Design September 2012

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YhteYstiedot World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 -kalusteet ja somisteet on suunnitellut Kokoro & moi.


Design September 2012 Highlights

cities of helsinki, espoo, va n ta a , k auni a ine n a nd l a h t i

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w orl d de sign c a pi ta l he l sink i 2 012

ota yhteys ja pyyd채 tuotteista lis채tietoja.

Index E V E R Y DAY D I S C OV E R I E S – I N T E R N AT I O N A L D E S I G N H O U S E E X H I B I T I O N 4 Pavilion 5 M useum o f Finnish A rchitecture 6 D esign museum 7 D E S I G N D I ST R I C T H E LS I N K I 8 O L D C U S TO M S W A R E H O U S E 9 C A B L E FAC TO R Y 11 H abitare 1 3 T H E A B AT TO I R 14 E X H I B IT I O N S 15 OPEN DOORS 19 A rchitecture 20 M ap 22 CONNECTIONS 23

A record number of design events in September 2012 The busiest month of World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 offers an incredibly extensive overview of design. During Design September 2012, World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 will be livelier and more international than ever. Approximately 200 events, which are predominantly free-of-charge, will delight visitors in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kauniainen and Lahti. The international design community will participate in the exhibitions and the events. The programme is within everyone’s reach and easily accessible. The central events of Design September include the Everyday Discoveries – International Design

House Exhibition in Suvilahti, Helsinki Design Week, the Habitare Fair, the launch of activities at the Abattoir, and the finale at the Pavilion. The event venues are Suvilahti, the Old Customs Warehouse, the Cable Factory, the Helsinki Exhibition and Convention Centre, the Abattoir area and the Pavilion. This is the guide to the highlights of Design September 2012: exhibitions, events and locations. In addition to these highlights there is a lot more to explore. Websites, and will guide you further.

“September is the busiest and m o s t i n t e r n at i o n a l m o n t h o f t h e w h o l e o f Wo r l d D e s i g n C a p i ta l H e l s i n k i 2 01 2 . S u c h a n e x p l o s i o n of design has never before been s e e n i n F i n l a n d . Pa r t i c i pat i n g i n t h e e v e n t i s r e m a r k a b ly e a sy s i n c e most of the events are open for e v e r yo n e a n d e a s i ly acc e ss i b l e .” P ekka T imonen , E xecutive D irector o f World D esign C apital H elsinki 2 012

We have pieced together five different route choices to help you get the most out of the Design September programme: for children and the young at heart, the urban explorer, culture vultures, technology and tuning, bon vivants and foodies. You can find them in the For Visitors section at the WDC Helsinki 2012 website. The website and the mobile app WDC 2012 will also keep you up-to-date with Design September’s latest news. Welcome!

“ T h e e f f e c t o f Wo r l d D e s i g n C a p i ta l H e l s i n k i 2 012 i s c l e a r . Interest in Finland is high, and H e ls i n k i i s s e e n as a c e n t r e o f d e s i g n a n d a p l ac e wo r t h p r e s e n t i n g o n e s e l f. F o r m e , t h e h i g h l i g ht s o f S e p t e m b e r a r e t h e n e w e x h i b i t i o n s pac e to b e l a u n c h e d at t h e O l d C u s to m s W a r e h o u s e , a n d t h e C a b l e Fac to r y p r o j e c t i n w h i c h i n t e r n at i o n a l d e s i g n e x h i b i t i o n s c o m e to g e t h e r with 20 0,0 0 0 Lego bricks and an a r t e x h i b i t i o n .”

