Required New Leader Training The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana has a sincere commitment to it leaders to provide an ongoing program of Adult Education. The Council recognizes that a well-trained leader is one who provides for girls while gaining personal skills and developing a higher level of commitment to Girl Scouting. There are three required courses in the Basic Leadership Training program to help you work with your troop ~ Volunteer Orientation, Troop Beginnings and Girl Scout Leadership Essentials. The leader and co-leaders must both take Volunteer Orientation and Troop Beginnings and at least one member of the leadership team must complete all 3 of these trainings within 6 months to meet GSK training compliancy standards. It is strongly recommended that co-leaders participate in these learning opportunities as well. GSUSA Volunteer Orientation – This course is required of all new volunteers and provides the first close-up view of the Girl Scout organization. Participants will become acquainted with Girl Scouting and the many rewarding opportunities it offers girls and adults. Troop Beginnings/Management: This session is designed to help new leaders get started with their troop. This course is offered as part of the educational calendar or it can be scheduled with the service unit manager, troop consultant, troop organizer, or membership coordinator. At least one member of the leadership team must complete Volunteer Orientation and Troop Management before meeting with a troop. Prerequisite: GSUSA Volunteer Orientation. Leadership Essentials: This training module will help prepare volunteers to effectively facilitate the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) by using the three keys to leadership and how girls discover their personal best, connect with others and take action to improve their communities. Participants will discover how to use resources to support the delivery of the GSLE, including the Journeys focusing on how to facilitate activities so they are girl-led, learning by doing, and cooperative learning as well as convey the value of inner leadership practices for themselves and the girls. Leadership Essentials is required within 6 months of registration. Both Orientation and Leadership Essentials can now be taken online at: The password to enter the trainings is: discover Submit your Learning Log with the correct council name to the Volunteer Coordinator, Betsy Monroe, by inserting a semicolon (;) at the end of your email address and type in the VC‟s email address. Example:; Submission of the Learning Log is essential as it is the only way to verify you have completed the training. If you have any questions concerning this process please call the BC office. To enrich your troop‟s program and yourself, attend any of the variety of classes offered by the council. These optional enrichment courses can help you work more effectively with your girls:
Girl Scout Daisy Awards and Opportunities** Girl Scout Brownie Awards and Opportunities** Girl Scout Junior Awards and Opportunities** Girl Scout Cadette Awards and Opportunities** Girl Scout Senior/Ambassador Awards and Opportunities** Camp In „A‟
Other enrichment classes such as Games and Songs, Crafts, Troop Finances, Trip Planning, may be offered throughout the year at special weekend events and service unit meetings.
Training Opportunities for Fall 2011 Course Descriptions and Schedules To register for trainings use the Adult Education Registration Form located at the back of this calendar.
Troop Beginnings Troop Beginnings: This session is designed to help new leaders get started with their troop. At least one member of the leadership team must complete Volunteer Orientation and Troop Beginnings before meeting with a troop.
Date Wed. 8/24 Wed. 8/31 Wed. 9/7 Wed. 9/14 Wed. 9/21 Wed. 9/28 Wed. 10/12 Wed. 10/19 Wed. 11/2 Wed. 11/9 Prerequisite: person).
Register By
9:30 am - 10:30 am BCSC 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm BCSC 9:30 am – 10:30 am BCSC 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm BSCS Sept. 13 BCSC Sept. 20 9:30 am – 10:30 am Sept. 27 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm BCSC Oct. 11 9:30 am – 10:30 am BCSC 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm BCSC Oct. 18 9:30 am – 10:30 am BCSC Nov. 1 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm BCSC Nov. 8 Volunteer Orientation (Orientation is available Home Study, Aug. 23 Aug. 29 Sept. 6
Trainer Spaeth Spaeth Spaeth
Spaeth Spaeth Spaeth Spaeth
Spaeth Spaeth Spaeth online or in
If the above dates are not convenient for you check with your Service Unit Manager, Coach, or Membership Coordinator, to schedule your training.
