MARCH 2013 | Focus on: Diversity in dentistry
INSESSION Wisconsin’s Largest Dental Study Club
p. 16
p. 2 & 5
Protect your practice from embezzlement and fraud.................... p. 6
Expanding diversity in organized dentistry Emily Bultman WDA Communications Coordinator
WDAPS Vice President retires after 21 years ................................ p. 10 WDA member log-in ................................ p. 11 Mission of Mercy 2013 ................................ p. 15
Dr. Cheska Avery-Stafford (Milwaukee) is the first Wisconsin Dental Association member selected for the American Dental Association Institute in Diversity for Leadership. Established in 2003, the ADA Institute is a one-year program in which 12 dentists from across the country attend three leadership training seminars at the ADA headquarters in Chicago. Each participant must also complete a self-selected personal leadership project. “The most rewarding part of attending the program so far has to be the opportunity to network with other dentists from around the country. It
is empowering to hear firsthand the contributions dentists are making to the field of dentistry in their respective communities. Often, as dentists, we tend to stay within the confines of our practices or our communities. We don’t often get many opportunities to really interact with dentists from outside our regions. The ADA Institute has provided me a network of dentists to consult with while completing my project, and hopefully in the future,” Dr. Avery-Stafford said. Dr. Avery-Stafford joins other dentists from California, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas in making up the 2012-13 class.
Welcome new members! Dr. Tyler Christopherson, Plover Central Wisconsin Dental Society
Dr. Audrey Roof, Viroqua La Crosse District Dental Society
Dr. Erin Haugen, Union Grove Racine County Dental Society
Dr. Andrew Schneider, Neillsville Central Wisconsin Dental Society
Dr. Zhenyu Liang, Mauston Sauk Juneau Adams Dental Society
the public.
and quality oral health care for
promoting professional excellence
and the dental profession by
advances the interests of its members
The Wisconsin Dental Association
Mission Statement:
The Wisconsin Dental Association is pleased to welcome five new members to organized dentistry. These new members, their cities of practice and/or residence or components (if applicable) are:
Connect with us on WDA J ournal
is a publication of
W isconsin D ental A ssociation , I nc .
ADA Institute sessions are led by notable faculty from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management and Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. Topics include values and ethics in leadership, the work of leaders, marketing, negotiations and conflict resolution, decision making, engaging key stakeholders and fundraising. Born in Panama City, Panama, Dr. Avery-Stafford is fluent in Spanish. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree from DePaul in 1996, she remained in Chicago and worked as a social worker for six years. continued on page 8...
New TV spots are helping support the WDA “Baby Teeth Matter” message that a child’s first dental exam should occur around the first birthday. In late fall, this message will expand to promote “A Dental Home for Life”.
and visit us online @ MARCH 2013 • Volume 89, No. 3
Help shape your future * *
What - WDA Legislative Day 2013 Where - Monona Terrace Convention Center,
1 John Nolen Dr., Madison
When - 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (Contact your legislators in advance to schedule meetings after 1:30 p.m.)
Cost - $25 per person* (includes continental breakfast and lunch)
RSVP - Register online (member login required). For more information, contact Dana Ponce at or 888-538-8932. * Many components cover registration fees for dentists in their area who attend this event. Check with your component leadership to determine if your cost is covered.
The Wisconsin Dental Association identifies and sees itself as the Tooth Party. As such, WDA members need to be involved in the political process to advocate for the oral health of all Badger State residents. Help shape the future of the dental profession by attending the WDA’s 2013 Legislative Day on Wednesday, March 27 at Monona Terrace Convention Center in Madison. “We need to be mindful of the fact there is strength in numbers. If we want to be respected as a political
power, I encourage Wisconsin dentists to come out of their comfort zone and attend WDA Legislative Day,” WDA Vice President Dr. Julio Rodriguez (Brodhead) said. If you have never attended WDA Legislative Day, let 2013 be your first experience. If you attend every year, don’t let 2013 be the one you miss. Learn more about the WDA’s legislative agenda, with emphasis on noncovered services, definition of dentistry and regulation of mobile dental clinics. “We view dental issues as bipartisan
and strive to work cooperatively with elected officials, regardless of political party. It is very important we take time out of our practices and participate in this event,” Dr. Rodriguez said. Attendees can visit their legislators in the Capitol. The WDA encourages attendees to schedule visits around 1:30 p.m with lawmakers in advance. If you need help setting up your meetings, please contact WDA Director of Government Services Mara Brooks at or 888-538-8932.
WDA trustee candidates must declare by April 1 Nominations are now being accepted for five regional Wisconsin Dental Association trusteeships. To nominate a colleague or yourself for one of the available seats on the WDA Board of Trustees, submit a candidate headshot photo (digital preferred) and curriculum vitae to Lisa Chandre in the WDA Executive Office at or 414-755-4105 (fax) by April 1, 2013. Photos and biographical info for all trustee candidates will appear in the Executive Director’s Update and WDA Journal and on Voting will take place in all regions during early August. In contested elections, paper ballots will be mailed to all regional members in good standing. Electronic balloting will be used when there is only one declared candidate.
WDA Journal
All candidates will be notified of election results by the end of August 2013. General membership will be informed of election results through journal and EDU articles and a posting on Trustee-elects will be invited to attend the fall board meeting (Sept. 27 – 28, 2013 in Wauwatosa) as observers and be officially installed at the 2013 WDA House of Delegates meeting Nov. 15 – 16 at the Marriott Madison West in Middleton. The Board includes three elected representatives from each region (northwest, northeast, greater Milwaukee, southeast and southwest) and one third-year Marquette University School of Dentistry student. The Board is the managing body of the association. It is responsible for conducting all WDA business as out-
lined in the organization’s bylaws and as directed through House policy decisions. The Board also establishes interim policies essential to the management of the association or of an emergency nature between annual House meetings. The Board has three in-person meetings a year in winter, summer and fall. Attendance at the House and assigned components also is required. Attendance at the WDA InSession is strongly recommended. Much of the business needing Board review and comment between formal meetings is handled via email and occasionally by conference call. Please contact WDA Executive Director Mark Paget at 414-755-4100 (direct) or with questions about the trustee nomination and election process.
Officer nominations due June 3 Nominations officers will be considered for the following Wisconsin Dental Association offices, and are due no later than June 3, 2013: • President-elect • Vice president • Speaker of the House of Delegates Individuals may nominate colleagues or themselves by submitting candidates’ names to the Nominating Committee. This committee will meet via a noon conference call on June 5, 2013 and then present its slate of candidates to the WDA House of Delegates on Nov. 16, 2013 in Middleton. Nominations will also be accepted from the house floor at that time. The treasurer is appointed by the Board for three years. Having completed his first threeyear term, Dr. John R. Moser (Milwaukee) has expressed his willingness to continue in this post. The Board will announce his appointment at its September 2013 meeting. For more information, visit
March 2013
WDA Legislative Day J March 27, 2013 Madison J Register online @
WDA Government Buzz gives members a snapshot of the current status of dental-related policies and legislation. The Issue tells you who, what and why; Current Buzz gives you a status update on the issue; WDA Actions highlights your professional association’s activity and position; and Next Steps anticipates what’s around the corner and, in some cases, identifies what WDA members can do. “WDA Government Buzz” is updated for each issue of the journal. Current “buzz” available on website and accessed monthly via WDA Executive Director’s Update e-newsletter. For more information, visit or call the WDA Legislative Office at 608-250-3442. Updated information is highlighted.
The Issue
Current Buzz
Non-covered services legislation to stop dental plans from setting fees for services they don’t reimburse.
Despite 41 co-sponsors and bipartisan support in both houses during last legislative session, WDA NCS legislation did not get a vote.
Provides for transparency in the cost of care and also keeps treatment decisions between dentist and patient; improves small-business climate with marketplace determining reasonable fees.
WDA staff, contract lobbyists and leaders are outlining strategy to counter the strong lobbying influence of the insurance industry and Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce in advance of introducing NCS bills to the 2013-14 state Legislature.
Minimal fiscal impact on state budget. Similar legislation has now been adopted in 29 states.
Community water fluoridation is safe, effective and economical, providing substantial oral health benefits to approximately 90 percent of children and adults on public water systems in Wisconsin. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recognizes community water fluoridation as one of the 10 greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.
WDA Actions
Next Steps
WDA stands firm on including “de minimus” clause to prevent insurance companies from paying a nominal fee (e.g., $5 for an implant) and then saying dentists could only charge that nominal fee, because it was a “covered service”.
WDA working with lead offices on editing bill draft for NCS legislation.
WDA staff working with American Dental Association to incorporate successful NCS language from other states into WDA bills.
Other co-sponsors in the Assembly and Senate are being identified. Intent is to introduce NCS bills in both houses in mid-March.
Assembly Speaker Rep. Robin Vos (R-Burlington) has indicated WDA may need to “deal” with insurance plans (e.g., Humana) and adopt model legislation more similar to that passed in other states. Effective Feb. 1, 2013, Wisconsin’s optimal level of fluoride is to be 0.7 mg/L. The new, lower level was established by the state’s Oral Health Program in DHS and Public Water Supply Section in Department of Natural Resources in response to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services proposed change. Factions within communities continue challenging oral health value and safety of public water fluoridation despite 67 years of scientific results. Objections often tied to budget concerns or safety concerns.
WDA is using its ADA State Public Affairs grant to implement proactive, coordinated, statewide communications plan that focuses on educating local elected officials and the general public about fluoridation’s benefits. “Fluoride Fridays” continue on WDA’s Facebook wall and Twitter channel. Scientific info continues to be shared with member dentists and dental hygienists, state lawmakers and the public via “Myth vs. fact” briefs in WDA communications.
