are in good hands! Thank you to Tracey Frederick for her outstanding leadership over the past year. Pam Campbell, we are looking forward to the incredible things that you will do! FRANK MUSKRAT

4 JULY 2018






ABC and STAR Awards 2017-2018 ABC Award Recipients JUNE 2017

Jenn Tupps

League Link Editor

JULY 2017

Chelsea Rickett & Azadeh Adlamini

Project Development Committee Chair, Vice Chair


Kristen Van Nort

Strategic Planning Chair


Jenna Hudson

PAT Vice Chair


Kelli Hilgenfield

PAT Advisor


Rachel Petty & Becca Sullivan

Co-Community Coordinators


Beth Armstrong

Communications Council Member at Large


Leslie Coale-Mossman & Katherine Chandler

Advising Mentor Co-Chairs


Hillary Ashton

Mistletoe Market Print, Marketing Chair, Speaker in the City Promotions Co-chair

MARCH 2018

Natalie Fix & Morgan Hopson

PACE Chair, Public Relations Vice Chair

APRIL 2018

Ann Cameron, Matilda Clements, Christi Coyle, Betsy Mantor & Ann Trudgeon

Zoo Steering Committee Sustainers

2017-2018 S.T.A.R. Award Recipients JUNE 2017

Kayla Coffey

Pet Food Pantry

JULY 2017

Stephanie Josefy

Health Beyond Sight


Kiley Hendley

Food & Fun at Family Junction


Whitney Hood

Family Fitness Nights


Debra Ridpath & Michelle Keffer

Kids on Track


Kajal Jassemnejad

Kids in the Kitchen/Top Chef


Julia Dane Elizabeth Matson

Pet Food Pantry YWCA


Leslie Crissup

Open Streets

APRIL 2018

Kelsie Geister

The Health Fair

6 JULY 2018





he Tower Theatre sits proudly in the Uptown 23rd District of Oklahoma City. A staple to the landscape since 1937, this historic landmark is one of Oklahoma City’s last original movie houses with an original auditorium and neon marquee. While it might be more than 80

years old, it will feel “new” to Junior League of Oklahoma City members as it is the new location for General Membership Meetings, beginning Sept. 11. Make plans to meet JLOC friends at 425 NW 23rd Street for networking at 5:30 p.m. and the meeting at 6 p.m.

General Membership Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month. Gen eral Membership Meetings begin at 6 p.m., with networking beginning at 5:30 p.m. Meetings will be held at Tower Theater, located at 425 NW 23rd Street.


September 11, 2018 November 13, 2018 January 8, 2019 February 12, 2019 *March 12, 2019 April 9, 2019 May 14, 2019 *We will only meet in March if another General Membership Meeting is cancelled due to weather. Parking is available in the lot across the street from the theatre.


Profile [ people ]

Provisional Class Receives Active Status


he Provisional Admission and Training (PAT) Team is proud to announce that the Junior League of Oklahoma City has welcomed 84 dedicated women into active membership as of June 1, 2018. As actives and sustainers know, the Provisional year is a fun and full year of League activities, trainings, and service projects. To kick off the year, the Provisional class met in June at the Boys & Girls Club for team building exercises presented by

8 JULY 2018

Shiloh Adventure Camps. Then over summer the crew enjoyed a refreshing summer social at the Clauren Ridge Vineyard & Winery. Committed to giving back, the class participated in the Community Project “Haunt the Zoo,” where Provisionals had the chance to work booths at the Oklahoma City Zoo’s Halloween-themed fundraising event. Further, these women gave their time at Infant Crisis Services and at the Jungle Gym Rebuild at the Oklahoma City Zoo. Celebrating all their hard work, the

Provisional class toasted to a great year at their Spring Social at Fassler Hall. Jennifer Fritsch ushered our newest members through an exciting provisional year with the help of Vice Chair, Jenna Hudson and PAT Advisors, Amy McDougal, Lexy Lux, Daniella Knighten, Margo Ward, Kelli Hilgenfeld, Erin Sexson, Laura Neal, Dana Gillett, Laura Winkler and Lauren Rieken-Hobbs. Congratulations to the Provisional Class of 2018 for achieving active status!

Class of 2017-18 Congratulations to the following ladies who achieved Active Status at the May General Membership Meeting Caroline Allen Michelle Andrews Rachel Benbrook Maggie Bowker Laura Brinlee Sarah Brown Courtney Caplin Bekah Capps Kristal Cochran Alexandra Cochran Cameron Collins Rachel Cook Caroline Cookson Ciara Daniels Katie Duke Sammy Duncan Alexis Embry

Colleen Enis Erica Ernzen Megan Gelmers Beth Gentry Nicki Georgi Kristen Gillock (Lauck) Edith Gilyard Dani Beth Goodrich Sarah Beth Hall Sarah Hartman Laura Heckenkemper Kelsey Henry Morgan Hensley Gabrielle Henson Mayra Hernandez Alicia Hewlett (Deaton) Stephanie Hinton

Krissy Holman Cassie Holmes Abby Johnson Daysha Johnson Hayley Jones Evalyne Kamau Katelyn Kelly Jennifer Killmer Samantha Kobs Maggie Lanier Danielle Lapsley Whitney Lopez Lindsay Lucas Haley McCaleb Christy McCarthy Jessica McCormick Kimberly Meade

