Partner Guide
Contents dd Part I - The Basics Get to know webjam with some quick explanations as to how the platform works. 6. The Top Bar 8. Webjam Unique 9. Editorial Controls
Part II - Creating your network Learn how to utilise the tools on the Webjam platform to create the best possible network. 12. Settings 14. Modules 14. Forums 16. blog 18. Search 20. Page Navigation 22. Collaborative Modes 25. RSS Feeds 26. Glossary 28. Styles 29. My Styles 30. Creating the Style 32. Styling the Top Bar 34. Members Tab
Part III - Managing your networks Learn how to control and assess your network using tools such as analytics and RSS. 38. Search for moderation 40. Stats 42. Domain Mapping 43. Exporting Feeds 44. Admin Site 46. SEO 47. Moderation
Part IV - Channels
Discover how to manage and run your channel. 50. Template Management 52. Member Management 53. Activity Feed 54. Channel Search 56. Locked Content
Part V - Social Media Integration
Find out about some really useful tools to add to your network. 66. Glossary 68. Contact Webjam
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We help companies to focus on creating and sharing content, rather than on creating and storing data, proving that human interaction is the key to opening your brand.
Webjam enables companies to make followers aware of the brand, not just the medium. Companies can move beyond the novelty and entertainment value to actually getting a return out of social media.
Webjam brings a new dimension to branding. Branding in the communication age is conversational, not image based. It’s about conversations and connected experiences.
welcome to
Welcome to the Webjam Partner Guide, which has been compiled to help you utilise social networking and to provide you with detailed instructions on using the Webjam platform. As you start out, we suggest you refer to this guide to learn how to create and manage your pages, create styles, assign co-editorship, engage your audience and distribute content within your channel. In addition to this guide, we also encourage our Partners to attend our monthly online workshop where you can ask any questions you have about the Webjam platform or your channel in particular. To sign up visit:
Part I:
The Basics Webjam is an easily manageable environment where you can create a social network from scratch. By using the intuitive top bar you are able to control all the editing of your community. You can co-ordinate your members, change the styles and administer the settings of your network.
Webjam can be considered as a framework, a blank canvas for a fully branded, customised and controlled social media environment that serves as a hub for your entire social media presence. We bundle powerful community features with an easy drag-and-drop interface, a rich catalogue of modules & styles, and a unique feature for clients and their community editors to replicate content, application, lay-out or even entire sites. Above all, we make it easy to RSS, import and export from and to the main social networks, websites and publishing tools.
The Top Bar dd Click ‘view site’ to see the site in different modes: Editor, member and visitor. Choose ‘edit site’ to move the modules around the page, add columns and to amend the settings of individual modules. The Top Bar is what you see when you visit your network. It appears at the top of your page and is only visable to editors of your site.
settings In settings you have control over all your pages, their privacy settings and the network details of your site. Here you can add tags and a description to assist SEO. You can also easily add and delete pages.
modules Selecting the modules tab you are able to manage what is placed on your site. This can be anything from a blog to a forum. New modules are being added on a regular basis to enhance your Webjam experience. To add a module, choose the modules tab and select ‘+ to page’.
styles Styles lets you control the look and feel of your site. You can work from the most basic and simple settings right through to full control of the CSS of your network. There are also various Webjam styles already created and ready to use on your network.
members In the members tab (p34) you are able to administer all members of your network. You are able to send messages and newsletters, create a members form and change the join and invite permissions. Premium members have the ability to add customisation to the newsletter and members form.
The bar chart on the top right allows you to quickly see the site stats. Use the badges button to promote your network on other websites. The Premium link allows non premium users to quickly and easily upgrade their site to the Premium service. With Premium users can set their own domain name and helps branding the network.
Webjam Unique dd In more ways than one Webjam is separated from other social networks. Here’s some of what makes Webjam so unique... Replication
Webjam allows you, as an editor to make certain aspects of your site replicable. This means that you can create a style and allow other users to copy that particular style across their network. The same applies for certain modules such as widgets (p65).
Want someone else to manage a page on the network or to allow different bloggers the opportunity to be an editor of a particular blog? (p16) Using Webjam this is very simple. All you need to do is make them a co-editor via the ‘settings’ tab or through the ‘edit’ (see opposite) settings on the blog module.
The privacy settings on Webjam allow you to control the privacy of a whole page or of various aspects of a page. Custom privacy settings allow you to keep various parts of the network set for members only or private. This encourages people to sign up to your network. It is also useful as an admin tool for editors of the network to use. To make an entire page private, use the ‘settings’ (p12 & p45) tab and to make individual modules private/members only, use the settings within the advanced editing of the modules by selecting the ‘edit’ button.
Editorial Controls Once you add a module to your network four buttons appear in the top right of the header of that module:
As long as the site editor allows it, the Add button allows any user to replicate the particular module. Certain modules (p56) can duplicate content whereas others only replicate the actual module.
Using the Privacy (p13) tool on a particular module you are able to create custom privacy settings for your site. The colourful box indicates which setting you have selected.
The Edit button enhances the editorial options of each module and offers sub levels of editorial control. When in Edit mode on the network, click ‘EDIT’ and a light box appears offering these additional controls.
Use the ‘x’ to quickly delete single modules from your network.
You cannot underestimate how vital the sub levels of editorial control are. The ‘EDIT’ button helps create the professionalism that sets your site apart from other networks.
Part II:
Creating your network This section runs through what is achievable from the sub levels of editorial control through to our very own style editor.
Find this in > Settings
Settings dd In settings you have control over all your pages, their privacy settings and the network details of your site. Here you can add tags and a description to assist SEO. You can also easily add and delete pages.