DHS and WDA working with grassroots members in following cities with fluoride activity underway: • Elroy • Holmen • Soldier’s Grove • Waupaca WDA dentist and dental hygienist members with fluoride challenges in their communities are asked to please contact Erika Valadez ( for staff assistance.
Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin, DHS, Wisconsin Oral Health Coalition and WDA continue working together to address local fluoridation challenges statewide with a “rapid response” process and public education. Gov. Scott Walker releases 2013 Wisconsin Regulatory Review Report.
The WDA sent members an invitation to particiResults of the employers’ survey, along with the state agencies’ review, were released on Jan. 15. pate in the business survey in September 2012 via CapWiz. In February 2012, Gov. Walker issued Execu- Thousands of employers were contacted through It is estimated that 144 member dentists partici43 business organizations: tive Order #61 requiring all state agencies to pated in the survey. work with businesses to ensure existing admin- • Roughly half of responding employers have between two and 25 employees. istrative rules are not overly burdensome. • 72 percent said regulations cost more than the benefits they produce. As part of the review process, state gov • 70 percent said regulation imposes a signifiernment asked business owners and their cant cost on their businesses. professional organizations for input on any rules hindering job growth and opinions on In announcing availability of the report, Gov. Wisconsin’s regulatory environment. Walker said, “We can continue to improve Wisconsin’s regulatory climate by ensuring regulations are science-based and predictable. Providing certainty, specifically related to state regulations, will go a long way to help the private sector create jobs.”
The final Wisconsin Regulatory Review Report highlights 218 rules with 307 modifications for consideration. To view the report, visit
Legislative-related meetings 2013 • Dentistry Examining Board: March 6, May 1, July 3, Sept. 4, Nov. 6; all meetings are held at Department of Safety and Professional Services, 1400 E. Washington Ave. in Madison and start promptly at 8:30 a.m. • March 27 – WDA Legislative Day; Monona Terrace, 1 John Nolen Dr., Madison; 9 a.m.; details and registration information to be announced at later date.
March 2013
WDA Journal
Timothy Durtsche, DDS, WDA President
Why belong?
hen I first started practicing dentistry, I immediately became a member of the La Crosse District Dental Society, Wisconsin Dental Association and American Dental Association. Since I was a professional and these were professional dental organizations, I felt I should belong and support them. As I paid my 2013 dues, I reflected on what being a member of organized dentistry means to me. Some of the many benefits I enjoy came immediately to mind. WDA programs and budgets are built on four strategic goals: advocate, educate, empower and serve. With about 80 percent of licensed Wisconsin dentists choosing to be WDA members and a new and growing dental hygienist member category, we can confidently declare that we represent dentistry when we talk with state lawmakers. At the state level, the WDA is again introducing non-covered services and ADA definition of dentistry legislation. Nationally, the exemption of dentistry from the “red flags” and “1099” rules are two great successes. Money saved on these two U.S. regulations alone covers the cost of an individual dentist’s annual dues. Currently, the ADA is seeking repeal of the McCarran-Ferguson Act which exempts insurance companies from antitrust and the 2.3 percent excise tax on dental and medical devices. It also is working to make sure the Affordable Care
Act maximizes opportunities for improving access to oral health care in win-win ways for dental practices and patients. The WDA educates the public and our patients through award-winning awareness campaigns, such as “Baby Teeth Matter, “Brush and Floss or Else…” and “Sip all Day, Get Decay”. Public awareness efforts get positive oral health messages out while enhancing dentistry’s image and building WDA name recognition statewide. With about 80 percent of licensed Wisconsin dentists choosing to be WDA members and a new and growing dental hygienist member category, we can confidently declare that we represent dentistry when we talk with state lawmakers. We work diligently around the state to support community water fluoridation. The WDA and ADA want to be the recognized authorities on oral health issues. Serving WDA members is a priority. More than 37 products, programs and services are endorsed through our WDA Insurance and Services Corp. subsidiary. Everything from personal and professional insurance products to programs and services that save time and money in the dental office are available to you. And, by taking advantage of the multitude of
quality WDAISC products and services offered, an average of $400 per member is saved in annual dues. The WDA also will host InSession – Wisconsin’s Largest Dental Study Club on May 2 – 4, 2013 in Wisconsin Dells. This one-of-a-kind continuing education and professional networking event offers “Hear. See. Do.” opportunities for the entire dental team. Other resources and programs designed specifically for dental professionals, include peer review and patient mediation, Dentists Concerned for Dentists, contract analysis and many more. Excellent print and electronic communications, including the WDA Sourcebook (Member Directory and Practice Guide), WDA Journal, Executive Director’s Update, Tongue ‘n’ Cheek…and Teeth, too!” patient journal, Journal of the ADA and ADA News, keep all members current on dental-related news at the state and national levels. The ADA also provides a full scientific team that conducts research and issues papers that support evidence-based dentistry. I am proud to be a WDA member dentist. We are so very much stronger and effective together than we could ever be as individuals. I encourage you to reflect on all that you and your dental practice gets through your organized dentistry membership and then invite a nonmember colleague to join! Thank you for your support and involvement.
Robert Brennan, DDS, WDA Editor
ADA House of Delegates stuck in the past
fter attending several American Dental Association House of Delegates meetings, I have come to the conclusion that the ADA House is too large and cumbersome to be an effective body. In 2011, the ADA House authorized a study by an outside consultant to review the entire governance structure of our national association and to report back to the 2012 House. HOD participants saw the final report last October. The one comment that really hit me was the cost of governance for the ADA. At 15 percent of revenues, it is almost 3.5 times higher than that of the average professional association which is at 4.3 percent of revenues. The report laid out 80 suggestions in all, many of which can be implemented by the ADA Board of Trustees. However, some of the recommended changes that I think are important, such as reducing the size of the HOD and transferring approval of the budget from the HOD to the BOT, require approval by the House. The ADA house has approximately 470 delegates. The report recommended reducing it by 50 percent thus making it more in line with the median number for associations which is 215. It was disappointing when the BOT didn’t even bring
Editorial Advisory Board WDA Editor Robert Brennan, DDS, Neenah 920-725-0551 • Robert Darling, DDS, Sheboygan 920-457-1717 • Glenn Gequillana, DDS, Milwaukee 414-649-3510 • Gene Shoemaker, DDS, Waukesha 262-542-0326 •
WDA Journal
forward a resolution to downsize the House saying it wouldn’t save any money for the ADA. It would save money for the states, but saving money is only one part of the equation. More importantly, reducing the size would make the House more manageable and effective. There was an attempt on the House floor to reduce its size, but unfortunately it failed.
The WDA was being progressive knowing we needed to be leaner and meaner to move into the future. I hope the ADA will eventually see the need for change and embrace it before it is too late. The BOT did submit a resolution to move approval of the budget from the House to the Board. Setting the dues amount would remain with the HOD. The comments in the report stated the reason for this was, “…the HOD meets only infrequently, is large/ cumbersome and delegates simply do not have the requisite time, knowledge and expertise to undertake the budgeting role effectively - especially for an organiza-
tion as large and complex as the ADA.” The report also stated 80 percent of associations have the BOT approve the budget. This resolution also failed. Although some minor changes were enacted, at this time it appears that the HOD is not interested in significant changes and to some extent neither is the BOT. We were light years ahead of the ADA. In 1996, the Wisconsin Dental Association House of Delegates authorized formation of a Governance Restructuring Committee. It was charged with looking at our governance structure, especially the size of our HOD, size of our Board of Trustees and composition of our trustee districts. In 1997, our HOD passed the committee’s recommendations that reorganized trustee districts into five regions and reduced the HOD 40 percent going from 101 to 61 delegates. This has resulted in lower expenses, better discussions and more streamlined governance. The WDA was being progressive knowing we needed to be leaner and meaner to move into the future. I hope the ADA will eventually see the need for change and embrace it before it is too late.
letters to the editor
The WDA Journal invites readers to express their views in letters to the editor. This provides a forum for discussing topics of interest to the dental profession. To be considered, letters must be 300 words or less and signed with an e-mail address or phone number. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit for space, clarity, civility and accuracy. Any changes will be shared with the writer before publication. If your letter is selected, contact will be made to confirm receipt.
Submit letters to the editor via email to or fax to 414-755-4111. You may also mail your letter to: WDA Journal | Attn: Dr. Robert Brennan | 6737 W. Washington St. | Suite 2360 | West Allis, WI 53214 WDA style note: We make every effort to bold members’ names in articles.