Leadership Essentials Leadership Essentials: This course is required for all adult volunteers who work directly with girls and provides the „how to‟ in facilitating the GSUSA Leadership Experience and exploring the new Journeys programs for all grade levels. This training is required within 6 months of registration. It is also available online at:
Mon. 9/26 Mon. 9/26
9:00 am – 12:00 pm 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Register By Sept. 23 Sept. 23
BCSC BCSC Lone Oak Church of Sat. 10/15 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Oct. 10 Christ Tues. 10/25 10:00 am - 1:00 pm BCSC Oct. 24 Tues. 10/25 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm BCSC Oct. 24 Benton Girl Scout Sat. 11/5 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Nov. 3 Bldg. Mon. 11/7 11:00 am – 2:00 pm BCSC Nov. 4 Mon. 11/7 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm BCSC Nov. 4 Thurs. 11/17 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Lyon Co. Library Nov. 15 Mon. 11/28 9:00 am - 12:00 pm BCSC Nov. 23 Mon. 11/28 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm BCSC Nov. 23 What to Bring: A Volunteer Essentials Book and Leader notebook,
Trainer Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Barnett Brown Brown
New Leaders and Girl Program Facilitators will receive the first Journey Facilitator’s guide and girls book (one per troop) at this training.
Grade Level Awards and Opportunities Grade Level Awards and Opportunities are training opportunities for leaders which will give them information on guiding girls in earning various awards and how to find out about program opportunities for girls in each specific grade level.
Daisy Girl Scout Daisy Awards & Opportunities: Specific training for leaders of girls in st Kindergarten and 1 grade: Daisy Petals, Journeys and fun patches.
Location Register By Lone Oak Church of Oct. 10 Sat. 10/15 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Christ Thurs. 11/10 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm BCSC Nov. 8 Thurs. 12/8 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Lyon Co. Library Dec. 6 What to Bring: A Volunteer Essentials Book and note taking materials.
Trainer Spaeth TBA Thompson
Brownie Girl Scout Brownie Awards & Opportunities: Specific training for nd leaders of girls in 2 rd and 3 grade: Try-Its, Journeys and fun patches.
Sat. 10/15
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Thurs. 11/17 Thurs. 12/8
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Lone Oak Church of Christ BCSC Lyon Co. Library
Register By Oct 10 Nov. 15 Dec. 6
What to Bring: A Volunteer Essentials Book and note taking materials.
Grade Level Awards and Opportunities
Trainer Stevens TBA Barnett
Junior Girl Scout Junior Awards and Recognitions: Specific training for th leaders of girls in 4 – th 6 grade: Badges, Signs, Journeys, Bronze Award
Registe r By
Thurs. 9/8
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sept. 6
Sat. 10/15
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Brown Mays
Thurs. 11/17
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
BCSC Lone Oak Church of Christ BCSC
Oct. 10 Nov. 15
What to Bring: A Volunteer Essentials Book and note taking materials.
Cadette/Senior/Ambassador Girl Scout Cadette/Senior & Ambassador Awards & Opportunities: Specific training for th leaders of girls 7 – th 12 grades: Badges, Interest Project Patches, Studio 2B, Journeys, Gold & Silver Awards and Destinations
Date Thurs. 9/8
Time 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Sat. 10/15
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Thurs. 11/17
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Location BCSC Lone Oak Church of Christ BCSC
Register By Sept. 6 Oct. 10 Nov. 15
Trainer Brown Brown Brown
What to Bring: Interest Project book and your Volunteer Essentials Book. (You may want to wait until after this training to purchase other materials. We will have some examples on hand.)
Outdoor Education Outdoor Training: Required for a leader or another adult member of a troop/group planning to take girls into the outdoors. The Outdoor Education program is designed to provide both the novice and the professional camper with the knowledge and techniques they need to take troops camping the “Girl Scout Way.” It is recommended that the leaders experience camping with their troops at each level of the program before progressing to the next level of training. Camp In A – Required for all day activities in the outdoors. Camp In B – Required to take the troop camping overnight in winterized buildings Prerequisite: Camp In A Camp Out – Required for taking troops camping overnight in platform or pitched tents at an established site. Prerequisite: Camp In A and B Wilderness Travel – Required to take troops primitive or survival camping Authorization for all approved Outdoor leader trainings is good for 5 years*. Prior to the end of 5 years leaders can renew their certification at any level re-taking the same level or by taking the next higher level. Leaders must have had at least one outdoor experience per year with a troop or other youth group.