Network tools Use the settings tab to enter a ‘Network Title’. This is what will be displayed in the top left hand side of your top bar. Your network should contain a relevant title, add this in the Network Title box in the ‘settings’ tab. The ‘Network Tags’ should contain the keywords most relevant to your site. You should be aware that using too many keywords in the tag section can result in your site being seen as spam.
The ‘Network email’ email address will be used by default to send all network notifications (welcome, acceptance & comment notification emails) as well as your network newsletter.
Privacy - who sees what Create various privacy settings for your site – Private, members only and public. These are simply different settings to allow different users different access to your site. You can also customise certain modules on a page. For example if you want a forum that is only for members then choose ‘EDIT’ and members only.
Customise a page You can make certain aspects of a page private, some for members and some for anybody visiting your network. Click ‘Edit’ and select the ‘Access’ drop down. Choose the setting for that particular module.
Choose ‘Save’ and you will see ‘Page Privacy’ in your ‘Settings’ is now set to custom.
Modules dd Modules are what makes up the content of your network. Be it a blog, a forum, a widget, a search or something else. Webjam provides these at the click of a button Find this in > Modules > Webjam toolbox > Forums
Forums Having a forum allows users to interact with each other. It allows communities to blossom with very little effort. In the Forums lightbox which you can access by clicking the ‘EDIT’ button you have access to organise how your forum will operate.
Settings Tab • In settings you can add a description to your forum/s, • Choose how many topics per page • Choose how many posts per page • Moderate who is allowed to post (members/anybody) • Whether or not to allow replication of your forum
Advanced Tab The Advanced section allows you to decide which order posts appear in and how the user photo looks (large/small etc) It is also possible to run many forums under one umbrella.
Forum Tab In Forums > Display mode: choose ‘Allow me to have multiple forums’. This will bring up a new text box where you can add the forum name and a description. Add more by clicking ‘Add a new forum.’
On your site you can now see all the forums you have added under one main title and description. Within each you are able to see how many topics and posts have been made in each separate forum. Got a popular thread or one that you want to keep at the top – for example Forum Rules. Open the thread and click the pin at the top to ‘make it sticky’ which keeps the forum as number one. You can also lock the forum if you do not want members posting on it by clicking the lock.
Find this in > Modules > My content > blog
The blog module has a variety of controls, accessed by clicking the ‘EDIT’ button: The Basic tab allow users to define how many posts per page and also whether visitors can replicate the page. Using the Sidebar tab you can hide the sidebar and have the blog across the full width of the module. You should use the Saved search functionality if you want to display a list of recent blog posts. To hide the sidebar simply select the checkbox. You can also choose the ‘Number of tags in tag roll’, ‘Sort tags’ (alphabetically, by popularity or randomly) and select the ‘Number of recent posts to show’. It is possible to moderate the comments on your blog. In the Comments tab select ‘Moderate all comments manually’. The comments will be accessible in ‘Manage Posts’ (find this next to ‘Write New Post’), here you can decide whether the comments are suitable or not. You can also allow co-editors of the blog to manage posts. Also in the ‘Comments’ tab decide who can comment on posts and whether or not to receive notifications of new comments – this is advised should you be moderating all comments.
What is a Co-editor? A co-editor has the ability to write blog posts in a blogs module without having control of the actual site. When you select Co-Editors a list of all members will appear. All you’ve got to do is click the checkbox by the name of the user you want to have co-editorship on the specific blog.
Advanced Editing Finally within the blog lightbox there is the ‘Update services’ tab. Webjam will automatically notify various update services when you update your blog including Technocrati and NewsGator. You can also add your own services if you wish. If you like a post enough then you can easily copy it to another of your pages (as long as the network editor has allowed replication). Go to the end of the post and choose the ‘Copy’ button. You can then choose which of your network pages you would like to add the blog to.
Find this in > Modules > Webjam toolbox > Search / Saved search
he search module allows you to search through your network by user, blogs, photos, comments or forum message. You can also extend your search to every site operating on the Webjam platform. In the Search lightbox (accessed by clicking the ‘EDIT’ button) you can define the following: ‘Search within’ sets the standard search areas (within your network / all sites / within any channel you are connected to). You can set what content is searched by choosing the ‘Default content type to search’. Sort results by Relevance or Date and also choose how many Results per page. You can also control how users can search. Choose ‘Hide advanced controls’ and they are only able to search by the standard settings you have created.
blog user photos comments forum
Saved search You can set up a search module to display certain results that can run next to other modules. For example you can set up a Saved search to show recent posts and summaries. As with the standard search tool the user defines the boundaries for the search. If you wish to show recent blog posts from within the network, click ‘EDIT’ and in ‘Content type to search’ choose blog posts and sort by date. You can add a pre-defined query if you want a more controlled search. Click ‘Save’ and the Saved search will appear on your site. It will update as blogs update.
Add your search terms into the box Choose where you want to search
Hit search
Click the ‘EDIT’ button to access the search lightbox.
Check the Allow replication tick box to allow other editors to copy your module
Find this in > Modules > Webjam toolbox > Page navigation
Page Navigation Add page navigation tabs horizontally to the top of your site or as a vertical list. The horizontal links will be styled in the same way as your site. Click ‘EDIT’ on the module to bring up a list of the pages on your website. These can be moved up or down by clicking the up and down arrows – you can also drag and drop the pages into place. You can also choose not to display certain pages by un-checking the boxes to the left of the site. All of the colours and settings can be amended in the Styles tab.
