LeagueLink November December 2012

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J u n i o r l e a g u e o f O k l a h o m a C i t y, I n c .

Changing Lives Through Literacy

november/december 2012

President’s Letter Dear Friends,


Cristi Hooper Reiger

MISSION The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

VISION The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. will empower volunteers to impact our community and enrich lives.

FOCUS Changing Lives Through Literacy

all is my favorite time of year! Gridiron action is finally back, the summer heat is gone, the trees turn their vibrant hues, and we pause to give thanks for all the blessings in our lives. For me, one of those tremendous blessings is my Junior League membership. I have always treasured the opportunity to help others not as fortunate as I. And, of course, in doing so, have been greatly touched. Having a child run up to me in a store and hug me because I provided arts and crafts for him at the Boys & Girls Club, and having a WWII veteran take my hand in his and tell me how much his day is brightened when I visit with him in the hospital, have been amazing moments. Seeing a group of kiddos excited to read a book and ask questions because of a visit by a pilot from Tinker Air Force Base was exhilarating! The highlight was when a little girl asked the pilot, “When you’re flying up in the clouds, have you ever seen Jesus?” I hope each of you will cherish your time in the community, as I have, and know that YOU are the blessing in the life of a little boy, a veteran, or a little girl in your project. Our September General Membership Meeting at the Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club was a huge success, and was SRO! Several of you have told me you felt a special energy in the room that evening. Well, I felt it, too, and I hope it continues throughout the year and in the years to come. The November General Membership Meeting promises to deliver just that! The Membership Council and Arrangements Committee are hard at work planning this fun and uplifting membership-focused meeting. The 2012 Mistletoe Market Board, lead by Chair Amy Parrish, did a fantastic job putting on the best shopping extravaganza of the year! Our members each assisted by working a shift, and I appreciate all the hard work put in by all! It is awe inspiring to see it come together with everyone working toward a common goal. I look forward to hearing Amy report on the final profits from the Market. The Remarkable Shop closed its doors on Saturday, September 29, after 82 years of service to the community, over four million dollars donated to our community projects, and leadership training provided to hundreds of Provisional members. Our last customers, the Steve Davis family, were as sad to see it close as anyone. “It’s a shame to see it go,” Mr. Davis said. “We shop here as often as twice a week, at times, for clothing needs of our family and others who can’t come.” It is sad, indeed, to see the end of an era but, as Maria says in the Sound of Music, “When the Lord closes a door, somewhere He opens a window.” We have a special committee committed to finding that window…with a beautiful view! I appreciate the outpouring of calls and emails of support you have shown the Board of Directors in the decision to close the store after several years of declining sales. The Remarkable Shop has been just that…Remarkable! Our annual December holiday open houses are just around the corner and I’d like to thank Sue Ann Hyde, sustainer and past president, and Sara Sweet, bylaws chair, for opening their homes to host our membership. I’m looking forward to seeing you all there! Thank you for all the time and effort you expend to make our community a better place through your work in and with the Junior League of Oklahoma City. I wish for you and your loved ones a very happy, healthy and safe holiday season!

With thanksgivings, w w w . j l oc . o r g

Cristi Hooper Reiger President 2012-2013

november/december 2012


Link Vision

To inform members and increase awareness of Junior League of Oklahoma City projects and events. Editor Liza Cryder Assistant Editor & Business Manager Summer DeFehr Committee Members Ashleigh Ahrberg, Amy Bradt,

Annie Brown, Amna Choudry, Lindsey Edemann, Becky Grant, Kelsie Guthrie, Danielle Keogh, Adrienne Nobles, Laura Steen, Leah Sullivan DESIGN Walker Creative, Inc. 2012-2013 Board of Directors President Cristi Reiger President-Elect Kristen Brown Administrative VP Pam Gutel Bylaws Chair Sara Sweet Communications VP Adrienne Nobles Community VP Becky Howell Finance VP Mei Cheng Fundraising VP Ashely Jackson Membership VP Kristi Leonard Nominating Chair Christi Coyle Sustaining Advisor Helen Ford Wallace Community Advisory Board

Mr. Paul Ryckbost, Mr. Sean Simpson, Mr. James Farris, Mr. Ryan Johnson, Ms. Helen Ford Wallace, Ms. Barbara Ley, Ms. Paula Love, Ms. Mary Ann Williams, Mrs. Cathy Keating, Mrs. Marnie Taylor, Mr. Bill Condon, Ms. Cathi Linch, Ms. Cherokee Ballard, Ms. Linda Mares, Mr. Bryan Eckert, Ms. Debbie Forshee, Ms. Claudia San Pedro, Mr. Clay Christiensen, Mr. Brian Maughan, Ms. Vicki Clark Gourley, Mr. Randy Lewis Community Projects/Project Managers A Soldiers Story Cortney Smith Amachi: Big Brothers Big Sisters Jenifer Stehr Back to School Ginny Starr Boys & Girls Child Literacy Amanda Soderberg Cultural Literacy Stephanie Gannaway Family Fun in the Zone Jenn Tupps Family Reading Nights Julie McCann Health Literacy Laurel Hall JETS After School Reading Molly McBride JLOC Book Drive Ashleigh Muse Kids in the Kitchen Alexandra Haygood KIPP (Knowledge is Power Program) Lindsey Pever Life 101 Kristy Kapp OCCC Adult Literacy Jamie Maddy Positive Tomorrows Shelly Walker Prime Time Natalie Fix Reading Rainforest Kristin Willingham Uniquely Me Katie Freeman Variety Care Health & Nutrition Literacy Wendi Shipp Variety Pack Brandy Parson Whiz Kids Paula Wackenheim Wild Tuesday Story Time Safari Caroline Mildren YWCA Financial Literacy Amanda Foote



