City of Pearls

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The City of Pearls

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

1. What makes an excellent entrepreneur ? 2. How can the Internet help ? 3. Why social ? 4. Social enterprises in India

Tuesday, November 19, 13

You ? Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

What makes an excellent entrepreneur ? Tuesday, November 19, 13

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1. Passion. Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

2. Vision. Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

3. Culture. Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

4. Courage. Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

5. Network. Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

How can the Internet help ? Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tuesday, November 19, 13

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Complexity Non-linear Web 2.0

Web 1.0

Connectivity Tuesday, November 19, 13

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1. Many participants (hubs) + 2. High spontaneous activity rate + 3. Increasing connectivity >>> increases the possibilities of hypes ! Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Linear Systems >>> Non-Linear Systems effect=cause

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tiny cause, huge effect

Webby. Social. Successful.

117.000 tweets in the first hour after the iPad announcement

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Results Google Insights for “WhatsApp” Text Text

Tuesday, November 19, 13

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>>> HUGE effect on mobile carriers !!!

Tuesday, November 19, 13

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Android phones: 85% market penetration within 9 month !

Tuesday, November 19, 13

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KPN (Dutch carrier) SMS sales dropped 11 % = 49 million Euros !!!

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Twitter (August 16 and 17) with 8000 tweets #isupportannahazare became most discussed topic on August 17 More than 9000 tweets #Janlokpal 15,000 tweets with the mention of Anna Hazare Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Facebook More than 150 Facebook related pages 13.000 people joined daily over 71,000 'likes' and 13,000 comments in August 2011

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.


Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

January 2011 Longterm forecasts are hardly possible ! Today complexity is the biggest challenge.

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Decision makers are forced to act shortdated

Webby. Social. Successful.

The best time for the car industry is still ahead of us !

We don’t sell cars but mobility ! The car industry is in upheaval !

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Ferdinand Dudenhรถffer, leading car industry expert: PS will no longer be the decisive argument for car buyers! 3 month later: 3 month later: Germans love PS strong cars, no matter how much petrol will cost.

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

T Cars will get more expensive ! Hardly any discounts because of booming sales!

Cars will get cheaper! Germany: Drop in prices: 1.9 % 3 month later: Cars will get more expensive ! Cars will get cheaper!

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

1. If connectivity and non-linearity increase, complexity increases above average and the capability of forecast decreases below average ! Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

>>> consequences for entrepreneur: The understanding and reflexion of context becomes much more important than defining goals and planning strategies! Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Linear Systems >>> Non-Linear Systems Which strategies are the most effective and efficient ones ?

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Which parameters are the most meaningful and important ones within the framework ?

Tuesday, November 19, 13

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the intelligence of one >>> the intelligence of many

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Ashby‘s Law of Requisite Variety

Tuesday, November 19, 13

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The larger the variety of actions available to a control system, the larger the variety of perturbations it is able to compensate.

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

>>> Network building !

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

2. To build Networks is problem AND solution – All in one !

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

>>> consequences for entrepreneur: He/she has to become part of the network !

Tuesday, November 19, 13

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In networks it’s not the supplier who is deciding, it is the consumer !

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

>>> consequences for entrepreneur: The shift in power and decision making !

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

The End of business as usual! Markets are conversations ! Consumers, employers, citizens become creators ! >>> democratization 1999 Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

And people want to participate and create !

Tuesday, November 19, 13

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Resistence 2.0 India against corruption Delhi rape .... Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Participation 2.0 AAP Right to Information Act .... Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Linear Systems >>> Non-Linear Systems Hierarchy Where does the system/company go ?

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Autonomy Where does the system emerge to?

Webby. Social. Successful.

3. In Networks key to success is resonance!

Tuesday, November 19, 13

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4. In Networks key to success is cooperation !

Tuesday, November 19, 13

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Competitors cooperate ! >>> Coopetition

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

>>> consequences for entrepreneur: The borders of the company become permeable ! Established values within the borders lose significance – MELTDOWN! Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Linear Systems >>> Non-Linear Systems Loyality What fosters longterm relationships ?

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Attractiveness What makes cooperation attractive?

Webby. Social. Successful.

1. complexity

2. Shift in power

3. Meltdown

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Creating networks within and outside the company as an answer of increasing complexitity Loss of loyality within existing systems as a consequence of connectivity

Webby. Social. Successful.