Camden Means Christen Morgan Marcella Morgan Brooke Nolte Shelley Oakley Glenda Parker Allison Parker Felicia Patel Arden Pentz Cassidy Pinion Lauren Polchinski Sarah Powers Bri Ramos Kristin Richards Taylor Rockefeller Katie Rose Lyndsey Ryan

Candace Saunier Calley Scott Natasha Seymour Sara Shidell Kathryn Simon Shayna Sims Sarah Stringer Whitney Swyden Victoria Tran Nikki Wade Katie Wagner Tiara Wallace Kelsey Watson Madelyn Willis Carley Yates Megan Young

2017-1 8 JUNIOR LEAGUE A DV I S ORY COU N C I L M E M B E R S Thank you to our 2017-18 Junior League Advisory Council members for generously sharing your time and expertise with the Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. This is a group of trusted, high-level advisors representing a variety of professions and community experience, who act as mentors to our JLOC Board of Directors and other councils. This year we were pleased to have a number of returning members as well as a few new faces.

2017 – 2018 MEMBERS JAMES FARRIS, James Farris Associates DEBBIE FORSHEE, Community Volunteer NICOLE DOBBINS, Chaparral Energy LILLIE-BETH BRINKMAN, NBC Oklahoma MEL MARTIN, First National Bank of Oklahoma ALEX CAMERON, KWTV News 9 BETH SHORTT, Leadership Oklahoma City CLYTIE BUNYAN, The Oklahoman MARY MELON, The Foundation for OKC Public Schools NOEL WILLIAMS, MD, Optimal Health Associates ANNETTE WHITE-KLOSOSKY, EWF International MOLLY ROSS, James Hall Center for Mind, Body

JIM GEBHART, Mercy Hospital RITA ARAGON, Secretary of Oklahoma Military

Veterans Affairs AURORA LORA JEFF KRETCHMAR, Prodigal, LLC KELLY DYER FRY, The Oklahoman MICHAEL BROOKS-JIMENEZ, Michael Brooks-Jimenez, P.C. TERESA ROSE CROOK, OKC Community Foundation KERSEY WINFREE, SSM Health of Oklahoma KRISTINE BROWNE, Community Volunteer SUSAN WEBB, Oklahoma City Philharmonic

& Spirit Institute

THANK YOU TO THE 2017-18 BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR A GREAT YEAR! Tracey Frederick, President Pam Campbell, President-Elect Paula Cagigal, Administrative VP Sabrina Froehlich, Bylaws Chair Christy Wilson, Communications VP Courtney Smith, Community VP

Katharine Johnston, Finance VP Kristen Ferate, Fundraising VP Adrienne Nobles, Membership VP Mei Cheng, Nominating Chair Pam Newby, Sustaining Advisor Jamie Manoles, Chief of Staff 9


Welcome 2018-19 Board moved here as an adult. I wanted to find an outlet to meet other like-minded women who were passionate about volunteering and improving their community. Junior League was the perfect fit and I'm so thankful I joined. I have made some wonderful friends and developed important professional relationships. What’s on your summer playlist? Well, I've been listening to lots of really chill music lately like Beach House, Washed Up, and Sufjan Stevens. So, I feel like that will continue. I have also been diving back into Fleetwood Mac, so I suspect my summer will be filled with some 70's vibes, as well.



President Why did you join the Junior League? I joined the Junior League of Oklahoma City to network with women leaders. I have been fortunate enough to work with many community organizations throughout my career, so I really wanted the training JLOC offers. What do you love most about OKC? I love Oklahoma City’s continued growth, vision for the future and community spirit. What has been your favorite placement thus far? I have a feeling this one will be my favorite, but I loved being the nominating chair and a PAT Advisor. It is great working with members. What’s on your summer playlist? Because I have a 2 and 4 year old, I don’t have the luxury of a summer playlist. We listen to a lot of Frozen, Trolls and “Shake it Off” over and over and over!


President Elect What was your best vacation? My husband, Rob, and I revisit our honeymoon location every couple years. We stay at The Excellence in Playa Mujeres. We are suckers for an all-inclusive where we can truly unwind and not worry about any details. We are already planning our next visit! What has JLOC’s impact been on your life? JLOC's impact on me can't be emphasized enough. I'm a better human because of the League. JLOC has given me moments to feel successful and accomplished but to also learn and develop for myself what it means to be a leader. Most importantly, the League has given me an incredible support system in the women I serve alongside.



Community Vice President Why did you join the Junior League? I didn't grow up in Oklahoma City, and I felt disconnected when I

10 JULY 2018

Fundraising Vice President What has JLOC’s impact been on your life? My immediate thought is how I've met some of my dearest friends through JLOC. These women have impacted me in more ways than I could have ever imagined! My secondary thought is how JLOC has challenged and pushed me to do things I never dreamed possible. Through every opportunity to serve, I realize I've gain more than I've given to our organization. That may sound odd, but the leadership and applicable skills I've learned through serving others first has helped me in every aspect of my personal and professional life. What do you love most about OKC? Easy—the people! Not to mention the growth of the city. Every day there is something new. It's an exciting time to live and work in OKC.

Administrative Vice President What was your best vacation? My husband and I went to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic for our honeymoon and it was wonderful. It was definitely the most relaxing beach vacation I've ever had! What do you love most about OKC? I was born and raised in Oklahoma City. There are so many things I love about my hometown. I love how it has grown and the culture has developed over the years—we have wonderful restaurants, shopping,

of Directors activities and museums! I love the pockets of historical neighborhoods and walking our dog in them. I love how kind and down-to-earth the people are. Finally, I love that we get all four seasons of weather! Oklahoma City truly is a wonderful place to live.