K ari K orkman , D irector o f H elsinki D esign W eek

E V ER Y D A Y D IS C O V ERIES – INTERN A TI O N A L D ESIGN H O U SE E X H IBITI O N S uvilahti , H elsinki S ö rn ä isten rantatie 2 2 or K aasutehtaankatu 1 , 0 0 5 4 0 H elsinki A mini world design exhibition is taking over Suvilahti! “Everyday Discoveries” is unique in its comprehensive presentation of international design. The exhibition will see more than 20 countries showcase their design, ideas and concepts as well as organise a number of different events. The exhibition’s underlying theme is day-to-day life – what is it like in the participating countries, and what kind of solutions to certain everyday situations have people come up with in the different countries? The free-of-charge exhibition at Suvilahti, Helsinki, will take place both indoors and outdoors. The site will house a container village, café, design shop and urban garden, and the participating countries will be offering visitors a varied programme ranging from lectures to parties. There will be things to do and experience for adults and children alike, and for everyone from design professionals to anyone with the slightest interest in design.

The exhibition is built around a joint display in Kattilahalli, where the countries come together under different themes to, for example, share a table. In addition to the joint display, the countries will present their own designs in separate exhibitions, which will explore day-to-day themes and everyday design in more depth from a number of different angles. Visitors get to try out a North American children’s playground or have a go at the Irish game of hurling. More information: www T h u r s day 6 . 9 . - S u n day 16 . 9 . 2 012 M o n day – F r i day 12 p m – 8 p m S at u r day – S u n day 10 a m – 8 p m Free entrance



Pav i l i o n U llanlinnankatu 2 - 4 , 0 013 0 H elsinki The Pavilion is an open-to-all space between the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum where you can experience the WDC Helsinki 2012 year. All programme at the Pavilion is free of charge and open to all. The Pavilion, designed at Aalto University’s Wood Program, is a showcase of Finnish sustainable wood architecture. The Pavilion is realised by WDC Helsinki 2012 in collaboration with Aalto University, the Museum of Finnish Architeture, the Design Museum and UPM. The programme is coordinated by Demos Helsinki. The Pavilion closes up on Sunday 16.9.2012. There’s still time left to experience what is has to offer and to enjoy the heart of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012. More information:

Pavilion’s programme in September 2012. (A more detailed programme online ) • 1.-2.9. Active life for seniors -event • 2.9. Film night: Love & Anarchy presents – Dreams and nightmares about cities of the future • 4.9. Reading group, Low Carbon Club and Helsinki Green Drinks • 5.9. UPM Design Day and Workshop • 6.9. Yoga goes Paviljonki and Reality Research Center: Utopia • 7.9. Ornamo Design Event • 8.-9.9. Tuunaamo goes Paviljonki: DIY Weekend • 9.9. Serger Rally and Film night: Love & Anarchy presents: – Dreams and nightmares about cities of the future • 11.9. Reading group • 12.9. Workshop and HEL/LO – Let’s talk • 13.9. Yoga goes Paviljonki and Make Helsinki – Design an open Helsinki • 14.9. Ornamo Design Event • 15.–16.9. The Final Weekend at the Pavilion: Best of Pavilion

U n t i l S u n day 1 6 . 9 . 2 01 2 T h u r s day – S u n day 11 a m – 9 p m Free entrance



Mu s e u m of Finnish A r ch i t e c t u r e K asarmikatu 2 4 , 0 013 0 H elsinki Finnish A rchitecture 2 010 / 2 011 – P ro j ects . C omments . P erspectives . ( 6 . 6 . – 3 0 . 9 . 2 01 2 ) This year’s biennial review of Finnish architecture is new in its approach. In addition to highlighting the featured projects, it looks at various role interfaces. When visitors examine architecture from the multiple viewpoints of the architect, the developer, the contractor and the user, the result is a deeper, multifaceted understanding of architecture.

S mart L iving ( 6 . 6 . – 3 0 . 9 . 2 01 2 ) Building an ecologically sustainable home is one of the most important good deeds that any family can do for our planet. How can we build and modernize our homes to make them sustainable both for ourselves and the planet? The homes of the future will generate their own energy – what will they look like?