March 2013
Executive Director Corner
MARCH 2013 V OL UME 89, N UM BE R 3
Legislative advocacy team pilots local program Mark Paget WDA Executive Director
Editor Robert Brennan, DDS, Neenah 920-725-0551 • Executive Editor Mark Paget 414-755-4100 • Managing Editor Emily Bultman 414-755-4110 • OFFICERS President Timothy Durtsche, DDS, La Crosse 608-784-7319 • President-Elect Julio Rodriguez, DDS, Brodhead 608-897-8645 • Vice President Paul Levine, DDS, Milwaukee 414-355-0213 • Past-President Steven Stoll, DDS, Neenah 920-725-4307 • Treasurer John R. Moser, DDS, Milwaukee 414-273-9800 • Editor Robert Brennan, DDS, Neenah 920-725-0551 • Executive Director Mark Paget, West Allis 414-755-4100 • Region 1 Northwest David Kenyon, DDS, Altoona 715-832-3385 • Jeff Nehring, DDS, Mercer 715-476-3432• Jennifer Peglow, DDS, Stevens Point 715-344-2324 • Region 2 Northeast Paul Feit, DDS, Sturgeon Bay 920-743-6976 • Peter Hehli, DDS, Appleton 920-997-1557 • Jeffrey Kraig, DDS, Fond du Lac 920-922-9000 • Region 3 Greater Milwaukee Thomas Kielma, DDS, Milwaukee 262-649-3510 • Lynn Lepak-McSorley, DDS, Milwaukee 414-383-8787 • Thomas Raimann, DDS, Hales Corners 414-425-1510 • Region 4 Southeast Ryan Braden, DDS, Lake Geneva 262-248-0120 • Cliff Hartmann, DDS, New Berlin 414-543-4700 • Ned Murphy, DDS, Racine 262-886-9440 • Region 5 Southwest L. Stanley Brysh, DMD, Madison 608-417-6500 • David Clemens, DDS, Wisconsin Dells 608-254-2345• Patrick Tepe, DDS, Verona 608-848-4000 • Region 6 Student Region Derek Schmidt Marquette University School of Dentistry Speaker of the House Richard Lofthouse, DDS, Fennimore 608-822-3770 • ADA 9th District Trustee Dennis Engel, DDS, CDE, Mequon 262-242-8929 • Member Publication
A new project to enhance the legislative advocacy efforts of the Wisconsin Dental Association is currently underway in several communities throughout the state. The WDA lobbying team is scheduling several grassroots gatherings with key legislators and local dentists. These are not fundraisers. They are only for information sharing. The goal of these meetings is to provide an opportunity for a small number of dentists to meet with their state Senator or Assembly representative over breakfast or lunch at a local coffee shop or restaurant and discuss oral health issues. Having six to eight of our member dentists sit down for an hour in a casual setting with their elected officials will be a very effective way to deliver our messages to policymakers. While we would love to have more members attend WDA Legislative Day in Madison, we recognize not all members can give up an entire day out of their practices.
Visiting with legislators in the Capitol office can be rushed and chaotic as they juggle multiple tasks while their staff is often interrupting them. However, getting undivided attention for 45 - 60 minutes at grassroots meetings in legislators’ districts can be extremely productive. WDA Director of Government Services Mara Brooks and Forbes McIntosh, WDA contract lobbyist, have identified a handful of key legislators to be the first to pilot this new and existing initiative. Here’s how they will work: • Dates and locations will be finalized with legislators. • WDA members will be notified of the details and invited to attend. • A fact sheet containing an overview of the topics will be shared with all dentists in advance to give a clear understanding of what will be discussed. • Forbes McIntosh will attend each
meeting to make introductions and moderate the discussion. These grassroots meetings are modeled after a successful program organized by the Michigan Dental Association. This is the third year the MDA has organized dozens of gatherings between their member dentists and legislators in cities across the state. Feedback from attendees has been extremely positive. I strongly encourage members to take advantage of these wonderful opportunities when meetings are scheduled in your area. Whether you already have a good relationship with your legislator or would like to meet him/her, I invite you to participate. I know you will find the time rewarding. The WDA greatly appreciates your assistance in spreading our messages. As always, please feel free to contact me anytime with comments, questions or concerns.
ADA Report
New year brings new perspective Dennis Engel, DDS, CDE ADA 9th District Trustee
In December 2012, the American Dental Association Board of Trustees meeting began with two days of orientation for our eight new members. With this Board turnover, I am looking forward to a bright, new perspective in the board room. The meeting began for me with the Budget and Finance Committee, which I chaired. A report was shared from our investment advisers, Ellwood Associates, indicating through Nov. 30, 2012, the ADA’s restricted reserves were at $68.6 million for a gain of 10.3 percent year to date.
Fluoridation wins in key communities, like Portland, Ore., signal continued success on this important public health measure. The ADA also joined with other groups in urging the Surgeon General to issue a public statement in support of fluoridation.
ADA Building Manager, Jones Lang LaSalle, gave us an update on our facility and presented marketing strategies for recruiting future tenants as space becomes available. We discussed major capital improvement account funding, the arduous budget process and the format used to report financial positions to the ADA House of Delegates. It’s anticipated when all the numbers are in, we will have a surplus budget for 2012.
The committee also reviewed 10 contingency fund requests, a recommendation on the employee 401(k) contribution and a request from the ADA Foundation for a $300,000 contribution to help dentists affected by Hurricane Sandy. The Board started work on the new strategic plan for 2015–2020. The process will continue through 2013 with an external and internal environmental scan, focus groups and stakeholder meetings. Because of our budget process, the plan has to be finished in 2014 so it can be used to direct the 2015 budget. We hosted a lunch with the ADA Institute for Diversity in Leadership class and participated in diversity and inclusion training. The ADA’s Governance Committee reported it is working on changes that don’t need House approval. I reminded them the House majority (58 percent) wanted to reduce the size and they shouldn’t drop the ball on that change, because we fell short of the twothirds needed for the bylaws change during the 2012 meeting. This might be something we can pursue as a district. The Ad Council Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives coalition has grown to 37 members, with funding pledges of more than $4.5 million. To date, funds expended amount to $1 million. Public service announcements have been produced in broadcast, print and online in English and Spanish. A preliminary results report indicates the TV spots have been broadcast more than 3,700 times in 124 markets on news
programs, talk shows and children’s programs. The ADA and Pop Cap Inc., an online video game company, conducted a highly successful, Halloweenthemed campaign from Sept. 10 through Nov. 13, 2012, promoting a sugar-free alternative to candy. The “Stop Zombie Mouth” campaign combined oral health messages and entertainment elements, including a code to download a free “Plants vs. Zombies” game that would be distributed through ADA member dental offices. Outreach via consumer and dental trade media resulted in more than 382 news stories reaching 152 million-plus readers, viewers and listeners. Notable placements included, Time. com,, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, syndicated radio and CNET, a technology review website. Legislative issues discussed included the Internal Revenue Service preparing to issue regulations on implementing a 2.3 percent medical device tax. The ADA continues to lobby against the tax. Fluoridation wins in key communities, like Portland, Ore., signal continued success on this important public health measure. The ADA also joined with other groups in urging the Surgeon General to issue a public statement in support of fluoridation. It was noted the American Dental Political Action Committee scored a number of impressive wins in terms of backing congressional candidates in the most recent election. As always, I will entertain all comments and questions. Feel free to email me at
March 2013
WDA Journal
BUSINESS of Dentistry Protect your practice from embezzlement and fraud Mark DeBroux, CPA Schenck SC
Have you ever had a patient comment about something unusual that happened in your office? Perhaps they did not get a receipt at the time they paid for their services, or they received a bill after they had paid in full. Are you noticing irregularities between your bank deposits and what the day sheets have recorded? Or, do patient account write-offs seem to be more than expected? Are staff members idle when you think they should be busy? Do they seem to be taking nice vacations, gambling trips or living beyond their financial means? You may have an issue with your internal controls, and money may literally be walking out the door. Fraud appears in many forms including taking cash, supplies, software or abusing telephone privileges or time. Thirty-one percent of companies have indicated they have been a victim of fraud or embezzlement, but most chose not to report it. Most of the time the perpetrator is a basically honest person in a position of trust, has excellent knowledge of the practice management system and knows the “ins and outs” of the practice’s daily bookkeeping, check writing and petty cash processes. He or she has an almost unlimited
R ecommended
opportunity to steal and they find it surprisingly easy to take things, such as a little money here or there, without being detected or even suspected of doing so.
On average, it takes 18 months from when an embezzlement or fraud starts until it is discovered. Sometimes the fraud is discovered by the person confessing; many times, it is discovered by accident. The median loss for the average business is $155,000. What should you as the employer do to ensure you have internal controls in place? Here are a few best practices: • Employ people who can be trusted. Check references when hiring. • Pay employees a fair wage.
• As an owner, set a good example. • Make it hard for someone to steal: o Balance reports and make deposits every day. o Provide receipts to patients who make payments in the office; using prenumbered receipts is still a best practice. o Bill all patient accounts monthly. o Once an account is determined to be uncollectable, write it off and send it to the collection agency. o Involve more than one staff member in all financial aspects of the practice to segregate duties. o Use a computer system to generate checks and use a pen with permanent or nonwashable ink to sign. o Install a time clock. o Require all staff members to take at least five continuous days of vacation, and cross train other staff to complete their tasks while that employee is on vacation. o Make use of passwords on practice management systems allowing staff to access only the modules they need, and change passwords at least four times a year. o If you use online banking, be sure to verify who has access and passwords.
Many small-business owners are embarrassed to report fraud, or worse yet, they keep the employee on staff. This enables future frauds to occur. If you uncover fraud, you need to prosecute. Editor’s note: This is the first part in a twopart series on employee fraud and embezzlement. Watch for the second part, “Establishing effective dental practice compliance cycle” in the April 2013 WDA Journal.