[ e ve nts ]

September General Meeting Holiday Open Houses Mistletoe Market Gallery



[ p e op l e ]

Star & ABC Awards Membership Report Girls on the Block



[ pr oj e c ts ]

Dream What You Can Do Uniquely Me! Positive Tomorrows



[ va ri ous ]

Nominating News Bookshelf


JLOC’s “Best of” List

J u n i o r l e a g u e o f o k l a h o m a C i t y, i n C .

Changing Lives Through Literacy

League Link is published 6 times a year by the Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. HEADQUARTERS

The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. 1001 NW Grand Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Phone (405) 843-5668 • Fax (405) 843-0994 www.jloc.org

november/december 2012

ON THE COVER: Celebrating 85 years of service. Photo illustration by Steven Walker, Walker Creative, Inc.


Financial Development Mistletoe Market Remarkable Shop 3208 N. May Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 236-5078

Celebrating 85 Years of Service |


Scene [ events ]

September General Meeting Kicked off a New Year


Black books anyone?

By Amna Choudry

he September General Meeting kicked off a new year for JLOC on Sept. 11 at the Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club. Black books and Mistletoe Market information were handed out, while new Provisionals were welcomed to the group. The most exciting news to come out of the meeting was that the General Membership voted to approve a motion granting monies to two

great organizations for the League’s 85th Anniversary Signature Projects. $51,000 will be donated to the YWCA for their economic empowerment program and to improve the capacity of the hand-in-hand learning center. $34,000 will be donated to the Myriad Gardens for a two year program, “Bringing Books to Life.” The next meeting will be held on Nov. 13 -- evening only!

Members of Mistletoe Market Committee handing out yard signs at the meeting

JLOC Transfer Committee Welcomes its Newest Active Members By Stephanie Husen


he Junior League Transfer Committee held its first meeting on Sept. 19 at the Junior League of Oklahoma City Headquarters. The first meeting was held to welcome the new Active transfers, orient members to Headquarters, and mingle with other Active and Provisional members of the Transfer Committee. There were 17 JLOC Provisional, Active, and


Sustaining members of the JLOC present at the meeting, during which the Transfer Committee heard a welcome from JLOC Board member Kristi Leonard, learned about Mistletoe Market from Amy Parish, and found out about several JLOC Fundraising Projects from Ashley Jackson. Currently, the JLOC has 11 Active transfer members. They are Paige Frenzel, Erin Hadwiger, Sally Starling,

Mariam Clark, Katherine Compton, Melissa Peterson, Lauren Ottoway, Leah Rausch, Lauren Cameron, Sally Kimble, and Lisa Alvernaz. Please assist us in welcoming our newest Active transfer members by joining us for one of our meetings this year. If you have any questions or wish to join the Transfer Committee, please contact JLOC Transfer Co-Chairs Stephanie Husen or Matilda Clements.

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PRESCRIPTION Mark Yo u r C alenda rs fo r th e Hol iday Open H ouses!

Our December General Membership Meetings/Holiday Open Houses are set for Tuesday, Dec. 11. Please plan to attend one or both of the get-togethers to see your friends and to celebrate the holidays and our great work in the community. The Day Open House will be a comeand-go from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the home of Sara Sweet. A lovely respite from your day’s work promises to be awaiting your arrival! The Evening Open House will be in the home of Sue Ann Hyde, Sustainer and Past President of the JLOC. The festivities will begin at 6:30 p.m. Sue Ann’s Executive Committee (similar to our Board of Directors) is assisting her, as they did during their tenure, and this is sure to be a meeting to be remembered. Don’t miss it!

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Celebrating 85 Years of Service |



Mistletoe Market


This year’s Mistletoe Market was a HUGE success, thanks to all of our wonderful vendors, shoppers, and of course, our JLOC volunteers! And congratulations to Amy Parrish, 2012 Mistletoe Market Chair, for organizing such a great event!

transfer committee

meetings 2012-2013


5:00 PM at The Paseo Arts Association, 3022 Paseo Drive “The Container Show” ---Art Exhibit showcasing Art that is 3-D, mixed media but has to be some sort of container. These are all local artists of course! 6:15PM Paseo Grill, 2909 Paseo Drive


5:30PM Rococco Restaurant, 2824 North Penn Avenue Get in the Holiday Spirit with Wine Tasting & Wine Pairing. They also have their regular Wednesday night “Ladies Night” including specials, drawings, raffles!


Whole Foods, 6001 North Western Avenue. Health and Wellness for 2013!


5:30PM at Balliets, 5801 Northwest Grande Boulevard. ”Fun and Fashion” at Balliets, then dinner afterwards at Café 501.