D ecades o f Finnish A rchitecture 19 0 0 – 19 7 0 The permanent exhibition of the Museum of Finnish Architecture takes visitors on a journey through the history of Finnish architecture. The exhibition explores different features, technical solutions, materials and interior design all the way from the National Romantic era to the 1970s. More information: T u e s day – S u n day 11 a m – 6 p m W e d n e s day 11 a m – 8 p m Tickets 6/3 €

THE HEART OF THE WORLD DESIGN CAPITAL HELSINKI 2012 / Museum of Finnish Architecture


Design museum K orkeavuorenkatu 2 3 , 0 013 0 H elsinki M ikko Paakkanen : Form o f S ound ( 11. 9 . – 3 0 . 9 . 2 01 2 ) An exhibition inspired by music, sound waves and interesting materials - a combination of sound and form. The new works are made in association with Finland’s best craftspersons and most interesting musicians. Part of the Design Gallery 12 series.

B uilders o f the Future – Finnish D esign 19 4 5 – 1 9 6 7 ( until 2 3 . 9 . ) The exhibition explores the fascinating recent history of Finland and its golden age of design. Builders of the Future presents the ways in which Finland rose from the economic hardships of the Second World War to become one of the world’s leading countries in design.

Finnish Form The Design Museum’s permanent collection exhibition Finnish Form tells the story of Finnish design from the late 19th century to today. The exhibition highlights the most important periods and styles of Finnish Design and showcases the biggest names of Finnish design all the way from Akseli Gallen-Gallela and Alvar Aalto to Tapio Wirkkala and Timo Sarpaneva. Lisätiedot: T u e s day 11 a m – 8 p m W e d n e s day – S u n day 11 a m – 6 p m Tickets 8/7/3/0 €


D ESIGN D ISTRI C T H E L SIN K I The Design District Helsinki is a neighbourhood association that offers residents and visitors shopping, dining, accommodation and experiences. The Design District comprises nearly 200 members. In the heart of District is the Design Museum, the Museum of Finnish Architecture and Design Forum Finland, a gallery and a shop that presents the latest trends in Finnish Design. Design District Helsinki boutiques open up with an active programme during Helsinki Design Week. For more information, see

L ate N ight S hopping Shopping, designer meet-and-greets, fashion shows, gigs, bargains and a little something to eat and drink... take a friend with you for a relaxing evening browsing for unique finds. Late Night Shopping opens doors to boutiques, galleries and restaurants until 9 pm every second Thursday of the month. More information: T h u r s day 13 . 9 . 2 012 1 8 p m – 9 p m Free entrance

Design district helsinki

O L D C U ST O MS W A RE H O U SE K ata j anokanlaituri 5 , 0 016 0 H elsinki This year the main events of Helsinki Design Week will be held in the Old Customs Warehouse in Katajanokka. Join us for galas, workshops, exhibitions, fashion shows, seminars, visits to studios and closed-for-public spaces as well as shopping. You can also rent a bicycle there and go discover what the city has to offer in the field of design. The whole programme of Old Customs Warehouse can be found at

Finnish D esign S hop The Finnish Design Shop at the Old Customs Warehouse is your HDW living room. Lounge in the Ball Chair, use the free wifi, sip a cup of fresh coffee... this is what shopping should be. In addition to offering you the opportunity to shop for the best of design, the Finnish Design Shop will hold special events during Helsinki Design Week. The extended shop opening hours and the detailed programme will be published on our website:

H D W M ain E xhibition – A bove Above - The International Design Exhibition is a high profile interior design exhibition featuring top international design and designers. The exhibition is curated by Kari Korkman and is being produced by Helsinki Design Week. It is the main exhibition of Helsinki Design Week. The exhibition is located at the 2nd floor of Old Customs Warehouse which hasn’t previously been open to the public. The space creates an unique contrast for the exhibition. S at u r day 8 . 9 . – S u n day 16 . 9 . 2 012 M o n day – F r i day 10 a m – 7 p m S at u r day 10 a m – 6 p m S u n day 12 p m – 6 p m Tickets 5 €

M o n day – T h u r s day 10 a m – 7 p m S at u r day 10 a m – 6 p m S u n day 12 p m – 6 p m Free entrance


