Fall Fest 5K/10K 2011
Presented by The Summit Shopping Center
Saturday, October 22, 2011 8:30 AM (10k) and 9:00 (5k) The Summit Shopping Center 4300 Summit Plaza Drive (Brownsboro Rd/Gene Snyder) Louisville, KY Benefitting:
Metro Family and Community Partnership Registration is simple and quick at: www.active.com/running/louisvilleky/fall-fest-5k10k-2011
Accept the Girl Scout 5K Challenge! Register to run/ walk the 5K race as TEAM on Active.com! Let the girls in your troop know that they can run in the race too! Encourage all the families in your troop, friends, neighbors, co-workers, ect. to join in on the fun! Set your individual and team fundraising goals! Encourage others to join and/or donate to your team online! GIRL SCOUT CHALLENGE is determined by: Average team time or amount of money raised= Fabulous prizes and recognition at the race!! Help the day of the race: We are always in need of volunteers for activities on the day of the event. Contact: Sarah Wunderlin at the Metro Service Center swunderlin@kyanags.org
Especially for kids… Kids Fun Run Kids Fest 9:45am Kids Fun Run: Fall Fest 5k also features a FUN RUN for kids 10 and under! The cost to enter is $5 on time registration and $10 (after Oct. 9) and includes a t-shirt (first 100 registered), and a goodie bag! Families can cheer on their young runners. Gather together at 9:35 to start Kids Fun Run at 9:45am. 8am – 10am: Kids Fest: Activities for kids at the Summit shopping center. Activities include: exercise, obstacle course, face painting, color sheets, bean bag game, corn hole, cup stacking and more. Adult supervision
required. Coming soon…race brochure with all the details. Please pass out to your troop, family, friends, coworkers to help encourage participation! This event is open
to everyone in the community! Questions: call Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Metro Service Center at (502) 636-0900