5:30PM at Kyles 1025, 1025 Northwest 70th Street. Cooking Demonstration or Cooking Class. Details TBA after at Café 501.


Museum Café at OKC Museum of Art Details TBA

Save the


what Junior League of Oklah 85th Anniversary oma City Gala where OKC Golf & Cou ntry Club when Saturday, May 11, 2013 We will honor ou r rich past, cele brate the impact of our “Changing Lives Through Litera cy” 10-year focus, and looking ah ead to JLOC’s future at a special ev ening you won’ t want to miss! For m ore information on existing sponsors hip opportunitie s, to learn more ab out the event and to get involved, pl ease visit jloc.or g.

One laptop for every student, grades 7-12 Now @ Heritage Hall st education for the 21 century 1800 Northwest 122nd Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73120 • 405.749.3001 • www.heritagehall.com Celebrating 85 Years of Service |


Profile [ people ]

STAR & ABC Awards


he STAR Award is presented to an Active member in a placed position who has excelled at impacting the community through a Junior League project. Nominations for this award may be submitted by any member through the JLOC website. A winner from these nominations is chosen by the Membership Council. The June STAR award is given to Amy Morris for her dedication to the JLOC Book Project. Amy deserves special thanks and recognition because she volunteered over 60 hours in her placement. Ladies, this is a summer-concentrated placement, so she basically lived and breathed the Book Project for three months. Thank you for your commitment to our League, Amy. The July STAR award is presented to all the volunteers of Reading Rainforest. Project Manager Kristin Willingham nominated her entire group because they were fully engaged in making this new placement a success. Each volunteer came up with a great lesson and

carried it out with energy and grace. Congratulations to Liz Davies, Nicole Kohmescher, Deanne McGhee, Vanessa Peterson, Katie Poulain, and Lynzi Rice. The August STAR Award is presented to Meredith Wilson from the Back to School Placement. Project Manager Ginny Starr said Meredith is exceptionally strong and moved large tables and heavy bookcases all by herself. She wasn’t afraid to jump in and get the work done. Thank you, Meredith! The ABC award is given to a League member in an Appointed position who has gone Above and Beyond the Call. The Board of Directors chooses a member each month who has worked to further the League’s mission. This summer our Leaders were busy, and are honored to recognize the following women for their work. The June ABC award is given to Ashleigh Muse for her work as Project Manager of the JLOC Book Project (formally book drive). Ashleigh and her crew put together the library at Citizens Caring for Children. Ashleigh spent


Scout J. Young

Kate Parker Davey

Born July 17, 2012 to Adrian & Jeff Young

Born May 17, 2012 to Heather & Jason Davey


many hours beyond the call making sure the library was finished for the children who visit the agency. She helped arrange book shelves, deliver books to the agency, and mark and organize the books. The room was painted, including a mural, and a tv/movie center was installed thanks to a donation from Kevin Durant. Thank you, Ashleigh. The July ABC award is presented to Caroline Mildren for her work as Project Manager of Wild Tuesday’s Storytime Safari. Caroline and her volunteers stayed motivated throughout the hot summer days, and it was their enthusiasm that kept children and their families coming back for more stories every Tuesday. Caroline stayed on top of her duties as Project Manager and always had a smile for her volunteers and the children. Along with new and interesting stories being read each week, Caroline and the other volunteers handed out books to hundreds of children throughout the summer, giving this project one of the biggest turnouts yet! Thank you for your hard work, Caroline! The August ABC award is presented to the entire Remarkable Shop Board for its hard work making the shop’s Whale of a Sale a huge success. The Board put in extra work days and worked many shifts to reorganize the back room as a staging area for all the hidden treasures that were just right for the sale. During two of the hottest days of the year, the RS Board, led by Kimberly Swan and Leslie Coale-Mossman, worked additional shifts to help sell over 1600 items! Hundreds of holiday goodies, clothing pieces, and housewares were set out on the sidewalk and the parking lot, attracting many customers to the store. Thanks to the RS Board Members for their efforts and the great work they are doing.

“I don’t know why they say ‘you have a baby.’ The baby has you.”—Gallagher

Claire Ella Lee & Catherine Spencer Cryder Born September 11, 2012 to Liza & Sterling Cryder

Harper Ann Wackenheim

Jude Thomas Bradt

Born August 16, 2012 to Paula & Kyle Wackenheim

Born April 14, 2012 to Amy & Zac Bradt

M EMBER BLOGS kelsie guthrie


Ly d i a s u l l i v a n - b e n h a m

When did you start your blog? I

name Lydia on Tap? It’s silly really. I

started my blog in January of this year. I had been working with some other people on their websites with other web developers and felt that it might be something I could teach myself and build on my own. So, I really started it just to learn how to build my own selfhosted webpage.

just felt like my blog would be my sounding board whether people would read or not. But in a sense it’s a free flowing rant, if you will. Like a turned on ‘tap’.

What inspired you to start this blog? Who doesn’t want to blog! It’s become the go to past time for our generation. Twitter only gives you so many characters!