Other events at the O ld C ustoms W arehouse

V enturo - house and L ahti : B iennale ’ 13 K anavaranta 2 , 0 016 0 H elsinki

• Co-creative work by Marimekko & Sebastian Mahaluf 6.–16.9., free entrance • Hello, Design Tour! 6.–16.9., bicycle rent 1 € / 3 hours • KOTA-installation 7.–17.9., free entrance • Toy Workshop 8.9. 11am–4pm, free entrance • PechaKucha Night 13.9 at 8.20pm–11pm, tickets 25/15 € • Helsinki Sound Design 14.9 at 6pm–8pm, afterparty 20pm–23pm, tickets 10/5 € • Animatricks’ DIY Animation Workshop, 15.9 at 2pm–5pm, free entrance

Lahti: Biennale ‘13 displays latest industrial design in Lahti area and Lahti WDC year’s activities. Exhibition pavilion - Venturo house - represents innovative plastic building technology in Finland on 70’s. F r i day 7. 9 . - S u n day 16 . 9 . 2 012 F r i day 7. 9 . 4 p m – 7 p m M o n day – F r i day 10 a m – 7 p m S at u r day 10 a m – 6 p m S u n day 12 a m – 6 p m Free entrance


CABLE FACTORY Tallberginkatu 1 C 1 5 , 0 01 8 0 H elsinki D esign M arket The Design Market at the Cable Factory is one of the most popular events of Helsinki Design Week, and fashionistas and design enthusiasts look forward to this event every year. This year, the event will be larger than ever. Both large and small design companies bring their extra stock to this sale, and bargain hunters find carpets, furniture, clothing, household design and more.

ecological design, or participate in food workshops. Hosted by Janne Asikainen and chefs Sami Tallberg and Arto Rastas. More information: S at u r day 8 . 9 . - S u n day 9 . 9 . 2 012 at 11 a m - 5 p m Free entrance

The Koepala Street Kitchen will be brought to the Cable Factory during the Design Market on 8 and 9 Sept. Get a taste of appetizers, see innovative,


C O - C R E AT I N G C A B L E FAC TO R Y: 200 000 LEGO BRICKS AND MUCH MORE The Cable Factory becomes a living centre for art and design. Learn from the architecture LEGO® workshops with Arkki and KRADS, and expand your horizons with the international design exhibitions and the Art Fair Finland sales exhibition. Children and adults both welcome. KRADS, The Why Factory and LEGO® bring 200,000 LEGO bricks to the Cable Factory. Collaborating with Aalto University and the Iceland Design Centre, the workshop will employ elementary LEGO bricks as a medium in a series of architectural investigations, transforming the Cable Factory into an expansive LEGO construction site and a forum for playful cocreation.

Co-Creating Cable Factory events • Co-Create with LEGO®: Open The Tower • Co-Create with LEGO®: Workshop with Arkki • Berliner Zimmer • Exhibition ID Berlin | Industrial Design Competence • Silent Revolutions: Contemporary Design in Slovenia • Who Cares? Design Cares • 24 hours+ Taipei • Art Fair Suomi More information: WEDNE S DAY 12 . 9 . - S UNDAY 16 . 9 . WEDNE S DAY 12 . 9 . OPENING PARTY AT 7 PM – 11 PM THUR S DAY- FRIDAY AT 11 AM – 7 PM S ATURDAY- S UNDAY 11 AM – 5 PM Free entrance

The international design exhibitions present designs from Berlin and Slovenia, design solutions for wellbeing and the city of Taipei and taiwanese design.