Learn more at WDA InSession A workplace fraud interactive learning session will be held at WDA InSession. Moderators Mark DeBroux, CPA, and Brian Zahn with Schenck SC will share critical strategies dental practice need in place to remove “tempting” loopholes. Sign up for ILS #8 in the morning or #27 in the afternoon on Friday, May 3. Register at InSession/Annual Session page on
products , programs and services
Your association did the reap the benefits! INSURANCE
PRACTICE MANAGEMENT The Dental Record (patient records) Central Data Storage (online data backup and recovery) Patient eForms (online patient forms) DentForms by MedicTalk (electronic forms) 800-243-4675 |
Professional Liability and Office Protection WDA Group Health Insurance Program Auto and Homeowners Insurance Group Life and Disability Individual Health, Disability and Life HSAs, HRAs and MSAs Section 125 Plans Medicare Supplement Programs Long-Term Care Insurance Workers’ Compensation Direct Reimbursement Advanced Planning Services Paid Dental of Wisconsin To take advantage of these quality plans and their high-level benefits geared to the special needs of Wisconsin’s dental community, call 800-242-9077, send e-mail to or
Officite (websites) 888-738-8834 | CareerConnection (online job center) 866-364-7646 | The QTI Group (human resources) 888-575-3273 |
CareCredit (patient financing) 800-800-5110 | U.S. Bank Practice Financial (practice and commercial real estate financing) 414-765-5498
Mercer Advisors (financial planning) 800-898-4642 |
FedEx Advantage Program (shipping) 800-members (800-636-2377)
Scientific Metals (metal refining) 888-949-0008
AMO - Association Members Only (office supplies) 800-420-6421 |
Sharps Compliance (medical waste disposal) 800-772-5657 |
AED Brands (defibrillators) 800-580-1375
Delta Gloves (examination gloves) 800-633-6867 | InTouch Practice Communications (custom on-hold advertising and appointment reminder system) 877-493-9003 |
The Omnia Group (pre-employment testing and background checks) 800-525-7117 |
FINANCIAL SERVICE ADA Visa Card from U.S. Bank (credit card) 888-327-2265 x94225 AMP Wealth Management (401k Plans, and Personal Wealth Management) 414-332-1011 | Chase Paymentech (credit card processing) 800-618-1666
Whirlpool Corporation (home appliances) 866-808-9274 Lands’ End (staff apparel) 800-990-5407 or Hewlett/Packard (computers/printers) 800-888-4164
Brought to WDA Members by:
WDA Journal
March 2013
• Review financial procedures and employee policies • Dental offices can share a patient’s records with another office • Dentist and dental hygienist licenses expire Sept. 30, 2013 • Identify possible exposures to avoid penalties and legal problems • ADA continues to offer free access to the Cochrane Library
Dental practice FAQ The Wisconsin Dental Association staff receives a multitude of phone calls and emails every day. Questions come from member dentists, dental hygienists, assistants, office managers, other organizations and patients who are looking for answers to dentistry-related topics. During 2013, a frequently asked dental practice question and answer will run in every issue of the WDA Journal.
For more information, visit or review FAQs in the WDA Sourcebook.
A dental office is informed a couple is divorcing and their children are to be taken to a different dentist. Can the dental office release the children’s records to the new dentist without written consent since they called and asked? Can we release the children’s records to their father even though the account is under the mother’s name?
Yes, a dental office may release the records to another dental office when they call and request them. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act guidelines are not set to prevent you or any other provider from doing their job. The one common rule of thumb with HIPAA and protected health information
is the only time it can be released without written consent is if it’s for treatment, payment or health care operations. Wisconsin also requires offices to abide by consent laws which are stricter than HIPAA. These state, if release is for any other reason than that listed above, written consent must be obtained first. Be sure to document in the records any release done. Issues of divorce can often get tricky, but the dental office should never be stuck in the middle. If a dental office needs clarification from parents, ask for a copy of the divorce decree detailing on how the court ordered medical and dental issues to be handled for the children. Both parents are considered legal guardians of the children and have access to their children’s dental records. This would only change if one parent can produce, in writing, the other parent has been denied physical and legal placement/contact with the children or restraining orders of any kind.
Could I be sued today? Mara T. Roberts, CLU, RHU, REBC WDAISC President
Not a very positive note to start your day on however if this question is kept in mind as you do a review of your practice periodically – you will be surprised at what you uncover . As you pull into the parking lot of your practice, ask yourself the following questions: • Has the parking lot been cleared and salted? • Is the walkway to the front door clear and free of ice? • Is the office entrance handicap accessible? After entering your practice safely, then ask yourself: • What condition is your waiting room in? • Do you have nonslip flooring? You don’t want someone to fall once they are inside your practice. Now let us look at your “check in” procedure. It is important to review the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, as well as the Privacy Act. I caution against having a sign-in sheet which I still see being used in some dental offices.
Have staff be mindful of their conversations regarding other patients, how files are handled and the visibility of computer screens while at the front desk. When notating a patient’s charts, remember: • If it is not documented, it did not happen. • Do not write something you would not want read out loud in a courtroom. • Do not erase, whiteout or try to delete information. As important as your written communication style is, your verbal communication style can be even more important. • Do you establish realistic expectations with your patients prior to beginning work? • Have you discussed the financial aspect of the work that needs to be done? These are two common areas of claims brought against dentists: dissatisfaction with work and fee disputes (which usually stem from dissatisfaction with work). While on the subject of communications, how is your staff communication style? It is not just your patients who can
bring a claim against you. Once you have employees life becomes more complicated and you can unknowingly get into trouble very quickly. How you communicate and what you communicate is very important. While you may like the idea of a “mom and pop” environment, those days are over. They have been replaced by employee manuals and formalized workplace relationships with established boundaries. Payroll, workers’ compensation, health insurance, vacation/personal days and 401(k) and other retirement plans need to be correctly administered to avoid costly penalties and legal problems. It can be overwhelming when you think of all the possible exposures you face. Yet, you are actually in a much better position after identifying your exposures. Now, you know what they are and you can decide what to do about them and how to manage them. With the right advisors at your side, you can make informed decisions that put you in a position to run your practice with greater peace of mind.
Cochrane Library remains valuable member benefit The American Dental Association continues to give members free access to the Cochrane Library. This library provides a full-text database of systematic reviews, clinical trials and other research for evidence-based dentistry and medicine. Its primary content consists of Cochrane Systematic Reviews. These reviews must meet strict methodological and quality standards. They are considered among the best possible evidence available. Library staff answers clinical questions about treatment options to assist dentists in implementing evidence-based dentistry. The database can be browsed by topic or searched by title, author or keyword. The Cochrane Library subscription is an ADA members-only benefit that can be accessed via the ADA Library page at Other content is accessible from the ADA Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry website at
Plan now for license renewal All Wisconsin dentist and dental hygienist licenses will expire on Sept. 30, 2013. Make sure everyone in your dental office notifies the state Department of Safety and Professional Services of their current address and submit renewal applications and fees on time. Both dentists and dental hygienists must pay a $123 renewal fee. Information can be updated and license renewed online on For dentists, 30 hours of continuing education must be completed (five of which may be nonclinical) every two years. Dental hygienists are required to obtain 12 credits during the previous licensure period. These must include a minimum of two hours of infection control CE and a maximum of two hours in cardiopulmonary resuscitation training. All licensees are required to obtain certification in hands-on CPR and automated external defibrillator training. It is up to the licensee as to whether to attribute the documented time spent in CPR-AED training toward their CE requirements. For 2013 renewal, credits must be obtained between Oct. 1, 2011 and Sept. 30, 2013. Refer to the Wisconsin Dental Practice Act in the WDA Sourcebook and under the CE topic on (member log in required) for more information.
Don’t forget to track CE Dentists and dental hygienists can download from continuing education tracking forms created by the Wisconsin Dental Association staff to help you keep a record of completed courses. Dentists are required to obtain and keep the actual certificates of completion for all CE courses they’ve completed beginning Oct. 1, 2011. Dentists and dental hygienists should retain course completion certifications for at least six years as proof they obtained the required hours of CE during a given two-year licensure period.
March 2013
WDA Journal
Focus on: Diversity in dentistry
Diversity continued from page 1
Although she enjoyed her experience in social work, she maintained aspirations for a career in health care, which led her to eventually pursue dentistry. She enrolled at Marquette University School of Dentistry and graduated in 2006. Her experience in social work gave her the opportunity to learn how to work with individuals during difficult times.
“The Institute adapts to each new class principally through the faculty, alumni and advisors tailoring their mentoring to the individual leadership projects designed by the dentists...” In 2002, the ADA House of Delegates established the program in order to, “…build lifetime relationships with minority dentists; to mentor promising leaders with potential to impact diverse communities; and to strengthen alliances with stakeholder institutions, including dental leaders, industry, public and governmental communities of interest.” “The Institute adapts to each new class principally through the faculty, alumni and advisors tailoring their
The 2012-13 class of the ADA Institute for Diversity in Leadership attended their first session at ADA headquarters in September 2012. WDA member Dr. Cheska AveryStafford (Milwaukee) is third from left.
mentoring to the individual leadership projects designed by the dentists. The faculty seminars on leadership also evolve from their experiences with prior classes, other consulting and advances in leadership research,” ADA Director of Dental Society Services Joe Martin said. Including Dr. Avery-Stafford’s class, more than 100 dentists have participated in the program. “Institute participants consist of a diverse group of dentists who belong to
racial, ethnic and/or gender groups that have traditionally been underrepresented in leadership roles,” Mr. Martin said. The ADA surveys participants during their program year and does annual surveys of Institute alumni. Over the years, feedback has been consistently positive, with graduates noting the value of the experience in their leadership pursuits. As part of the September 2013 session, Dr. Avery-Stafford will make a presentation to the incoming Institute class.
“The goal of my project is to establish a cohesive network of dentists, students and prospective students from underrepresented groups. I would like to increase the opportunity for these dentists in the Milwaukee area to meet and interact with existing MUSOD students by establishing various programs and events,” she said. “I hope this cohesive body will serve to increase the presence of dentists and students from underrepresented groups in this community and this group can reach out to prospective students as well,” she added. Dr. Avery-Stafford is reaching out to dentists from various areas, including MUSOD and local dental societies. She invites those interested in becoming part of her project efforts to email her at
For more information on ADA Institute for Diversity in Leadership, visit goto/diversity. Applications for 2013-14 will be posted online soon and are due April 30, 2013.