Highlighted tabs display the page you are currently viewing
Click this to add a new page to your network Un-highlighted pages show other navigation pages
Vertical Navigation By clicking ‘Edit’ you are able to choose which pages from your network you include in your vertical navigation. To move pages up and down wait for the to appear. Hold down the right mouse key and drag and drop into place. Alternatively just use the up and down arrows. Simple!
Find this in > Modules > Webjam toolbox > Show top networks
Top Networks Top Networks is a community network directory tool to surface the most popular network communities. Find out which networks are the most popular on the Webjam platform with the handy ‘Top Networks’ tool. Add this to a site to quickly navigate through different networks. Also see which users are the most involved in your network (posting comments, adding photos) by adding the ‘Top Users’ module to your site.
As usual click ‘Edit’ to change the settings.
You can decide to show the top networks from your channel or any channels that you are connected to.
Find this in Modules > My content > Photos
Collaborative modes Visitors to your site are able to collaborate in various different ways.
Add the photo module to your site and choose ‘EDIT’. Within the lightbox you can do a vast amount. To allow other users to add photos to your site make sure that you have checked the ‘Collaborative mode’ box. On the ‘Settings’ tab you are also able to include the author, title and date of the photo, as well as deciding how many photos per page and the style of the photo display (slideshow, grid or thumbnails). In ‘Slideshow settings’ you can choose the time the slide displays for, the transition and the size of the slides. As an Editor you also have the option to switch the comments on and off.
When someone comments on a photo it shows up next to the comment image. Site Editors can moderate these by clicking on the comments and delete inappropriate content.
Find this in Modules > Internet services > My bookmarks
Bookmarks Offer quick navigation to other sites by adding the ‘bookmarks’ module to the site. The ‘EDIT’ function allows you to decide whether you wish the module to be collaborative and also the way the bookmarks will be displayed.
Choose ‘Add new bookmark’ and enter the URL of the site you wish to bookmark. You will automatically be directed to a completed form that has used the SEO (see part III for more on SEO) from the site you are bookmarking. Including a favicon image, tags and keywords. Hit ‘Save’ and the bookmark will be added to your alphebetised bookmark folder.
File Uploading Find this in Modules > My content > Files Use your site to store files that visitors can download. Keep them private or for members only using the privacy settings on the module. You are able to display the description, file size, file type and then sort by date added or name. You can add any file type up to 5mb.
Choose ‘ ’ then ‘Upload’ to add new images or documents and make them ready to be downloaded by visitors to your site. You can use the search functionality within the lightbox to search through your old files. The file size limit is 5mb.
RSS Feeds Find this in Modules > News feeds
Get RSS feeds for your site by searching the web and adding a URL or purely by searching using our own ‘News Feeds’ > ‘Find Feeds’ button. Once you have added your chosen feed to the site you are able to use the ‘EDIT’ function to choose how the feed will be displayed. Decide on the number of entries and whether you display the full article or just a summary. You are also able to edit the RSS feed from the lightbox as opposed to starting a new module.
Take a feed from another network. Find an activity feed from a site that you like and click the orange feed button. From the page that loads take the URL and put it into URL box in the ‘Feed’ lightbox.
Find this in > Modules > Webjam toolbox > Glossary
Glossary Module The Glossary module is a wiki where you can add your own entries into an alphabetised directory. As an editors you also have the option to allow collaboration so members can add or edit entries which you can choose to moderate prior to publishing. To add an entry to the Glossary, click on the ‘Add new entry’ button and fill in the Rich Text lightbox with the Title of your entry and a description. You can also add a URL (website address) if you wish and save the entry. Click the ‘EDIT’ button in the header of the module to modify the settings: Items per page: choose how many entries you want displayed per page. Collaborative mode: check the tick box if you want members to be able to write entries. Approval required: check the tick box if you wish to approve member entries before these are published. If you have checked the ‘Approval required’ tick box you can moderate entries by members by clicking on the ‘Show all entries awaiting approval’ link.
Approving Entries You will be presented with the entries created by your members and you can approve each one by clicking the green tick or delete the entry by clicking the red cross. Once an entry is published you can also reject the entry by clicking the red button. To view who edited the entry click the ‘View edit history’ link and to edit the content click the ‘Edit’ link.
Styles dd
It is important to have an aesthetically pleasing website which is why we’ve made it so easy to make your site look good.
My Styles Ready Made Webjam has already created many styles for you to use on your network. In Webjam styles you will see dozens of unique styles that you can quickly choose to make the style on your network. Simply find the one that you like and select it. This will be applied to your site. If you decide that it’s not for you then you can easily click reset. You can also customise your own styles (this is explained over the page) or replicate styles from other networks. This is unique to Webjam.
How to
To replicate a style here’s what you need to do. On the site that you love the style of choose ‘Create new network’ and create a new network. When you are taken to your new network simply choose ‘styles’ and then customise style. Here you need to make one tiny amendment, this can be font size, a colour, anything and choose ‘Save’. Give your style a name and you will then be able to apply this style from ‘My styles’ to any of your networks.
Find this in Styles > Customise style
Creating the Style Set the look and feel of your network with our simple and effective style editor. Use precision editing using CSS for complete control of style. Create your own styles and save them in ‘My styles’. To include the new style on a site – simply select the chosen style and choose save. If you are using CSS to design your network choose ‘Customise style’ then ‘Advanced editing’. Insert your code into the CSS editor. That’s all. For Firefox users we also recommend that you use the firebug add on (download this from add-ons at www, The tool enables you to inspect and edit the code on your network. To design using the Webjam platform, again in ‘Customise style’ you can edit all aspects of the network. Add images, change colours, fonts and more. Add backgrounds and change the way you display titles and separate modules. Each sub header represents a different part of your style. Simply select which part you wish to change and then make the relevant changes. See the changes take effect as you make them and either reset or save.
ready made styles for your Webjam
Click ‘Customise style’ to create your own style. Use the simple drop down boxes and colour palettes to edit and watch as the changes occur in real time.
