Attraction Marketing: The Roadmap to Building a Online Brand in Network Marketing

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MARKETING How Magnetic Sponsoring Works To Attract Endless New Team Members To Your Business

Ferny Ceballos

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

Would you like to know how attraction marketing can help you rapidly grow your network marketing business, completely obliterate rejection, and give you a completely unfair advantage when it comes to prospecting and recruiting? Stay tuned if that sounds appealing, because that’s precisely what I’m going to share below. First, let me ask you this… Have you ever seen, at some point in your network marketing career, a well-respected, already-popular, and successful person join your network marketing company and almost overnight had dozens—if not hundreds—of people join their organization? These people seem to create “instant” success, right? All they seem to do is make a few phone calls, send a text or two, and a bunch of people join their team—just like that!

This is a phenomenon in network marketing I like to call the “unfair advantage” and it's crucial in attraction marketing

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

These “overnight success” stories might even be brand new to the network marketing industry, but I can promise you this… These people were already successful or popular in their day-today life. Perhaps they were a successful professional or upstanding citizen in their community with a positive reputation.

These people already had a following and were highly regarded by their peers. People already knew, liked, and trusted them. And here's why this is so important…

People follow winners! And that, believe it or not, is the basis of branding. A brand is a following, a reputation, and results.

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

Now, depending on your background, you might not have had that kind of reputation or a huge network of connections when you started. In fact, MOST of us don't start out with an unfair advantage.

But imagine being able to create your own unfair advantage—even if you're at zero right now! It's entirely possible. And it's all about leveraging attraction marketing. Attraction marketing can help anyone—regardless of their background, create that unfair advantage. How?

Your unfair advantage comes from building your brand using attraction marketing

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

It comes from investing in yourself so that you can continue growing your value. And it also comes from investing in your followers and helping them grow. This is the secret in attraction marketing. The more you invest in yourself, the more you attract a larger following. The more you invest in your recruits, the more they duplicate their own followings. I'm about to walk you through the three phases we lead our members through here at Elite Marketing Pro to help them create their own unfair advantage. But before I do, here’s a little dose of reality. When most people hear us say we can “Help you rapidly expand your network marketing business,” they're thinking…

“Oh, they're going to show me how to attract more prospects and recruit new people now, now now… Oh goodie… gimme, gimme, gimme.”

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

The mindset this response conveys is that of people expecting something for nothing. But here’s the thing…

Whenever people with an “unfair advantage” join anything, other people follow them… Because they've paid their dues. They've invested in themselves and they've invested in OTHERS over time. So, when they pull the trigger on a particular opportunity, they'll have a constant ow of new people joining their business because they not only have those connections, but they've also come with the ability to continue to expand their network.

But what if you could create that kind of following online, even if you are currently a nobody? The kind of following that means you would never run out of prospects — ever again.

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

Would that be something you'd be interested in learning? And if I said, because you are a nobody and starting from scratch, it would likely take you six months or even a year to build a big enough online following and network capable of feeding what would quickly become a six- gure network marketing business… So I'm telling upfront that it will take a little time to ramp things up… would that still be ok? I mean six months to a year, is still a heck of a lot faster than it'd take you to get to six gures holding home parties, home meetings, 1-on-1's and all the old school stuff… right? Well, that is what Attraction Marketing is! So without further adieu, let me share our roadmap for building a six- gure brand in three phases…

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

First, let me make this plain: network marketing is one skillset and attraction marketing is another. You need to respect these skillsets and master them. Knowing how to train people, build community, and develop leaders are network marketing skills. The attraction marketing skillset involves online skills to automate what can be automated and what can't be automated, at least make those activities much ef cient, faster, and more leveraged.

The blending of these two skillsets is what makes attraction marketing so amazing. But you're not going to be a master of attraction marketing in two weeks and that's ok. What we do is have you start with “training wheels”. At Elite Marketing Pro, we don’t tell you to build your entire online following right out of the gate. That’s like taking you and your bike to the top of the hill and saying, “see you at the bottom!”

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

Instead, you start with Attraction Marketing Training Wheels. By that, I mean we've already created an attraction marketing online system that's proven and tested to help you start building your network and attract prospects. You can leverage what we've already created and…

Focus on learning — and mastering — just one thing That one thing is in my opinion, the number one skillset in modern network marketing… Sponsored Social Media Posts Using sponsored social media posts (primarily on Facebook) you will learn how to attract a never-ending supply of prospects. And once those prospects engage with your posts, the attraction marketing system converts them to leads – meaning they will have submitted their contact information so you can follow-up. You can reach out to them, you can e-mail them, and you can PM them on Facebook.