WDA reaches out to employee dentists Amy Landis WDA Member Relations Coordinator
In 2012, the American Dental Association developed a Membership Program for Growth. As part of the MPG program, grants were made available to help state and local dental societies promote membership recruitment and retention throughout the tripartite. The Wisconsin Dental Association took this opportunity to address its greatest membership challenge – recruiting and retaining dentists who practice in various nontraditional dental business models. These individuals receive benefits through their employers which minimizes the need and/or desire to join organized dentistry. With the help of the ADA and other outside parties, the WDA has been able to learn more about the various business models and to recognize that the value of tripartite membership needs to be promoted differently to those working in these models. The WDA applied and received an MPG grant last year. Funds were used to start reaching out to employee dentists. After conducting research and gathering information, we confirmed that more than 350 dentists practicing in Wisconsin work for nontraditional 8
WDA Journal
organizations (Dentists working at Federally Qualified Health Centers are not included in this number). Using ADA grant money, three continuing education mixers were hosted in Appleton, Madison and Milwaukee for employee dentists and WDA leaders. Attendance was relatively low, but it gave us the opportunity to educate ourselves further on the different business models and the benefits they offer. We applied for two MPG grants for 2013. One of the grants would focus on continuing to outreach to employee dentists. The other grant would be used to develop educational materials for dental students that outline business models. Materials would not name specific companies or organizations, but would provide a broad-based look at various models for students as they begin making contacts and looking into post-graduation options. Approval is pending from the ADA for the 2013 grants. Watch for further updates to come throughout the year as well as information about the new ADA/WDA member-get-a-member initiative.
March 2013
I am a WDA member dentist “I joined the WDA in 1991 when I moved here from Texas to do my post-doctorate training in endodontics at Marquette University School of Dentistry. I have been an active WDA member, because I want to be informed and involved with important state and government issues that affect our profession. I have found the membership not only beneficial, but have developed long-lasting friendships. I am thankful for the camaraderie.” Dr. Lynne Brock (Brookfield), an endodontist
ADA embraces diversity and inclusion efforts April Kates Ellison, CAE ADA Membership Recruitment, Retention and Outreach Manager
Diversity and inclusion is an explicit part of the American Dental Association’s mission statement. “The ADA is the professional association of dentists that fosters the success of a diverse membership and advances the oral health of the public.” The ADA defines diversity as, “… differences related to personal characteristics, demographics, and professional choices.” It is committed to enhancing the vitality of the profession and strengthening the organization by fostering a more diverse membership. Mirroring the U.S. population in general, each new dental class is helping dentistry become more and more diverse. In an effort to connect with the variety of cultures and experiences that are emerging within the dental profession, the ADA recognizes its role in valuing diversity, fostering a culture of inclusiveness and creating an organization that is seen as highly relevant to dentists from all backgrounds. In support of the mission of the organization and its commitment to diversity and inclusion, the ADA supports membership diversity and inclusion in three distinct ways. “Dentists are dentists, first and foremost. We strive to ensure our patients maintain and improve their oral health. The fundamental goal of advancing the oral health of the public is the cornerstone of all levels of organized dentistry,” Dr. Gene Shoemaker (Waukesha), who serves on the ADA Council of Membership, said. “We are strong because of the individual members that belong. However, to remain strong and relevant to its members, organized dentistry needs to ensure it seeks out and incorporates
the unique differences of our members related to their personal characteristics, demographics and professional choices,” he added. Standing committee on diversity First, a standing committee on diversity and inclusion was created. It consists of four members from the ADA Board of Trustees and three volunteer dentist consultants from diverse backgrounds. This committee monitors ADA diversity and inclusion initiatives to help increase awareness among staff, guide future program development and inform member-related initiatives. In tangent with information and guidance from the committee, the ADA Board is able to fully consider and implement diversity, inclusion activities and priorities to help ensure governance, programs and policies are sensitive to diversity and inclusion in the dental profession and the nation’s population.
“The ADA is the professional association of dentists that fosters the success of a diverse membership and advances the oral health of the public.” Also, the Board ensures cultural competency through educational sessions that help its members focus on recognizing unconscious biases and understanding the viewpoints of others, regardless of backgrounds. These sessions ultimately serve to
enhance consideration of diverse perspectives by the Board when making decisions and recommendations to the ADA House of Delegates and other association governing bodies. Adopting a plan Second, the Board adopted the 20122014 ADA Diversity and Inclusion Plan. It specifically outlines diversity and inclusion goals and metrics for the association. Ultimately, the diversity and inclusion strategies presented in the plan help guide ADA budgets and operating plans. It will also serve as a resource for future strategic planning.
joint leadership program, in which leaders from all four associations took part. “In the 20-plus years that I have been involved in organized dentistry at the local, state and national levels, I have witnessed and appreciated the fact that decisions affecting the association, our profession and our patients were made utilizing a wide-range of opinions and input from individuals with diverse backgrounds. Organized dentistry continues its commitment to diversity and inclusion of all of its members. This enhances organized dentistry, the profession and, more importantly, the environment in which we serve our patients,” Dr. Shoemaker said.
Supporting key initiatives Finally, the ADA actively supports key initiatives that embrace diversity and inclusion. Examples include the ADA Institute for Diversity in Leadership (read more about this on page 1) and the recent Multicultural Oral Health Summit. The ADA Diversity Committee and select Board members attended the 2012 Multicultural Oral Health Summit. It was sponsored by the nation’s premier dental organizations for dentists from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds, including the National Dental Association, Hispanic Dental Association and Society of American Indian Dentists. The event provided a venue for stakeholders to discuss oral health issues that impact diverse communities throughout the nation. In addition, for the first time, NDA, HDA, SAID and ADA board members held a joint Leadership Development Program to focus on ways to improve governance and collaborative planning. The ADA helped plan and fund the
March 2013
WDA Journal
WDAPS vice president retires after 21 years Emily Bultman WDA Communications Coordinator
It all began with the Wisconsin Dental Association’s three-year study of existing dental records that concluded most were inadequate, outdated and disorganized. After conducting research and extensive in-office testing, The Dental Record was born and Lee Johnston was hired as its executive director. “Lee Johnston was hired with the belief that we needed someone to take The Dental Record to the next level,” Dr. Paul Oberbreckling (Mequon) said. After 21 years, Ms. Johnston retired January 2013 from WDA Professional Services and The Dental Record. “Lee’s professionalism and dedication not only achieved our original goal, but took us further down the road than ever expected. WDA members and the entire dental community should be thankful for her years of service,” Dr. Oberbreckling said. After graduating with a bachelor’s from Concordia University, Ms. Johnston
I am a WDA member dentist
worked with Bolens before joining WDA Professional Services in 1992. “I worked with Lee during her entire tenure with WDAPS and The Dental Record. She was hired as the manager of a fledgling company, much like my experience with WDAIP,” Former WDA Insurance and Services Corp. President Thomas Witkowski said. Ms. Johnston expanded the company’s product lines to all types of paper records including, emergency records and children’s records. “She was quick on her feet and developed a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act form before other companies. This resulted in a nice spike in WDAPS profitability for a couple of years,” Mr. Witkowski said. One of Ms Johnston’s greatest accomplishments was to obtain the endorsement of the American Dental Association for The Dental Record.
From left, WDA Professional Services staff Kelly Michels, Lee Johnston, Brett Lindstrom and JoAnn Sampson.
This key endorsement suddenly gave The Dental Record national exposure. Thousands of dentists, from all 50 states, have incorporated The Dental Record into their own practices, reporting ease of use, lower malpractice risk and increased office productivity. “Lee is a sharp businesswoman, and I
truly enjoyed my years working with her,” Mr. Witkowski said. As technology in the dental profession changed, The Dental Record adapted under Ms. Johnston’s leadership. The company expanded its product line to include Patient eForms, which provides online patient forms, and paperless software called DentForms. “Lee did an amazing job building The Dental Record and providing revenue to the WDA. It was a privilege to work with her during the past five years. She taught me a great deal, both professionally and personally,” WDA Professional Services Director of Marketing Brett Lindstrom said. Ms. Johnston and her husband, Jim, will be splitting their time between their renovated house in Iowa and their condo in Florida. On behalf of all the WDA staff, past and current leaders, volunteers and members, enjoy your retirement, Lee!
Fluoride myth vs. fact Question:
European countries have rejected fluoridation, so why should we fluoridate water.
Answer: Europe has used a variety of programs to provide fluoride’s benefits to the public. Water fluoridation is one of these programs.
“I value my membership, because I believe that we have full responsibility for our profession - not just treating teeth.” Dr. Jolanta Pajek (Appleton), a general practitioner
WDA Journal
Fluoridated water reaches 12 million Europeans, mostly residents of Great Britain, Ireland and Spain. Fluoridated milk programs reach millions of additional Europeans, mostly in Eastern Europe. Salt fluoridation is the most widely used approach in Europe. In fact, at least 70 million Europeans consume fluoridated salt, and this method of fluoridation reaches most of the population in Germany and Switzerland. These two countries have among the lowest rates of tooth decay in all of Europe. Technical challenges are a major reason why fluoridated water isn’t widespread in Europe. In France and Switzerland, for example, water fluoridation is logistically difficult because of the terrain and because there are tens of thousands of separate sources for drinking water. This is why Western Europe relies more on salt fluoridation, fluoride rinse programs and other means to get fluoride to the public. Source: The American Dental Association Fluoride Facts and Additional “Fluoride myth vs. fact” items will appear in future WDA Journals as an ongoing effort to educate our members about the science behind community water fluoridation.