Habitare H elsinki E xhibition & C onvention C entre , M essuaukio 1 , 0 0 5 2 0 H elsinki The largest furniture, interior decoration and design event in Finland showcases over 400 exhibitors and several special areas. To be held concurrently with Habitare are the ValoLight lighting event, the Salon sales exhibition of antiques, vintage items and old art, and the ArtHelsinki contemporary art fair. Halls 6 and 7, which form the largest exhibition area at the Helsinki Exhibition and Convention Centre, will house the Ahead! international design area, the Interiore public spaces area, ValoLight, the TimeLine special exhibition, as well as furniture, home theatres and interior textiles. The other halls on the ground floor will feature bathrooms, fireplaces, kitchens, interior decoration materials, and the popular interior decoration accessories area. The sales exhibitions on the upper floor will offer an opportunity to purchase antiques, vintage items and art.

In addition to furniture, interior decoration and design, Habitare will, on every day of the fair, offer a whole host of seminars and information sessions, and international exhibitors and speakers from, for example, Norway and Italy. The first day of Habitare and its related events will be for professionals only, while the general public can attend from the second day onwards.

W e d n e s day 12 . 9 . - S u n day 16 . 9 . 2 012 FOR PROFE S S IONAL S : WEDNE S DAY 10 AM - 6 PM AND THUR S DAY 10 AM – 2 PM T h u r s day 2 p m – 7 p m F r i day 10 a m – 7 p m S at u r day – S u n day 10 a m – 6 p m T i c k e t s : 15 / 10 €


THE A B A TT O IR T yö pa j ankatu 2 , 0 0 5 8 0 H elsinki The Abattoir (“Teurastamo” in Finnish) is a fresh addition to the urban culture in Helsinki. Originally the area served as an abattoir, but now this historical area is being transformed into a creative food hub. The Abattoir is providing a place for small food related businesses to try out concepts that have not existed in Helsinki before. From September to December 2012, the Kellohalli restaurant and event venue will act as the main stage for the culinary and design events of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012. Kellohalli offers lunch prepared by the most innovative Finnish and international chefs. Kellohalli also offers dinners combining food and design. Kellohalli is open from Wednesday to Sunday. In addition to weekday lunches, at weekends Kellohalli serves a long and delightful brunch. K e l l o h a l l i r e s ta u r a n t a n d c a f é o p e n f r o m W e d n e s day to S u n day W e d n e s day- F r i day 8 a m – 1 2 p m ( 0 2 a m ) , l u n c h 10 . 3 0 a m – 3 p m S at u r day 10 a m – 1 2 p m ( 0 2 a m ) , d i s h o f t h e day 11 a m – 5 p m S u n day 10 a m – 4 p m R e s e r vat i o n s : b o o k i n g s @ P h o n e n u m b e r to t h e r e s ta u r a n t: +358 50 339 5400

E vents o f K ellohalli in S eptember 2 012 ( Further details online ) • 1.9. Opening party • 2.9. Culinary flea market • 5.9. Lecture and dinner series Hospitality & Beyond begins with Martí Guixe • 8.9. Trash fish day • 15.-16.9. Mushroom Weekend • 23.9. Culinary Flea Market • 25.9. Theme lecture: In search of good coffee • 26.9. Theme lecture: From green beans to a coffee drink • 27.9. Theme lecture: Secrets of the taste of coffee More information: and

Free entrance


E X H IBITI O NS A mos A nderson A rt M useum : B outi q ue – W here A rt M eets Fashion Y r j ö nkatu 2 7, 0 010 0 H elsinki Curated by Annamari Vänskä, the exhibition will combine visual, material, musical and dance arts into one large total artwork, or Gesamtkuntswerk. As its name implies, Boutique is reminiscent of a fashion house: architects Jaakko Pesonen and Klaus Aalto will transform the museum facilities into an area containing shop-in-shops, where artists and designers will create collaborative works. The exhibition’s logos are based on photographs prepared as collaborative work by artist Rauha Mäkilä and photographer Jualiana Harki as well as on Mäkilä’s paintings. The music and sound for the works on display will be designed by Vellu ”DJ Slow” Maurola who works with UMO Jazz Orchestra.

