How to Use the “Reverse Invite Method” to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at

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The Reverse Invite Method How to Use the "Reverse Invite Method" to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

Whit and Cari Higham

How to Use the "Reverse Invite Method" to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

This sound familiar..? You're constantly inviting people to take a look at your business—but all too often you’re hearing a resounding, “No!” …or worse yet, “Let me think about it.” Kinda discouraging, right? Maybe you’ve started thinking to yourself…

“Sheesh, I just want to stop CHASING people!” “How do I get people to ASK ME about my business?” “How can I nally transform all the actions I'm taking into actual, concrete results (like new customers and distributors)?” The "Reverse Invite Method": Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

How to Use the "Reverse Invite Method" to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

Hey, we’ve all been there! Sometimes prospecting can make you feel like you're spinning your wheels, getting nowhere fast. But here’s the truth… The problem with a lot of “traditional” network marketing methods is this: Most of what's being taught simply doesn't work! In fact, if you're following the advice of an old, out-of-touch upline, you might very well be… Luckily, we've got a solution. It's called the “Reverse Invite Method.” Every day, somewhere between 15 and 20 people reach out to us to ask exactly what it is that we're doing. They are, quite literally, inviting themselves to take a look at our business.

The "Reverse Invite Method": Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

How to Use the "Reverse Invite Method" to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

Our method starts with creating curiosity. It relies on making yourself so unique people want to reach out to YOU and invite themselves to take a look at whatever it is you're doing. So you don't have to worry about nding and inviting people, because you’ll have a constant, never-ending stream of people reaching out to you. Now, you’re probably wondering how this works, what platform you use, and if it's free or paid. Well, here are the basics…

Facebook is our primary platform We use some paid Facebook advertising, and we also use a lot of organic, nonpaid stuff as well. You can use this method on your personal pro le, your business or fan page, and in groups. The Reverse Invite principles are always the same! It all starts with a post to create curiosity.

The "Reverse Invite Method": Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

How to Use the "Reverse Invite Method" to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

There are two types of curiosity posts that work best: 1. Basic, text-based with picture 2. Facebook Live If you're tight on funds, you can start using organic, free exposure in the News Feed. But when you pay to boost one of these posts, you’re paying to get in front of a global audience, and that’s when you can start to scale and create leverage.

So how do you create a post that generates enough curiosity for people to reach out to you? For us, we do a lot of Facebook Lives—it’s our “go to” strategy. But you don’t have to do Facebook Lives or any kind of video marketing if you don’t want to. Whether you’re using a basic post or a Facebook Live, just ask yourself:

“What do people need to know about what I'm promo ng to get them to enroll, or to move forward?” The answer to that question will be different for everybody. The "Reverse Invite Method": Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

How to Use the "Reverse Invite Method" to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

It might be one, two, even three things that people need to know. What's holding them back or keeping them stuck? What critical information are they missing to solve their issue? What revelation or realization do they need to move forward? Find those things. Dig deep into whatever PAIN or PROBLEM they're going through right now. Then…

Instruct them to take action to learn more Maybe you ask them to comment “more info” on your post. Maybe you ask them to follow a link so they can get more detailed information. Or maybe you instruct them to message you via Messenger for more information. That's how you “reverse” the invite. You lead people to the point at which they think…

“Yeah, this novel solu on sounds like it will eliminate my pain and solve my problem!”

The "Reverse Invite Method": Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

How to Use the "Reverse Invite Method" to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

And they will invite themselves. Now, here's a question we get often:

Should you share your product on your Facebook Lives? And the answer is: absolutely, positively, NO! That's the biggest mistake any new networker or af liate marketer can make. New marketers think it’s the product that gets people excited. The truth is, people don’t care about your products! They don’t have enough information to care about your products. You have to make them aware they need your products rst. The secret is simple…

It’s NOT your product or service that makes you unique! It all comes down to nding out what makes YOU, or whatever at you're selling, unique. How does your product or service help someone reduce or eliminate whatever pain they're experiencing right now? The "Reverse Invite Method": Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

How to Use the "Reverse Invite Method" to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

As an example, let’s talk about weight loss. People are NOT interested in learning how to lose weight. They already KNOW how to lose weight. What IS interesting to them is how your product is DIFFERENT from anything else they’ve seen. What IS interesting is your unique position about your products. Once you persuade someone to walk through your process until they say, “Yes, I need to talk to you about something,” then you can have the conversation about why they need what you have. Make sense?

Getting people to the first “Yes” is the most important part You’ll talk about the problems they’re having, you’ll show you understand and can relate to those problems, and then you’ll tell them there's a solution—WITHOUT giving it away. You’ll ask them to DO SOMETHING to get the information they want.