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

They gave you permission.

That puts you leaps and bounds ahead of most traditional network marketers. Starting with this one critical skill – Sponsored Posts – you start the process of rapidly building your following. But in the beginning, this following won't know you very well yet, so don't expect people to be throwing money at you. Fortunately, we'll be giving them tons of value to keep them engaged and teach you a few things you can do every day. This helps build the rapport with them that you'll need. Plus the cool thing is that you're able to make money from these followers (even before they join your business) cause we're going to teaching them about attraction marketing on your behalf and you earn commissions if they invest in any of our courses, that puts money back in your pocket. That helps you cover your operating costs during this initial phase which can realistically last three to six months. Imagine having your auto-ship paid for, your business tools paid for, and your company event tickets paid for from the beginning!

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

Then it’s time to move into Phase 2.

In Phase 1, you’ve started to build a following. You now have results. You now have some prospects in your network, and maybe you’ve referred a few sales and earned commissions. Regardless of how many leads or new team members or sales you’ve achieved, the big win is this:

You've attracted people to converse and interact with you. You can honestly tell people…

“Yes, I'm attracting leads every single day.” Because it’s true.

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

This marks the beginning of building your brand, cause you're getting results and naturally, your leads will want to know how you are doing it. That positions you as an attractive leader. During this new phase, you start taking over piece by piece, little by little, your own attraction marketing system. That's what we call‌

Taking Over Your List (or Following) Now the messages & value being delivered to your prospects start coming from you, not us. You start to provide your own value to others, cause you've started to gure out this attraction marketing stuff, and you'll know how to help others do what you did. You send them emails, videos, and links to your own blog posts. You'll also share whatever other useful information you create. That helps you build relationships with people. They get to know you. You develop a reputation for being a leader. This is called investing in your followers, so the value of that following grows.

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

Now, you’ll start following the 80/20 rule. You’ll spend 80% of your time and energy delivering value And you’ll spend 20% of your time recruiting & promoting your business Perhaps once or twice a month, you’ll hold an online presentation and invite people to check out what you're doing. By doing this, you'll see how they might be able to work with you as part of your team. At the end of the presentation, invite them to apply to work with you. Then you’ll interview and select the people that you want to work with. That's right: no more convincing! You are now interviewing and only working with people you like! As your following grows, the number and quality of people coming through that application process increases. Now you’re in “unfair advantage” territory.

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

Now you're only talking to the serious leads – the ones who want to work with you Phase 2 can take 6 – 12 months to fully mature. But that is totally freaking awesome because in the process, guess what? You're still earning money by offering your new prospects (those that haven't been in your network long) some of our products and you earn commissions. This part is key, because not only are you earning money, these buyers will become your most valuable prospects because a) they are willing to invest in themselves and b) they will be getting trained in attraction marketing so they can be competent online business builders when they are ready to join. Speaking of which, as a little time passes… The number of people coming into your network marketing business will grow steadily.

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

But most importantly, you’re creating an asset, consisting of… Your following Your own e-mail & phone list Your own unfair advantage through social media As your brand grows, you enter the nal phase of our Attraction Marketing Roadmap.

You’ll know when you transition into this phase. It happens when you discover your skills, your brand, and your results are growing so much that you start attracting in uencers – the “whales.” Industry leaders start seeing your content, and they start following you. Ultimately, they will see the value of working with you and will reach out to connect.

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

Why? Network marketing is a business built on timing. If you're attracting leaders, and something is “off” about their company's nancial health, management, or integrity – guess who they’ll join? Because you’ve developed your own attraction marketing skillset, and have demonstrated results, value, and integrity, leaders will want to join you when it’s time for a change. I've seen this happen many times because let's face it – strong leaders & good people can't control the decisions their company executives make. Often times, those decisions lead to trouble and they gotta make a big move… Let me share some of the results our community members are accomplishing in Phase 3.

Brandy Shaver joined us two years ago She lived in a small town, built a small team, and over the course of her rst year made about $20,000 dollars in network marketing.