E M M A : B M W A rt C ars A herta j antie 5 , Tapiola , E spoo The BMW Art Car Project was introduced by the French racecar driver and auctioneer Hervé Poulain, who wanted to invite an artist to create a canvas on an automobile. To date, a total of 17 unique BMW Art Cars, based on both racing and regular production vehicles, have been created. Six of these will now be brought to Finland for the first time. Six art cars from the BMW Art Car Collection: Alexander Calder, 1975 Frank Stella, 1976 Andy Warhol, 1979 Ken Done, 1989 Michael Jagamara Nelson, 1989 Sandro Chia, 1992 More information:

More information: 17. 8 . – 12 . 11. 2 01 2 M o n day, T h u r s day – F r i day 10 a m – 6 p m W e d n e s day 10 a m – 8 p m S at u r day – S u n day 11 a m – 5 p m

1. 9 . – 3 1. 10 . 2 012 T u e s day, T h u r s day – F r i day 11 a m – 6 p m W e d n e s day 11 a m – 8 p m S at u r day – S u n day 11 a m – 5 p m T i c k e t s 10 / 8 / 0 €

Tickets 8/6/2/0 €


EMMA: G L O BA L N O R D I C D E S I G N 2 012 A herta j antie 5 , Tapiola , E spoo

G alerie Forsblom : H arri K oskinen – mute L ö nnrotinkatu 5 , 0 012 0 H elsinki

The exhibition features the work of five Nordic designers and design groups. Over the past five years all of them have won the highly prestigious design prize, the Torsten and Wanja Söderberg Prize awarded in Gothenburg to Nordic designers and art craftsmen.

Top designer Harri Koskinen opens Galerie Forblom’s autumn exhibition schedule. This internationally awarded designer’s exhibition is based on impressive industrial sculptures. More information:

The exhibition introduces works by the following designers: Steinunn Sigurdardottir (Iceland), Harri Koskinen (Finland), Henrik Vibskov (Denmark) and the designer teams Norway Says (Norway) and Front (Sweden). The exhibition brings together fashion, furniture, glassware and lighting. Through the exhibited objects, the exhibition aims to shed light on the direction Nordic design identity is taking.

14 . 9 . – 14 . 10 . 2 012 M o n day – F r i day 11 a m – 6 p m S at u r day 11 a m – 4 p m S u n day 12 a m – 4 p m Free entrance

More information: 11. 7. – 16 . 9 . 2 01 2 T uesday, T hursday – Friday 11 am – 6 pm W ednesday 11 am – 8 pm S aturday – S unday 11 am – 5 pm T ickets 10 / 8 / 0 €


K iasma – M useum o f C ontemporary A rt: C amou f lage M annerheiminaukio 2 , 0 010 0 H elsinki

K unsthalle H elsinki : Tom á s S araceno N ervanderinkatu 3 , 0 010 0 H elsinki

The Camouflage Visual Art and Design in Disguise exhibition in Kiasma, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Helsinki merges and mixes contemporary art and design, redefining their boundaries.

Today’s hottest name in the international art world weaves with an open mind influences from technology, space research and social theory into a web.

The 19 artists, designers, duos and collectives live in different parts of the world. In addition to Finland, they come from Argentina, Great Britain, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United States. Many of them work between two or more cities and cultures. They come from a range of cross-disciplinary backgrounds, and their changing projects provide them with changing professions and identities.

15 . 6 . – 7. 10 . 2 01 2 T u e s day 10 a m – 5 p m W e d n e s day- T h u r s day 10 a m – 8 . 3 0 p m F r i day 10 A m – 10 p m S at u r day 10 a m – 6 p m S u n day 10 a m – 5 p m

Saraceno has studied spiders and their webs for his works exhibited at the Helsinki Festival. The roomsized installation, 14 Billions (Working Title) – a giant Black Widow’s web built out of ropes consisting of tens of thousands of knots – is on display for the first time in Finland. In addition, Saraceno creates a whole new piece of art in Helsinki in which spider webs collected from a geographically wide area and models based on them meet. More information: 1 8 . 8 . – 3 . 10 . 2 012 T u e s day, T h u r day – F r i day 11 a m – 6 p m W e d n e s day 11 a m – 8 p m S at u r day – S u n day 11 a m – 5 p m