How did you come up with the

What sparked your interest in technology? I think I’ve had an interest in technology since I purchased my first Apple product. They have done so well with obtaining that customer reaction when you open an Apple product package that it is a magical experience. Since then, I just wanted to be able to maximize my use of a computer. With all of the new online tools and apps developers are creating, it’s incredible



how many ways you can organize and save time by using technology!

Do you have any goals for your blog? I hope that I can find more ‘spare’ time to keep it updated enough that people might look at it once in a while. If anything it might attract people of similar interests towards me and expand my network.

What is the one website that JLOC women need to check out? JLOC.org and AJLI.org. Seriously, though. There is a robust catalogue of resources from both of those websites. Especially AJLI. They have some really motivational

articles on there. And, did you know AJLI is on Pinterest? http://pinterest.com/ JuniorLeague/

What is your favorite online/ computer tool? I have to say three, because without these three I wouldn’t be able to accomplish half as much. Basecamp for project management (even though they don’t have an app, which is usually one of my requirements); Logmein for logging into my office computer remotely or sharing my screen with others; and Go To Meeting because it is the best screen sharing, video, and phone group meeting tool. (And the latter 2 do have apps.)

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Celebrating 85 Years of Service |



What Junior League Means to Me By Kristi Leonard


he spring before I graduated college, my friends and I were fielding job offers. Well, actually, they were fielding job offers. I already accepted a position in Oklahoma City. While they were deciding between Austin or Dallas, Tulsa or Kansas City, I was heading to OKC to get married and start my career at the Red Cross. It was exciting for a time. But then, life slowed down and fell into a comfortable routine. The only problem was that I didn’t have any friends in this town. I was pretty lonely, so when my mother-in-law asked if I would like to join the Junior League, I was ecstatic. This would be the perfect way to meet other women and make some new friends. I quickly found out that the League is much more than a social organization. As

I was sorting clothes at the Remarkable Shop, I learned that my fellow Provisionals were doctors, attorneys, business owners, and teachers. I was surrounded by such accomplished women that I started to question if I could cut it. Was I good enough to belong? Yes. That’s the great thing about the Junior League. It is a training ground for women who want to be more successful in their lives. Whether you want to make partner at the largest advertising firm in the city or become President of the PTA, the League can get you there. I took advantage of the vast training opportunities my first couple of years in the League. I jumped on the leadership track and served as a member-at-large my first year as an Active. I listened, and I learned.

And do you know what I found? Myself. I found out that I was an important part of the Junior League. I did belong. In fact, the more involved I became, the better I felt about myself. I learned how to create and manage a budget, how to conduct a meeting, how to negotiate, when to lead, and when to follow. For me, the Junior League has given me the skills and confidence to tackle anything. Need someone to manage a fundraiser? I can do that. Need someone to take minutes during a meeting? I can do that. Need someone to teach a child to read? I CAN DO THAT. I would not be who I am today without the Junior League of Oklahoma City. I am a work in progress, to be sure, but I like where I’m headed.

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RESIGNATIONS Amy Scott (A) Dieadra Goss (A)

Lauren Ottaway (A) - Boston, MA Lauren Cameron (A) – Norman, OK Leah Rausch (A) – Pittsburgh, PA

LEAVE OF ABSENCE Rachel Johnston

TRANSFER OUT Lisa Mitchell (S) – South Brevard, FL Leah Harroz (A) – Denver, CO

EMERGENCY LEAVE OF ABSENSE Christina Duthie COMPLETED TRANSFER IN Katherine Compton (A) - Kansas City, MO

CONGRATULATIONS Paula Wackenheim on birth of daughter

Celebrating 85 Years of Service |



and need you. Don’t let one bad apple spoil the bushel (I’m certain you know what this means.)

As a child, what did you want be when you grew up and what do you do now?

Whitney Tero sustainer

How long have you been a member of JLOC, and what has been the highlight of the League for you? If you count my Provisional year, I have been a member for 11 years. I loved every part of my League service, but I can honestly say that the highlight of working in the League was serving as the President this past year. I truly loved all of my jobs in the League on the Remarkable Shop Board and every other part of my League service, but serving as President was my greatest honor and joy. What an amazing thing to get to be a part of leading the most dynamic, influential, passionate women in


Oklahoma City. Nothing really compares to that. I am honored to have had that opportunity.

What is your advice to the Provisionals? Please my dears, enjoy it and make friends. It is a long year, but it is an important one that will stick with you. You will make forever friends. You will not forget this experience. Ask when you have questions. We want you to be engaged, involved, and in love with JLOC. If you don’t understand something, feel like you’re getting a raw deal, whatever… please ask someone you trust. We’ll help you. We want you

I wanted to be a veterinarian. There is no way I could have ever done that. I was horrible at science, and more importantly, I am the crazy dog/animal lady, and could never have dealt with all of the things a vet has to do. I can’t stand to see a dead squirrel in the road. I majored in Vocal Music and then worked in the uranium mining business. I was the assistant to the President, did market research, corporate communications, and lots of other jobs there, and I loved it. Who knew I would ever be the President of a non-profit. All of that just proves to me that you can really do almost anything in life if you study, work hard, and are willing to learn. Most importantly, I am Mo’s mom and Dan’s wife (and Big Papi’s mom most of you know who he is…chocolate Lab). I serve on other community boards besides my continued involvement with JLOC.