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

Not bad, right? But because she lived in a small town, her team dwindled. She ran out of prospects and ended up having to drive quite a few miles to prospect, recruit, and train her team. She was ready to quit. Then she found us and pretty much started from zero. With hardly any computer skills, Brandy now has… 17,000+ leads on her e-mail list 17,000+ followers on social media Produced over 1,251 customers Enrolled, using attraction marketing, 133 people into her organization Sponsored three top earners into her organization – two of them six-figure earners, and one recent seven-figure earner who chose to come out of retirement to join her Multiple streams of income Brandy is now attracting whales in the industry, and every single one of those whales reached out to her, looking for a home.

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

She never poached or prospected them. They joined her because they saw the value in her attraction marketing skillset. Here’s another example.

Whit and Cari Higham were not in a great place when they started with attraction marketing …to put it mildly! Living in Cari's parents’ basement, they couldn't afford to buy groceries, much less their own place and had 2 babies to care for. After two years of working with us, Whit and Cari now have: 26,683 total leads over several platforms 16,000+ Social media followers Generated 1000+ customers Personally enrolled 67 people into their network marketing business Sponsored four six-figure leaders into their organization

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

Not bad, right? And here’s one more…

You probably already know Julie Burke Julie was already a six- gure earner in network marketing having built without attraction marketing over 4 years, but a bad situation with her company resulted in her starting over with a new company. Because we helped her build her brand the previous year, she was able to recover quickly. When we started with Julie, she had a 2,000 social media followers due to her own hard work and hustle prospecting on social media the previous 4 years. Over the course of a year and a half, Julie has… Built an e-mail list of 50,000+ Grown to over 53,000+ social media followers And within 5 months of joining her new company, Julie…

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

Sponsored 6 six-figure and 4 seven-figure leaders into her organization Passively enrolls ~25 people every month into her business Those results within 18 months are pretty freaking awesome!

Here’s my attraction marketing story… I spent my rst year with attraction marketing in the training wheels phase and made about $10,000 rst year in online network marketing. I was learning the system, and getting familiar with the skillset (Phase 1). The next year I got serious about building my brand and by the end of that year was able to quit my day job. (Phase 2). A year after that is when I started landing the whales (Phase 3). Those three years led to a six- gure business in network marketing, and ultimately my rst 7- gure year by 2012.

Today my home businesses have collectively grossed over 20 million dollars.

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

But these results – mine, Julie, Brandy, Cari, & Whit – also re ect a level of skill that needed to be acquired through hard work, study, implementation, and determination. It's not gonna happen overnight and only you can determine whether it can happen at all. If some of you, like Julie, want to take on things sooner and faster, that's okay. Others, like me, might spend an entire year in the training wheels phase. (I'm overly analytical lol) There's nothing wrong with that.

With attraction marketing, you’ll learn and grow at your own pace It is not a race. Now you know a bit about how we work, and why attraction marketing is by far the best way to build a network marketing business, in my professional opinion.

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

So if you'd like to learn more about how Brandy, Cari and Whit, Julie, and myself generated the type results we did, then I highly recommend you sign up for my FREE Online Recruiting Bootcamp. It's a video course where I'll walk you through how to build your business using the latest technology—where prospects come to you on a daily basis—interested in what you've got! You can take advantage of these methods starting today—no matter how small your business is currently. This is, by far, the most ef cient (and fun!) way to build your business today. These methods continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in network marketing. So if you’re ready to get started… Simply CLICK HERE and I’ll gladly give you access to my 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp. I really hope you've found this content helpful.

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

Sincerely, Ferny Ceballos Author of the Attraction Marketing Formula CMO, Elite Marketing Pro

FREE INTERNET RECRUITING COURSE Finally, An Easy Way To Recruit Into Your Network Marketing Business – Rejection FREE – Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Beat Prospects & Leads… Claim Your Free Internet Recruiting Bootcamp and Start Learning the Secrets of Attraction Marketing…


How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

Ferny Ceballos Ferny Ceballos is a graduate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of Southern California, in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, respectively. After working for 5 years as an aerospace engineer, his entrepreneurial aspirations motivated him to turn to the network marketing and internet marketing industry to escape the rat race. Since leaving Aerospace in 2008, he has personally been responsible for over 11 million dollars in sales online over 10 years in his personal business, and helped countless clients produce six- gure and seven- gure incomes promoting their businesses using the internet.

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Attract Endless New Team Members

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