Welcome to

I would like to extend a personal invitation to explore all that our region has to offer using our welcome guides.
These guides are for those who have recently moved to the Western Downs or are looking to relocate here.
There is a lot of helpful information including available schools, local community groups, recreational and sporting groups and essential services offered in our towns.
Welcome to our beautiful district. Miles enjoys a tight knit community, an abundance of recreational locations to enjoy with your family, as well as a strong sporting community. Our town also regularly welcomes interstate and regional exhibitions at Dogwood Crossing Art Gallery.
Our region is known for its vibrant communities which have a great variety of activities for all ages and interests. From our regional events,
local festivities, arts and culture programs and strong sporting communities, there is something for everyone
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Situated along Dogwood Creek, with bottle tree-lined streets, Miles sits on the intersection of the Warrego and Leichhardt Highways, 330km northwest of Brisbane. It’s a picturesque town with a lot to do.
Stop by the Miles Historical Village and you’ll understand the town’s proud pioneering heritage, as you take a step back in time walking through streetscapes recreated from the 1920s.
The same pioneering spirit is evident today at Dogwood Crossing, where there’s a strong focus on arts and culture with regular art exhibitions on display.
Including the townships Condamine, Drillham and Dulacca in its district, there’s no shortage of outdoor activities to explore, from camping and fishing to watersports.
This culturally rich town and active community offers all essential services from arts and culture, education, medical facilities and sporting clubs.
The Western Downs is home to more than 34,000 residents and 8,188 families. The median age of our population is 37 years, and 7.1% of our residents were born overseas. We are proud to be a multicultural community and support diversity and inclusivity.
Combining a country lifestyle with modern living and conveniences, the Western Downs has an assortment of urban centres, quiet small towns, rural lifestyle blocks and an abundance of recreation spaces — something to suit everyone!
Living in the Western Downs is affordable compared to many parts of Queensland. Our average rent is $250 per week, compared to the Queensland average of $395 per week.
Across the region there are 15,000 homes with an average sale price of $200,209 — $258,151 lower than the Queensland average.
The Western Downs boasts one of Australia’s strongest, wellrounded and diverse economies.
Agriculture is a founding pillar of the region, closely followed by intensive agriculture, manufacturing, and more recently large scale investments in the resources industry and renewable energy.
Life in the Western Downs is rich with experiences and events that attract Queensland and interstate travellers. See what’s on the calendar for the Miles district...
Emily owns and operates a wedding planning business from her home in Columboola. Born and bred in Miles, Emily and her husband moved back home to start a family: finding the perfect combination of lifestyle and business opportunity.
Below are Emily’s insider tips for living in Miles.
Relaxed and peaceful. For the kids it’s adventurous, there’s a real element of freedom. They have bike tracks and cubby houses, dams and animals to keep them busy.
BBQs here on our verandah. The evenings are lovely and the sky is gorgeous so we love to show that off to our friends and family when they visit. We usually will make a trip to the Historical Village in Miles; that’s an incredible attraction that people don’t realise from the outside. And we love to go for a meal at the Windsor Hotel, where they have craft beer and such a nice outdoor dining area.
Is to visit my sister on her property near Drillham. Their property is bigger than ours so the kids just disappear, it’s so much fun. We also love to pack up the bikes and the dogs to ride along the Dogwood Creek Walking Track in and around town.
Is Ludwig and Will. They are a beautiful little mobile coffee van that set up in towns around the region and also at our events.
The Miles Back to the Bush Festival. The committee do a fantastic job, it’s such a great time for locals and visitors.
Since I have moved back. Hospitality options have grown and there are great opportunities for our kids futures. I don’t think it has lost its small country town feel though. Everyone still supports each other so we haven’t lost that community aspect with all the development.
My business has also had the opportunity to grow in the last few years. The grape vine in little country network is an awesome marketing tool. Property weddings have become so popular... I am happy I can offer people that out here.
If you’re considering moving to the country and to our little community, jump in and do it! We can’t wait to welcome you.
The Western Downs is one of Australia’s largest primary producers and our abundant local produce offers a chance for residents to explore our local produce. Here’s a taste of what the Miles district has to offer...
A short 5 kilometres from Miles on the Dogwood Creek is Gil Weir. A local favourite for fishing and water sports, you’ll also find rare pink waterlilies during summer and early autumn.
Once a Second World War ammunition dump, sleep in an underground bunker and enjoy early morning birdwatching at this unique holiday destination.
Walk through the open-air museum and learn about the town’s strong pioneering history with 30 replica shopfronts from the 1920s.
Held every Saturday from 7am at Moraby Park, get active and meet new friends.
The gallery holds regular local and touring art exhibitions, as well as school holiday activities for children.
Experience Miles: our small town has a big heart. With plenty to do, including cultural activities; active sporting clubs and groups; and the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors; there’s fun activities for the whole family.
Education for all ages is a priority in the Western Downs. There are 33 schools and 24 regulated childhood education and childcare services in the region. Our libraries also offer online education programs.