What is your favorite Christmas tradition? Dan, Mo, Papi and I get up and have cinnamon rolls and coffee and open our gifts to each other. After family time during the day we hang with our best pals Christmas night. I love that we can do family and friends in the same day.

What is your favorite Holiday movie? I love Christmas Vacation and Elf. Light-hearted and funny!

If you could pick anything to have waiting under the Christmas tree for you this year what would it be? I need absolutely nothing. Nothing. However, a beautiful new puppy would make me happier than almost anything.

Christmas cheer is made complete with carols! What is your favorite song to sing along with and why? Well, I’m a singer, so I love most of them. It is hard to decide. I usually lean towards sacred music when it comes to Christmas. “O Holy Night” is one of my favorites, but I really love all Christmas songs.

Will you make any New Year’s resolutions? Nope - I don’t believe in them. I wait until Lent, and I make my sacrifices and changes then.

If JLOC could make a New Year’s resolution as a whole group, what would be your suggestion? I feel like it is very important to evaluate our performance as an organization…what have we done right internally and externally? What can we do better? What are we doing very well? On what do we need to improve? This is why benchmarks are important. We must consistently “grade” ourselves so that we know what our weaknesses and

BLOCK Ashley Jackson board member strengths are. I do not think any organization can be a success without this type of evaluation. I also feel strongly that we must strategize on how we will go forward. I think taking this type of assessment is a great New Year’s resolution.

If you could have one Food Network chef cook your holiday meals, which one would you pick? Well I’m a huge fan of Paula Deen and Ree Drummond. I love their Southern charm and their comfortable styles…plus I love that kind of food, and it’s stuff I can legitimately cook.

How long have you been a JLOC member and what has been your favorite part of being a part of this organization? I transferred into JLOC 5 years ago. I love meeting the women of the League and seeing the amazing things in our community that have been accomplished as a result of a League project or member.

What are your responsibilities as Fundraising VP? I have the privilege to support all of the fundraising efforts of the League and the women who chair those roles. I work with Mistletoe Market, the

Remarkable Shop, and our financial development group. This year, I also have been fortunate to be part of the Grants Committee which oversaw the selection of our 85th anniversary grants, and to work with our 85th anniversary Gala Committee. There are lots of exciting things happening in Fundraising, which all provide funds to support our community projects.

You must dedicate a lot of time to JLOC in that role, but what is your day job? My favorite day job is hanging out with my three kids. I also do business consulting for a firm based in Fort Worth.

What do you hope Santa brings you? A clean house and a clean car!

Do support any organizations/ nonprofits during the holiday season? Every Christmas I purchase poinsettias at our church in honor of our children.

What are your personal goals and JLOC goals for 2013? My personal goal is to run a marathon in 2013. I know 2013 will be a great year for JLOC, and in fundraising we will be working hard to support the 85th anniversary projects and educate membership on the benefits of financially supporting our League.

What is something few people know about you? I have a completely useless and random ability to alphabetize letters in a word. I also play the piano.

What is your favorite holiday dessert? Cherry pie - it’s all about the pie crust!

Do you have any special holiday traditions? My family has a hayride every year on December 23rd where we go caroling and take candy canes to the neighbors. My parents have held it every year for the past 29 years, and it is great to see a whole new generation of children coming now.

Celebrating 85 Years of Service |



Kelsie Guthrie provisional Why did you decide to join the Junior League? I was very involved with my sorority at OU and I missed that feeling of community with other women. Joining JLOC seemed like the perfect opportunity to connect with other women who have a desire to serve others and socialize.

What is your favorite winter activity? What is your day job? I am account coordinator at Anglin Public Relations. I coordinate general PR outreach, media relations, event planning, marketing, and social media for several clients. One of my favorite accounts is working with Provisional Danielle Keogh, the owner of Liberté.

Singing Christmas music. I just love holiday tunes. (I’m guilty of listening to Christmas music year round!) My favorite Christmas CD is still the original Hanson Christmas album. It’s a classic!

What is the best gift you’ve ever received? When I was younger I got a four wheeler from Santa. I was so excited about that! I have great family memories of riding four wheelers together.

What is your favorite holiday book/story? The story of the Jesus’ birth takes the cake. The holiday festivities and presents are fun, but He is the real reason we celebrate Christmas.

What are your New Year’s resolutions and why? I recently started a travel blog for my hometown newspaper that chronicles my past adventures around the globe. From Dubai to Seoul and Quebec to Antigua, the blog paints a picture of different cultures for readers. My New Year’s resolution is to write once a week. It takes discipline and time but it’s well worth it! Check it out at http://www. dentonrc.com/local-news/blogs.

How will you ring in 2013? With a big smooch from my handsome boyfriend J. What could be better than that? Hopefully we’ll be looking over OKC from the top of Devon Tower at their new restaurant, Vast. That would be enchanting to see the fireworks from the 49th floor of Devon.

Kim Swan Active How long have you been in JLOC? I joined JLOC in 2008, so I am a fourth year Active!