1. complexity

2. Shift in power

3. Meltdown

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Longterm planning and strategies become less important in daily business ! The unpredictable momentums within networks force democratization ! Identification with a single system become less and less important for an individual !

Webby. Social. Successful.


Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Why social ? Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Social T Text

No money t Tuesday, November 19, 13


Webby. Social. Successful.

25% of #India’s population lives under the poverty line (1.25 USD/day) ! Times of India, August 29, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

An additional 40-50% is just above poverty line ! World Bank, June 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

22 of #India’s 32 big cities face water crises ! Times of India, September 9, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

#Hyderabad water supply fails to meet almost 30% of demand ! Times of India, September 9, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

#Delhi The city generates nearly 10,000 tons of garbage — equal to the US average weight of about 5,000 cars — every day. Globalpost, June 6, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 13

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#Delhi That volume is expected to double over the next decade.

Globalpost, June 6, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

#Delhi And while experts estimate the city will need some 500 acres of new landfills to process the city's mounting waste, only 100-odd acres have been targeted for waste-management projects ...

Globalpost, June 6, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Air Pollution is the biggest KILLER in India ! An increase of 600% in the last decade! Hindustantimes October 22, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Air Pollution ... levels in Lanzhou, China’s most-polluted city, are lower than all of India’s top five. (Delhi, Ludhiana, Kanpur, Lucknow and Indore) Hindustantimes October 22, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 13

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Air Pollution ... costs India about 30 billion USD or 3% of GDP. World Bank 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Education 80% literacy by 2015 Times of India July 18, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

80% literacy by 2015, BUT: 15% of Indian students reach high school, and only 7%, of these 15% who make it to high school, graduate. Girls are alarmingly under represented!

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Why is this so? – not enough schools – badly equipped – lack of teachers in numbers and – in qualification – social issues (girls)

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Gender Every 12 seconds a female fetus is selectively aborted in India ! Fair Observer September 9, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

All these issues OFFER HUGE business opportunities !

Tuesday, November 19, 13

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Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

The markets are waiting for you !

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Social Enterprises – India Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

When doing business in #India, live here ! Anu Sridharan

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

When doing social business in #India, live where the problem occurs !

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

problem: not enough water status: cell phone available solution: text >>> water smart grid lite data system Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

A mobile phone system which connects valvemen to engineers and customers and builds up a data-pool.

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

A simple text can change lives. 20-40 hours/month waiting for water. Sometimes, people may take a whole day off work to collect water. Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

user: 10 INR / month Hubli: 25.000 users Bangalore next

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Market volume in India: 150 million USD 90% of South-East Asia has same problem!

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Why join the navy if you can be a pirate? Deepak, Hisam, Abhinav and Ashwin, four dropouts from LBS Engineering College in Kasargod Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

problem: no internet access status: cell phone available solution: text >>> smart

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

55444 SMS Gyam and airtel

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

user: 1 INR / query 30 INR / month

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

service provider: 70% innoz: 30%

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

first 18 month: 18 million queries february 2013: 120 million active users adding 2 million every month

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

open platform app-store

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

problem: 160 million India households cook in rudimentary mud stoves or open fires. This is dangerous and emitting toxic smoke. Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

This toxic smoke causes 4 million premature death each year globally.

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

solution: efficient home energy devices tailored to rural consumers. Great in design, cheap in price.

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Impact – reduction of smoke emission up to 80% – no behaviour change for consumers >>> people use it! Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

No program from top-down. Solutions from bottom-up.

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Manifestos Solution-driven !

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

government = platform on which social enterprises can flourish

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Structure = Network-structure with various hubs where needed

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

learning over education


systems over objects

resilience over strength

compasses over maps

risk over safety

practice over theory

disobedience over compliance

emergence over authorities

Tuesday, November 19, 13

practice over theory

Tuesday, November 19, 13

disobedience over compliance

Tuesday, November 19, 13

systems over objects Tuesday, November 19, 13

emergence over authorities

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Be the change YOU want to see !

Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Tuesday, November 19, 13

Webby. Social. Successful.

Thank you! twitter: @ulrike_reinhard

Tuesday, November 19, 13

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