Mrs. Helen Ford Wallace has truly blessed me with her friendship and provided an example of the kind of woman I hope to be...someday. What was your best vacation? My favorite vacation spot is probably Charleston, South Carolina. I love the architecture, food, sailing and history.



Membership Vice President Why did you join the Junior League? Honestly, to meet new people! I was new to OKC and thought JLOC would be a great place to meet like-minded women that are making a difference in our community! What’s on your summer playlist? I'm an old soul, so you're not going to find anything Top 40! A summer playlist is not complete without "In the Summertime" by Mungo Jerry!


Finance Vice President What has been your favorite JLOC placement thus far? Kids in the Kitchen/Top Chef at the Boys and Girls Club was a lot of fun. I enjoyed sharing the gift of food with the kids and learning tips from them along the way. (And learning some quick meals for myself!) Why did you join the Junior League? I joined the League to become involved in the OKC community and help it grow. I was also looking for a way to meet some other women and grow my friend circles and network.


Communications Vice President Why did you join the Junior League? I joined to volunteer—I wanted to work with organizations who needed volunteers to complete their missions and to be part of a group of like-minded women that makes a clear impact on our community. It is so cool to me that through JLOC, I have worked on projects where I could watch kids' faces light up when they finally read a hard sentence on their own or do activities with seniors that help keep their minds sharp (And to hear about their amazing life experiences!). Working in the community is still one of my favorite parts of what JLOC does—though I now understand we do so much more. What was your best vacation? I have such fun memories of road-tripping with my family. We'd load up every summer and head off to see national parks, monuments and historical sites. We crammed in the Suburban with our luggage (never pack more than you can carry...), cooler, Mad-Libs, elbows, stinky feet and history lessons. We still laugh about car trouble, crazy detours and sketchy motels we experienced along the way. And I still love a good road trip!

Sustaining Advisor What has been your favorite JLOC placement thus far? My favorite placements have been First Steps- parenting project for first time parents and President of the JLOC because I traveled and was able to meet outstanding women from across the country who were making an impact in their communities. What’s on your summer playlist? Here are just a few! Tell Me you Love Me by Demi Lovato, Most People are Good by Luke Bryan, Ain’t No Mountain by Diana Ross, and Tiny Dancer by Elton John.


Chief of Staff What was your best vacation? I am pretty sure it is going to be my honeymoon the first week of June. We are getting married on a sailboat in Newport, Rhode Island and then driving up the coast from Boston to Nova Scotia with stops and adventures along the way. What has been your favorite placement so far? I really enjoyed serving as the TLDC Chair. I am a total professional development geek and love all things social, so it was a perfect blend.




Bylaws Chair What has JLOC’s impact been on your life? JLOC has had a tremendous effect on my life. It has challenged me and helped to foster relationships that I would have missed otherwise. My mentor/advisor

Nominating Chair Why did you join the Junior League? I joined the League to be a part of an organization that makes such an enormous impact on our community. I knew I’d make friends, but had no idea how much the wonderful women in the League would enrich my life. What do you love most about OKC? I love that OKC has a life of its own. I love the diversity and the ever-evolving lifestyle we have here!

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” —Eleanor Roosevelt




ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL Alex Brady, Administrative VP Kristen Ferate, Bylaws Chair Jillian Neville, Headquarters Chairman Cassidy Sullivan, Arrangements Chair ARRANGEMENTS CHAIR Cassidy Sullivan COMMUNICATIONS COUNCIL Natalie Fix, Communications VP Beth Armstrong, League Link Editor Hillary Ashton, Mistletoe Market Print and Marketing Chairman Autumn Davenport and Mote Nickel, Speaker in the City Promotions Magon Hoffman, Public Relations Vice Chair Jenn Knight, Web Content Assistant Editor Suzanne Singleterry, Public Relations Chair Shannon Stiger, Social Media Chair Jessie West, Web Content Editor COMMUNITY COORDINATORS Lauren Hammonds Johnson Chelsea Rickett COMMUNITY COUNCIL Leslie Coale-Mossman, Community VP Azadeh Adlamini, Community Project Development Chair Becky Taylor, PACE Chair Becca Sullivan, PACE Vice Chair COURTESY & RECOGNITION COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRS Heather Coyle Laura Winkler FUNDRAISING COUNCIL Sheena Karami, Fundraising VP Lydia Sullivan-Behman, Finance VP Leslie Crissup Sunnarvik, Financial Development Chair Sarah Frank, Speaker in the City Sustaining Co-Chair Bria Hanlon, Mistletoe Market 12 JULY 2018