What is something not many people know about you? I grew up on my family’s ranch in northeast Oklahoma. I helped restore a historic theater when I was four years old and have been volunteering ever since! I also started a home-staging business with my mom in 2009.

What is your day job? Have you heard of the neighborhood in Edmond called “The Grove”? I work for the developer of this square-mile residential project–Caliber Companies. I oversee the homeowners association, accounts payable, and more.


Do you have any holiday travel plans? Of course! I love going back to my childhood home in Pawhuska, OK. Holidays just are not the same unless you are “home for the holidays!”

What’s your favorite holiday tradition? Growing up, my family always attended the midnight services on Christmas Eve. The kids would all be snuggled up in their favorite pajamas. I loved going to church in my jammies!

What is your favorite holiday song? Silent Night

Do you donate to any organizations during the holidays? I purchase poinsettias in honor and memory of my family members. My hometown church uses them to decorate our curved altar – very beautiful!

Do you like Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year’s Eve the best? Christmas is my favorite because of so many special events leading up to Christ’s birth. I especially love seeing the young children recreate the Christmas story.

How will you ring in 2013? I plan on ringing in the New Year with my family and friends.

What are your New Year’s resolutions and why? With the closing of the Remarkable Shop, I will strive to find where I can best serve the League. I also want to make healthier living choices and find joy in each day!


Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Lewis


married May 27, 2012

Mr. and Mrs. Randy Donnelly married September 15, 2012

To announce your engagement or wedding in the League Link, go to the Members Only portion of the jloc.org website and submit your requested information. The NearlyWed/Newly Wed form is located under the Forms/References tab. If you would like to submit a photo, please send it to Summer Smith at summerann@gmail.com

To announce your engagement or wedding in Brides of Oklahoma Magazine, contact us at 405-607-2902 or visit www.thebridesofoklahoma.com

Junior Leaguers receive $100 off your announcement in Brides of Oklahoma Magazine

Celebrating 85 Years of Service |


Focus [ projects ]

Dream What You Can Do: JLOC Awards $85,000 to our Community Partners in


Commemoration of our 85th Anniversary

he 2012-2013 year marks an exciting page in the history of the Junior League of Oklahoma City. The League has the privilege of commemorating our 85th year of impact in the community, as well as celebrating the conclusion of our decade long literacy focus. Building upon the rich tradition of giving back to our community, the Grants Committee, led by Ashley Jackson, worked tirelessly this summer to solicit, identify, and recommend projects that not only encompass the mission that the League has worked hard to fulfill for the last 85 years, but

“The exciting culmination of our 85th year will be a gala event on May 11th, 2013 that will honor the past, celebrate the present and set the stage for an exciting future for our League.” also allow our literacy efforts to live on as we conclude our 10 year focus area. They began this process by asking our community partners to dream what they could do with $85,000. Of the many proposals that were


reviewed, two stood out to the committee and were brought before the membership for approval at the September General Membership Meeting. With great enthusiasm, the membership approved funding for the YWCA Economic Empowerment Program/Hand in Hand Learning Center and the Myriad Gardens two-year program of ‘Bringing Books to Life’. As the only certified shelter for battered women in Oklahoma County, the YWCA focuses its programs on fighting domestic violence. They work to empower women though educational programs that assist women in becoming financially independent, providing women with job skills training, job placement, and financial literacy education. JLOC awarded the YWCA a grant totaling $51,000 to provide funds to purchase furniture, new computers, software, books and bookshelves for their Business Technology Center. Funds will also be allocated to purchase furnishings, books and technology updates for the Hand in Hand Learning Center, which provides childcare free of charge for residents of the shelter and transitional housing. A two-year grant totaling $34,000 was awarded to The Myriad Gardens Foundation for the ‘Bringing Books to Life’ program. For children ages Pre-K though middle school, books will come alive through various art projects, hands-on demonstrations and interactive programming including plays, puppet shows and science and cooking demonstrations. In addition,

funds will be used to create “book nooks” in the Children’s Gardens for children to discover and have a quiet place to read. Three ‘books to life’ events per year will also be held. These events will feature a particular book and will explore that book literally and thematically. As part of this program, artists will be commissioned to design and build Oklahoma City’s own Secret Garden, bringing the cherished 1911 novel to life. JLOC has a history of commemorating significant anniversaries with distinctive community projects. Past signatory projects have included the Jungle Gym at the OKC Zoo, The Zone at the Children’s Hospital, OKC Metro Literacy Coalition, and the Citizens Caring for Citizens “Bear Cave” library. The 85th Anniversary grants to the YWCA and The Myriad Gardens will add to this remarkable legacy. The exciting culmination of our 85th year will be a gala event on May 11, 2013 that will honor the past, celebrate the present, and set the stage for an exciting future for our League. League members Katie Moore and Sara Crooks are planning an evening that will honor the League’s legacy and inspired and energized for what lies ahead.

Positive Tomorrows


his year, the Junior League of Oklahoma City is partnering with Positive Tomorrows to bring computer literacy to homeless students in our community. Positive Tomorrows is Oklahoma’s only private, tuition-free elementary school serving homeless children. Volunteers from the Junior League are currently teaching computer literacy classes during the school’s Afterschool Program; ensuring students have access to technology and can acquire essential life skills. The Junior League has worked with Positive Tomorrows to change the lives of homeless children for over 25 years. At the school, students in kindergarten through sixth grade receive a quality education, basic necessities, and enrichment opportunities to help them break the cycle of poverty and homelessness while their parents get

the support they need to create a better life. For more information, visit www.PositiveTomorrows.org or call 405-556-5082.