By clicking ‘Allow replication’ you are allowing visitors to your site the option to replicate your style.
Change the registration forms style to match your brand style.
Find this in Styles > Premium styles > Custom top bar
Styling the Top Bar Changing the Top Bar to suit your brand. The top bar is the dark grey area at the very top of your page which includes the ‘Sign in’ link. Take control of the top bar and footer in your channel and templates. Here you can change the logo in the top left corner, where it links to and the colours used. Also decide whether or not to leave the ‘create new network’ link.
Add your own logo image title for when site visitors scroll over your header logo. Make sure you click Save when you are done.
Custom Head Find this in Styles > Premium styles > Custom <head> The Custom <head> is used for certain ad and analytics providers. If you are using Google Analytics you may be required to enter some HTML into the <head> element of your web page. This is where to do just that.
Custom Footer Find this in Styles > Premium styles > Custom footer
Add a Customised footer for quick and easy navigation The footer will not only appear on every page on your network, but also on all the replicated templates (p50). Along with the top bar this is an excellent way to increase brand exposure through the platform. To add a footer choose Styles > Premium styles > Custom footer and insert your customised HTML.
Find this in > Members
Members Tab dd Click the ‘EDIT’ button to access the members tab - the one stop shop to keeping note of who is part of your network. From here you can see who is a member of you network and control whether you want them to be a co-editor – of the whole network or specific pages. You have the potential to send newsletters to members of your network as well as from an email list that you can add. We also offer the ability to create a members form when new users sign up to your site.
Registration forms The Registration form (located in members >members form) can be styled to your liking and include questions you want to ask your future members. These questions can be mandatory when somebody signs up to the site or optional. You are able to include radio buttons for easy answers.
Seeing who wrote what All information gathered from the members form is stored in the Members info tab and you can use the information as you like. It is especially useful for creating a demographic of your audience.
Adding members and answers to page You can add the answers to the registration forms to your page by adding the friends/members module and choosing the ‘EDIT’ button. Select ‘Advanced settings’ and select Show answers from your membership form? You can then select which of the membership questions will appear.
Part III
Managing your networks Control everything that happens on your network from editors of blogs through to who can post on forums and bulletin boards. Easily create private admin pages for network editors to interact and moderate.
Put tags on your site and module basis to make yourself visible to SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) which seeks to promote websites by increasing visibility in search engine result pages.
Change the names of your pages and change their position in navigation using the up and down arrows. Control access on a per page level and have the ability to create an admin site/area.
Permissions controls for specific users, limit functionality to specific communities. Domain map your own registered domain name quickly and easily to your network. Content moderation on blogs, forums, and comments. Means that you can be entirely in control of your network at all times. Use the advanced editing tools to change these settings. Decide who is allowed to edit and collaborate on blogs, entire pages or the whole network using the unique co-editorship tools.
Network editors have fully-controlled privacy settings and editorial permission at the click of a button.
Find this in Modules > Webjam toolbox > Search
Search dd
Here’s a way to take administrative control of your site without intruding on your user’s experience. Webjam offers two search tools to use on your network. The first is the Search option. You can add a search module from Modules > Webjam toolbox use this search tool to search keywords on your site. You can also allow users to access the search tool. It’s a fantastic way for them to search your network for blog posts, comments, forums and more. Once the search box is added to your site using drag and drop or by clicking ‘+ to page’ insert a key word into the search box and choose what to search through. Then decide where to conduct the search. The second tool is the Saved search which you can set to search for specific key words within any aspect of your network. This will be automatically updated every time someone posts something and offers quick access for you to moderate certain known keywords on your site. The Saved search will always appear when you visit the page.
Using these to moderate your site. Set the Search module to private by selecting ‘EDIT’ then setting the access to ‘Private’. However we suggest that you may want to set up a full admin page (p44) by creating a new page and changing the privacy settings in ‘Settings’. Add the Search module and also the Saved search module. Use the Search module to keep track of varying things happening each day on your site and the Saved search to moderate recurring issues.
Type in the keyword and the search will take you to a new page with all the results displayed. Use these to select the posts that you wish to moderate. Using the Saved search is slightly different. Set up your search after clicking the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;EDITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; button and choose the query you want to be the first thing that you see when you visit your admin page, this could be banned words, competitors details or something you are keen to see flourishing on your site. Please be aware that the Search can also be used in general on your site for quick access navigating through blogs, comments and users. The Saved search is an awesome tool for including recent blog posts with a summary as an activity feed.
Stats dd Webjam offers page view and audience stats but If you want to delve further than what we offer to find out where your visitors are coming from and which pages they are clicking on then you will need an analytics program. Analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimising web site usage. There are many different analytics sites; some are paid for, whilst others are free. We suggest Google’s free offering which does everything you need and more, it tells you about referring sites, key words from search engines and the content people have looked at, not to mention time spent on the site, which pages they exited and entered from, there’s a lot to get your head round. These are the key elements of analytics and how to set it up for your network. You need a Google account, if you don’t have one then get one. It’s not just analytics that this is used for. Visit and either sign up or sign in using your Google account.