Chairman Angie Huffaker, Speaker in the City Chairman Tabitha Narviaz, Financial Development Vice Chair Whitney Pence, Mistletoe Market Vice Chairman Ann Richard-Farinha, Mistletoe Market Treasurer FINANCE COMMITTEE Lydia Sullivan-Benham, Finance VP Candace Beaty, Speaker in the City Treasurer Leslie Crissup Sunnarvik, Financial Development Chair Amanda Dietz, Mistletoe Market Vice Treasurer Lauren Hammonds Johnson, Community Coordinator Mandy Heaps, President Elect Sheena Karami, Fundraising VP Erin Logan, Community Project Development Vice Chair Jillian Neville, Headquarters Chairman Chelsea Rickett, Community Coordinator Samara Terrill, TLDC Chair HEADQUARTERS CHAIR Jillian Neville LEAGUE LINK Beth Armstrong, League Link Editor Natalie Fix, Communications VP LEGACY AND LEGENDS COCHAIRS Shelly Soliz Whitney Tatum MEMBERSHIP COUNCIL Heather Ward, Membership VP Blair Bradley, Transfer CoChairman Kathryn Wilde, Transfer CoChairman Matilda Clements, Sustaining Events Co-Chair Linda Garrett, Sustaining Events Co-Chair Heather Coyle, Courtesy and Recognition Chair Amanda Harding, Placement/

Advising Mentor Co-Chair Lindsay Riddel, Placement/ Advising Mentor Co-Chair Kelli Hilgenfeld, PAT Vice Chair Jenna Hudson, PAT Chair Kathy North, Nominating Chair Samara Terrill, TLDC Chairman Laura Rutledge, TLDC Vice Chairman Shelly Soliz, Legacy and Legends Co-Chair Whitney Tatum, Legacy and Legends Co-Chair PROJECT ANDCOMMITTEE EVALUATION COMMITTEE Becky Taylor, PACE Chair Becca Sullivan, PACE Vice Chair Mandy Heaps, President Elect Lydia Sullivan-Benham, Finance VP Leslie Coale-Mossman, Community VP Lindsay Riddel, Placement/ Advising Mentor Co-Chair Amanda Harding, Placement/ Advising Mentor Co-Chair Chelsea Rickett, Community Coordinator Lauren Hammonds Johnson, Community Coordinator Azadeh Adlamini, Community Project Development Chair PROVISIONAL ADMISSIONS AND TRAINING COMMITTEE Jenna Hudson, PAT Chair Kelli Hilgenfeld, PAT Vice Chair Sarah Miller, Advisor Hayley Moore, Advisor Tori Raines, Advisor Erin Sexson, Advisor Tracie Simard, Advisor Courtney Smith, Advisor Anastasia Svec, Advisor Amy VanHemel, Advisor Christy Wilson, Advisor Breann Hager, Advisor PLACEMENT/ADVISING MENTORS Amanda Harding, Placement/ Advising Mentor Co-Chair Lindsay Riddel, Placement/ Advising Mentor Co-Chair Kelli Hilgenfeld, PAT Vice Chair Audra Doty, Mentor

Emma Flinton, Mentor Sabrina Froehlich, Mentor Breann Hager, Mentor Kelli Wayward Walsh, Mentor Sabrina Hermann, Mentor Katelyn Hudson, Mentor Morgan Liebel, Mentor Lori Mayhue, Mentor Krystal Murer, Mentor Laura Neal, Mentor Paige Ross, Mentor PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Suzanne Singleterry, Public Relations Chair Magon Hoffman, Public Relations Vice Chair Natalie Fix, Communications VP Janelle Archer, Mistletoe Market Print and Marketing Vice Chair Jessie West, Web Content Editor Jenn Knight, Web Content Assistant Editor Shannon Stiger, Social Media Chair COMMUNITY PROJECT DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Azadeh Adlamini, Community Project Development Chair Erin Logan , Community Project Development Vice Chair Mindy Rule, Project Developer Rachel Vernon, Project Developer HISTORIAN/SCRAPBOOK Laura Scott TRAINING & LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Samara Terrill, TLDC Chair Lauren Rutledge, TLDC Vice Chair Heather Ward, Membership VP TRANSFER CO-CHAIRS Blair Bradley Kathryn Wilde WEB CONTENT Jessie West, Web Content Editor Jenn Knight, Web Content Assistant Editor

Question: What is an Advising Mentor?


dvising Mentors are a resource for members! These ladies help guide all members through placements and JLOC careers. They answer questions and provide support. Advising Mentors serve a group of women and plan Fall and Spring interviews to provide one-on-one support to new members of the League. This is an opportunity

for you to ask questions, gain insight into how you can achieve your goals in the Junior League, and make sure you are meeting all of the requirements of an active member. Your advisor is well-versed in all things League-related, so lean on her for information and guidance to make the most of your JLOC career!

In each issue of the League Link



magazine, we will tackle questions you might have about League leadership, organization, projects, and more. If there’s a topic you’d like to see covered in an upcoming issue, email it


to leaguelinkeditor@gmail.com.



NearlyWed and NewlyWed Best Wishes to

Rachel Petty & Taylor Henderson Engaged September 15, 2017

Best Wishes to

Kara Bundren & Baxter Lewallen Engaged March 3, 2018

14 JULY 2018

Congratulations to

Casey & J.P. Hill Married March 24, 2018

Best Wishes to

Bailee Cartwright & Lane Adams Engaged November 19,2017





[ projects ]

Women in Party Gloves Get Things Done



itting in a sleek, modern coffee shop surrounded by the clanking dishes, whirring of espresso machines, and the oscillating hum of a half-dozen conversations around us, I got to know an extraordinary woman named Ann Cameron who helped to lead an extraordinary effort for the Oklahoma City Zoo on behalf of our League. Energetic and decisively friendly, Ann quickly schooled me on what it means to have a long and rewarding career in the Junior League of Oklahoma City. This story is not about Ann. It’s about she and the other dozen women on the steering committee, and the hundreds of other leaders and volunteers who made possible one of this year’s biggest and most impressive League projects: The Jungle Gym at the Oklahoma City Zoo Rebuild. Fifteen years ago, a vision was cast and the women of the Junior League of Oklahoma City came together to commemorate the League’s 75th anniversary with a lasting legacy for the community. In 2004, a $1.35 million project facilitated by more than 5,000 volunteers and 100 local businesses designed and constructed the Jungle Gym at the Oklahoma City