How to Transition Outdoor Training for Previously Trained Volunteers Level I Outdoor Beginnings is equivalent to Camp In „A‟. You will only need Camp In „B‟ to overnight in winterized buildings. Level II Basic Troop Camping is the equivalent of Camp In „A‟ and „B‟. Camp Out will be required to camp in platform and pitched tents, etc. Level III Advanced Troop Camping is the equivalent of Camp In „A‟ and „B‟ & Camp Out. All authorizations last for 5 years.
Outdoor Training Schedule Camp In A To help adults prepare girls for day activities in the out of doors. Camp In A is also available as a Home Study.
Camp In B Training to take troops to camp for the day or to stay the night in winterized buildings.
Registe r By
First Christian Church, Madisonville Camp Bear Creek at Cardinal Sat. 10/29 9:00 am – 11:00 am Hill Thurs. 2/9 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Lee S Jones Bldg Eddyville *Dress for the weather, the training may be outdoors What to Bring: Note taking materials and binder Fee: $2 (Send in with registration) Thurs. 9/29
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Sat. 10/15
12:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Sat. 10/29
11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Camp Pennyroyal Camp Bear Creek at Cardinal Hill
Sept. 26 Oct. 25 Feb. 7
Register By Oct. 11 Oct. 25
Trainer TBA Clark & Barnett Barnett
Trainer TBA Clark & Barnett
Prerequisite: Camp In A Dress for weather: the training will be outdoors What to bring: Pocket knife, drinks, mess kit (non-breakable plate, bowl, cup, and silverware that will withstand boiling water) Fee: $6 (Send in with registration). Includes program materials & one meal
Camp In A & B Two trainings offered together which will satisfy all requirements to take girls/troops camping in winterized buildings.
Register By
Camp Bear Creek at Clark & Oct. 24 Cardinal Hill Barnett What to Bring: Note taking materials, mess kit (non-breakable plate, bowl, cup, and silverware that will withstand boiling water), pocket knife. Dress for the weather: the training will be outdoors Fee: $8 (Send in with registration) Includes program materials & one meal Sat. 10/29
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Camp Out Training to help adults prepare girls for troop camping, camping in tents and other shelters in established campsites & while travel camping.
Wilderness Travel Training authorization to take troops on a self-propelled camping trip by hiking, bicycling or canoeing. Includes advanced skills like trip backpacking & planning food prep for several days, care of tents, primitive sanitation & survival techniques.
Date Sat. 8/13 Sun. 8/14 Sun. 10/16
Register By
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Camp Bear Creek
Aug. 11
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Camp Pennyroyal
Oct. 12
What to Bring: Note taking materials, mess kit (non-breakable plate, bowl, cup, and silverware that will withstand boiling water), pocket knife. Dress for the weather: the training will be outdoors Fee: $10 (Send in with registration) Includes meals and materials
Trainers Date Time Location Register By Sat. 11/12 – Camp 9:00 am – 2:00 pm Sunday Nov. 4 TBA Sun. 11/13 Pennyroyal What to Bring: Participants will be contacted prior to training with a list of what to bring and how to pack Dress for the weather: the training will be outdoors Fee: $15 (Send in with registration) Includes all meals, equipment & materials.
Customized Outdoor Trainings can be planned for groups of 5 or more. Please contact the Service Center office for more information.
Camps Available in Kentuckiana Council Once you have taken outdoor training you and your troop may take advantage of the 7 camp properties located in our council. Check your Volunteer Essentials for more in-depth information about each camp.
Camp Barren Ridge – Glasgow, KY Camp Bear Creek - Benton, KY Houchens Program Center – Bowling Green, KY Camp Pennyroyal - Utica, KY Camp Shantituck – Shepherdsville, KY STEM Adventure Center – Laconia, IN
Other Training Opportunities
Red Cross1st Aid & CPR Training Each Girl Scout troop must have an adult who has successfully completed a nationally recognized First Aid and CPR course when traveling for certain specific activities, troop camping or troop trips. American Red Cross (ARC) chapters regularly schedule 1st Aid and CPR courses. National Safety Council‟s Green Cross (NSC) and the American Heart Association‟s courses also meet “Safety-Wise” requirements to certify Girl Scout leaders. If you are unable to attend one in your area, we offer a limited number of 1st Aid & CPR classes.