Click on create new account you will be taken through a number of stages where you need to fill in details (see below) . When this is completed you will be given a tracking code which you need to place in the custom header of your site (p33). Click Styles > Customised Styles > Advanced Editing. You need to put the code in this box for it to be present on all pages. This can take 24hours to start, so be patient. When the analytics is up and running you will see a tick in the status column on your menu. You should also be able to see Visits, Time on Site, Bounce Rate, Completed Goals and a Percentage Change. These are an overview of what is happening on your site. Your analytics is now ready to use. You can now start to use the results you receive to increase traffic to your site by checking what is popular and what is not popular. The top three useful analytics tools 1. Traffic Sources/referring sites: Using the referring sites tab you can find out exactly which sites have been linking to your website. Click Traffic Sources then Referring Sites and you are taken through to a table explaining which sites are directing traffic to you, how long they are spending there and how many pages they visit. 2. Content/Top Content: Find out which part of your site is the most popular by choosing the Top Content tab. Find out page views and unique visits to that particular page. 3. Visitors/New vs Returning: See whether people like what you have to offer by comparing new visitors to returning visitors. If you have a high returning visitor count, that’s great – people like what you are doing. But if that is paired with a low new visitor count then it’s time to start promoting your site elsewhere.
Domain Mapping When you set up a Webjam network you are automatically given a URL. This will be network name. You can change this to your personal URL by setting the domain name. This is a very easy process which involves changing the DNS Management at your domain registrar before in the ‘settings’ tab, under ‘Standard Settings’ submitting your domain name for your domain to be automatically mapped to your network.
Advertising Picking the right style is the first challenge you may face, some advertisements use the content on your site to work out what your readers will be attracted to. Alternatively you are able to set your own adverts up using various advertising networks. You can use tools such as Google Adsense which offers you 6 different styles of advertising: Simply use the HTML coding they give you before placing in the HTML module on your site. Alternatively affiliate programmes such as Amazon Associates will bring upto 10% commission from any sales that have come from a link on your site. You may also wish to research into partnering with advertising agencies who will find specific targeted adverts for your network. There are various companies that offer this service and assist you in monetising your network. It is also worth taking note of Facebook advertising, which is a really great way to advertise to specific audiences. You can set an exact target as Facebook has so much information on all their users, from age right through to what they like doing.
Exporting Feeds & RSS You can set up RSS feeds on your Webjam network in moments. On your network select Modules > News feed and in the box enter a search term or choose ‘add feeds by URL’. When you find the feed you are searching for select ‘+ To Page’ or alternatively ‘Preview’ the feed before adding it to your site. You can then control how many posts display and whether they should have summaries as well as other editorial control.
But what if you want to include the feed elsewhere? Every time you write a post on your network it is added to your feed. This can be displayed in an activity feed. The activity feed can display everything from blog posts to people joining your network, you can run separate feeds for separate events or include them all in one feed. You will notice an RSS icon on all of your activity feeds. Simply click on this to be taken to another page which will display all of your blog posts. You can grab the URL of the RSS page and place that on other sites so that your feed is easily shared around the web.
Where to add your feeds Twitterfeed for Twitter or Facebook Using you are able to create a feed from your blog directly to Twitter with ease. On your Twitterfeed dashboard you can ‘create a new feed’. Once clicked through you will be prompted to add your feed to Twitter or Facebook. Allow access to whichever networking site you wish to display your feed on and simply add your RSS URL into the prompted box. Check ‘Create Feed’ and you are done. You are able to set how often you wish to update your feed. Twitterfeed also keeps you updated with how many clickthroughs you are receiving from your link.
Find this in Settings > Standard settings
Admin Site dd Set up private pages as an admin page on your network. From here you can moderate, see members and keep up to date with what is taking place on your network. • • > Set up a private page within the network to be used for admin & moderation of whole site • • • • > Add a search box (p38) to moderate forums, blogs and bulletins • • > Add different activity feeds (p53) to see new members, popular forums and new photos and blog posts • • > Password protection - you are able to password protect your site in the Members tab. • • You can change the title of the page in this box
The red box shows that the page is now set to private
Use the drop down box to set the page to private
How? In Settings create a new page by clicking the ‘Add a new page’ link and set the Page Privacy to Private. This way only editors of the site can access the page. Anything that you add to this page will automatically be set as private, you can customise the page by selecting the ‘EDIT’ button and changing the Access.
Enable co-editorship and access. Once a someone has joined your network they become a member. You can then give your members rights to edit certain aspects of the site. You can make them a co-editor of a blog (as we discussed in the blog section) right through to giving them editorial rights to the entire network.
In the co-editor column in the Members tab click the + button by the empty check box. Here, by ticking the relevant box, you can decide whether you want the user to be an editor of a single page, multiple pages or the entire site (all pages).
Find this in Settings > Standard settings
SEO dd Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via un-paid search results. Webjam provides the tools to improve the SEO friendliness of your network. The changes to be made are within the ‘settings’ tab on your network.