Zoo. Since it’s construction, thousands of children and families have made lasting memories at the Jungle Gym. After 15 years of the well-loved Jungle Gym hosting kids from all over the state, it was showing its wear. Inspired by this legacy and the celebration of our 90th anniversary, the League had another vision to restore and revive the Jungle Gym to its former glory for more generations to play and enjoy. Who jumped in? Some of the same League women who passionately served on the original project 15 years ago! A true testament to the dedication of the women of JLOC, Ann Cameron chose to return to the Jungle Gym project along with the other members of the steering committee: Betsy Mantor, Matilda Clements, Ann Trudgeon, Kathy Hager, Lori Mayhue, Morgan Hobson, Christi Coyle, Jamie Herrera, Sheena Karami, and Sabrina Froelich. With $75,000 of seed money and a lot of heart, the group mapped out a plan… and quickly realized that this project was going to be much bigger than they had planned. “There was a moment of pause, wondering. Then we realized, we can do this. We had to choose to be responsible through the tension between doubt and trust.” Ann recalled. Fundraising, sponsorship, and grant awards

Margaret Hoge served as the League’s president for the 19981999 year. A 40-year art teacher, she has more than just a talent for art, she has a heart for sharing it with others. She has illustrated the last two publications of Goodnight OKC and shared her special talent with the Zoo Rebuild project by bringing the playground mural back to life! Thank you, Margaret, for bringing so much beauty to JLOC and the community! brought the project budget up to $300,000, a welcomed and needed increase for the expanded scope of the project. On the days of the rebuild, spirits were high. Women showed up, t-shirts on, gloves on, and ready to work. In true Oklahoma form, all weather patterns made an appearance… chilly wintery temperatures, wind, moisture, and sunshine. Through it all, more than 660 JLOC volunteers donated 5,161 hours of leadership and manual labor to bring the Jungle Gym back to life. Twentyseven thousand pounds of woodchips were delivered and dumped for the playground while women painted, drilled, cut, and built new components for children to enjoy for years to come. Ann remarked, “It was amazing to see sustainers who were on the project 15 years ago work with new actives, getting tools from Betsy’s tool boutique and getting busy. I’m telling you, women in party gloves can get things done!”

Through the incredible partnership with the Junior League of Oklahoma City, Zoo Friends, and the Oklahoma City Zoo, the Jungle Gym is now a place for kids of all walks of life to come and have fun. We would not have been able to pull of a project of this scope without the kindness of more than 100 local businesses and sponsors. Thank you for your support!

and women who have made a new commitment to serve the Oklahoma City community. Side by side, women of the Junior League continue to make a lasting difference in the community because of our passion to do something meaningful together.

A BIG DIFFERENCE $75,000 from JLOC $113,542 in volunteer labor $84,045 in cash donations and gift cards $78,748 in in-kind donations $1,820 in Amazon wish list donations Fifteen years ago the women of the Junior League of Oklahoma City had a vision to give something lasting to the community. This year we returned to that commitment with women that had been there years ago



MEMBERSHIP TRANSFER IN Katie Atkins (Durham, NC) Jourdon Bishop (Tulsa) Leslie Kearns (Rhode Island) Debra Ridpath (Midland, TX) Jaleesa “Leesa” Komolafe (Dallas, TX) Emily Lilly (Dallas, TX) Jennifer Perry (Tulsa, OK) Amber Corbin (Ft. Worth) Dawn Bogart (Collin Co., TX) – Sustainer Janessa Gallegos (Pueblo, CO) Genevieve Quick (Dallas, TX) Jaquetta LeForce (Phoenix, AZ) – Sustainer Rebecca Harris (Birmingham, AL) Susan Grace Hill (Anniston-Calhoun, AL) Raye Leonard (Tulsa, OK)

TRANSFER OUT Victoria Hui (Tulsa, OK) Erin Williams (Kansas City, MO) Sheldra Brigham (Houston, TX) Taylor Cain (Houston, TX) Jessica Harris (Houston, TX) Briana Stone (Phoenix, AZ) Caroline Baumunk (Denver, CO) Vanessa Davis (Denver, CO) Lisa Shanbour (Los Angeles, CA) Laura Slater (New York City) Megan Anson (Houston, TX) Sarah Jane Harris (Dallas, TX) Kelly DeLorenzo (Dallas, TX) Beth Pearcy (Boston, MA) Lynn Stout (Denver, CO) - Sustainer Meg (Margaret) Walsh (Monterey Co., CA) Callie Heerwagen (Dallas) Lanie Roper (Dallas) Madison Nash (Washington, DC) Margaret Lavender (Tulsa, OK) Janessa Gallegos (Pueblo, CO) Kesisha Landry (Washington, DC) Colleen Enis (Dallas, TX) Renee Hall (Kansas City, MO) Katy McNeil Meir (St. Louis, MO) Crystal Crawford (Houston, TX)



436Active Members 88Provisional Members 850Sustainer Members 1374Total 18 JULY 2018

