Bautista, joaquin c & sofia memorable moments july 2013

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Y8 EA SHARES MEMORABLE MOMENTS Bautista: A memorable moment in my sports life was when I became champion of a rugby tournament playing for my school after winning every match, and on the last minute of the last match I broke my arm twisting it in between a rival’s legs. In that tournament I scored a try and was the team kicker. That was a very exciting moment because I was the youngest in my team. We beat great teams. Their players were bigger but slower than us. Another moment I will never forget was when I slipped when trying to make a front flip on a ski jump in Andorra. I was 12 years old and skiing in Andorra with the Argentine National Ski Team when we went to the ski park. In a jump as short as a teacher´s desk but powerful as a rocket, I tried to do a front flip and fell on my face and almost broke my goggles. It hurt, but as I am a teen-ager the pain ceased in less than an hour. When I fell all my friends laughed but our instructor approached me to hold me back and asked me if I was all right: I nodded and we both smiled. Lucas: I remember the day we were playing a football match in a tournament in Marangoni with some friends and we had to play the final match against the best team. We were all afraid of losing, but we said that we would make the effort to go out and win the match. It was an amazing moment. All our parents were watching us from outside screaming our names as crazy people. In the last minute, we were in a tie 0-0 and I kicked the ball to John, our midfielder, and he shot

straight to the goal. It was a magic moment. We had won the tournament after a year of sacrifice and effort. Joaquín C:

It was a very disgraceful moment when I was playing football with my friends and

suddenly one of them decided to leave.

It was my birthday. One of my friends decided to

go inside and after him the rest of them ran. I couldn’t believe it! Dragging my feet, very sad, I got closer to the house. Through the window I could see them watching television, laughing and having fun. But I knew that deep inside, they were thinking where I could be probably saying, “We should go with Joaco because he´s all alone on his birthday.”And before the blink of an eye we were all playing again.

Sofia: A memorable moment for me in my life would be the time I usually spend with my grandparents. I always treasure each and every one of them. I always remember the time I went to "La Lomada", a place in Pilar where my cousins live. When I was about six years old I went almost every weekend with my grandma. We fed the ducks and then we ate lunch. Another moment was with my grandpa Opi. He picked me up after school and took me to Chungo, an icecream shop. These memories are really important for me. I always treasure them and have them as happy memories that remind of my Opi and Omi. Now, every time I pass Chungo or "La Lomada" with the car I can see myself feeding the ducks or eating an icecream. So that’s why each is such an important and memorable moment.

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