PLM Unchained Magazine Summer 2021

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In the L ap of DE L I L A H STEVE G ALL AG H E R


Why the PLM RESIDENTIAL PRO GR AM i s s o Effec tive




MAGAZINE PURE LIFE MINISTRIES is fully committed to bringing the hope, healing and restoration found only in Christ to those who have been touched by the leprosy of sexual sin. Our staff members are graduates of one of our counseling programs themselves and have responded to the call of God to freely give to others the same compassion and mercy which the Father freely bestowed upon them. They are men and women who know how to speak the truth of God in love. In fulfilling our call, Pure Life Ministries is founded upon the authority of the Word of God as the supreme and allsufficient Truth for overcoming sin. We unashamedly preach a message of repentance unto salvation. Everything we do— whether in our counseling programs, our speaking ministry or the distribution of our books and resources—is based on the Word of God, with the goal of leading others to victory over sexual sin through a deeper life in God.




Unchained! SUMMER2021



Is This the Best We Can Do? BY STEVE GALLAGHER Founder and President of Pure Life Ministries

Someone sent me a DVD the other day about Christian men who had been addicted to pornography. The quality of the production was excellent. And the guys who were interviewed adeptly articulated the consequences of their former addiction: i.e., the guilt and shame they carried through life, the spiritual deadness they felt inside, the pain it caused loved ones, etc. I’m sure porn addicts who saw this video could really relate to those men. It is always helpful to hear others express their struggles. However, the value of empathy only goes so far. I waited with anticipation for the men to convey how God set them free. Struggling people need concrete answers—a biblicallybased roadmap to freedom. After awhile, they finally shared what helped them. As if on cue from the producer, they all talked about the importance of the one solution any secular therapist would offer: accountability. Now it goes without saying that accountability has its place in the process of overcoming an addiction. During the period of time that the addict is fighting his way out of his bondage it is vital that he bring his struggles into the light. After all, Satan operates in the kingdom of darkness. Nevertheless, accountability is NOT the solution to finding lasting freedom in Christ. Of course, we all understand that a secular therapist has little more to work with than behavioral modification gimmicks. As for leading a person to real inner transformation, the counselor is limited to forms of psychological quackery such as getting in touch with your inner child or holding a conversation with an imaginary person from your past. It is amazing to me how seriously these people take themselves. The field of psychology’s propensity for presenting theories as if they are tried-and-true facts is reminiscent of other areas

of secular study. For instance, in the 1940’s, Alfred Kinsey bamboozled the American public with his scholarly presentation of his perverted ideas about human sexuality. To this day we are still suffering the consequences of the sexual revolution he helped to launch. So it should come as no surprise that the field of psychology would employ the same methods of presenting faulty theories with an outlandish amount of academic pretension. One would certainly think that any Christian with a degree of spiritual discernment would fully understand that unbelievers are clueless about the Lord’s power to transform a person from the inside out. What do they know about His ability to flush the filth out of the heart of a sexual addict and leave innocence and purity in its wake? What understanding do they have of the power of God to change a hopeless drunk or drug addict into a sober-minded man? What unbeliever has the slightest comprehension of the way the Lord can transform a thief into a man of virtue, a liar into a lover of truth, a mocker into a serious-minded man or an arrogant braggart into a meek lamb? We understand that God has the power to transform a life from the inside out, so why are we still looking to the pathetic offerings of humanistic psychology for our solutions? Why aren’t we seeing videos where men are talking about the miraculous way God has utterly changed their lives? Could it be that many of those who are working in this area of need in the Church don’t have a very clear understanding about the power of the Cross? We have so much to offer those who are struggling. Scripture contains the answers. God’s presence provides the power. Calvary offers the needed grace. Why would we turn to the world for help?




Unchained! SUMMER2021


In t h e L a p of D el i l a h BY STEVE GALL AGHER

D elilah wa s a ma ste r in the ar t of s educ tion . She kne w the s ec ret of keeping a man in a con stant state of desire for he r. C oole y and delibe rately she toyed w ith S am s on’s pa ssion s . They came at will—pillaging and terrorizing as they went. Young men were taken captive to a life of hopeless servitude. Girls became sex-slaves, subjected to every filthy whim of their masters. For forty years, the people of Israel suffered under the barbaric cruelty of the Philistines. In utter desperation and despair, they pleaded with Jehovah to deliver them. God’s merciful ear was attentive to their cries.

The Angel of the Lord appeared to a childless Jewish couple, announcing that they were to have a son. Samson would be his name and he was to be a Nazarite, “one separated unto God.” Two of the components of his special vow of consecration required him to abstain from drinking wine and cutting his hair. However, these were mere outward signs of the sanctified inward life he was to maintain with God. This special child, if he were to fulfill his calling as Jehovah’s champion, must keep himself pure before the Lord. Unfortunately, Samson treated his special call with disdain. While faithfully maintaining the outward requirements of the Nazarite vow, his inner being was wildly out of control. Though specially called of God, Samson’s life bore little resemblance to the lives of other O.T. “heroes of the faith,” such as Moses, Joshua, Joseph or Daniel. Rather than displaying a zeal for the house of God, he allowed his sensual passions to run riot. Instead of leading Israel to mighty victories against the Lord’s enemies, he continually acted in his own self-interests. Lacking the holy fervor that inflamed the righteous indignation of all true men of God, his exploits were always motivated by vengeance and pride. In short, Samson’s life was one long story of self-indulgence. With only a superficial devotion to the Lord and a merely outward consecration, Samson eventually became easy prey for the enemy. Samson craved the forbidden

fruit of heathen women. In a bizarre way, his hatred and fear of the Philistines only served to fuel his lust for their women. Driven by his insatiable sexual cravings, he indulged himself more and more. Eventually, through a series of poor choices, he found himself inexorably enslaved to his passions. As is always the case with sexual addicts, he would do well for a period of time, but eventually, the delicious enticements of Gaza would overwhelm his best intentions. Before he knew it, he would find himself back on the road to Philistia. It was inevitable that he would one day end up “in the lap of Delilah”. Given the tremendous power on Samson’s body that could spoil the enemy at will, the Philistine commanders were obviously desperate to find a way to destroy him. It’s very likely that Delilah was the most beautiful seductress in their country. They made sure the mighty man from Israel met her. Delilah, masterful in the art of seduction, knew the secret of keeping a man in a constant state of desire for her. Coolly and deliberately, she toyed with Samson’s emotions and passions, never allowing him to feel as though he was in control—yet always leaving him yearning for more. Once irreversibly under her licentious spell, he was powerless to resist. In a matter of days, he became like putty in her hands. The Black Widow’s prey was helplessly dangling in her enticing web. CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 >>





With a soothing voice, Delilah began to ask Samson about the mysterious source of his great strength. On three different occasions, he lied to her about how to dry up the source of his power. Each time she did what he said she found out he had deceived her. Finally, she exclaimed, “How can you say, ‘I love you,’ when your heart is not with me?” Every day, she “pressed him” and “urged him” to disclose his secret. She played on his emotions, pleaded with him, threatened him; all the while keeping him in a heightened state of sexual desire. Three times her treachery had been exposed: there was no mistaking her intentions. But the lap of Delilah is very intoxicating. “Can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned?” (PROVERBS 6:27) He finally relented and “told her all that was in his heart.” “A razor has never come on my head, for I have been a Nazirite to God from my mother’s womb,” he gushed. “If I am shaved, then my strength will leave me and I will become weak and be like any other man.” (JUDGES 16:17)

Unchained! SUMMER2021

The power that had been on the body of Samson came from the keeping of his vow to God, his long hair merely being an outward sign of his separation unto Jehovah. As he lay in a semiconscious trance of bliss—with his head in her lap—the crude scissors snipped away all that remained of his weak devotion to God. Like a pack of wild jackals, the Philistines swarmed into her bedroom. Samson’s bald head betrayed his enfeebled condition. They quickly seized him, dragging him into the city square. There, in front of a jeering mob, his eyes were mercilessly gouged out of their sockets. He must have screamed in pain before passing out. The great champion of Israel was thrown bleeding and whimpering into a foul prison cell. In the months that followed, the blinded judge was forced to push a huge grinding stone. One can only imagine how the thoughts of his foolishness must have plagued him day after day during his endless trips around the same tedious circles. Over and over again he replayed the events leading up to his capture. “How could I have been so stupid?” he would demand of himself. Samson discovered that once “the pleasures of sin” have had their season, they must give way to “the wages of sin.” Not only did he suffer physically, but it seems that the Philistines also routinely brought him out of the prison to play the part of a fool during their frequent parties. He was probably forced to dance and act like a buffoon before the jeering mob. But in his sufferings, something stirred within his heart. Alexander MacLaren wrote: “Pitiable as the loss was, Samson was better blind than seeing. The lust of the eye had led him astray, and the loss of his sight showed him his sin. His hair grew together with his repentance, and his strength with his hair. The cruelties of the Philistines were better for him than their kindness. It is penitence which pleads, ‘Remember me, O Lord God!’ He

knows that his sin has broken the flow of loving divine thought to him, but he asks that the broken current may be renewed. Many a silent tear had fallen from Samson’s blind eyes, before that prayer could have come to his lips, as he leaned on the great pillars.” Samson’s heart began to awaken unto the God whose loving call he had treated with such disdain. For years, he had lived in a selfish lack of concern toward the plight of his own people, squandering the sacred duty that had been entrusted to him. His indulgence eventually brought him to a Gazan prison. But where there is true repentance, there is always hope. Samson’s greatest victory was yet to come. A great celebration in honor of the Philistine god, Dagon, quickly deteriorated into a drunken orgy. It wasn’t long before the inevitable calls began for the Israelite champion to be brought forth. Mercilessly, the jailers came for the blind man. Standing there in their midst, listening to the blasphemous praises to their demon-god, power once again flowed through Samson’s arms as he braced himself against the building’s supporting pillars. In one moment, enlivened by a forgiven soul and a regenerated heart, the disgraced Nazarite did his greatest work for the people of Israel. Beloved of God, do not let your soul be turned away from Jehovah to lust after the forbidden manna of this world. You may have already spent years in servitude to the inexhaustible cravings of your own flesh. You may even have experienced a Samson-esque fall from grace, your faith shipwrecked on the shores of unfulfilling pleasures and enslaving passions. However, it is not too late! The call of God is always before you, “Repent, and turn from all your transgressions, so that iniquity will not be your ruin.” (EZEKIEL 18:30) Flee the soothing, treacherous voice of the enemy and run into the arms of God, for He alone can satisfy your every need.

“Our Most Valuable Resources in an Audiobook Format!” SEXUAL IDOLATRY



Multitudes of men have failed time and time again to live a victorious Christian life. Since 1986, this book remains the definitive Christian work on sexual addiction and has shown tens of thousands of Christian men the path to real freedom from sexual sin.

Most people look for answers to their problems in all the wrong places. This book unravels the mystery of the corrupted human nature, and convincingly proves that all of man’s struggles with sin can be overcome by dealing with sin at the root level.

A betrayed wife needs compassionate advice and godly counsel. Throughout this book, Kathy Gallagher offers a sympathetic voice and solid biblical counsel, but most importantly, she directs the hurting wife to the only true source of hope: Jesus.




WHY the

R E SI DE N T IA L PROGRAM is so Effective


Pure Life Ministries has been a pioneer in dealing with sexual addiction for 35+ years now. In fact, ours was the first Christian Residential Program for sexual addicts in the world. Thousands of men have gone through our program since then and are now enjoying the blessings of a victorious Christian life. Our experience in this field has been gained in large part because we have lived “in the trenches” with the men who come to us for help. Our 24/7 approach to ministry

Unchained! SUMMER2021

has given us innumerable valuable insights into what it takes to lead a man into victory. Additionally, Pure Life Ministries understands the roots of sexual addiction and that this issue requires a man to look to God for true freedom. Rather than offering quick-and-easy answers which produce no real change, our entire curriculum is founded on the Word of God, which provides the only tried and true solutions to man’s problems. Having said that, I want to zero in on a number of key components to our

Residential Program which create the perfect opportunity for men to find the freedom they have desired. DISTANCE & DURATION Men coming to us for help will—perhaps for the first time in their lives—be afforded the opportunity to live away from the negative influences of the world. The sexualized culture of the United States makes it extremely difficult for a man to find freedom from sexual addiction. Breaking those habit patterns simply NO REPRESENTATIONS MADE OF INDIVIDUALS DEPICTED.


takes time. The Residential Program acts as a buffer to the world, filtering out ungodly influences and sources of temptation. Simply making the move to rural Kentucky will prove to be a major help in itself. Harmful relationships are ended, and the area of so many past defeats is left far behind. Our Residential Program, situated on a serene 45-acre campus in north-central Kentucky, provides men a tremendous opportunity to begin a new life with God.

STRUCTURE & COUNSELING A central component of our program is its structured pathway into disciplined living. This is of the utmost importance for men who have a history of lacking selfcontrol in their lives. Our students are required to attend meetings, maintain daily devotions, complete homework assignments and learn to live in true obedience to Scripture. As structure, accountability and discipline are worked into a man’s life, strength of character develops, enabling the man to

deny temptations and equipping him to go on living a victorious life in Christ even after he graduates. Meaningful, one-on-one counseling also plays a key role in the process. Our low student-to-counselor ratios allow our staff to invest personally and consistently with each individual student. Our counselors have not only been trained and certified in biblical counseling, but they have all graduated from the Residential Program themselves. Therefore, they speak from their own hard-fought battles out of sexual addiction, CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 >>


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and share the biblical answers to living a victorious life that they themselves received and utilized. THIRD: A GODLY ENVIRONMENT Ultimately, the most influential factor in the transformation of a sexual addict’s heart and life is an encounter with the Living God. Countless men have experienced deep and life-changing repentance at Pure Life Ministries. God’s presence permeates the campus. In fact, everywhere one turns— whether walking on the “prayer trail,” attending a worship service or just sitting alone with an open Bible—the sense of the Holy Spirit can be felt. This fosters an environment that paves the way for true repentance and the development of an obedient, victorious lifestyle.

Unchained! SUMMER2021

The spiritual atmosphere maintained at Pure Life Ministries has not come about by accident. Our staff is dedicated to a lifestyle of daily prayer and intercession. We do our utmost to walk in the love, humility and consecration exemplified by Jesus Christ. Visitors have often told us that they immediately experienced a strong sense of God’s peace when they arrived on our campus. Many men experience encounters with the Lord in our chapel services. Unlike typical churches where people are talking or rushing about before worship, every service at Pure Life Ministries begins with a time of quiet reflection and seeking God’s presence. And unlike most stressed out pastors who must come up with multiple messages a week, our ministers preach once a month, giving them quality time to really seek

God over what He wishes them to share. Every quarter we also open our pulpit to godly preachers from other ministries. These special meetings are always a time of tremendous blessing to the students. IN CONCLUSION We do not believe men show up at Pure Life Ministries by happenstance. The staff prays over every open bed and we know that when a man shows up, it is because the Lord has sent him to us in answer to our prayers. We consider the student’s time with us to be a God ordained period in his life. Unquestionably, the Lord abides in this place in a very special way and He has freedom in His hand for any who wish to appropriate it. It’s no wonder that so many men are forever changed after spending nine months living at Pure Life Ministries. NO REPRESENTATIONS MADE OF INDIVIDUALS DEPICTED.

Pastors, your men need help. Give it to them today.

AT THE ALTAR ~ CURRICULUM The At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry DVD Curriculum extends the legacy of the book, and engages its life-changing truths at a deeper level. Since 2016, scores of churches have used this curriculum to provide an environment where men can be honest about their struggles and receive time-tested, biblical answers. SERIES INCLUDES: • 14 SESSIONS (90 MINUTES EACH) • Each session is presented in two segments with an accompanying testimony. • At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry Leader’s Edition, which includes the full text of At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry as well as practical content to help a group leader facilitate each class (PDF Available for Online Version).

Want to stay connected to Pure Life Ministries? Subscribe to our monthly email, “The Narrow Way,” to receive helpful articles, videos, podcasts and announcements right to your inbox.




DR. Jekyll and MR. Hyde BY JEFF COLÓN


Unchained! SUMMER2021


It was May 4, 1991. The sky was painted a heavenly blue and accented with lazy white clouds. The early spring foliage was a rich green, and even the air seemed fresh and clean in New York City that morning. It was the beautiful, pristine kind of day couples dream about for their marriage ceremony. Rose, my wife to be, stood hand in hand with me at the altar. As we expressed our wedding vows to one another, I looked into her eyes and I could see the same bright hopefulness and expectation that every bride has on her wedding day. Her hopes were anchored in the belief that I would love and cherish her and meet her needs. She had expectations that I would provide and care for her, and give her a life of happiness with abundant blessings. Isn’t that what we all expect from our marriage? Nevertheless, it only took a few weeks before our fairy tale crumbled as my twelve-year history of sexual sin and drug abuse resurfaced. Rose was devastated. Here we were, just three months into our marriage, and I was off to a Christian drug rehab program. I spent the next eight months away from home, but we clung to the hope that our marriage would be better when I got out. During my time in rehab, the Lord gave my wife a Scripture that helped her to hold on: “Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed; nor be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame; for you will forget the shame of your youth… For your Maker is your Husband… the Lord has called you like a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, like a youthful wife when you were refused.” (ISAIAH 54:4-6) Although Rose may not have fully understood at this point, the Lord was revealing to her that it was His will for her to pass through this barren wilderness, where there would be many tears. She was confident that He had called her to this but desperately hung onto the hope that she would soon “forget the shame of her youth.” She latched on to the encouraging aspect of this word from God, thinking to herself, “Finally, I will have a wonderful marriage. Things will be different; now we can enjoy a

happy life together.” Little did we know, the worst had just begun, and we had only started our long, hard journey. Two weeks after I completed Teen Challenge, I was back to my old ways. I resumed my pursuit of sin, sometimes spending days away from home living in seedy motels. I had encounters with prostitutes in my hotel room or in my car right on the street. I watched pornography for hours at a time while getting high on crack cocaine. After each binge, I returned home to Rose, earnestly vowing never to do it again. I faithfully attended church and dutifully “repented” at the altar following each binge. Afterward, I would do well for a short time, only to fall back into the same pattern every few months. Each time I failed, Rose felt greater despair and hopelessness. “Is this all I have to look forward to?” she would ask herself. “Is this the way marriage is supposed to be? What’s wrong with ME? Why am I not enough for him? Why is God punishing me like this? I thought I married a godly man… he’s part of the worship team in our church every Sunday. Where is God in all of this?” I eventually entered another drug rehab program, but once again, returned to my old ways. The end result left Rose living with a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. From Sunday to Friday, I played the part of a Christian, one who could easily talk the talk when necessary, and worked at my job as an elevator mechanic in Manhattan. But by Friday something would begin to come over me, and I would inevitably spend the next 36 hours in the filthy world of 42nd Street visiting adult bookstores, smoking crack cocaine and hooking up with prostitutes. Nevertheless, Sunday morning I would be right back in church playing in the worship team as if nothing had happened. The future of our marriage seemed bleak to Rose and yet, she felt as though the Lord wanted her to stick it out. I felt just as hopeless: nothing is more miserable than knowing the truth while living in unrepentant sin. Like most men who are living in habitual sin, I was a master at deception. I had all the right lines for CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 >>