Jennifer Anderson Leslie Blair Sarah Campbell Jenifer Cefalo Denise Cramer Macie Craven-Tims Heather Davey Liz Davies Anne Emberson Erin Engelke Hillary Farrell Britten Follett Erin Fong Stephanie Gannaway

Ashley Hackler Lauren Hamm Mandy Hansen Colleen Hatfield Andrea Holley Dini Homsey Whitney Hooten Leah Jackson Katharine Johnston Amanda Kirkpatrick-Lawler Jennifer Klos Polly Kranz Kate Lindley Amy McDougall Jenny McElroy Deanne McGehee Jill Merritt Heather Messer Katie Moore Stephanie Naifeh Toni Parks-Payne Whitney Porch-VanHeuvelen Genevieve Quick Regan Raff Candice Rennels Lauren Reiken-Hobbs Lezel Safi Elizabeth Semtner Ilana Sharpe Paige Sheller Sormeh Slater Adria Sprawler Courtny Steward Leah Sullivan Jessica Tompkins Jenn Tupps Margo Ward Meredith Wegener Rebekah Wheeler

SUSTAINER TO SUSTAINER EMERITUS* AS OF JUNE 1ST, 2018 Ann Butler Susan Cook Kaye Cook Marinell Guild Mary Ann Haskins Jan Hurley Mary Mahaffey Marilyn Meade Cynthia Meyerson Lil Ross Carol Sander Marilyn Torbett Anne Workman *Sustainer Emeritus status is granted to women who are Sustainers and turn 80 years old.

JLOC Project Updates W

e are excited to welcome the following new project partnerships to our Community placements! Our volunteers will have a largescale impact with these three unique projects, as each works with diverse populations and ages across central Oklahoma.

NEW PROJECTS: Pet Angels is dedicated to the sheltering and placing of animals, and public education of animal care. JLOC volunteers will work two-hour sessions walking and playing with animals, prepping animals for adoption events, cleaning cages and assisting staff at the Rescue. Volunteers will also have opportunities to assist at adoption events across the metro. Volunteers will lead ROAR lessons at The Care Center that teach the children the Rules of ROARing: Remember, privates are private, Okay to say no, Always talk about secrets, Raise your voice and tell someone. This program

encourages mental and physical health and our JLOC volunteers will play a crucial role in teaching children healthy boundaries. Volunteers with Community Impact Events will have a new opportunity to leave their mark this year. The Gaylord-Pickens Museum offers programming during school breaks for children and their families. Volunteers will assist museum staff with activities during spring break, which will include story time, crafts and physical activity.

CONCLUDED PROJECTS: The following projects were concluded at the end of the 2017-18 year: • Elementary Health with Schools for Healthy Lifestyles • Guest Chefs at Ronald McDonald House We appreciate the opportunity to partner with these great agencies and wish them much continued success!


Et Cetera [ various ]



re you out getting healthy, supporting our community or spending time with other JLOC members? If so, we want to know about it! Submit your JLOC photos to our Webmaster and you may be featured in your JLOC

& ME or the next issue of the League Link Magazine! Don’t forget to use the following hashtags on social media: #JLOC, #WeAreJLOC, #JLOCFavoriteThings or #JLOCHealthySelfie. You may also send all selfies images with a short description and your name to webmaster@jloc.org.

WELCOME TO THE 2018-2019 PROVISIONAL CLASS Courtney Aldridge Emily Allan Sierra Alvarez Nina Barker Jenefar Battle Stephanie Bersche Sarah Bertolucci Arden Biard Kayla Bilbery Daryn Brady Taylor Brady Jessica Burris Tiffany Burton Emily Carmichael Lauren Carter Heather Carter Tiffany Cashion Christa Cherian Sharon Caddou Samantha Collins Kistna Conely Welth Cooper Whitney Cox Casey Crenshaw Erin Cunningham

20 JULY 2018

Katherine Darr Devyn Denton Meghan Dobbins Allison Dodson Danielle Dunn Kia Eddins Emily Elliston Natalie Estes Kelli Fitzpatrick Kathleen Flores Sacia Fowler Mikayla Frech Ann E. Freeman Jamie Gibbons Jessica Gracon Abby Grantham Rachel Greene Marissa Haley Alysha Hancock Lauren Hensley Kelsi Hildreth Abigale Hirsekorn Terra Hoffman Brittany Holzheauser Emily Hood

Erika Jackson Naomi Jenkins Kristin Jennings Adrienne Johnson Sharneka Johnson Christy Kastl Rachel Kliewer Elaine Kramer Karalee Langford Anna Lawrence Ashley Lawson Jami Leuschen Laura Linville Erin Lucas Madison Lucas Morgan Lyness Emily Martin Meredith Massey Aubree McGee Laura McLain Alexandra McNeill Darian McPherson Janessa Melott Morgan Melton McKenzie Melton

Jasmine Miles Laura Moore Kendall Morgan Sarah Neese Elizabeth Nelson Nicole Nilsen Elizabeth Nordin Kaci North Kathryn Osborne Rachel Palmer Molly Pattullo Rebecca Phillips Kelly Poarch Courtland Powers Amanda Quelly Kristin Rebenitsch Allison Relyea Sarah Richert Katherine Ringwall Alexandra Rogers Abbie Ruckman Kaci Schick Lyndsay Schoenhals Hayley Scott Lauren Shamblin