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Celebrating 85 Years of Service |



Uniquely Me! By Katie Freeman


n 2011-2012, the Junior League became community partners with the Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma to assist with their program, “Uniquely Me!” The partnership has extended another year, but this year the placement changed from the “Uniquely Me!” project to the Leadership Journey Series of “It’s Your Story –Tell It!” This project explores many of the same important themes found in “Uniquely Me!” such as developing a strong sense of self, learning about the benefits of a balanced diet and physical activity, navigating healthy relationships, identifying ways to express yourself, and promoting wellbeing and confidence in others. Stories say so much about us—our likes, desires, dreams. The “It’s Your Story – Tell It!” Leadership Journey Series, made possible by a grant from the Dove Self-Esteem Fund, gives girls the opportunity to tell their stories through a range of creative approaches. Selfesteem is a natural by-product of this Journey Series because through storytelling and creative expression girls gain a deep understanding of themselves and their potential, and develop confidence to become leaders in their own lives and in the world. The placement involves 11 Junior League members divided between Monday and Thursday nights working

with the Juniors (4th & 5th grade), Cadettes (6th- 8th grades), and Seniors (9th & 10th grades). Ten sessions, each five weeks long, began mid-September. JLOC volunteers have been working with the Cadettes, engaging them with activities and discussions to get the girls thinking critically about the media, including its portrayal of girls and women. Cadettes look for the “ME” in media and learn how they can shape media—for themselves, their community and the world. MEdia helps girls think about who is responsible for telling all the stories they see around them and how they can use their story to help “re-make” the forms of media they see around them. The Juniors learn just how many roles are open to them in the world and the possibilities those roles open for them. Whether they want to fly a plane, lead a rock band or win a gold medal, aMUSE helps girls take center stage and try out more roles than they ever thought possible. As they find out there is more to their story, girls may feel stronger, walk taller and gain confidence!

On every Leadership Journey, everything girls do—whether it’s performing science experiments, creating art projects, cooking simple meals, or learning to protect the planet’s water supply—is aimed at giving them the benefits of the Girl Scout “Keys to Leadership”: Discover, Connect, Take Action. The Junior League and the Girl Scouts share the philosophy that we all have a role to play in helping girls achieve their full leadership potential, because when girls succeed, so does society. Girl Scouts is using the occasion of its 100th anniversary to declare 2012 the Year of the Girl! The Junior League is excited to be part of such a great organization celebrating females!

By Brandy Parson Variety Pack has gotten off to a great start for the 2012-2013 year! We have already helped with Dream Night at the Zoo, Girls on the Run, Literacy Night at West Nichols Hills Elementary and we have provided volunteer hours at the Infant Crisis Center, the Regional Food Bank and the Teachers Warehouse. And this is just the beginning! The reason Variety Pack has been a long time favorite for so many Junior League members is that it offers a variety of community projects and timeframes available for our volunteers, so it can fit


into anyone schedule. Also the impact we make is so far reaching - from helping meet some of the needs of babies, reading and providing books to school age kids, having a dream night at the Zoo for families with children who have disabilities, helping package food for our community members that are faced daily with hunger and even providing inspiration to the next generation of girls as they grow into young ladies - how could anyone not enjoy this placement! With the holidays soon approaching, we are looking forward to even more fun

as we will help shop for some deserving children at Christmas time who may not otherwise have much of a Christmas on their own. In addition, we will be helping with the first annual Lights on After School event at the Myraid Botanical Gardens, which will highlight and help promote some of the strong after school programs that are offered to children within the OKC area. While I am proud of what we have already done, I am even more excited about what we still have left to accomplish this year within our community!

The Zone: Five Years Later


or its 80th anniversary signature project, the JLOC teamed with an old friend, Children’s Hospital, to make a difference in the lives of children. In the 1930’s, The League’s very first project helped launch the hospital, today known as Children’s Hospital at OU Medical Center. In 2008, the JLOC pledged to help the hospital raise the funds needed to build “The Zone,” an oasis of sorts where patients can take a break from treatments and just be kids. They can read books, watch movies, play games, and hang out with visitors in a stressfree environment. The Zone opened in March 2009 and has enhanced the care the hospital gives to the 100,000 young patients they treat each year. Today, the League is still making an impact at the hospital through the “Family Fun in The Zone” community placement. “Our main goal in The Zone is to

organize and plan events to liven up the evening for Children’s Hospital patients and their families,” said Jenn Tupps, 2012-13 project manager for the placement. “It really is so rewarding, and parents often stop to say thank you before they head back up to their child’s hospital room. They say the events give their children something to look forward to in between meetings with their doctors and various medical tests.” The placement runs from September to April with different League members leading each shift and choosing what activities the group will do with the children. Tupps said that this year they have already had an event with a “mad scientist” and a pumpkin painting party. “We want the children to focus on the fun activities and crafts that we have brought with us, rather than on their illness. While in The Zone, the children aren’t our patients—they’re our friends!”

photo caption

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Et Cetera [ various ]

40 Under 40


ongratulations to Adrian Young, Bailey Gordon and Alexis Lux on receiving OKC Biz’s 40 Under 40 award! All three women were honored at a reception on September 27. Adrian is the Founder/Principal for DrinkMe Creative. She helps independent brands and businesses grow in the market. In 2009, Adrian led a team of


high school girls in a contest sponsored by Goldman Sachs Foundation. Her group won one of the four national spots and an all-expenses paid trip to New York City! Bailey is the Manager of Workplace Giving and External Relations for the Allied Arts. She has restructured the young patrons group to make Catalyst the largest young professionals group in the city and ARTini, the annual fundraiser, is one of the most successful of its kind!

Nominating News The Junior League is happy to announce that Shannon Love will be jumping in with both feet to serve as Mistletoe Market Vice Chair. She will begin immediately with the current Mistletoe Market board and will then continue on to serve as Chair for the 2013 Market. Congratulations Shannon!!

Alexis is the Director of Development for the Oklahoma Heritage Association/ Gaylord-Pickens Museum. With her work in nonprofit fundraising, she was selected as the 2011 state director for the Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment Fund and was able to increase the amount Oklahoma raised by 10 times! Way to go, ladies! We are all very proud of your accomplishments.

Bookshelf Q U E S T IO N S

1. What book are you currently reading? 2. What book that you have read in the past 1-2 years would you highly recommend to your fellow JLOC members? 3. What is your favorite children’s book?

Erin Nation

Sara Sweet

Taylor Boswell

Sody Clements


Board Member



1. I am a third year doctoral student at Oklahoma State University, and when school is in session, I only read text books. The texts for my Fall 2012 courses include “The Politics of American Education,” and “The Political Dynamics of American Education” -particularly interesting concerning it’s an election year. 2. The book “Room” by Emma Donoghue really stuck with me for a long time after finishing it. The story is told from the perspective of Jack, a five-year-old boy who has lived his entire life in an 11x11-foot room with his mother. It’s a heart-renching novel that also tells the story of a mother’s love, hope, and life. 3. “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle. As an Early Childhood Education teacher, I love how this book incorporates so much in just a few pages -- beautiful art work and words, as well as aspects of counting, the days of the week, healthy eating habits, and the life cycle of a butterfly. No wonder it’s such a classic!

1. “11/22/1963” by Stephen King and “The Heart of Christianity” by Marcus Borg. 2. This is a tie for me – “The Last Boy” by Jane Leavy is a beautifully-written biography of fellow Oklahoman Mickey Mantle. I felt like I was transported back in time and could actually FEEL the significance baseball had on our country in the mid 1900s. It is an honest portrayal of a ordinary man with super-human athletic gifts catapulted to a level of fame that most of us will never even glimpse. I also loved “Mad Women”, a biographical account of Jane Maas’s life as an advertising executive in New York City in the 1960s. Her story is fascinating and an enlightening reminder of how far women have advanced in the work place. (Also, fans of “Mad Men” will love this book!) 3. “Charlotte’s Web” was the first book I bought with my own money at my third grade book fair. It’s not just my favorite children’s book; it’s one of my favorite books I’ve ever read.

1. I am currently reading The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck 2. I would highly recommend Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri 3. My favorite children’s book is You Are My I Love You by Maryann Cusimano

1. Motherland, by Amy Sohn 2. State of Wonder by Ann Patchett (my favorite author) 3. I Love You Forever (I still sob when I read it!!)

Celebrating 85 Years of Service |


Et Cetera

“Best of” List for the Holidays


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Et Cetera




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Celebrating 85 Years of Service |


Et Cetera

League Leash

Send photos of your family pets to Liza Cryder at Liza.cryder@gmail.com

Sustainer Lori Webster’s ShihPoo, Nick, ready for Halloween!

Sandy Ellis’ dog, Boomer, is always ready for game day!

Miss Kitty Rose, Provisional Sara Drew’s sunbathing beauty

Provisional Beth Chansolme’s adorable dog, Romeo

Emily Deffner’s dogs, Benelli and Whiskey, enjoying some suggle time



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Changing Lives Through Literacy

MISSION The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

VISION The Junior League of Oklahoma City, Inc. will empower volunteers to impact our community and enrich lives.

FOCUS Changing Lives Through Literacy

w w w . j l oc . o r g

Thank you for advertising with us!!! Bolen Brides of Oklahoma Casady Dale Rodgers Training Heritage Hall

Laura Lynn’s Home Care Ledbetter Insurance Majestic Roofing Norwalk Furniture On A Whim C. Coyle

Pie Junky Remax Real Estate Westminster

Increase your business and advertise with us! Get on board for the 2012-2013 League Link year and start advertising. The circulation is over 2,000 and sent to not only JLOC members and sustainers but also to numerous businesses and community organizations. Special rates are available for League Members of all status. For contract, ad size, and pricing information contact: Summer DeFehr League Link Business Manager Summerann@gmail.com


The next deadline is decembe r

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