Make sure your webjam pages are readable by the search engines by ensuring the page privacy is set to Public. ‘Members of this network’ or ‘Private’, cannot be seen by search engines. Decide on a small number of ‘network tags’ that, if entered into a search engine, should find your page. Make sure that the word is used relatively often in the normal content of your page and site. Enter a meaningful network title. Give your webjam a description which while not directly used for the ranking of the page, will be used in the search results so it’s important to have a description that will make people want to click through to your site. Finally submit your site to the search engines and backlink your site. Find out more at
Moderation dd Webjam offers a range of moderation features and services to assist you in keeping your site a fun and friendly place to visit. Included in our platform features are module and site level moderation. As the site owner you and your editors are able to pre- and post-moderate blogs and post-moderate forums and collaborative modules. You can also choose to appoint member-moderators for your blogs and forums. Webjamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s site level moderation includes the ability to create a member registration form to vet potential members, member cancellation, privacy settings at a page and module level, spam deletion and comment restrictions, as well as a means to set up a private moderation page with pre-configured search modules with inappropriate language keyword and activity feeds. With our Managed Services we offer moderation support and training. Anyone can report a moderation issue to Webjamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Customer Support team from your page footer. As part of our bespoke service Webjam can provide module level and/or site level moderation on your behalf, or work with a clientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s third party moderation provider. Other bespoke services include site editorial and creation of a customised contact form.
Replicable templates take your network to the next level. You are able to create these when you set up a channel. The key to success is distribution, cross pollination and data capture.
Part IV
A Channel enables your audience to replicate a template created by you. You can use these replicated templates to monetise and grow your network by using locked in content. As we learnt in Part II you are able to create a custom header and footer for your channel template. Having a customised footer means that your brand will always be on show giving your community instant access back to your homepage whilst creating a subset of branded networks. Part of the beauty of a channel is the ability to lock content into your template. This means that you can create a template for users to copy. Some parts of the template will be free to remove or edit but some will be locked in to the template so that there are always links back to the main brand focus. The replication takes place within the domain which means that when a site is replicated it will be site linking all the replicated sites with your own branded community.
Find this in Members > Channel networks
Template Management dd A template is a ready made site that your users and members can replicate and use to create their own site. When you create a template people who use this will automatically connect to your channel. You can keep track of all new editors through Members > Channel networks. Here you are able to quickly access the sites of those who have replicated your template. You can search through the editors or simply by date joined and by the name of the site. Also decide whether to show activity within your feed. Plus you have the option to delete a member should they fail to meet your terms of service. There is also the option to send all channel networks a newsletter. This is an excellent way to contact them with information regarding the channel.
1 2
In Modules > Channel Members you have access to anybody who has joined your channel. These members have not necessarily used a template to join, they can join your channel by selecting one of the Join buttons on your network. Search via Members, Affiliated Networks, Status, Date Joined, whether they are a co-editor and also decide whether to delete users from your channel here too. You can use the Members module to send newsletters, decide on join permissions and to invite members to your site.
Arrange by Networks, date joined or status.
Show date joined to analyse whether campaigns you have run have been a success.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Show activityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; sets which of the channel members activity will be displayed in your activity feed.
1 Send newsletters to editors who are members of your channel. 2 Invite network editors to join and contribute to your channel.
Find this in Members > Channel networks
Member MGMT dd In an part II we discussed the Member tab. When somebody creates a network through your channel, the new network that they create is put into the ‘Channel networks’ tab within the ‘members’ tab. From here you are able to quickly navigate between networks created on your channel. You can check the ‘Show activity’ box if you wish to show that user’s activity on any channel activity feeds you may have running across your network. Also note that you can send a newsletter specifically to channel members. This is especially useful when you want to contact users with new site features or tips about anything they may find useful to enhance their site.
Invite & Join permissions Using these settings you can allow members to invite other members to join your site. You also have four choices to set the join permissions, anyone can join, friends join freely, join by invite or request and join by invite only.
Additional Newsletter Recipients If you wish to add additional email addresses for your newsletter you are able to do this by selecting ‘Add email addresses’. Simply enter the email addresses into the box separated by a comma.
Find this in Modules > Me & my community
Activity Feed dd The activity feed takes all the activity from your page, network or channel and places it into a module which can be displayed for all visitors to the site to see.
It is possible to sort the activity feed by activity type. This can include blog posts, comments, forum posts, photo upload, when people join the community and many more â&#x20AC;&#x201C; see the advanced editorial lightbox for the full list of activity types that can be included on the feed. When you have set the types of activity you wish to display, the settings can be used to show the number of activities to be displayed and where the feed should be taken from. A whole channelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s activity will display everything taking place within a connected channel thus giving the editor informed details about what kind of activity is taking place on their network. Set the activity feed to just display blogs and then use the RSS button to set up an RSS feed for your blog.
Find this in Modules > Webjam toolbox > Saved search
Channel Search dd Using the Channel to create a Saved search (p28) is a great way to accumulate content from your entire network in one place. The Saved search which you can set to search for specific key words within any aspect of your network will be automatically updated every time someone creates content on the network. It also works as an admin tool by giving network editors access to moderate certain known keywords on your site. You can also set up a Saved search that will run on the replicable template to generate interest across users on the network. Set the search up to relay the information you want the editors to see. It could be new blog posts, comments or forum posts. All useful for driving traffic around your network and increasing community interaction.
How? Add the Saved search module to your page and enter the lightbox by selecting the ‘Edit’ button. In here you can add your search query. It’s also possible to define your search criteria, content, number of results and most importantly, where the results are coming from. Choose ‘Search within’ and then select whether you want the search to run from your channel, the particular network or the whole of the Webjam platform. Choose ‘Save’ and the Saved search will appear on your page.