March 2013
Retirement luncheon hosted for Tom and Lee
communiqu e´
Amanda Brezgel WDA Electronic Communications Coordinator
The Wisconsin Dental Association offers member dentists and dental hygienists exclusive online access to valuable, member-only information: articles, case studies, online versions of the WDA Journal and WDA Sourcebook (Member Directory and Practice Guide), survey results and frequently asked dental practice questions.
To log in to the members-only section, dentists must use their unique-toyou American Dental Association number without dashes (e.g., 333224444) and birth
date with slashes (e.g., mm/dd/yy) as their password. Dental hygienists are each assigned their own unique WDA member number when joining. They must use that number with their birth date to log in. The WDA Public Relations Committee and its Electronic Communications Subcommittee worked with staff to determine this ADA number plus birth date combination, because the numbers will never change, it doesn’t matter what your email address is and no changing and forgetting “creative” passwords. This log-in process has also reduced staff time costs for maintaining usernames and passwords to provide when members called. In the rare case that you are unable to log in to the members only section, please contact Amanda Brezgel at 414-775-4112 or or Carol Weber at 414-775-4108 or Please have your ADA number and birth date ready.
Top five visited members only pages on (May 2012-January 2013)
#1 Business of Dentistry, Consent Forms #2 Business of Dentistry Wisconsin Dental Practice Act #3 Case Studies #4 Business of Dentistry, Occupational Safety and Health Administration Infection Control #5 WDA Journal
The Wisconsin Dental Association staff hosted a retirement luncheon for WDA Insurance and Services Corp. President Tom Witkowski and WDA Professional Services Vice President Lee Johnston on Jan. 18. From left, WDAIP staff, Mara Roberts, Nancy Wuenne, Tom Witkowski and Davina Golden.
WDA member log-in
presented by Ezedin M. Sadeghi, DDS, MS, MUSOD Associate Professor and Oral Pathology Director
An 11-year-old female was referred to an oral surgery clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of a palatal and papillary lesion. The lesion was asymptomatic and was slowly growing larger (Figure #1). The patient was otherwise healthy.
1- What would you consider in your differential diagnosis? A. Verrucous carcinoma B. Squamous papilloma C. Condyloma acuminatum D. Verrucous vulgaris E. All of the above 2- What would you do for the definitive diagnosis? A. Brush biopsy B. Incisional biopsy C. Excisional biopsy D. Exfoliative cytology E. Do nothing and watch Answers on page 19
March 2013
WDA Journal
Classifieds Practice for Sale/Lease
Edge Advisors has 15 and counting dental practices for sale! Want to sell your real estate with the practice? Contact Jessica at Jessica@ or call 715-379-1796 to find out about how to sell both at the lowest price in the industry. #11-2012-09 Green Bay – General dental practice for sale. ptions include immediate or transition buy-in. No temporary associates. Recent graduates welcome. Excellent full-time staff. Two computerized, fully equipped dental ops. One computerized and equipped hygiene room. Doctor retiring. Respond to Wisconsin Dental Association, Blind Box 1106, 6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2360, West Allis, WI 53214 #11-2012-06
Properties/Office Space Available Dental Suite – Brookfield: 3 plumbed operatories, lab, reception, business office, private office and restroom. Ideal central location just West of Mayfair – building has other dental specialists – plentiful parking, $1,500. Call Regina at Bohl & Race Ortho 262-784-6700. #03-2013-02 Madison – Dental condo unit for sale or lease. 3 operatories, front office, private office, sterilization area. Ideal for a new startup. In a well-established dental building (with an orthodontist) in a desirable east Madison neighborhood. Contact or call 608-217-1727. #02-2013-09 Brookfield: 1,350 sq. ft. corner spot in a strip mall on Capitol Drive. Office has many examining rooms with plumbing done. Nice glass secretary waiting area. Reasonable lease terms. Call 262-781-1518. #02-2013-12
Dentist Available/ Position Wanted Dentist seeking association position (with buy-in potential) or practice to purchase on Madison’s west side or surrounding suburbs.
Respond to Wisconsin Dental Association, Blind Box 0301, 6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2360, West Allis, WI 53214 #03-2013-01 Southern Wisconsin Practice Wanted for Purchase: We are looking to purchase a modern general practice with at least 3 operatories. We currently have 4 locations and are open to retaining current owner as IC dentist. Please contact Mary Beth at 630-8335110 or #01-2013-09
Practice Position Opportunity
Andy Lehmkuhl and your local team at Edge Advisors have transitioned 30 practices in the past two years. We charge less and get the best results in the industry. Need help hiring an associate? Currently we have more than 14 available. See what your colleagues are talking about at Contact 414255-5669 or #112012-10 Green Bay – I am in need of an associate to perform all phases of general dentistry in a well-established practice in Green Bay. This will quickly lead to a full-time position. Buyin/buy-out is available and will be discussed and decided prior to employment. Contact Dr. Stephen A. Sevenich at 1551 Park Place Suite 300, Green Bay, WI 54304 or 920-737-7619. #WI500 – Madison Area Practice Wanted – Buyer interested in acquiring a satellite practice with owner willing to state associate. Are you looking to slow down and let someone else deal with the business management of your practice? You just want to treat patients and leave without a worry of the day-to-day management of the practice? This may be the perfect time to transition your practice! Call Deanna Wright at Henry Schein Professional Practice Transitions at 800-730-8883 or email for more information on how we can help. #02-2013-15 Dentist wanted for well-established southern Wisconsin practice. This is a GREAT practice established for more than 40 years. WE have three full-time hygienists that are scheduled two months ahead with 60% of their appointments prescheduled. We have a fully computerized front desk and accounting
system. This makes our accounts receivable only 3 ½ weeks of production. We offer all phases of general practice dentistry. We work with the greatest auxiliary personnel in our entire area, and we function together as a well-trained dental team. By incorporating prevention, care and compassion in our treatment, our patients become part of our dental family. This makes our practice a great place to work. We are looking for a motivated dentist with excellent clinical skills to join our practice. We presently have two full-time dentists (partners) and one of them wants to slow down. The problem… we are too busy for him to do that. We each work 32 to 34 hours per week. This is a great opportunity for a young dentist looking to be part of a small town multi-dentist practice. Here your skills and work will be appreciated. This is for a partnership position. If this is what you desire, then send an email to fdent1@aol. com and put “Partnership Opportunity” in the subject line. #02-2013-11 Oak Creek – Immediate part-time position. Well-established, progressive group practice, with state-of-the-art equipment. 16 to 20 hours per week with opportunity to expand to fulltime in near future. Contact: ejkiery@yahoo. com. #02-2013-10 Dentist Needed in the Green Bay Area to Join Nation’s Largest Growing Practice. Imagine working independently with an established patient base, being provided with an assistant, scheduling and administrative support, given equipment, having travel expenses covered while visiting patients that appreciate your comprehensive, compassionate and expert care. Our Dentists feel good about their careers because they know their patients appreciate them and that the Aggeus team is there to support and guide them to success. We offer generous benefits and flexible scheduling. Generous compensation. Bonus opportunities. Malpractice coverage. Matching 401(k). Health insurance benefits. Work 1 day a week or 7 days a week, we will customize our schedule to fit yours. Send your CV to careers@aggeus. org. Please specify your current location and availability. Call us at 773-770-0140, ext. 305. #02-2013-16 Greenfield – Seeking an ambitious associate general dentist. FT or PT. Molar endo and extraction experience required. Fax resume to 414-327-7551. #02-2012-05. Eau Claire, WI – Looking for a full-time associate dentist to join a busy two doctor practice. This growing practice is well-established in the community and has recently been digitalized. Potential buy-in, competitive compensation and benefits all being offered. Please send your information to ecfd@eauclairefamilydental. com. #02-2013-07
Temporary/Flexible/Dynamic Opportunities Do you have a passion for patient care? Do you enjoy new challenges and desire a flexible work environment? We want to talk with you! Our team is looking for doctors with open personalities who are interested in covering maternity leaves, military leaves, and extended vacations in our Fee for Service practices. If you’ve ever considered the benefits of temporary coverage, give us a call. With us, you can work as much or as little as desired. We have practices located in various communities throughout WI, MN, IL, and IA. To learn more, please contact Laura Anderson Laehn at 715-926-5050 or Visit online at and #06-2010-01
Classified Advertisements The rate for classified advertisements for Wisconsin Dental Association members is $65 for 30 words or less; additional words 50 cents each. All ads are placed online at A blind box number is an additional $10. Non-WDA members are charged an additional $25 for each ad and payment must be received prior to publication. Include company logo for $30 per month. Boxed classified ads also are available in three sizes: one inch = $100; two inches = $150; or three inches = $200. Make your ad stand out with a full color, mini-display. Save 10 percent when you run a display ad for three months or more. Mini-display classified ads now available in three sizes: two inches = $200; or three inches = $250; or four inches = $300. Artwork can be created for you at an additional charge: $75 for initial minidisplay creation $50 per hour for edits after initial run (one hour minimum will be charged). Visit to view rate sheet and download classified contract.