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my wife whenever questionable things came up. Later, when the truth came out, she was left with the same old feelings of betrayal. She was constantly made to feel like the fool, trying to believe her husband even when her intuition told her differently. Rose didn’t always know how to respond. Sometimes she would even explode in anger. One time I came home and found all of my belongings strewn all over the street, thrown out the window from our fifth floor apartment. Of course, there were also plenty of moments when she felt as though she just couldn’t endure another disappointment and that it was time to leave. Inevitably though, the Lord would move on her heart and she would once again forgive me and encourage me to get right with God. Sometimes she would even pray all night for me while I was out carousing. Meanwhile, I continued to trample on her heart, leaving her in a long, dark tunnel with no light at the end. After three years of marriage, my dual role as a “Christian” husband and

a drug-using sex addict came crashing down. My life was a shambles and my marriage was in ruins. Pastor Jimmy Jack once again intervened. This time he gave me an ultimatum: I must either go to Pure Life Ministries (PLM), a program for sexual addiction in Kentucky, or be excommunicated from the church. I was furious with him and even angry at Rose. All I could envision was some weird, hillbilly scene straight out of the movie Deliverance. Everything in me was screaming “No!” yet I also knew I was out of options. I reluctantly boarded the bus for Kentucky amidst a blinding snowstorm. In spite of the fact that I arrived at PLM full of anger, pride and confusion, deep inside I also knew that I needed to find God in the worst way. Rose, too, sensed she needed a fresh breakthrough with the Lord. She knew that our marriage was an idol and that she needed to give preeminence to the Lord in her heart. Moreover, she had to face the very real possibility that I would fail again. It was obvious to both of us that we had to put our marriage into His hands.

We needed more than a marriage improvement book. We needed a cleansing of our hearts and a deep spiritual work if we were to have a lasting marriage. God used my sexual sin as the means to drive us to our knees. In time, He would show us how our circumstances could be used to bring blessings into our lives, but first we needed to learn to love and obey Him. We both had a long way to go, but over time the Lord dramatically changed our lives. We also came to realize that we weren’t the only Christian couple facing overwhelming marital problems. Adapted from Chapter One of From Ashes to Beauty by Jeff Colón, © Pure Life Ministries, 2009.


Jeff & Rose Colón We both had a long way to go, but over time the Lord dramatically changed our lives. We also came to realize that we weren’t the only Christian couple facing overwhelming marital problems.

Unchained! SUMMER2021



what is theValue to your Congregation of a Transformed Life and a Restored Family? Our 9-month Residential Program is for men who are desperate for freedom and real answers to their sexual addictions. Why is this program is so effective? • • • • • •

The presence of God that brings a man into deep repentance Complete separation from old sources of temptation Regular biblical counseling by men who have overcome sexual sin themselves Structured environment where a sexual addict can learn a life of discipline Local employment covers low-cost weekly fees Two-phase program with emphasis on readjusting to life afterward

We also provide phone counseling options: Overcomers At-Home (OCAH) ~ for men, women, or mature teens At-Home Program for WIVES ~ for hurting wives NO REPRESENTATIONS MADE OF INDIVIDUALS DEPICTED.



The Jesus revealed to us by the Scriptures is anything but tame—everything about Him is absolutely radical. Without a clear understanding of who Jesus is, we can never hope to be the disciples we were meant to be in this fallen world. This book aims to exalt the radical Jesus by presenting a fresh glimpse of who He is and to reveal the high calling that true believers are to live.

“The Radical Jesus is a fresh wind to sweep away the fog, to lead us to repent and return to the real Jesus.” Pastor Burt Lowry, Ellsworth, ME “The Radical Jesus will draw your gaze to look upon the wonder of who Jesus really is. In its pages your heart will be stirred to awaken out of its slumber and to come back into a passionate walk with God. This is a must read for this hour.” Pastor Jeff Colón, Dry Ridge, KY AVAILABLE BOTH ON AMAZON & AT PLM $15.99

Unchained! MAGAZINE




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