T i c k e t s 10 / 8 / 0 € T i c k e t s 12 / 8 / 0 €


W ee G ee : Futuro 2 01 2 A herta j antie 5 , Tapiola , E spoo The Futuro is a plastic house designed by architect Matti Suuronen. Elliptical in shape, the house captures the experimental forms, new materials and optimistic ideas of the space-age architecture and design of the late 1960s. The Futuro, exposed to the elements for over 40 years, has been carefully restored and brought to WeeGee’s courtyard. More information: 8 . 5 . – 16 . 9 . 2 01 2 T u e s day, T h u r s day – F r i day 11 a m - 6 p m W e d n e s day 11 a m – 8 p m S at u r day – S u n day 11 a m – 5 p m T i c k e t s 12 / 10 / 2 €


O PEN D O O RS O pen S tudios

O pen H ouse H elsinki

The Open Studios event opens the doors of creative offices and companies to the general public. People can see where the creativity happens – and how. Take part in an organized tour to get the most out of your Open Studios experience or pop in to the studios any time during the event (6 pm-9 pm).

Our Helsinki is open! Open House Helsinki organizes guided tours to interesting interior spaces, city districts, inner courtyards, as well as new and old architectural sites.

Open Studios is organized by Helsinki Design Week and coordinated by Mushrooming.

Additionally, Open House Helsinki offers exhibitions, lectures and workshops for the whole family. The aim of is to open the the doors for both the inhabitants of Helsinki and visitors to places that are normally inaccessible.

More information T h u r s day 1 3 . 9 . - F r i day 1 4 . 9 . 2 012 at 18 p m – 9 p m Free entrance

The guided tours are free of charge, and architects, designers and other experts take on the role of guides. The Open House Helsinki event aims to bring the architects and inhabitants closer to each other, to support interaction and open up discussion about the environment. More information: F r i day 14 . 9 . - S u n day 16 . 9 . 2 012 Free entrance


A r ch i t e c t u r e K amppi C hapel o f S ilence S imonkatu 7, 0 010 0 H elsinki

KAISA HOUSE AND THE NEW MAIN L I B R A RY O F U N I V E RS IT Y O F H E LS I N K I Fabianinkatu 3 0 , 0 010 0 H elsinki

A chapel of silence is constructed on the busy Narinkka square to offer a space of retreat and encounter. Originally, the idea of an urban chapel came from the City of Helsinki. The client is the parish union of Helsinki. The parish unions of Espoo and Vantaa have participated in planning the future activities in the chapel. The chapel is designed by K2S Architects with architect Mikko Summanen as the main designer. The chapel is a fine example of innovative timber architecture, and the design has already been recognised: it was awarded with the Chicago Athenaeum International Architecture Award 2010.

The new main library of University of Helsinki serves about one million visitors a year. The service design project in Helsinki University library is part of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 programme. The new City Centre Campus Library building, i.e. the Kaisa building represents new, award-winning architecture in the downtown area of Helsinki. It is designed by the architect office Anttinen Oiva Architects. The impressive building was built to replace an old department store property. The new University of Helsinki main library will be opened to all on 3.9.2012.

More information: More information: M o n day – F r i day 7 a m – 8 p m S at u r day – S u n day 10 a m – 6 p m Free entrance



Feeling f or Wood S ibelius H all , A nkkurikatu 7, 15 14 0 L ahti

Free of charge daily bus transportations Helsinki – Lahti – Helsinki is arranged by us during the conference.

We offer a perspective on wood architecture. Lahti: Feeling for Wood is an international forum for wood architecture and design in wood, and is to be organised in September 2012 for the first time.

