WDP HSES Action Plan 2023
Category Topic
GENERAL: HSES Corporate Strategy
Appointment of a HSES Manager
Three Pillar WDP HSES Action Plan for This Year
Three Pillar WDP HSES Action Plan for Next 3 Years
HSES conditions to be mentioned in the WDP General Conditions of Contract
Ad hoc in the field audits (BV, SGS, Vincotte, SECO, SOCOTEC...) to audit HSES
Action Plan implementation (HSES in offices, on projects, fire drills)
PILLAR A: HSES Strategy for Buildings under construction, solar and other.
HSES to be a fixed topic on every project meeting and to be integrated in the meeting reports
Review of the Safety Coordination contracts for all countries
Check HSES documentation before start of works
Administrative HSES coordination as part of architect responsabilities (WDP Group)
Project Kick-off meetings for all projects to be attended by HSES (external) Safety Coordinator (WDP Group)
HSES site publicity: Decorative Safety Message on Sprinkler Tanks and Entrance Notice
Are we contractually OK (General Contracting, Pilot Contracting, Split Contracting, Service Contracting) - HSES conditions to be mentionned in the WDP General
Conditions of Contract
HSES evaluation external parties
PILLAR B: Strategy for Existing Buildings
Guidelines "Working with Third Parties" to be communicated to and signed by WDP Contractors (Belgium)
HSES to be a fixed topic on every project meeting and to be integrated in the meeting reports
Check HSES documentation before start of works
Project Kick-off meetings for (larger) projects to be attended by HSES (external) Safety Coordinator (WDP Group)
Are we contractually OK (General Contracting, Pilot Contracting, Split Contracting, Service Contracting) - HSES conditions to be mentionned in the WDP General
Conditions of Contract
HSES site publicity: Decorative Safety Message on Sprinkler Tanks
Coordination WDP - insurar and third parties on sprinkler issues
Implementation with FMIS providor of follow up legal inspections
Follow up PPE availability and usage
HSES evaluation external parties
PILLAR C: HSES Strategy for WDP Offices and WDP Staff
Communication of existing Action Plan of This Year
Implementation Action Plan of This Year
Follow up PPE availability and usage
Intervention/Evacuation exercises for HQ BE-Wolvertem, office NL-Breda, office ROBucharest
Intervention/Evacuation training for the employees of HQ Belgium
Fire fighting traning for the employees of HQ Belgium
Compliance of craftsmen activities to HSES
HSES to integrate into the WDP Welcome Brochure for new staff
H&S objectives on a yearly basis
H&S-Emp - Work-related fatalities | Objective: 0
H&S objectives on a yearly basis
H&S-Emp - Injury rate | Objective: 0
H&S objectives on a yearly basis
H&S-Emp - (long-term and short-term) absentee rate | Objective: <1%
H&S objectives on a yearly basis
H&S-Asset- Percentage of assets (corporate offices) for which health and safety impacts have been assessed | Objective: 100%
H&S objectives on a yearly basis
H&S-Comp - Any incident of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes conerning the health and safety impacts of assets (corporate offices) assessed |
Objective: 0
Total Number of Topics
Action Responsible
WDP HSES Work Group
WDP HSES Work Group
HSES Manager/Legal Managers
HSES Work Group
WDP Project Managers
HSES Manager/Project Managers
WDP Project Managers
WDP Project Managers / Commercial Managers
WDP Project Managers
WDP Project Managers
WDP PM's & Legal Managers
WDP Project Managers
WDP Property Managers
WDP Property Managers
WDP Property Managers
WDP Property Managers
WDP PropM's & Legal Managers
WDP Property Managers
WDP Property Managers
WDP Property Managers/
HSES Manager
WDP Property Managers
WDP Property Managers
HSES Manager
HSES Manager
Prevention advisors of each country
Prevention advisors of each country
HSES Manager
HSES Manager
Prevention advisor
HR Manager
WDP HSES Work Group
WDP HSES Work Group
WDP HSES Work Group
WDP HSES Work Group
WDP HSES Work Group