Colleen Shappee Emilee Sides Monica Smith Rebecca Smith Brittany Soliz Alexis Sparks Talia Sperry Carolyn Stevenson Meredith Stubenhofer Jayna Sunmugavail Lara Leigh Switzer Julie Taufaasau Jocelyn Taylor Kellie Turner Kelli Ude Jennifer Vickery Abbey Walker Lauren Walling Rebecca Weingart Claire White Brandi Wilkins Elizabeth Williams Clara Wilson Katherine Wilson Meredith Wilson

COURTESY & RECOGNITION By Heather Coyle & Laura Winkler



Liz Eickman – Governor’s Art Award Lori Mayhue – New job w/ Rebuilding Together OKC Katherine Chandler – New job Tina Izadi – Started her own lawn firm Heather Coyle – (thinking of you): Good luck with your campaign for district judge Selena Skoman – New job as Executive Director of the Plaza District Lauren Rogers – New job at Beautiful Dream Society Marriages & Engagements

Morgan Hensley - Engaged Rachel Petty – Engaged Bailee Cartwright – Engaged Jessica Szetzo – Engaged Marissa Valdez – Engaged Kara Bundren – Engaged Casey Randall – Married Kendra Murrill – Married

Tearsa Olson – Baby girl Annie Sartin – Baby boy Kaydee Stevens – Baby girl Katie Atkins – Baby boy Laura Steen – Baby girl Becca Sullivan – Baby boy Amanda Seay – Baby boy

CONDOLENCES Mary Ruth Ferguson – Passed away Liz Coe – Passed away Mary Nichols – Passed away Danielle Lidwell – Father passed away Chelsea Rickett – father and grandfather passed away Sorelle Fitzgerald – Husband passed away Selena Skorman – Father passed away Kristi Leonard – Father passed away Michelle Wynn—Father passed away

CARE & CONCERN Kristen Ferate – Daughter Clara had surgery Judy Wilson—Heart surgery (scheduled for later this year)


Carson Matthew Sartin

Charlotte Ann Steen

Born February 11, 2018 Parents are Annie & Matt Sartin

Born March 30, 2018 Parents are Laura & Conner Steen


Et Cetera

2017-18 Financial Review 0.94%

Revenues (Accrual Basis - Unaudited) 29.89%



Dues & Fees



Interest Income & Distributions



Fundraising & Financial Development



Special Events & Projects




4,746.00 0.94%



Budgeted Expenses (2017-2018) 13.86%


Community Services

110,558.00 18.00%

Community Support & Volunteer Training* 291,471.63 20.70%


Management & General Expenses

127,175.29 20.70%

Fundraising Costs




47.44% *Includes Mistletoe Market

22 JULY 2018

The Board of Directors works diligently to manage the finances of the Junior League of Oklahoma City, ensuring that sound financial practices are aligned with our organization’s mission. The annual audit for the year ending May 31, 2018 has not yet been completed.

However, select unaudited financial information has been included below. Our audit report for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2017 showed a strong financial position. Our most recent audit report and tax return are available on our website, www.jloc.org, or upon request.

Budget Income (2017-2018) 34.50% 39.44%

Dues & Fees

153,580.00 34.50%

Interest Income & Distributions



Fundraising & Financial Development



Special Events & Projects

175,575.00 39.44%




Expenses (Accrual Basis - Unaudited) 14.06%


Community Services




Community Support & Volunteer Training* 291,471.63


Management & General Expenses

127,175.29 20.99%

Fundraising Costs




48.10% *Includes Mistletoe Market & Speaker in the City


Et Cetera

SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR $100-$249 1492 New World Latin Cuisine Alotta Action Advertising Benjamin Turner, Jr. Betty K Fletcher Real Estate Candy Reece Carol Sander Cherry Kay Clifford Devon Energy Institutional Shareholder Services (Iss) Jana Reynolds John Wills Karen Luke Katie James Katie Moore Kayla Fassio Fitness Larry Edwards Lush Blow Dry Bar Marjean Towe Moody & Heim Pediatric Dentistry Ok Heart Hospital On A Whim Polished Nail Salon Self Stephanie Naifeh Sue Homsey Target Top Golf Western Industries Corporation Amanda Harding Amanda Seay Ashley Zamudio Casa

24 JULY 2018

Cortney Smith Cp&Y Erin Logan Jamie Herrera Jennifer Doughtie Jennifer Kaiser Kelly Brown Krystal Murer Lauren Johnson Pam Campbell Shannon Dunn Summer Defehr Lucky Dog Lodge Sally Bentley Srm Fitness Llc Learning Tree Toys Cookie Pprincess Ben E Keith Soul Yoga Sabrina Herrmann Aquatots Katherine Hager Dcp Midstream Beauty B Float Okc Gils Clothing & Denim Harry’s Tv & Appliances Mary Price No Regrets Sheraton Okc Downtown Hotel The Jones Assembly Alexa Slaughter Catherine Armitage Doncaster Women’s Apparel Gina Burchfiel Jan Turnbull

Jill King Judith Flesher Karen Arms Karla Mccasland Kay Oliver Kris Frankfurt Laura Ogle Lee Ann And Michael Nordin Leslie Rainbolt Linda Garrett Ms. Julia Hall Nicole Dobbins Nora Medley Patti Marshall Rene Vassar Sarah Frank Vi Le 9Th Street Barking Lot Kathy Brown Panera Bread Accupuncture Healing Corner Bc Clark Jewelers 7-Eleven Brickopolis Courtney Holliday Linda Ligon Rebecca Walker Frank Hill Big Sky Bakery Bob’s Fish & Seafood Nothing Bundt Cakes Chick-Fil-A At May & 63Rd Sabrina & Jay Froehlich Brenda & Randy Granzow Carol & Mike Johnson Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler

Mom’s Club Of Edmond West Laurie Myers Schwab Meat Company Sue Ryan Shartel Café $250-$499 Ambassador Hotel Okc City Bites Colcord Hotel Hc Counstruction Holding Lllp Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler Kendra Scott Okc Energy Fc Pinkitzel Santa Joe Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar & Grill Beth Shortt Okcpt Katharine Johnston Lisa Mcconnell Christi Coyle Paula Cagigal Beyond Studios Okc Body Language Gym Brown’s Bakery Eote Coffee Company Mustang Collision Center Okc Boathouse Skirvin Hilton Hotel The Scout Guide Okc The Wedge Pizzeria Vanessa Wells Images Oklahoma Hall Of Fame

GENEROUS DONORS Prairie Wolf Spirits Salon Exclusive Thirst Wine Merchants Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers Summer Defehr Oklahoma City Equine Clinic Ck And Company Shannon Love Photography Annonymous Impulse Fitness Nothing Bundt Cakes Oklahoma City Thunder Pie Junkie Great Plains Coca-Cola Jones Public Relations Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Lilyrain Jewelry Btp Productions Heim Orthodontics Betsy Mantor Pat Schonwald Insomnia Cookies Bedlam Bbq Fred’s Catering Marco’s Pizza Sprouts Farmer’s Market Starbucks At Memorial & Bryant Starbucks #6490 Trader Joe’s Zarate’s Latin Mexican Grill $500-$999 First Impressions Dentistry Go To Girl Hillary Farrell

Leyla Zuhdi Marilyn Bethea Marnie Taylor William J. Ross Dinky Hammam Chick-Fil-A Starbucks In Bricktown Life Squire Prairie Gypsies Quail Creek Golf & Country Club Swiss Cleaners Amy Hornbeek Hal Smith Restaurants Sweet Law Firm Skinlab Injectables Chelino’s Mexican Restaurant Lash By Lash Lori Blumenthal Matilda Clements Bella Luce Med Spa Constellation Brands Johnny Carino’s Italian New Leaf Florist Shirley & Tom Beckman Bricktown Brewery At Remington Park Bill Kamp’s Meat Market Oncue Soup Soup $1000-$2499 Beadles Portraits Beasley Oil Company Clams Management Resources

Dolese Bros. Co. First National Bank Of Ok Fuzzy’s Taco Shop Gregg Long Integris Center For Mind Body & Spirit Koco Lou Ann Moore Mrs. Karla Cohlmia Tinker Federal Credit Union Texadelphia Social Grill Weokie Credit Union Woody Candy Co Polly Nichols Jeanie & Ben Butts Earth One Outdoor Supper Club 76 Kokh Anne Workman High Caliper Growing Inc Diamonds Direct Josephine Freede

OVER $5000 Adventure Road CycleBar Mathis Brothers Furniture Mercedes-Benz of OKC Santreece Foundation Monarch Marketing Group Vast/V2 Flint KWTV Tyler Media Tre Jolie

Matilda & Ed Clements Clements Food Company Sonic $2500-$4999 Bone Dog Boutique Penn Square Mall Chickasaw Nation Hillary Ashton The Flying Pig Bbq Lakeside Women’s Hospital Muscle And Body Wellness Mrs. James Dudley Hyde Mr. & Mrs. Ed Eskridge Bricktown Candy Co Sonic, America’s Drive In Ymca Of Greater Okc The Black Scintilla The Social Order Dining Collective 405 Magazine

MidFirst Bank Freestyle Creative The Oklahoman KFOR Kirkpatrick Family Foundation OU Breast Health Network ImageWorks of Oklahoma Eventures


Et Cetera

League Leash

Each issue, we will feature JLOC pets! If you would like to see your pet in the League Link, please email photos to leaguelinkeditor@gmail.com.


Sara Shidell, Pet owner This is Thor. He is a 3 year old boxer who loves chasing balls, sighing when he doesn’t get his way and rearranging the pillows on the bed to sleep between them.


Lauren Hammonds Johnson, Pet owner This is Bella! She loves training for half marathons with her parents, playing with her best friend, Milly, and her guilty pleasure is cheese-its.

Goldie Henn & Kaylee Laura Scott, Pet owner

These are our two chickens Goldie Henn and Kaylee. They love sunshine and bug picnics.

26 JULY 2018


Azadeh Adlamini, Pet owner This is Duchess! She is a Turkish Angora and queen of the house. She might have a catnip addiction. She gives the best kitty massages and loves snuggling with her mama while we watch Chopped.


Women Building a Better OKC

MISSION The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

Thank you for advertising with us! First National Bank

VISION The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. will empower volunteers to impact our community and enrich lives.

FOCUS Women Building a Better Oklahoma City

Get on board for the 2018-19 League Link year and start advertising. The circulation is more than 1,500 and sent not only to JLOC Members and Provisionals, but also to numerous businesses and community organizations. Special rates are available for JLOC Provisionals, Actives and Sustainers.


Contact Natalie Fix, Communications VP, for more information at media@jloc.org

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