The "Reverse Invite Method": Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

How to Use the "Reverse Invite Method" to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

In other words, you’ll set it up so that they have to take action and reach out to you to get the info they want. You create curiosity so they want to learn more. And the best way to create curiosity is by telling a story. You've probably heard that “facts tell, stories sell.” People in network marketing hear that all the time, yet few people understand how this really works. Compelling stories make people WANT to get onboard with whatever you're doing. Some network marketers can’t stop themselves from talking on and on and on about how amazing their lives are and how much their lives have changed since they joined their company—and it ANNOYS the heck out of their friends, family, and anybody else who’s subject to it. So how do you keep from annoying people? How can you attract people instead of repelling them? Well, here’s another simple truth… Your company, whatever system you're using, did not get you where you are. The "Reverse Invite Method": Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

How to Use the "Reverse Invite Method" to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

Your company or product may be the vehicle, but YOU did it So instead of focusing on your product, service or company, you should focus on yourself as a unique individual with a unique story. Focus on making YOU that unique selling point so that people reach out to you. It doesn't matter what company you're with. It doesn't matter what product you promote. YOU create a bond and develop rapport with people through your story, through your posts, through your Facebook Lives, so your prospects will say…

“I like Whit and Cari. I want to work with these people.” The bond YOU create with people is going to take you much further with them than your product ever will. Think about it this way…

The "Reverse Invite Method": Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

How to Use the "Reverse Invite Method" to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

When we rst started, people used to come up to us and say…

“Hey, you've been with this company for a little while – how's everything going?” I remember answering with a lie. I’d lie right to their face and say…

“Oh, you know, our whole lives have changed. It's going great!” The truth was that I was thinking…

“Oh my God – this freaking sucks! I not only haven’t made any money, I’m LOSING money since I started!” Thank God we learned to ip that story on its head.

We started telling the TRUE story about what we were going through And when we started telling the truth about where we were and how we were, our presence started to shift. Then people could authentically connect with us. They felt the truth of our story. The "Reverse Invite Method": Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

How to Use the "Reverse Invite Method" to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

People found what we were experiencing valuable. Ultimately, the “big secret” is to come from a place of SERVICE. When we told people our life was “amazing,” they knew we were BS'ing. They saw right through it.

“Yeah, that's funny because you s ll live in your mother-in-law's basement and your car looks like it hit a million animals, so obviously your life isn’t that amazing.” They saw right through us. It came through in our energy…in our body language…in our “presence.” When we changed our focus to service, to asking…

“How can we serve the people we’re trying to attract? How can we bring value to their lives?”

Suddenly our circumstances shifted—quickly! The more authentic you are, the more you focus on bringing service and providing value, you become that servant-leader, and that's when people come and want to join you. All we did was share the truth about our story.

The "Reverse Invite Method": Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

How to Use the "Reverse Invite Method" to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

We didn’t say…

“Yeah we're making a ton of money. We're doing this and buying that. Here are all our creden als about what we've done.” We just told the truth.

“Hey, here's where we are. This is what we're doing now, and this is what’s happening now. These are the results we've had. This is what's working for us. You can make it work, too. Let us show you how to do that.” It's that simple.

This is what's called “Attraction Marketing” And if you're new to this whole idea, then I strongly encourage you to sign up for Elite Marketing Pro's FREE 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp to learn more about how to build your network marketing businesses online, so you don't have to be that annoying friend who can’t stop talking about their products. We used to be “mall sharks”—and even tried to hunt down prospects on the Vegas strip. Thank goodness those days are over for us!

The "Reverse Invite Method": Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

How to Use the "Reverse Invite Method" to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

They can be over for you, too. EMP's Bootcamp contains exact same information we used to get started on our journey of learning how to market ourselves online. You'll learn how to use the most cutting-edge online methods to rank advance, sell more stuff, recruit more people, and make a whole lot more “moola” in your business. So if you’re ready to get started… Click here to access EMP's 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp. Sincerely, Whit & Cari Higham Super Af liates Elite Marketing Pro

The "Reverse Invite Method": Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

How to Use the "Reverse Invite Method" to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

FREE INTERNET RECRUITING COURSE Finally, An Easy Way To Recruit Into Your Network Marketing Business – Rejection FREE – Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Beat Prospects & Leads… CLICK HERE FOR INSTANT ACCESS

The "Reverse Invite Method": Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

How to Use the "Reverse Invite Method" to Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

Whit and Cari Higham Whit and Cari are network marketers and top af liates inside the Elite Marketing Pro community. After growing a multiple-six- gure income in less than 10 months, their passion became helping others get results in their own businesses and reach their dreams in life.

The "Reverse Invite Method": Get Your Prospects to Invite Themselves to Take a Look at Your Business!

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