Red Cross 1st Aid & CPR Combination Both of the two classes all in one day
Register By
Sat. 10/15
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Lone Oak Church of Christ
Oct. 10
What to Bring: Note taking material and wear casual clothing as you will be practicing certain skills on the floor. Fee: $35 (send with registration)
If you have already received Standard 1st Aid & CPR training through your employer, at work or a volunteer position and would like credit for the course simply send a copy of both sides of your training card to the Bear Creek office. You can register for a training offered at one of our local American Red Cross offices: McCracken County Red Cross – (270)442-3575 Graves County Red Cross – (270)247-3921 Calloway County Red Cross – (270)753-1421 Lakeland Chapter of Red Cross in Benton – (270)527-0740
Online First Aid & CPR Training Option Lifesaving Skills are Just a Click Away with American National Red Cross Web-Based Blended Learning Convenient, Flexible Training The first portion of the training is completed online, so each course participant can take the training from any PC (Windows-based) computer with Internet access. For the second part of the training, a Red Cross instructor will conduct the approximately two-hour skills check with course takers at your facility and at your convenience. Individualized Learning American Red Cross Web-based learning is flexible and self-paced. Unlike training with a group, volunteers can learn at their own pace, allowing them to stop and review information whenever necessary to ensure that they completely understand the instruction. Course takers have the option of going through the lessons in full or abbreviated form and can test out of lessons as well. Web-based training also allows volunteers to access training at their convenience and prevents conflict with home and work-related responsibilities.
Build the Training Program That's Right for You and Your Troop You can combine any of the following course options:
First Aid CPR – Adult, Child and Infant CPR Automated External Defibrillation (AED) – Adult and Child
The courses are so simple: The online courses are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. What to do you need to do? Register with one of the local Red Cross offices by contacting the number under your local chapter or by e-mail. Enter your user ID and your password Complete the course content Take the online exam Complete the skills session *** You will need Macromedia Flash, version 6.0 or higher to complete this course.
Songs & Games Saturday, October 15 9:00 am – 12:00 noon 1st Things 1st Learn tried and true Girl Scout songs and games to pass on to your girls and use at each meeting or campfire. Can‟t sing: bring a recorder and make it easy! All leaders are encouraged to bring their daughters or a couple of girls from their troop to participate and learn too.
Ceremonies: How to Make Memories Saturday, October 15 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm 1st Things 1st Learn to create a ceremony that your girls will remember forever. Plan flag, investiture/rededication, Scout‟s Own and Campfire ceremonies. This workshop will give you the resources and techniques to conduct a ceremony with confidence and pizzazz and leave a lasting memory for all who attend.
Teams Course Training Team‟s Courses are a series of events, or physical obstacles, which a group is challenged to go through. Some challenges involve swinging on ropes, walking across logs, and balancing on cables. All the events require the group to work together in order to successfully complete the challenge. The “Teams Course Training” will provide the leader with the tools to facilitate groups through the Teams Course while at our GSK camps. Camps with Teams Courses are Camp Stem, Shantituck, Pennyroyal, Twin Ridges, Houchens, Barren Ridge, and Bear Creek. After taking the training the leader can facilitate a group through any of the above mentioned team courses. For additional dates and times at other camps check the web site: Fee: $5
Sunday, November 13, 2011 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm cdt
Camp Pennyroyal
Canoe & Kayak Trainings ACA Introduction to Canoe A one day program emphasizing beginning paddling skills for entry-level adults who would like to be qualified to take girls canoeing on non-moving or slow moving sheltered waters and bays (Camp Pennyroyal lake, Camp Bear Creek‟s bay, Barren River Reservoir bays, or at Camp Houchens at low to medium water levels). No other certifications beyond this course (except for current First Aid & CPR) are required to take girls canoeing as outlined above. Canoe training: June 2, 2012 July 7, 2012
9:00 am – 3:00 pm Camp Bear Creek 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Celina Lake Indiana
$15.00 $15.00
ACA Sea Kayak Basic Strokes & Rescues A full day introduction to coastal kayaking designed for beginner level kayakers who would like to be qualified to take girls kayaking on open water trips in moderate conditions. Objectives include: Proper use and control of paddle and kayak Basic strokes and maneuvers Basic assisted and self rescues Orientation to essential safety equipment Swimmer rescues No other certifications beyond this course (except for current first aid & CPR) are required to take girls kayaking. Participants should be comfortable and confident in the water and under the water in a snug kayak cockpit opening measuring 21” wide by 30” long. Kayak training:
June 16, 2012
9:00 am – 3:00 pm Camp Bear Creek
Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana
RS #402 R 06/09
Leadership Development Pin The Leadership Development Pin, a GSUSA national award, recognizes adult troop leaders or assistant leaders/co-leaders that demonstrates competence, continuous improvement, and participates in training in subject areas that will increase their skills in working with girls. Basic Criteria 1. The candidate is a registered Girl Scout adult. 2. The candidate has completed one successful year in the position of troop leader or assistant leader/co-leader. The candidate has completed the appropriate basic job training, or has demonstrated job competence or both. These trainings include:  Volunteer Orientation  Troop Beginnings  Leadership Essentials 3. The candidate has participated in at least two meetings or events beyond the troop meeting (council, Service Center or community wide; e.g. service unit meetings, area meetings, annual meeting, events) 4. The candidate has completed training in First Aid/CPR and Outdoor Education or has secured an adult resource person who has successfully completed such training or its equivalent. (This requirement may be eliminated if the troop/group is not involved in outdoor activities). Must have completed at least Outdoor Beginnings (Level I) and Overnight Camping in Buildings (Level II) or Outdoor I/II Camping Out Combination. Approval: The candidate submits an application, which is reviewed by a designated volunteer or employed staff member. If all requirements have been met, the recognition is authorized. A letter will be sent confirming the approval, allowing the candidate to then purchase the Leadership Development Pin. Form of Recognition: The Leadership Development Pin depicts a brown owl on a yellow background. It is earned for completion of the basic criteria. Additional training is recognized with leaves, which can be attached to the Leadership Development pin. The Leadership Development Pin is worn on either side of the Years of Service pin. Additional Recognitions Candidates applying for leaves need to document their hours and describe how the workshop/course has improved their work with girls. The Leadership Development Pin must be earned prior to accumulating hours for leaves. Trainings applied to the Leadership Development Pin may not be applied towards leaves. Green Leaf: Represents ten contact hours or one CEU of training. One CEU is equal to ten contact hours. The contact hours may be completed at one workshop, course, or training event or represent hours of training accumulated at several events over a period of time. Five green leaves are replaced by one silver leaf. Silver Leaf: Represents 50 contact hours or five CEUs of training. The contact hours may be one workshop, course, or training event or cumulative hours of training. Five silver leaves are replaced by one gold leaf Gold Leaf: Represents 250 contact hours or 25 CEUs of training. Approval: The candidate submits an application, which is reviewed by a designated volunteer or employed staff member. If all requirements have been met, the recognition is authorized. A letter will be sent confirming approval and the leaf will be presented at a service unit or area meeting.
Leadership Development Pin Application Form Applicant must be a registered Girl Scout Adult and has completed at least one successful year in the position of troop leader or assistant leader/co-leader. Please complete both sections of this application. Section I Date of Application
Applicant Information: Name Address Troop#
Service Unit
Home Phone Email Address Check One:
Work Phone
Troop Leader
Assistant Troop Leader/Co-Leader
Section II Applicant has completed the appropriate basic job training. Volunteer Location Orientation Troop Location Beginnings Leadership Location Essentials (Level: 17)
Date Date Date Junior
Girls 11-
Service Applicant has participated in at least two meetings or events beyond the troop meeting (Council, Center, or community wide; e.g. service unit meetings, annual meeting).
Type of Meeting
Applicant has completed training in First Aid/CPR and Outdoor Education or has secured an adult resource person who has successfully completed such training or its equivalent. Must have completed at least Outdoor Beginnings (Level I) and Overnight Camping in Buildings (Level II) or Outdoor I/II Camping Out Combination.
Note: First Aid/CPR and Outdoor certification must be current.
First Aid/CPR training:
If person other than applicant Name
Address Outdoor Beginnings
Basic Troop Camping
If person other than applicant
Address Pins may be purchased from your Volunteer Coordinator upon approval. Return application to your local Service Center. To be completed by Council staff: Applicant has completed not completed the requirements for the Leadership Development pin. (Receipt pin cost to 1-636-6250.)
Council-approved Signature
The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana is open to all girls regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, disability and socio-economic status.