Children 0 to 12 years
Operates 6am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
Murilla Kindergarten Ass Inc
Children 3.5 years to 4.5 years
Operates 8.30am to 2.30pm, Tuesday, Thursdays and alternating Fridays
131 - 133 Murilla St, Miles QLD 4415
07 4627 2108 mccm.org.au/long-day-care
Marian St, Miles QLD 4415
07 4627 1340 candk.asn.au/centre/murillakindergarten-assn-inc
Murilla OSHC
Operates 3pm to 6pm (after school care) Operates 8am to 6pm (Queensland School Holidays Vacation Care)
Condamine State School
Prep to Year 6
Drillham State School
Prep to Year 6
14 Eleanor St, Miles QLD 4415 07 4627 2999 mccm.org.au/oshc
Kennedy St, Condamine QLD 4416
07 4627 7147 condaminess.eq.edu.au
13 Jardine St, Drillham QLD 4424
07 4627 6289 drillhamss.eq.edu.au
Dulacca State School Prep to Year 6
Miles State School
Prep to Year 6
North Rd, Dulacca QLD 4425 07 3627 6155 dulaccass.eq.edu.au
17 Pine St, Miles QLD 4415
07 4628 0333 milesss.eq.edu.au
Miles State High School
Junior School: Year 7 to Year 10 Senior School: Year 10 to Year 12
Pine St, Miles QLD 4415 07 4628 5111 milesshs.eq.edu.au
Condamine Arubial QCWA
Condamine State School P&C Association
Drillham Hall and Recreation Committee Inc
Drillham State School P&C Association
Dulacca State School P&C Friends of Carinya Inc
Grosmont State School P&C Association
Gulugaba State School P&C Association
Gurulmundi Schools of Arts Hall Committee
Miles & District Chamber of Commerce
Miles & District Hospital Auxiliary
Miles & District Show Society Inc
Miles Back to the Bush Festival Committee
Keen to volunteer?
Miles Driver Reviver
Miles Historical Village Museum
Miles Lions Club
Miles Local Ambulance Committee
Miles Local Chaplaincy Committee
Miles Meals on Wheels
Miles QCWA
Miles R.S.L Sub-branch
Miles Regional Arts Council
Miles Senior Citizens Association
Miles State High School P & C Association
Miles State School P & C Association
Murilla Community Centre
Murilla Garden Club
Murilla Landcare Group
Visit www.wdrc.qld.gov.au/living-here/volunteering/ for more.
Experience warm connection and immerse yourself in Miles, with a wide variety of community and cultural groups ranging from the arts to social groups and volunteering.
Condamine Cods Rugby Club
Condamine Cricket Club
Condamine Gun Club Inc
Condamine Rodeo and Campdraft
Dogwood Motor and Auto Group
Dulacca Needles and Patches
Dulacca Sports Club
Miles & District Amateur Race Club Inc.
Miles & District Amateur Swimming Club Inc.
Miles & District Football Club Inc.
Miles & District Junior Netball Club
Miles & District Netball Association Inc.
Miles Presbyterian Church
Holy Cross Catholic Church
St Luke’s Anglican Church
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Crossroads Christian Outreach Centre
Miles Jehovah’s Witnesses
Miles Bowls Club
Miles Cricket Club
Miles Golf Club Inc.
Miles Horse & Pony Club Inc.
Miles Junior Rugby League Club
Miles Memorial Trail Ride
Miles Parkrun
Miles Tennis Club Inc.
Miles Touch Football Club
Murilla Garden Club
Luke was born in Miles but has only moved back in the last 18 months. Now the General Manager at The Queensland Hotel Miles, he’s settled back into the community that helped raised him.
Below are Luke’s insider tips for living in Miles.
So I came back to the Western Downs. In the city you do feel like a little fish in a big pond. I wanted to come back to live in a community but also feel like I could contribute to it.
Finally catching a Miles Devil’s home game. They have an awesome supporter base, and the Queensland Hotel has been a primary sponsor of the club for decades. I’ve been too busy every other game but I desperately want to get down and watch the boys have a run.
Was the amount of work available in the region. People think there’s no jobs unless you’re a farmer or you work for a farmer. I came here with no job but did not have trouble finding work, even before this position.
How to get off the highway and explore the back roads. There are some tremendous roads through some beautiful country just off the beaten track. I have a motorbike and would never had made the venture if it wasn’t for that hint.
People think a small town is going to be boring, but there’s plenty do to.
Was in the first couple of days of being back. I was sitting here in the pub having lunch, before I worked here, and an older man came straight up to me. He recognised me from a toddler, a few decades ago, and knows dad. So that was funny, a good ice breaker.
What surprised me...
A local taught me...
I look forward to...
I wanted to feel like I was a part of a community again...
I’m non-stop trying to get my friends to visit...
The first person I met...
With a third of our staff and contractors calling the Western Downs home, we know the region is a fantastic place to live, work and raise a family.
We want more of our employees living locally and we know the Western Downs has so much to offer. We are proud to support the production of these welcome guides for people moving to the area.
Relocating anywhere new is often daunting, with many factors unknown. With information on key resources such as schools, services, businesses and community groups easily accessible in these packs, we’re confident the transition for individuals and families will be made easier.
And by showcasing the unique character of what brings the towns ‘alive’ we are confident your new life in the Western Downs will be exciting.
This guide was funded by Shell’s QGC Business and produced by Western Downs Regional Council. Information is current as at 30 April 2022.