W e d n e s day 5 . 9 . - F r i day 7. 9 . 2 012 W e d n e s day 5 . 9 . : m o r n i n g p r o g r a m m e b e g i n n i n g at 9 a m , e v e n i n g p r og r a m m e b e g i n n i n g at 6 p m T h u r s day – F r i day 6 . – 7. 9 . : m o r n i n g p r o g r a m m e b e g i n n i n g at 9 a m , afternoon programme beginning at 1. 3 0 p m a n d e v e n i n g p r o g r a m m e b e g i n n i n g at 7 p m .

The Sibelius Hall by the lake Vesijärvi will gather the internationally recognised designers and wood architects from around the world under its starry roof. During the mornings in the Carpenters Hall there will be debates on he meaning of forests for the design and understanding wood in and through design. In the afternoons the influence of scenery and forests in international wood architecture will be discussed.

Free entrance


Pavilion, Designmuseum & Museum of Finnish Architecture

Amos Anderson Art Museum

Old Customs Warehouse

Kamppi Chapel

Cable Factory

Helsinki Kunsthalle

Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma Kaisa House


Suvilahti: Every Discoveries

WeeGee & EMMA

Helsinki Exhibition & Convention Centre: Habitare


F r o m H e l s i n k i C i t y C e n t r e t o E v e r y day D i s c o v e r i e s ( 9 ) a n d A b at t o i r ( 10 ) - subway to Kalasatama station - bus no. 16 from Rautatientori square (near the Main Railway Station) to Sörnäisten rantatie - bus no. 65A from Kaivokatu (in front of Ateneum) to Sörnäisten rantatie - bus no. 55K from Rautatientori square (near the Main Railway Station) to Tynnyrintekijänkatu F r o m E v e r y day D i s c o v e r i e s ( 9 ) a n d A b at t o i r ( 10 ) t o H a b i ta r e ( 11 ) - tram 7B from Sörnäinen or Lautatarhankatu (in front of Allotria) to the Helsinki Exhibition & Convention Centre - bus no. 59 from Tynnyrintekijänkatu to Junailijankuja F r o m H e l s i n k i C i t y C e n t r e t o H a b i ta r e ( 11 ) - local train from the Main Railway Station to Pasila station - tram 7A or 7B to the Helsinki Exhibition & Convention Centre F r o m H a b i ta r e s ta ( 11 ) t o E v e r y day D i s c o v e r i e s ( 9 ) a n d A b at t o i r ( 10 ) - tram 7A from Helsinki Exhibition & Convention Centre to Lautatarhankatu (in front of Allotria) or Sörnäinen - bus no. 59 from Asemapäällikönkatu to Tynnyrintekijänkatu F r o m H e l s i n k i C i t y C e n t r e to t h e Pav i l i o n - by foot via Kasarmikatu, follow the signs from Esplanadi park - by foot via Mannerheimintie and Erottajankatu - tram 10 to St. John’s Church (Johanneksenkirkko) F r o m H e l s i n k i C i t y C e n t r e to t h e H e l s i n k i D e s i g n D i st r i c t - by foot via Mannerheimintie to Erottajankatu, pick up map from Design Forum Shop (Erottajankatu 7) F r o m H e l s i n k i C i t y C e n t r e to t h e O l d C u sto m s Wa r e h o u s e - by foot from the Market Square via Katajanokanlaituri - tram 4 to Katajanokka Park (Katajanokan puisto) F r o m H e l s i n k i C i t y C e n t r e t o t h e C a b l e Fa c t o r y - metrolla Ruoholahteen ja kävellen Kellosaarenkatua tai Itämerenkatua F r o m H e l s i n k i C i t y C e n t r e t o t h e W e e G e e a n d t h e EMMA - buses no. 106, 106T, 110, 110T, 110TA, 194, 194A, 194N to Tapiola (crossing of Ahertajantie and Pohjantie) - buses no. 100, 105, 106, 109, 110T, 194, 195, 505, 512 to Tapiola More at:




YhteYstiedot World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 -kalusteet ja somisteet on suunnitellut Kokoro & moi.


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