Facebook Fan Page Fan pages are the way forward. Way better than one of those ridiculous pretend people... you know the people whose first name is Tes and surname Co... You can also have more than 5000 fans as opposed to the limited friend page. With a fan page not only can you set up an RSS from your blog but you can add free HTML and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a great place to interact with your community. Plus there are all kinds of stats you can use to tempt advertisers. Best of all you can take the fan page and place it on your website. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how to create a fan page, add your RSS and then put your fan page on your Webjam network. Visit a fan page and at the bottom choose Create a Page for My Business. Fill in the categories and create your page. You will be taken to your fan page where at the top it will say Wall, Info, Photos and Discussion. There will also be a + sign where you can add more tabs. To add an RSS feed you will need to use a third party app like Simply RSS or Involver. Alternatively, as we learnt earlier you can use Twitterfeed to set up an RSS from your site by adding your RSS URL to the facebook page. Then, add the fan page to your network. On the left hand column under your image choose Add Fan Box to your site grab the HTML code and drop it into an HTML module on your site.
Locked Content dd If you are running a channel there are certain aspects of the site that you will want to have locked. This means that there will be a resemblance of your brand within any replicated community. The content is locked at the template level to be distributed across the sub communities of a community network. To lock in content choose the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;EDITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; box in your module and select Channel settings here you can choose whether the module is: Not locked, 1st position or at least 2nd, 3rd,or 4th position. Note: a locked module cannot be deleted by the site editor.
Locked Content â&#x20AC;&#x201C; What can I create? Choose which modules to lock into the template. Think laterally, you may want site editors to create their own site, but it should still be part of your brand. This could mean including an activity feed to your own homepage, RSS feeds or a Saved search. Also bare in mind that these are excellent opportunities to monetise your network using advertising and virals locked into the templates.
Creating a new site to be the new template There are a few ways to go about creating a replicable template site. One is to create a new network, design it exactly as you please and then contact your Webjam account manager and we’ll turn it into a template for you. Alternatively, we’ll do it all for you. Give us your spec, sit back and relax. We’ve got things under control.
Use lock linking to monetise your network
Imagine you make £10 for every 1000 clicks on an advert. By including an advert using HTML code into an HTML module as a locked module on the replicated template you immediately increase the potential of who will see the advert. Link the advert module to the content on the site and it will develop into a relevant advert no matter is on the site.
And here is the best locked content... Footer You can create a customised HTML footer (p31) for the replicated template. At its most basic this is a link to your homepage, an â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;aboutâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; section and any other useful information. You could create a full CSS footer with images and links back to the main network.
Rich Text A rich text box from Modules > My content added to a template will keep all of the formatting when replicated. Add photos, text, links, videos and more to a Rich Text box.
HTML As with the Rich Text module from Modules > My content any HTML that you add to the site will be kept as you have designed it. Make sure you lock in the position when you are creating the template.
Part V:
Social Media Integration Adding third party apps, generating traffic and monitoring visitors to your site are all vital to a successful social network. Here are some ideas.
one: Issuu dd Issuu is a free online tool that you can use to make your PDF pages turn like a book or magazine. You can easily place an Issuu file into your network. Here’s how to go from zero to hero in no time at all: Create your PDF document. This could be anything from a children’s story book to a computer magazine. You can create PDF’s from a word document or from design programmes such as Adobe Indesign or Corel Draw. Visit and create an account. You will then be prompted to upload your document. Follow the on screen instructions and upload your document. You have to be patient as the Issuu program gets to work converting your PDF into a magical page turning work of art. While you are waiting go to your network site on Webjam and insert an HTML module to your page, give it a title and then go back to issuu. Next take the embed code from issue and put it into your HTML module. Click ‘Save’ and your module is on your site in all it’s glory. You can even put the Issuu code into a blog by checking the HTML box at the end of the blog toolbar and pasting the HTML code at the end of the document.
two: Wufoo dd Wufoo is an Internet application that helps anybody build online forms. When you design a form with Wufoo, it automatically builds the database, backend and scripts needed to make collecting and understanding your data easy, fast and fun. Because Wufoo host everything, all you need is a browser, an Internet connection and a few minutes to build a form and start using it right away.
Using the simple HTML form builder you can create contact forms, online surveys, and invitations so you can collect the data, registrations and online payments you need without writing a single line of code. This code can simply be placed in a free HTML module on your Webjam site. For advanced users, full CSS and XHTML markup is also included. All you need to do is sign up to the service at and then create the forms that you need to extract the data from your audience. Not only does it compile the data for you, Wufoo also allows you to export that data to an excel spreadsheet. Wufoo also assists you in organising and understanding that data by filtering through entries, creating reports and building graphs based on your data. You can set up 3 forms for free, after that Wufoo offers paid alternatives.
three: Twitter dd Twitter is a great tool for making contact with lots of people very quickly. Simply create an account and start following your friends and colleagues. Begin tweeting (posting updates) and link back to your site. Use the 80/20 method. 80% comment and 20% self promotion to keep people interested and following you. When you are comfortable with using Twitter there is an abundance of useful programs and websites you can use to increase traffic and brand exposure.
The Art of Following Some people spend hours trawling through Twitter hitting follow on anyone that breathes. You’ll find people in real estate in the US following someone in Paris who blogs about tourism. Sometimes this is purely just ignorance on the part of the follower or that they expect a follow back to build up people to market to, albeit completely off their topic. Often however, this may be due to automatic following...which when done well is a great tool.
We use You can use certain internet tools to set up automatic following to your twitter account: In essence Twollo searches the ‘Twittersphere’ using key words that you have added to their system. Once they have conducted the search they let you know how many interesting new people you have started following. Imagine you run a Food based twitter you could add ‘cakes’ to your Twollo, thus when anybody types ‘cakes’ into their feed you will automatically follow them.
Twollo is free to use and has a premium offering. Once you start following people you will notice that your followers increase. Some users have automatic follow on their account, so when someone starts getting followed, they follow back (some see this as a common courtesy). However, you need to be careful with this as often you will find yourself following bots or spammers.