Cancellation of ads must be received in writing. Please note all ads must be pre-paid. Please include payment (check or credit card number) with your classified ad when submitting. You can download the contract online at or call 414755-4110. To place an ad, mail, fax or email copy to the Wisconsin Dental Association, Attn: Emily Bultman, 6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2360, West Allis, WI 53214; fax to 414755-4111. The deadline for classified advertisements is the second Tuesday of the month, two months before advertisement insertion. It is against WDA policy to do unauthorized mailings pertaining to individual classified advertisements. When responding to a Blind Box, please indicate the blind box number on the envelope. When they are received by the WDA office, they are forwarded unopened to the address of the person holding the blind box. Sample: Wisconsin Dental Association, Blind Box #10, 6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2360, West Allis, WI 53214.
WDA Journal
March 2013
place a display or
classified ad , please contact
E mily B ultman at ebultman @WDA. org .
Appleton, WI – Associate position available for 2 Dr. practice looking to add a 3rd Dr. 3,000 patient base. Sign-on bonus and no noncompete initially. Buy-in option available. Please call 920-225-0123. #02-2013-14. Outstanding Opportunity: Partners in Care is seeking a part-time general dentist, 3 and a half days per week, for our new Southeastern Wisconsin location. We offer excellent benefits and a minimum pay guarantee to start. We are looking for candidates with at least two full years of experience to be a part of our dedicated team of professionals. Visit our website at: www. to see our other four locations. Email Resume/CV to marybeth@ #04-2012-11
Manitowoc – Midwest Dental is seeking a full time dentist in Manitowoc. We offer the opportunity to lead your own clinical team while shedding the administrative and financial burdens. Our philosophy of preserving and supporting the traditional private practice setting provides a great work-life balance, excellent compensation and benefits, and unlimited opportunity for professional growth. If you possess a passion for providing quality care and are looking for a rewarding practice opportunity in Manitowoc, please call Andrew Lockie at 715-579-4076 or email them online at #102012-01
Opportunities Available - Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Office of Rural Health has detailed information on general and specialty dentist positions in both smaller towns and larger cities located throughout Wisconsin. Most
of these positions qualify for the $50,000 loan repayment program from the State of Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Office of Rural Health has recently added a Dentist Placement Program to our successful Physician Placement Program. Located at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, we are a notfor-profit organization dedicated to helping improve the quality of health care for the people of Wisconsin. For information, call Marsha Siik at 800-385-0005, email siik@wisc. edu, or fax CV to 608-261-1893. #03-2013-06
ForwardDental is in search of exceptional Dentists to join our busy Wisconsin practices. Positions offer competitive compensation, enhanced benefits and the opportunity for ownership! Contact Kelly at kfredrick@amdpi. com. #10-2011-05 Dental Dreams desires motivated, quality oriented associate dentists for its offices in IL (Chicago & suburbs), DC, LA, MI, MA, MD, NM, PA, SC, TX and VA. We provide quality general FAMILY dentistry in a technologically advanced setting. Our valued dentists earn on average $230,000/yr plus benefits. New graduates encouraged! Call 312-274-4524 or email #03-2013-05 Are you happy in your current office? Before you make a move or accept another offer, be sure to check us out! Our dental practice, located in Southern Wisconsin, is looking for a long term associate to join our steadily growing practice and community. We service all aspects of general dentistry, including implant placement and restoration. Come and be a part of our fun, talented and enthusiastic team! We are offering a top base salary, production bonus program, and a generous benefits package. Please submit CV/ resume to: #03-2013-04
New Product/
Service Corner Dentistry on a wavelength: A diode dental laser course Lasers are revolutionizing the dental and medical world. They are changing how we practice dentistry, especially in treating conditions of the soft tissue, such as periodontal disease. Edge Advisors has recognized a need for continuing education on lasers across Wisconsin. We have teamed up with Dr. Peter Pang, MAGD to offer an eight-credit CE course on diode laser therapy. Courses will be held: • Madison – 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. on May 17 and Nov. 1, 2013 • Milwaukee – 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. on May 18 and Nov. 2, 2013 Dr. Pang has more than 25 years of experience in providing comprehensive dentistry utilizing lasers. While most laser courses limit their training to “how to use a laser”, Dr. Pang and his team review the science of lasers, laser results, safety and infection control standards. Most importantly, you will learn how to successfully integrate lasers into your practice. Course objectives: • Basic laser physics • Recognize clinical applications in which a diode laser can be used • Distinguish appropriate laser tissue interaction • Determine effective diode laser results • Adhere to safety and infection control standards • Learn to successfully integrate lasers in your practice • How to charge and bill insurance for laser treatments • Hands-on laser training
Attendance is limited so signup today! For more information and to register, visit
Office Equipment for Sale MORE REASONS TO SMILE! We’ve always believed in putting patients first. In fact, Dental Associates was built on the notion that everyone deserves access to affordable dental care of the highest caliber. From a small solo practice that launched more than 35 years ago, Dental Associates has grown to 10 multispecialty dental centers. We’re proud to bring quality, progressive treatment to communities across with the day-to-day business tasks. Put all your focus back on your patients and you will enjoy more of those rewarding moments! We’d love to have you join us. Visit our website at dentalassociates. com, call or send resume/CV in confidence to: or Dental Associates Attn: Susan Bullen, 11711 W. Burleigh St., Wauwatosa, WI 53222, 800315-71107, 414-456-9911(fax). #02-2013-02
Four royal ortho chairs and matching ross side units. White/maroon. Like new. $3,500 total. Good for exam/hygiene/simple restorative, satellite. Contact Penny at 608-663-8819. #022013-01
Mike Bark – The ONLY accredited “Institute of Dental CPA’s” certified Wisconsin CPA/ Accountant and best valued. Give us a call and let’s talk about how we can help you improve your situation. Contact 414-759-9629 or Mike@ #11-2012-11 Protect Your Reputation. Potential patients (even referrals) Google you before they schedule. 1 negative review = average of 30 lost new patients. E-Book will show you what to do. Free at #02-2013-08
Green Bay – Midwest Dental is seeking a full time dentist in Green Bay. We offer the opportunity to lead your own clinical team while shedding the administrative and financial burdens. Our philosophy of preserving and supporting the traditional private practice setting provides a great work-life balance, excellent compensation and benefits, and unlimited opportunity for professional growth. If you possess a passion for providing quality care and are looking for a rewarding practice opportunity in Green Bay, please call Andrew Lockie at 715-579-4076 or email alockie@ them online at #10-2012-02 Green Bay, WI – Well-established, private group practice is looking for a full-time Associate General Dentist to start in spring 2013. Position includes highly-trained clinical and business support, use of digital X-ray and chartless system, and a competitive benefits package. This is a potential buy-in opportunity. Successful candidates will have military, GPR or equivalent experience, a strong patient-focus to oral health education and treatment, and the drive to become a future partner. Interested parties should send a resume or CV to Amy (Business Manager) at or fax to 920-494-8195. #02-2013-03
Advertising Index
Thank you for supporting the WDA Journal! American Academy of Facial Esthetics........................................ 9 AFTCO....................................... 12 Delta Dental................................ 14 Dental Practice Advisors ........................2
Edge Dental.. ............................... 10 Keller.. .......................................... 2 Midwest Dental............................ 10 Officite....................................... 15 Paragon. . ...................................... 9 ProAssurance. . ............................... 8 WDAIP ....................................... 11
Opportunities in Rice Lake and Merrill Midwest Dental is seeking a full time dentist in our Rice Lake and Merrill practices. We offer the opportunity to lead your own clinical team without the administrative and financial burdens. Our philosophy of preserving and supporting the traditional private practice setting provides a great work-life balance, excellent compensation and benefits, and unlimited opportunity for professional development. If you possess a passion for providing quality care and are looking for a rewarding practice opportunity in the Rice Lake or Merrill areas, please contact us at 715-926-5050 or email Visit us online at #02-2013-06
West Bend Mutual Insurance Co. . . .. 16
In Memoriam The Wisconsin Dental Association extends its condolences to the families and friends of the following dentists who have passed away: Dr. Donald F. Pricco Greendale Passed away Dec. 29 Member for 43 years Help us keep our information current. If you are aware of a colleague who has passed away, please call the WDA at 800-364-7646.
March 2013
WDA Journal
*Shaded events offer continuing education credits.
1 “Dental Occupational Health & Safety Training” Nan Kosydar Dreves, RDH, MBA, CDA Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, Green Bay Four CE credits For more information, visit 6 Dentistry Examining Board 8:30 a.m. 1400 E. Washington Ave., Rm 121A Department of Safety and Professional Services, Madison 10-17 WDA and MUSOD 7-night CE Western Caribbean cruise Ma’Lou C. Sabino, DDS Nine CE credits For more information, visit 21 “Surviving and Thriving in a Challenging Economy” Mary Govoni, RDH Three CE credits For more information, visit 22 “Maximizing Dental Practice Efficiency from the Front Desk to the Back Door” Ms. Mary Govoni, RDH Three CE credits For more information, visit 22 “Disease Updates for Dental Staff” Steven Zent, DDS, MD Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, Green Bay Three CE credits For more information, visit
23 Mentor Program CE event “Preparing Yourself to Evaluate and Treat Facial Pain” Kenneth Waliszewski, DDS, MS For more information, contact Susan John at
WDA Legislative Day J March 27, 2013 Madison J Register online @
1 Dentistry Examining Board 8:30 a.m. 1400 E. Washington Ave., Rm 121A Department of Safety and Professional Services Madison
27 WDA Legislative Day Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center Madison For more information, visit
2-4 INSESSION WDA InSession Kalahari Resort & Convention Center Wisconsin Dells For more information, visit
29 WDA offices closed for Good Friday
7&9 “Radiology for Dental Auxiliaries” Rod Daering, RTR; Sherry Ortiz, RTR; Vicki Romans, RTR Four CE credits For more information, visit
1 “Introduction to Laser Dentistry for Dental Hygienists” Angie Mott, RDH Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, Green Bay Three CE credits For more information, visit 6 Smile Day Discovery World, Milwaukee Hosted by the Greater Milwaukee Dental Association Contact Dr. Chan Tran at or Dr. Russ Dunkel at with questions 25-27 Evidence-Based Dentistry Champions Conference ADA Headquarters in Chicago For more information, visit
Wisconsin’s Largest Dental Study Club
27 WDA offices closed for Memorial Day
21-22 WDA Board of Trustees meeting Landmark Resort Egg Harbor For more information, visit
28-29 WDA and WDA Foundation Mission of Mercy Badger High School Lake Geneva For more information, visit
4-5 WDA offices closed for Independence Day and floating holiday 10 Dentistry Examining Board 8:30 a.m. 1400 E. Washington Ave., Rm 121A Department of Safety and Professional Services Madison
13 “Implant Diseases and Complications” Wei-Ting, DDS and Paul Luepke, DDS Three CE credits For more information, visit 14 “Occlusal Disease Management” Jose-Luis Ruiz, DDS Wisconsin Dental Study Club Monona Terrace in Madison Six and a half CE credits For more information, email
for upcoming component meetings and events.
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Do you have an event you’d like to include in the WDA Journal Calendar of Events? If so, please call WDA Managing Editor Emily Bultman at 414-755-4110 or 800-364-7646; fax to 414-755-4111 or email to ebultman@
I am a WDA member dentist
“I value my membership, because our profession is facing challenges on many issues and the WDA is our voice through which we speak to the public and elected officials.” Dr. Rick M. Mueller (Marshfield), a general practitioner
The WDA Journal is published monthly by the Wisconsin Dental Association (USPS 0285-460), 6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2360, West Allis, WI 53214. Phone 414-276-4520. Yearly subscriptions are $20 for WDA members; $100 for nonmembers; $25 for associate members; $30 for dental school students; $45 for dental schools and agencies and $125 for foreign mailings. Periodicals postage paid at Milwaukee, Wis. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to WDA Journal, 6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2360, West Allis, WI 53214. The Wisconsin Dental Association reserves the right to illustrate and/or edit all reader contributions. Views expressed in the WDA Journal are not necessarily those of the WDA. All advertising in the WDA Journal must comply with the advertising standards of the WDA. The publication of an advertisement is not to be construed as an endorsement for approval by the WDA or any of its subsidiaries unless the advertisement specifically includes information that such approval or endorsement has been granted. The deadline for all display advertisements is the second Tuesday of the month, two months before advertisement insertion (For example, if you want your ad to appear in the May 2013 WDA Journal, which is mailed to members in midApril 2013, all advertising materials must arrive in the WDA Executive Office by the second Tuesday of March 2013.) Advertising space is limited, so advertisers are encouraged to reserve space early. Back issues of the journal are available for six months following publication or while supplies last. Communications and copy for publication should be addressed to Dr. Robert Brennan, editor, and may be mailed to the WDA at 6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2360, West Allis, WI 53214; faxed to 414-755-4111 or emailed to Portions of the WDA Journal can also be found on the WDA Web page,
WDA Journal
March 2013
Mission of Mercy 2013 is coming to Walworth County
What: WDA and WDA Foundation Mission of Mercy 2013 When: June 27-30 (setup, clinic and teardown) Where: Badger High School, 220 E. South Lake St. in Lake Geneva
Lani Becker, CAE WDA Associate Executive Director
The fifth Wisconsin Dental Association and WDA Foundation Mission of Mercy will be held June 28 and 29, 2013 in Walworth County at Badger High School in Lake Geneva. Walworth County was selected for this year’s event due to the tremendous need for oral health care in this part of the state. Lake Geneva with its many resources has offered to host it. Dr. Thomas Raimann (Hales Corners) will serve as MOM chair and Dr. Allison Dowd (Fitchburg) will be the MOM vice-chair. Dr. Robert Dillman (Lake Geneva) and Judy Johnson are serving as the MOM local co-chairs. After hosting a large event last year in Madison, MOM 2013 will return to the standard 100-chair clinic. Restorations,
extractions, anterior root canals, front teeth transitional partials and cleanings will be provided. Volunteers of all types will be needed, including general dentists, oral surgeons, endodontists, pediatric dentists, prosthodontists, periodontists and dental students. We will also need volunteer dental hygienists, assistants, office personnel, interpreters, nurses and general community helpers. All volunteers must be over 18 years old. Registration will open in late March 2013 at Looking forward to seeing you there!
Hotel info Group rates are available. Reserve early to get a room in the WDA and WDA Foundation Mission of Mercy block. n Harbor Shores on Lake Geneva Available Wednesday-Saturday nights 300 Wrigley Drive in Lake Geneva (Approximately 5-minute drive to clinic) 888-746-7371 • Park view is $99 per night (Wednesday/Thursday) or $149 per night (Friday/Saturday) • Lake view is $139 (Wednesday/ Thursday) or $169 per night (Friday/ Saturday) Reserve by May 12, 2013
n Geneva Ridge Resort Available Thursday – Saturday nights W4240 State Road 50 in Lake Geneva (Approximately 10-minute drive to clinic) 800-225-5558 • $119 per night Reserve by April 26, 2013 n Lake Lawn Resort Available Thursday-Saturday nights 2400 E. Geneva St, Highway 50 East in Delavan (Approximately 15-minute drive to clinic) 800-338-5253 • $133 – $283 per night (depending on room type) Reserve by May 28, 2013
Case study continued from page 11
1) e 2) c
Final Diagnosis: Squamous Papilloma
Discussion Squamous papilloma is a benign proliferation of stratified squamous epithelial tissue. The lesion is caused by a DNA virus called human papillomavirus. Various types of HPV are associated with lesions of mucosa and skin including, papilloma condyloma acuminatum (venereal wart), verrucous vulgaris and focal epithelial hyperplasia. The squamous papilloma is an asymptomatic, exophytic, pedunculated or sessile lesion of soft tissue that is covered by numerous small, finger-like projections. The projections may be pointed or blunted and depends on the degree of keratinization. The lesion may appear red, white or have a normal color. The lesions are usually small, but largesized papillomas have been reported in the literature. Papilloma can be easily mistaken with verrucous vulgaris, venereal wart and other papillary lesions. Conservative surgical excision is the treatment of choice. Histological examination of the lesion would confirm the clinical diagnosis. Acknowledgement: This case was contributed by Dr. Christopher Bergstrom (Appleton), an oral surgeon.
Ezedin M. Sadeghi, DDS, MS Oral & Maxillofacial Pathologist Associate Professor, Marquette University School of Dentistry Referral and Consultation: 414-288-6559. Biopsy Service: 414805-8440.
March 2013
WDA Journal
HEAR. SEE. DO. at WDA InSession 2013
Wisconsin’s Largest Dental Study Club
Lani Becker, CAE WDA Associate Executive Director
The 2013 Wisconsin Dental Association InSession – Wisconsin’s Largest Dental Study Club is right around the corner. You will want to make sure you and your entire team are there to hear, see and do all of it!
Wisconsin and Wisconsin Dental Political Action Committee.
2 and from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Friday, May 3. The WDA invites InSession attendees to the welcome reception from 5 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 2. This free event offers food, drinks and great deals. Get your business done, and shop for your office needs from one or all of the companies in the exhibit hall. Reception is co-sponsored by Delta Dental of Wisconsin, Henry Schein and Midwest Dental. Lunch will be served in the exhibit hall on Thursday, May 2 and Friday, May 3 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. This is sponsored by WDA Insurance and Services Corp.
• SEE some of the newest technology in the exhibit hall, which is open from 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Thursday, May
• DO renew your American Hospital Association HeartsaverTM CPR/AED during the meeting.
Features of WDA InSession • HEAR lectures for every member of the dental team. Keynote speaker Gary “Z man” Zelesky will speak at 9 a.m. on Thursday, May 2. Everyone is invited! This is co-sponsored by Delta Dental of
Continuing education is offered from: 2 - 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 2; from 8 a.m. - 5: 30 p.m. on Friday, May 3; and 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 4. Breakfast will be available in classroom hallways on Friday, May 3 (7:30 - 8 a.m.) and Saturday, May 4 (8 - 8:30 a.m.). No registration required. Save with package pricing Welcome to all-inclusive conference package pricing! Full-time and part-time packages are available for dentists and dental team members. Don’t have time for CE, but want to visit the exhibits? There’s a package for that as well. Packages include lunch on Thursday and Friday and breakfast on Friday and Saturday.
Continuing education options This year’s CE offerings include a combination of traditional lectures and interactive learning sessions. An ILS is a 90-minute discussion led by a moderator on a specific topic. Since they are discussions, attendee participation is not only suggested, but needed! Each ILS session is offered twice on Friday – once in the morning and then repeated in the afternoon. With 19 topics, there is sure to be something that appeals to everyone on the dental team. If you are not interested in the ILS learning format, Timothy Caruso will be lecturing on ergonomic-related topics. Or, you may choose to attend the all-day clinical course on Friday, May 3 with Dr. Marty Zase in place of two short, traditional lectures and two ILSs. ILSs are sponsored by WDA Insurance and Services Corp.
Preregister for more InSession Savings Prices go up for onsite registration, so be sure to preregister. Go online before 11:59 p.m. on May 1 to receive preregistration prices. Faxed or mailed registrations must arrive at the WDA office in West Allis no later than April 26 to qualify for preregistration savings.
WDA Journal
March 2013