Noticing results? So, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve started tweeting and you have your following. You can see that Twitter is starting to prove an effective marketing tool and is driving visitors to your site. Now what?
Searching your brand Visit and type in a keyword. You can search for anything, be it trending topics, something related to your brand or simply just your brand name. This brings up any information from the twittersphere relating to your keyword. You can then respond where necessary with an @ reply or a DM (direct message).
Twitter Analytics Using you are able to monitor how many clicks your tweets are receiving. How? Visit and add your link and your tweet. The link will be automatically shortened and the tweet uploaded to twitter. You can then monitor how many people click, where they are based and whether anybody is retweeting your tweet.
more: Virals Similarly to adverts, virals have the capability to monetise your site. They also add an element of ‘cool’. Once you have set up an account with a viral provider and arranged for relevant virals using free HTML coding from Modules > My content to be shown you can add the HTML code that the external site gives you to the template. Make sure that you choose a viral team eg. Unruly Media that changes their video often. Now sit back and watch the clicks roll in.
Once you register with a viral provider find videos you like and grab the code. You will be able to keep track of how effective the campaign is by looking at reports on the publisher’s website. Payments will usually be made via PayPal.
Widgets Add widgets to the site and create exciting modules for your members. It may be that you choose to create a widgets page on a template with numerous widgets on it that are not locked. By keeping them unlocked editors are able to see exactly what they can achieve by quickly adding a widget. Webjam has paired with the Widgetbox Library so you can add Widgets without leaving your network. To access this select Modules/Widgets/Widgetbox Library. Here you can search widgets by tag, type or just by using the free search. Search the widgetbox library from modules >widgets > widgetbox library.
Search by type and by tag.
Find featured widgets and click view and add to put them on your network.
Glossary dd Activity Feed
The activity feed takes all the activity from your page, network or channel and places it into a module which can be displayed for all visitors to the site to see. A blog is a place where an Internet user can share their experiences in written word. blogs can provide commentary on daily happenings of an individual, a group or a company.
Bulletin Board
Comment and chat discussions between users of a site.
A Channel enables your audience to replicate a template created by you. You can use these replicated templates to monetise and grow your network by using locked in content.
A community of photographers who want to share their work with people around the world. People can download the images and use them in varying ways.
An online discussion site where people can share their views via different topic threads.
Issuu is a free online tool that you can use to make your PDF pages turn like a book or magazine.
Life Streaming
An online record of daily activities, either via direct video feed or via aggregating online content such as blog posts, social network updates, and online photos.
Locked Content
A co-editor has the ability to write blog posts in a blog module without having control of the actual site.
If you are running a channel there are certain aspects of the site that you will want to have locked in. This means that there will be a resemblance of your brand within any replicated community.
Domain Mapping
Is the process of setting a personal URL onto your network.
A global social networking service where people can search and interact with their friends by inviting them to events, set up groups and share photos and videos. Facebook can also be used for brand representation by setting up branded fan pages which can be used for outreach to millions.
In the members tab you have entire control over members of the network. You are able to send messages and newsletters, create a members form and change the join and invite permissions.
Micro blog
A shortened version of a blog where users are required to write within a limited number of characters.
Control what is placed on your site. This can be anything from a blog to a forum.
Rich Text
Add HTML, photos, text, links, videos and more to your rich text module.
Really Simple Syndication is used to relay blog posts over the internet using feed technology. RSS Feeds offer titles and summaries so people can easily search through recent posts.
Control all your pages, their privacy settings and the network details of your site.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via un-paid search results.
A microblogging service where people have 140 characters to interact with their peers. Twitter can be used personally to tell people what you are doing or as a marketing tool to boost brand awareness.
Using Twitterfeed you are able to create a feed from your blog directly to Twitter or Facebook with ease.
Viral Video
A viral video is a video clip that gains widespread popularity through the process of Internet sharing, typically through email or Instant messaging, blogs and other media sharing websites.
Webinars are used to conduct live meetings, training and presentations across the Internet.
A community of people connected directly or indirectly creating conversations with each other.
A web widget is a portable chunk of code that can be installed and executed within any separate HTML-based web page by an end user without requiring additional compilation.
Social Network
Styles lets you control the look and feel of your site. From the most basic and simple settings right through to full control of the CSS of your network.
The Top Bar
The top bar is the dark grey area at the very top of your website which includes the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Sign inâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; link.
Wufoo is an Internet application that helps anybody build online forms.
A place where people can upload and share their videos with the rest of the world. People can rate and comment on videos.
Webjam Contacts dd Corporate blog
To be kept upto date with the latest news about Webjam you can visit our corporate blog online:
Help Tips
Here at Webjam we are constantly finding new ways to intergrate social media into your network. We also check in with all our users and suggest ways in which they can improve their site. online:
Partner Support
If you have any problems, issues or questions regarding your network your Partner Support contact will be on hand to assist you. email:
Dedicated Account Management Webjam provides clients with a dedicated account manager whose responsibility it is to help you with advice on building your site and utilising social media tools. Knowing and understanding social media is vital to a successful social network and being able to implement it in the correct manner is just as important. Webjam will assist you in building your network and integrating all aspects of social media into your community.
Webjam Community
Here at Webjam we are constantly finding new ways to intergrate social media into your network. We also check in with all our users and suggest ways in which they can improve their site. online:
Webjam Forum
Webjam is all about sharing so write a post on our forum and let us know whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s on your mind! We appreciate all feedback as it helps us work together to make Webjam better for you. We regularly visit discussions to see where we can contribute and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d love it if you could do the same. online: